path: root/twin/kcmtwin/twinoptions/windows.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'twin/kcmtwin/twinoptions/windows.cpp')
1 files changed, 1879 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/twin/kcmtwin/twinoptions/windows.cpp b/twin/kcmtwin/twinoptions/windows.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e2757545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/twin/kcmtwin/twinoptions/windows.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1879 @@
+ * windows.cpp
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1997 Patrick Dowler [email protected]
+ * Copyright (c) 2001 Waldo Bastian [email protected]
+ * Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Timothy Pearson <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <tqdir.h>
+#include <tqlayout.h>
+#include <tqslider.h>
+#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
+#include <tqvbuttongroup.h>
+#include <tqcheckbox.h>
+#include <tqradiobutton.h>
+#include <tqlabel.h>
+#include <tqcombobox.h>
+#include <tdemessagebox.h>
+#include <kactivelabel.h>
+#include <tdelocale.h>
+#include <kcolorbutton.h>
+#include <tdeconfig.h>
+#include <knuminput.h>
+#include <tdeapplication.h>
+#include <kdialog.h>
+#include <dcopclient.h>
+#include <tdeglobal.h>
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include <tqtabwidget.h>
+#include <X11/X.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xutil.h>
+#include "windows.h"
+// twin config keywords
+#define KWIN_FOCUS "FocusPolicy"
+#define KWIN_PLACEMENT "Placement"
+#define KWIN_MOVE "MoveMode"
+#define KWIN_MINIMIZE_ANIM "AnimateMinimize"
+#define KWIN_MINIMIZE_ANIM_SPEED "AnimateMinimizeSpeed"
+#define KWIN_RESIZE_OPAQUE "ResizeMode"
+#define KWIN_GEOMETRY "GeometryTip"
+#define KWIN_AUTORAISE_INTERVAL "AutoRaiseInterval"
+#define KWIN_AUTORAISE "AutoRaise"
+#define KWIN_DELAYFOCUS_INTERVAL "DelayFocusInterval"
+#define KWIN_DELAYFOCUS "DelayFocus"
+#define KWIN_CLICKRAISE "ClickRaise"
+#define KWIN_ANIMSHADE "AnimateShade"
+#define KWIN_MOVE_RESIZE_MAXIMIZED "MoveResizeMaximizedWindows"
+#define KWIN_ALTTABMODE "AltTabStyle"
+#define KWIN_TRAVERSE_ALL "TraverseAll"
+#define KWIN_SHOW_POPUP "ShowPopup"
+#define KWIN_ROLL_OVER_DESKTOPS "RollOverDesktops"
+#define KWIN_SHADEHOVER "ShadeHover"
+#define KWIN_SHADEHOVER_INTERVAL "ShadeHoverInterval"
+#define KWIN_FOCUS_STEALING "FocusStealingPreventionLevel"
+#define KWIN_HIDE_UTILITY "HideUtilityWindowsForInactive"
+#define KWIN_SEPARATE_SCREEN_FOCUS "SeparateScreenFocus"
+#define KWIN_ACTIVE_MOUSE_SCREEN "ActiveMouseScreen"
+// kwm config keywords
+#define KWM_ELECTRIC_BORDER "ElectricBorders"
+#define KWM_ELECTRIC_BORDER_DELAY "ElectricBorderDelay"
+//CT 15mar 98 - magics
+#define KWM_BRDR_SNAP_ZONE "BorderSnapZone"
+#define KWM_WNDW_SNAP_ZONE "WindowSnapZone"
+#define MAX_BRDR_SNAP 100
+#define MAX_WNDW_SNAP 100
+#define MAX_EDGE_RES 1000
+KFocusConfig::~KFocusConfig ()
+ if (standAlone)
+ delete config;
+// removed the LCD display over the slider - this is not good GUI design :) RNolden 051701
+KFocusConfig::KFocusConfig (bool _standAlone, TDEConfig *_config, TQWidget * parent, const char *)
+ : TDECModule(parent, "kcmkwm"), config(_config), standAlone(_standAlone)
+ TQString wtstr;
+ TQBoxLayout *lay = new TQVBoxLayout (this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint());
+ //iTLabel = new TQLabel(i18n(" Allowed overlap:\n"
+ // "(% of desktop space)"),
+ // plcBox);
+ //iTLabel->setAlignment(AlignTop|AlignHCenter);
+ //pLay->addWidget(iTLabel,1,1);
+ //interactiveTrigger = new TQSpinBox(0, 500, 1, plcBox);
+ //pLay->addWidget(interactiveTrigger,1,2);
+ //pLay->addRowSpacing(2,KDialog::spacingHint());
+ //lay->addWidget(plcBox);
+ // focus policy
+ fcsBox = new TQButtonGroup(i18n("Focus"),this);
+ fcsBox->setColumnLayout( 0, Qt::Horizontal );
+ TQBoxLayout *fLay = new TQVBoxLayout(fcsBox->layout(),
+ KDialog::spacingHint());
+ TQBoxLayout *cLay = new TQHBoxLayout(fLay);
+ TQLabel *fLabel = new TQLabel(i18n("&Policy:"), fcsBox);
+ cLay->addWidget(fLabel, 0);
+ focusCombo = new TQComboBox(false, fcsBox);
+ focusCombo->insertItem(i18n("Click to Focus"), CLICK_TO_FOCUS);
+ focusCombo->insertItem(i18n("Focus Follows Mouse"), FOCUS_FOLLOWS_MOUSE);
+ focusCombo->insertItem(i18n("Focus Under Mouse"), FOCUS_UNDER_MOUSE);
+ focusCombo->insertItem(i18n("Focus Strictly Under Mouse"), FOCUS_STRICTLY_UNDER_MOUSE);
+ cLay->addWidget(focusCombo,1 ,Qt::AlignLeft);
+ fLabel->setBuddy(focusCombo);
+ // FIXME, when more policies have been added to TWin
+ wtstr = i18n("The focus policy is used to determine the active window, i.e."
+ " the window you can work in. <ul>"
+ " <li><em>Click to focus:</em> A window becomes active when you click into it."
+ " This is the behavior you might know from other operating systems.</li>"
+ " <li><em>Focus follows mouse:</em> Moving the mouse pointer actively on to a"
+ " normal window activates it. New windows will receive the focus,"
+ " without you having to point the mouse at them explicitly."
+ " Very practical if you are using the mouse a lot.</li>"
+ " <li><em>Focus under mouse:</em> The window that happens to be under the"
+ " mouse pointer is active. If the mouse points nowhere, the last window"
+ " that was under the mouse has focus."
+ " New windows will not automatically receive the focus.</li>"
+ " <li><em>Focus strictly under mouse:</em> Only the window under the mouse pointer is"
+ " active. If the mouse points nowhere, nothing has focus."
+ " </ul>"
+ "Note that 'Focus under mouse' and 'Focus strictly under mouse' prevent certain"
+ " features such as the Alt+Tab walk through windows dialog in the TDE mode"
+ " from working properly."
+ );
+ TQWhatsThis::add( focusCombo, wtstr);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(fLabel, wtstr);
+ connect(focusCombo, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(setAutoRaiseEnabled()) );
+ // autoraise delay
+ autoRaiseOn = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Auto &raise"), fcsBox);
+ fLay->addWidget(autoRaiseOn);
+ connect(autoRaiseOn,TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(autoRaiseOnTog(bool)));
+ autoRaise = new KIntNumInput(500, fcsBox);
+ autoRaise->setLabel(i18n("Dela&y:"), Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignLeft);
+ autoRaise->setRange(0, 3000, 100, true);
+ autoRaise->setSteps(100,100);
+ autoRaise->setSuffix(i18n(" msec"));
+ fLay->addWidget(autoRaise);
+ connect(focusCombo, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(setDelayFocusEnabled()) );
+ delayFocusOn = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Delay focus"), fcsBox);
+ fLay->addWidget(delayFocusOn);
+ connect(delayFocusOn,TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(delayFocusOnTog(bool)));
+ delayFocus = new KIntNumInput(500, fcsBox);
+ delayFocus->setLabel(i18n("Dela&y:"), Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignLeft);
+ delayFocus->setRange(0, 3000, 100, true);
+ delayFocus->setSteps(100,100);
+ delayFocus->setSuffix(i18n(" msec"));
+ fLay->addWidget(delayFocus);
+ clickRaiseOn = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Click &raises active window"), fcsBox);
+ connect(clickRaiseOn,TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(clickRaiseOnTog(bool)));
+ fLay->addWidget(clickRaiseOn);
+// fLay->addColSpacing(0,TQMAX(autoRaiseOn->sizeHint().width(),
+// clickRaiseOn->sizeHint().width()) + 15);
+ TQLabel* focusStealingLabel = new TQLabel( i18n( "Focus stealing prevention &level:" ), fcsBox);
+ cLay->addWidget(focusStealingLabel, 0);
+ focusStealing = new TQComboBox(false, fcsBox);
+ focusStealing->insertItem( i18n( "Focus Stealing Prevention Level", "None" ));
+ focusStealing->insertItem( i18n( "Focus Stealing Prevention Level", "Low" ));
+ focusStealing->insertItem( i18n( "Focus Stealing Prevention Level", "Normal" ));
+ focusStealing->insertItem( i18n( "Focus Stealing Prevention Level", "High" ));
+ focusStealing->insertItem( i18n( "Focus Stealing Prevention Level", "Extreme" ));
+ focusStealingLabel->setBuddy( focusStealing );
+ cLay->addWidget(focusStealing,2 ,Qt::AlignLeft);
+ wtstr = i18n( "<p>This option specifies how much TWin will try to prevent unwanted focus stealing "
+ "caused by unexpected activation of new windows. (Note: This feature does not "
+ "work with the Focus Under Mouse or Focus Strictly Under Mouse focus policies.)"
+ "<ul>"
+ "<li><em>None:</em> Prevention is turned off "
+ "and new windows always become activated.</li>"
+ "<li><em>Low:</em> Prevention is enabled; when some window does not have support "
+ "for the underlying mechanism and TWin cannot reliably decide whether to "
+ "activate the window or not, it will be activated. This setting may have both "
+ "worse and better results than normal level, depending on the applications.</li>"
+ "<li><em>Normal:</em> Prevention is enabled.</li>"
+ "<li><em>High:</em> New windows get activated only if no window is currently active "
+ "or if they belong to the currently active application. This setting is probably "
+ "not really usable when not using mouse focus policy.</li>"
+ "<li><em>Extreme:</em> All windows must be explicitly activated by the user.</li>"
+ "</ul></p>"
+ "<p>Windows that are prevented from stealing focus are marked as demanding attention, "
+ "which by default means their taskbar entry will be highlighted. This can be changed "
+ "in the Notifications control module.</p>" );
+ TQWhatsThis::add( focusStealing, wtstr );
+ TQWhatsThis::add( focusStealingLabel, wtstr );
+ TQWhatsThis::add( autoRaiseOn, i18n("When this option is enabled, a window in the background will automatically"
+ " come to the front when the mouse pointer has been over it for some time.") );
+ wtstr = i18n("This is the delay after which the window that the mouse pointer is over will automatically"
+ " come to the front.");
+ TQWhatsThis::add( autoRaise, wtstr );
+ TQWhatsThis::add( clickRaiseOn, i18n("When this option is enabled, the active window will be brought to the"
+ " front when you click somewhere into the window contents. To change"
+ " it for inactive windows, you need to change the settings"
+ " in the Actions tab.") );
+ TQWhatsThis::add( delayFocusOn, i18n("When this option is enabled, there will be a delay after which the"
+ " window the mouse pointer is over will become active (receive focus).") );
+ TQWhatsThis::add( delayFocus, i18n("This is the delay after which the window the mouse pointer is over"
+ " will automatically receive focus.") );
+ separateScreenFocus = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "S&eparate screen focus" ), fcsBox );
+ fLay->addWidget( separateScreenFocus );
+ wtstr = i18n( "When this option is enabled, focus operations are limited only to the active Xinerama screen" );
+ TQWhatsThis::add( separateScreenFocus, wtstr );
+ activeMouseScreen = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Active &mouse screen" ), fcsBox );
+ fLay->addWidget( activeMouseScreen );
+ wtstr = i18n( "When this option is enabled, active Xinerama screen (where for example new windows appear)"
+ " is the screen with the mouse pointer. When disabled, the active Xinerama screen is the screen"
+ " with the focused window. This option is by default disabled for Click to focus and"
+ " enabled for other focus policies." );
+ TQWhatsThis::add( activeMouseScreen, wtstr );
+ connect(focusCombo, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(updateActiveMouseScreen()));
+ if (!TQApplication::desktop()->isVirtualDesktop() ||
+ TQApplication::desktop()->numScreens() == 1) // No Ximerama
+ {
+ separateScreenFocus->hide();
+ activeMouseScreen->hide();
+ }
+ lay->addWidget(fcsBox);
+ kbdBox = new TQButtonGroup(i18n("Navigation"), this);
+ kbdBox->setColumnLayout( 0, Qt::Horizontal );
+ TQVBoxLayout *kLay = new TQVBoxLayout(kbdBox->layout(), KDialog::spacingHint());
+ altTabPopup = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Show window list while switching windows"), kbdBox );
+ kLay->addWidget( altTabPopup );
+ wtstr = i18n("Hold down the Alt key and press the Tab key repeatedly to walk"
+ " through the windows on the current desktop (the Alt+Tab"
+ " combination can be reconfigured).\n\n"
+ "If this checkbox is checked"
+ " a popup widget is shown, displaying the icons of all windows to"
+ " walk through and the title of the currently selected one.\n\n"
+ "Otherwise, the focus is passed to a new window each time Tab"
+ " is pressed, with no popup widget. In addition, the previously"
+ " activated window will be sent to the back in this mode.");
+ TQWhatsThis::add( altTabPopup, wtstr );
+ connect(focusCombo, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(updateAltTabMode()));
+ traverseAll = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "&Traverse windows on all desktops" ), kbdBox );
+ kLay->addWidget( traverseAll );
+ wtstr = i18n( "Leave this option disabled if you want to limit walking through"
+ " windows to the current desktop." );
+ TQWhatsThis::add( traverseAll, wtstr );
+ rollOverDesktops = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Desktop navi&gation wraps around"), kbdBox );
+ kLay->addWidget(rollOverDesktops);
+ wtstr = i18n( "Enable this option if you want keyboard or active desktop border navigation beyond"
+ " the edge of a desktop to take you to the opposite edge of the new desktop." );
+ TQWhatsThis::add( rollOverDesktops, wtstr );
+ showPopupinfo = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Popup &desktop name on desktop switch"), kbdBox );
+ kLay->addWidget(showPopupinfo);
+ wtstr = i18n( "Enable this option if you wish to see the current desktop"
+ " name popup whenever the current desktop is changed." );
+ TQWhatsThis::add( showPopupinfo, wtstr );
+ lay->addWidget(kbdBox);
+ lay->addStretch();
+ // Any changes goes to slotChanged()
+ connect(focusCombo, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(fcsBox, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(autoRaise, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(delayFocus, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(separateScreenFocus, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(activeMouseScreen, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(altTabPopup, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(traverseAll, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(rollOverDesktops, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(showPopupinfo, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(focusStealing, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ load();
+int KFocusConfig::getFocus()
+ return focusCombo->currentItem();
+void KFocusConfig::setFocus(int foc)
+ focusCombo->setCurrentItem(foc);
+ // this will disable/hide the auto raise delay widget if focus==click
+ setAutoRaiseEnabled();
+ updateAltTabMode();
+void KFocusConfig::updateAltTabMode()
+ // not KDE-style Alt+Tab with unreasonable focus policies
+ altTabPopup->setEnabled( focusCombo->currentItem() == 0 || focusCombo->currentItem() == 1 );
+void KFocusConfig::setAutoRaiseInterval(int tb)
+ autoRaise->setValue(tb);
+void KFocusConfig::setDelayFocusInterval(int tb)
+ delayFocus->setValue(tb);
+int KFocusConfig::getAutoRaiseInterval()
+ return autoRaise->value();
+int KFocusConfig::getDelayFocusInterval()
+ return delayFocus->value();
+void KFocusConfig::setAutoRaise(bool on)
+ autoRaiseOn->setChecked(on);
+void KFocusConfig::setDelayFocus(bool on)
+ delayFocusOn->setChecked(on);
+void KFocusConfig::setClickRaise(bool on)
+ clickRaiseOn->setChecked(on);
+void KFocusConfig::setAutoRaiseEnabled()
+ // the auto raise related widgets are: autoRaise
+ if ( focusCombo->currentItem() != CLICK_TO_FOCUS )
+ {
+ autoRaiseOn->setEnabled(true);
+ autoRaiseOnTog(autoRaiseOn->isChecked());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ autoRaiseOn->setEnabled(false);
+ autoRaiseOnTog(false);
+ }
+void KFocusConfig::setDelayFocusEnabled()
+ // the delayed focus related widgets are: delayFocus
+ if ( focusCombo->currentItem() != CLICK_TO_FOCUS )
+ {
+ delayFocusOn->setEnabled(true);
+ delayFocusOnTog(delayFocusOn->isChecked());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delayFocusOn->setEnabled(false);
+ delayFocusOnTog(false);
+ }
+void KFocusConfig::autoRaiseOnTog(bool a) {
+ autoRaise->setEnabled(a);
+ clickRaiseOn->setEnabled( !a );
+void KFocusConfig::delayFocusOnTog(bool a) {
+ delayFocus->setEnabled(a);
+void KFocusConfig::clickRaiseOnTog(bool ) {
+void KFocusConfig::setSeparateScreenFocus(bool s) {
+ separateScreenFocus->setChecked(s);
+void KFocusConfig::setActiveMouseScreen(bool a) {
+ activeMouseScreen->setChecked(a);
+void KFocusConfig::updateActiveMouseScreen()
+ // on by default for non click to focus policies
+ TDEConfigGroup cfg( config, "Windows" );
+ if( !cfg.hasKey( KWIN_ACTIVE_MOUSE_SCREEN ))
+ setActiveMouseScreen( focusCombo->currentItem() != 0 );
+void KFocusConfig::setAltTabMode(bool a) {
+ altTabPopup->setChecked(a);
+void KFocusConfig::setTraverseAll(bool a) {
+ traverseAll->setChecked(a);
+void KFocusConfig::setRollOverDesktops(bool a) {
+ rollOverDesktops->setChecked(a);
+void KFocusConfig::setShowPopupinfo(bool a) {
+ showPopupinfo->setChecked(a);
+void KFocusConfig::setFocusStealing(int l) {
+ l = KMAX( 0, KMIN( 4, l ));
+ focusStealing->setCurrentItem(l);
+void KFocusConfig::load( void )
+ TQString key;
+ config->setGroup( "Windows" );
+ key = config->readEntry(KWIN_FOCUS);
+ if( key == "ClickToFocus")
+ setFocus(CLICK_TO_FOCUS);
+ else if( key == "FocusFollowsMouse")
+ else if(key == "FocusUnderMouse")
+ else if(key == "FocusStrictlyUnderMouse")
+ int k = config->readNumEntry(KWIN_AUTORAISE_INTERVAL,750);
+ setAutoRaiseInterval(k);
+ k = config->readNumEntry(KWIN_DELAYFOCUS_INTERVAL,750);
+ setDelayFocusInterval(k);
+ key = config->readEntry(KWIN_AUTORAISE);
+ setAutoRaise(key == "on");
+ key = config->readEntry(KWIN_DELAYFOCUS);
+ setDelayFocus(key == "on");
+ key = config->readEntry(KWIN_CLICKRAISE);
+ setClickRaise(key != "off");
+ setAutoRaiseEnabled(); // this will disable/hide the auto raise delay widget if focus==click
+ setDelayFocusEnabled();
+ setSeparateScreenFocus( config->readBoolEntry(KWIN_SEPARATE_SCREEN_FOCUS, false));
+ // on by default for non click to focus policies
+ setActiveMouseScreen( config->readBoolEntry(KWIN_ACTIVE_MOUSE_SCREEN, focusCombo->currentItem() != 0 ));
+ key = config->readEntry(KWIN_ALTTABMODE, "KDE");
+ setAltTabMode(key == "KDE");
+ setRollOverDesktops( config->readBoolEntry(KWIN_ROLL_OVER_DESKTOPS, true ));
+ config->setGroup( "PopupInfo" );
+ setShowPopupinfo( config->readBoolEntry(KWIN_SHOW_POPUP, false ));
+ // setFocusStealing( config->readNumEntry(KWIN_FOCUS_STEALING, 2 ));
+ // TODO default to low for now
+ setFocusStealing( config->readNumEntry(KWIN_FOCUS_STEALING, 1 ));
+ config->setGroup( "TabBox" );
+ setTraverseAll( config->readBoolEntry(KWIN_TRAVERSE_ALL, false ));
+ config->setGroup("Desktops");
+ emit TDECModule::changed(false);
+void KFocusConfig::save( void )
+ int v;
+ config->setGroup( "Windows" );
+ v = getFocus();
+ if (v == CLICK_TO_FOCUS)
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_FOCUS,"ClickToFocus");
+ else if (v == FOCUS_UNDER_MOUSE)
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_FOCUS,"FocusUnderMouse");
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_FOCUS,"FocusStrictlyUnderMouse");
+ else
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_FOCUS,"FocusFollowsMouse");
+ v = getAutoRaiseInterval();
+ if (v <0) v = 0;
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_AUTORAISE_INTERVAL,v);
+ v = getDelayFocusInterval();
+ if (v <0) v = 0;
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_DELAYFOCUS_INTERVAL,v);
+ if (autoRaiseOn->isChecked())
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_AUTORAISE, "on");
+ else
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_AUTORAISE, "off");
+ if (delayFocusOn->isChecked())
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_DELAYFOCUS, "on");
+ else
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_DELAYFOCUS, "off");
+ if (clickRaiseOn->isChecked())
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_CLICKRAISE, "on");
+ else
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_CLICKRAISE, "off");
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_SEPARATE_SCREEN_FOCUS, separateScreenFocus->isChecked());
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_ACTIVE_MOUSE_SCREEN, activeMouseScreen->isChecked());
+ if (altTabPopup->isChecked())
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_ALTTABMODE, "KDE");
+ else
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_ALTTABMODE, "CDE");
+ config->writeEntry( KWIN_ROLL_OVER_DESKTOPS, rollOverDesktops->isChecked());
+ config->setGroup( "PopupInfo" );
+ config->writeEntry( KWIN_SHOW_POPUP, showPopupinfo->isChecked());
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_FOCUS_STEALING, focusStealing->currentItem());
+ config->setGroup( "TabBox" );
+ config->writeEntry( KWIN_TRAVERSE_ALL , traverseAll->isChecked());
+ config->setGroup("Desktops");
+ if (standAlone)
+ {
+ config->sync();
+ if ( !kapp->dcopClient()->isAttached() )
+ kapp->dcopClient()->attach();
+ kapp->dcopClient()->send("twin*", "", "reconfigure()", TQString(""));
+ }
+ emit TDECModule::changed(false);
+void KFocusConfig::defaults()
+ setAutoRaiseInterval(0);
+ setDelayFocusInterval(0);
+ setFocus(CLICK_TO_FOCUS);
+ setAutoRaise(false);
+ setDelayFocus(false);
+ setClickRaise(true);
+ setSeparateScreenFocus( false );
+ // on by default for non click to focus policies
+ setActiveMouseScreen( focusCombo->currentItem() != 0 );
+ setAltTabMode(true);
+ setTraverseAll( false );
+ setRollOverDesktops(true);
+ setShowPopupinfo(false);
+ // setFocusStealing(2);
+ // TODO default to low for now
+ setFocusStealing(1);
+ emit TDECModule::changed(true);
+KAdvancedConfig::~KAdvancedConfig ()
+ if (standAlone)
+ delete config;
+KAdvancedConfig::KAdvancedConfig (bool _standAlone, TDEConfig *_config, TQWidget *parent, const char *)
+ : TDECModule(parent, "kcmkwm"), config(_config), standAlone(_standAlone)
+ TQString wtstr;
+ TQBoxLayout *lay = new TQVBoxLayout (this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint());
+ //iTLabel = new TQLabel(i18n(" Allowed overlap:\n"
+ // "(% of desktop space)"),
+ // plcBox);
+ //iTLabel->setAlignment(AlignTop|AlignHCenter);
+ //pLay->addWidget(iTLabel,1,1);
+ //interactiveTrigger = new TQSpinBox(0, 500, 1, plcBox);
+ //pLay->addWidget(interactiveTrigger,1,2);
+ //pLay->addRowSpacing(2,KDialog::spacingHint());
+ //lay->addWidget(plcBox);
+ shBox = new TQVButtonGroup(i18n("Shading"), this);
+ animateShade = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Anima&te"), shBox);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(animateShade, i18n("Animate the action of reducing the window to its titlebar (shading)"
+ " as well as the expansion of a shaded window") );
+ shadeHoverOn = new TQCheckBox(i18n("&Enable hover"), shBox);
+ connect(shadeHoverOn, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(shadeHoverChanged(bool)));
+ shadeHover = new KIntNumInput(500, shBox);
+ shadeHover->setLabel(i18n("Dela&y:"), Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignLeft);
+ shadeHover->setRange(0, 3000, 100, true);
+ shadeHover->setSteps(100, 100);
+ shadeHover->setSuffix(i18n(" msec"));
+ TQWhatsThis::add(shadeHoverOn, i18n("If Shade Hover is enabled, a shaded window will un-shade automatically "
+ "when the mouse pointer has been over the title bar for some time."));
+ wtstr = i18n("Sets the time in milliseconds before the window unshades "
+ "when the mouse pointer goes over the shaded window.");
+ TQWhatsThis::add(shadeHover, wtstr);
+ lay->addWidget(shBox);
+ // Any changes goes to slotChanged()
+ connect(animateShade, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(shadeHoverOn, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(shadeHover, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ electricBox = new TQVButtonGroup(i18n("Active Desktop Borders"), this);
+ electricBox->setMargin(15);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( electricBox, i18n("If this option is enabled, moving the mouse to a screen border"
+ " will change your desktop. This is e.g. useful if you want to drag windows from one desktop"
+ " to the other.") );
+ active_disable = new TQRadioButton(i18n("D&isabled"), electricBox);
+ active_move = new TQRadioButton(i18n("Only &when moving windows"), electricBox);
+ active_always = new TQRadioButton(i18n("A&lways enabled"), electricBox);
+ delays = new KIntNumInput(10, electricBox);
+ delays->setRange(0, MAX_EDGE_RES, 50, true);
+ delays->setSuffix(i18n(" msec"));
+ delays->setLabel(i18n("Desktop &switch delay:"));
+ TQWhatsThis::add( delays, i18n("Here you can set a delay for switching desktops using the active"
+ " borders feature. Desktops will be switched after the mouse has been pushed against a screen border"
+ " for the specified number of milliseconds.") );
+ connect( electricBox, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(setEBorders()));
+ // Any changes goes to slotChanged()
+ connect(electricBox, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(delays, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ lay->addWidget(electricBox);
+ hideUtilityWindowsForInactive = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Hide utility windows for inactive applications" ), this );
+ TQWhatsThis::add( hideUtilityWindowsForInactive,
+ i18n( "When turned on, utility windows (tool windows, torn-off menus,...) of inactive applications will be"
+ " hidden and will be shown only when the application becomes active. Note that applications"
+ " have to mark the windows with the proper window type for this feature to work." ));
+ connect(hideUtilityWindowsForInactive, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ lay->addWidget( hideUtilityWindowsForInactive );
+ lay->addStretch();
+ load();
+void KAdvancedConfig::setShadeHover(bool on) {
+ shadeHoverOn->setChecked(on);
+ shadeHover->setEnabled(on);
+void KAdvancedConfig::setShadeHoverInterval(int k) {
+ shadeHover->setValue(k);
+int KAdvancedConfig::getShadeHoverInterval() {
+ return shadeHover->value();
+void KAdvancedConfig::shadeHoverChanged(bool a) {
+ shadeHover->setEnabled(a);
+void KAdvancedConfig::setAnimateShade(bool a) {
+ animateShade->setChecked(a);
+void KAdvancedConfig::setHideUtilityWindowsForInactive(bool s) {
+ hideUtilityWindowsForInactive->setChecked( s );
+void KAdvancedConfig::load( void )
+ config->setGroup( "Windows" );
+ setAnimateShade(config->readBoolEntry(KWIN_ANIMSHADE, true));
+ setShadeHover(config->readBoolEntry(KWIN_SHADEHOVER, false));
+ setShadeHoverInterval(config->readNumEntry(KWIN_SHADEHOVER_INTERVAL, 250));
+ setElectricBorders(config->readNumEntry(KWM_ELECTRIC_BORDER, 0));
+ setElectricBorderDelay(config->readNumEntry(KWM_ELECTRIC_BORDER_DELAY, 150));
+ setHideUtilityWindowsForInactive( config->readBoolEntry( KWIN_HIDE_UTILITY, true ));
+ emit TDECModule::changed(false);
+void KAdvancedConfig::save( void )
+ int v;
+ config->setGroup( "Windows" );
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_ANIMSHADE, animateShade->isChecked());
+ if (shadeHoverOn->isChecked())
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_SHADEHOVER, "on");
+ else
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_SHADEHOVER, "off");
+ v = getShadeHoverInterval();
+ if (v<0) v = 0;
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_SHADEHOVER_INTERVAL, v);
+ config->writeEntry(KWM_ELECTRIC_BORDER, getElectricBorders());
+ config->writeEntry(KWM_ELECTRIC_BORDER_DELAY,getElectricBorderDelay());
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_HIDE_UTILITY, hideUtilityWindowsForInactive->isChecked());
+ if (standAlone)
+ {
+ config->sync();
+ if ( !kapp->dcopClient()->isAttached() )
+ kapp->dcopClient()->attach();
+ kapp->dcopClient()->send("twin*", "", "reconfigure()", TQString(""));
+ }
+ emit TDECModule::changed(false);
+void KAdvancedConfig::defaults()
+ setAnimateShade(true);
+ setShadeHover(false);
+ setShadeHoverInterval(250);
+ setElectricBorders(0);
+ setElectricBorderDelay(150);
+ setHideUtilityWindowsForInactive( true );
+ emit TDECModule::changed(true);
+void KAdvancedConfig::setEBorders()
+ delays->setEnabled(!active_disable->isChecked());
+int KAdvancedConfig::getElectricBorders()
+ if (active_move->isChecked())
+ return 1;
+ if (active_always->isChecked())
+ return 2;
+ return 0;
+int KAdvancedConfig::getElectricBorderDelay()
+ return delays->value();
+void KAdvancedConfig::setElectricBorders(int i){
+ switch(i)
+ {
+ case 1: active_move->setChecked(true); break;
+ case 2: active_always->setChecked(true); break;
+ default: active_disable->setChecked(true); break;
+ }
+ setEBorders();
+void KAdvancedConfig::setElectricBorderDelay(int delay)
+ delays->setValue(delay);
+KMovingConfig::~KMovingConfig ()
+ if (standAlone)
+ delete config;
+KMovingConfig::KMovingConfig (bool _standAlone, TDEConfig *_config, TQWidget *parent, const char *)
+ : TDECModule(parent, "kcmkwm"), config(_config), standAlone(_standAlone)
+ TQString wtstr;
+ TQBoxLayout *lay = new TQVBoxLayout (this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint());
+ windowsBox = new TQButtonGroup(i18n("Windows"), this);
+ windowsBox->setColumnLayout( 0, Qt::Horizontal );
+ TQBoxLayout *wLay = new TQVBoxLayout (windowsBox->layout(), KDialog::spacingHint());
+ TQBoxLayout *bLay = new TQVBoxLayout;
+ wLay->addLayout(bLay);
+ opaque = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Di&splay content in moving windows"), windowsBox);
+ bLay->addWidget(opaque);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( opaque, i18n("Enable this option if you want a window's content to be fully shown"
+ " while moving it, instead of just showing a window 'skeleton'. The result may not be satisfying"
+ " on slow machines without graphic acceleration.") );
+ resizeOpaqueOn = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Display content in &resizing windows"), windowsBox);
+ bLay->addWidget(resizeOpaqueOn);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( resizeOpaqueOn, i18n("Enable this option if you want a window's content to be shown"
+ " while resizing it, instead of just showing a window 'skeleton'. The result may not be satisfying"
+ " on slow machines.") );
+ geometryTipOn = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Display window &geometry when moving or resizing"), windowsBox);
+ bLay->addWidget(geometryTipOn);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(geometryTipOn, i18n("Enable this option if you want a window's geometry to be displayed"
+ " while it is being moved or resized. The window position relative"
+ " to the top-left corner of the screen is displayed together with"
+ " its size."));
+ TQGridLayout *rLay = new TQGridLayout(2,3);
+ bLay->addLayout(TQT_TQLAYOUT(rLay));
+ rLay->setColStretch(0,0);
+ rLay->setColStretch(1,1);
+ minimizeAnimOn = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Animate minimi&ze and restore"),
+ windowsBox);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( minimizeAnimOn, i18n("Enable this option if you want an animation shown when"
+ " windows are minimized or restored." ) );
+ rLay->addWidget(minimizeAnimOn,0,0);
+ minimizeAnimSlider = new TQSlider(0,10,10,0,Qt::Horizontal, windowsBox);
+ minimizeAnimSlider->setSteps(1, 1);
+ // TQSlider::Below clashes with a X11/X.h #define
+ #undef Below
+ minimizeAnimSlider->setTickmarks(TQSlider::Below);
+ rLay->addMultiCellWidget(minimizeAnimSlider,0,0,1,2);
+ connect(minimizeAnimOn, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(setMinimizeAnim(bool)));
+ connect(minimizeAnimSlider, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(setMinimizeAnimSpeed(int)));
+ minimizeAnimSlowLabel= new TQLabel(i18n("Slow"),windowsBox);
+ minimizeAnimSlowLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop|Qt::AlignLeft);
+ rLay->addWidget(minimizeAnimSlowLabel,1,1);
+ minimizeAnimFastLabel= new TQLabel(i18n("Fast"),windowsBox);
+ minimizeAnimFastLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop|Qt::AlignRight);
+ rLay->addWidget(minimizeAnimFastLabel,1,2);
+ wtstr = i18n("Here you can set the speed of the animation shown when windows are"
+ " minimized and restored. ");
+ TQWhatsThis::add( minimizeAnimSlider, wtstr );
+ TQWhatsThis::add( minimizeAnimSlowLabel, wtstr );
+ TQWhatsThis::add( minimizeAnimFastLabel, wtstr );
+ moveResizeMaximized = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Allow moving and resizing o&f maximized windows"), windowsBox);
+ bLay->addWidget(moveResizeMaximized);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(moveResizeMaximized, i18n("When enabled, this feature activates the border of maximized windows"
+ " and allows you to move or resize them,"
+ " just like for normal windows"));
+ TQBoxLayout *vLay = new TQHBoxLayout(bLay);
+ TQLabel *plcLabel = new TQLabel(i18n("&Placement:"),windowsBox);
+ placementCombo = new TQComboBox(false, windowsBox);
+ placementCombo->insertItem(i18n("Smart"), SMART_PLACEMENT);
+ placementCombo->insertItem(i18n("Maximizing"), MAXIMIZING_PLACEMENT);
+ placementCombo->insertItem(i18n("Cascade"), CASCADE_PLACEMENT);
+ placementCombo->insertItem(i18n("Random"), RANDOM_PLACEMENT);
+ placementCombo->insertItem(i18n("Centered"), CENTERED_PLACEMENT);
+ placementCombo->insertItem(i18n("Zero-Cornered"), ZEROCORNERED_PLACEMENT);
+ // CT: disabling is needed as long as functionality misses in twin
+ //placementCombo->insertItem(i18n("Interactive"), INTERACTIVE_PLACEMENT);
+ //placementCombo->insertItem(i18n("Manual"), MANUAL_PLACEMENT);
+ placementCombo->setCurrentItem(SMART_PLACEMENT);
+ // FIXME, when more policies have been added to TWin
+ wtstr = i18n("The placement policy determines where a new window"
+ " will appear on the desktop."
+ " <ul>"
+ " <li><em>Smart</em> will try to achieve a minimum overlap of windows</li>"
+ " <li><em>Maximizing</em> will try to maximize every window to fill the whole screen."
+ " It might be useful to selectively affect placement of some windows using"
+ " the window-specific settings.</li>"
+ " <li><em>Cascade</em> will cascade the windows</li>"
+ " <li><em>Random</em> will use a random position</li>"
+ " <li><em>Centered</em> will place the window centered</li>"
+ " <li><em>Zero-Cornered</em> will place the window in the top-left corner</li>"
+ "</ul>") ;
+ TQWhatsThis::add( plcLabel, wtstr);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( placementCombo, wtstr);
+ plcLabel->setBuddy(placementCombo);
+ vLay->addWidget(plcLabel, 0);
+ vLay->addWidget(placementCombo, 1, Qt::AlignLeft);
+ bLay->addSpacing(10);
+ lay->addWidget(windowsBox);
+ //iTLabel = new TQLabel(i18n(" Allowed overlap:\n"
+ // "(% of desktop space)"),
+ // plcBox);
+ //iTLabel->setAlignment(AlignTop|AlignHCenter);
+ //pLay->addWidget(iTLabel,1,1);
+ //interactiveTrigger = new TQSpinBox(0, 500, 1, plcBox);
+ //pLay->addWidget(interactiveTrigger,1,2);
+ //pLay->addRowSpacing(2,KDialog::spacingHint());
+ //lay->addWidget(plcBox);
+ //CT 15mar98 - add EdgeResistance, BorderAttractor, WindowsAttractor config
+ MagicBox = new TQVButtonGroup(i18n("Snap Zones"), this);
+ MagicBox->setMargin(15);
+ BrdrSnap = new KIntNumInput(10, MagicBox);
+ BrdrSnap->setSpecialValueText( i18n("none") );
+ BrdrSnap->setRange( 0, MAX_BRDR_SNAP);
+ BrdrSnap->setLabel(i18n("&Border snap zone:"));
+ BrdrSnap->setSteps(1,10);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( BrdrSnap, i18n("Here you can set the snap zone for screen borders, i.e."
+ " the 'strength' of the magnetic field which will make windows snap to the border when"
+ " moved near it.") );
+ WndwSnap = new KIntNumInput(10, MagicBox);
+ WndwSnap->setSpecialValueText( i18n("none") );
+ WndwSnap->setRange( 0, MAX_WNDW_SNAP);
+ WndwSnap->setLabel(i18n("&Window snap zone:"));
+ BrdrSnap->setSteps(1,10);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( WndwSnap, i18n("Here you can set the snap zone for windows, i.e."
+ " the 'strength' of the magnetic field which will make windows snap to each other when"
+ " they're moved near another window.") );
+ OverlapSnap=new TQCheckBox(i18n("Snap windows onl&y when overlapping"),MagicBox);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( OverlapSnap, i18n("Here you can set that windows will be only"
+ " snapped if you try to overlap them, i.e. they will not be snapped if the windows"
+ " comes only near another window or border.") );
+ lay->addWidget(MagicBox);
+ lay->addStretch();
+ load();
+ // Any changes goes to slotChanged()
+ connect( opaque, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect( resizeOpaqueOn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect( geometryTipOn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect( minimizeAnimOn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked() ), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect( minimizeAnimSlider, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect( moveResizeMaximized, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect( placementCombo, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect( BrdrSnap, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect( BrdrSnap, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotBrdrSnapChanged(int)));
+ connect( WndwSnap, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect( WndwSnap, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotWndwSnapChanged(int)));
+ connect( OverlapSnap, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ // To get suffix to BrdrSnap and WndwSnap inputs with default values.
+ slotBrdrSnapChanged(BrdrSnap->value());
+ slotWndwSnapChanged(WndwSnap->value());
+int KMovingConfig::getMove()
+ return (opaque->isChecked())? OPAQUE : TRANSPARENT;
+void KMovingConfig::setMove(int trans)
+ opaque->setChecked(trans == OPAQUE);
+void KMovingConfig::setGeometryTip(bool showGeometryTip)
+ geometryTipOn->setChecked(showGeometryTip);
+bool KMovingConfig::getGeometryTip()
+ return geometryTipOn->isChecked();
+// placement policy --- CT 31jan98 ---
+int KMovingConfig::getPlacement()
+ return placementCombo->currentItem();
+void KMovingConfig::setPlacement(int plac)
+ placementCombo->setCurrentItem(plac);
+bool KMovingConfig::getMinimizeAnim()
+ return minimizeAnimOn->isChecked();
+int KMovingConfig::getMinimizeAnimSpeed()
+ return minimizeAnimSlider->value();
+void KMovingConfig::setMinimizeAnim(bool anim)
+ minimizeAnimOn->setChecked( anim );
+ minimizeAnimSlider->setEnabled( anim );
+ minimizeAnimSlowLabel->setEnabled( anim );
+ minimizeAnimFastLabel->setEnabled( anim );
+void KMovingConfig::setMinimizeAnimSpeed(int speed)
+ minimizeAnimSlider->setValue(speed);
+int KMovingConfig::getResizeOpaque()
+ return (resizeOpaqueOn->isChecked())? RESIZE_OPAQUE : RESIZE_TRANSPARENT;
+void KMovingConfig::setResizeOpaque(int opaque)
+ resizeOpaqueOn->setChecked(opaque == RESIZE_OPAQUE);
+void KMovingConfig::setMoveResizeMaximized(bool a) {
+ moveResizeMaximized->setChecked(a);
+void KMovingConfig::slotBrdrSnapChanged(int value) {
+ BrdrSnap->setSuffix(i18n(" pixel", " pixels", value));
+void KMovingConfig::slotWndwSnapChanged(int value) {
+ WndwSnap->setSuffix(i18n(" pixel", " pixels", value));
+void KMovingConfig::load( void )
+ TQString key;
+ config->setGroup( "Windows" );
+ key = config->readEntry(KWIN_MOVE, "Opaque");
+ if( key == "Transparent")
+ else if( key == "Opaque")
+ setMove(OPAQUE);
+ //CT 17Jun1998 - variable animation speed from 0 (none!!) to 10 (max)
+ bool anim = config->readBoolEntry(KWIN_MINIMIZE_ANIM, true );
+ int animSpeed = config->readNumEntry(KWIN_MINIMIZE_ANIM_SPEED, 5);
+ if( animSpeed < 1 ) animSpeed = 0;
+ if( animSpeed > 10 ) animSpeed = 10;
+ setMinimizeAnim( anim );
+ setMinimizeAnimSpeed( animSpeed );
+ // DF: please keep the default consistent with twin (options.cpp line 145)
+ key = config->readEntry(KWIN_RESIZE_OPAQUE, "Opaque");
+ if( key == "Opaque")
+ setResizeOpaque(RESIZE_OPAQUE);
+ else if ( key == "Transparent")
+ setResizeOpaque(RESIZE_TRANSPARENT);
+ //KS 10Jan2003 - Geometry Tip during window move/resize
+ bool showGeomTip = config->readBoolEntry(KWIN_GEOMETRY, false);
+ setGeometryTip( showGeomTip );
+ // placement policy --- CT 19jan98 ---
+ key = config->readEntry(KWIN_PLACEMENT);
+ //CT 13mar98 interactive placement
+// if( key.left(11) == "interactive") {
+// int comma_pos = key.find(',');
+// if (comma_pos < 0)
+// interactiveTrigger->setValue(0);
+// else
+// interactiveTrigger->setValue (key.right(key.length()
+// - comma_pos).toUInt(0));
+// iTLabel->setEnabled(true);
+// interactiveTrigger->show();
+// }
+// else {
+// interactiveTrigger->setValue(0);
+// iTLabel->setEnabled(false);
+// interactiveTrigger->hide();
+ if( key == "Random")
+ setPlacement(RANDOM_PLACEMENT);
+ else if( key == "Cascade")
+ setPlacement(CASCADE_PLACEMENT); //CT 31jan98
+ //CT 31mar98 manual placement
+ else if( key == "manual")
+ setPlacement(MANUAL_PLACEMENT);
+ else if( key == "Centered")
+ else if( key == "ZeroCornered")
+ else if( key == "Maximizing")
+ else
+ setPlacement(SMART_PLACEMENT);
+// }
+ setMoveResizeMaximized(config->readBoolEntry(KWIN_MOVE_RESIZE_MAXIMIZED, false));
+ int v;
+ if (v > MAX_BRDR_SNAP) setBorderSnapZone(MAX_BRDR_SNAP);
+ else if (v < 0) setBorderSnapZone (0);
+ else setBorderSnapZone(v);
+ if (v > MAX_WNDW_SNAP) setWindowSnapZone(MAX_WNDW_SNAP);
+ else if (v < 0) setWindowSnapZone (0);
+ else setWindowSnapZone(v);
+ OverlapSnap->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("SnapOnlyWhenOverlapping",false));
+ emit TDECModule::changed(false);
+void KMovingConfig::save( void )
+ int v;
+ config->setGroup( "Windows" );
+ v = getMove();
+ if (v == TRANSPARENT)
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_MOVE,"Transparent");
+ else
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_MOVE,"Opaque");
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_GEOMETRY, getGeometryTip());
+ // placement policy --- CT 31jan98 ---
+ v =getPlacement();
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_PLACEMENT, "Random");
+ else if (v == CASCADE_PLACEMENT)
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_PLACEMENT, "Cascade");
+ else if (v == CENTERED_PLACEMENT)
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_PLACEMENT, "Centered");
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_PLACEMENT, "ZeroCornered");
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_PLACEMENT, "Maximizing");
+//CT 13mar98 manual and interactive placement
+// else if (v == MANUAL_PLACEMENT)
+// config->writeEntry(KWIN_PLACEMENT, "Manual");
+// else if (v == INTERACTIVE_PLACEMENT) {
+// TQString tmpstr = TQString("Interactive,%1").arg(interactiveTrigger->value());
+// config->writeEntry(KWIN_PLACEMENT, tmpstr);
+// }
+ else
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_PLACEMENT, "Smart");
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_MINIMIZE_ANIM, getMinimizeAnim());
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_MINIMIZE_ANIM_SPEED, getMinimizeAnimSpeed());
+ v = getResizeOpaque();
+ if (v == RESIZE_OPAQUE)
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_RESIZE_OPAQUE, "Opaque");
+ else
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_RESIZE_OPAQUE, "Transparent");
+ config->writeEntry(KWIN_MOVE_RESIZE_MAXIMIZED, moveResizeMaximized->isChecked());
+ config->writeEntry(KWM_BRDR_SNAP_ZONE,getBorderSnapZone());
+ config->writeEntry(KWM_WNDW_SNAP_ZONE,getWindowSnapZone());
+ config->writeEntry("SnapOnlyWhenOverlapping",OverlapSnap->isChecked());
+ if (standAlone)
+ {
+ config->sync();
+ if ( !kapp->dcopClient()->isAttached() )
+ kapp->dcopClient()->attach();
+ kapp->dcopClient()->send("twin*", "", "reconfigure()", TQString(""));
+ }
+ emit TDECModule::changed(false);
+void KMovingConfig::defaults()
+ setMove(OPAQUE);
+ setResizeOpaque(RESIZE_TRANSPARENT);
+ setGeometryTip(false);
+ setPlacement(SMART_PLACEMENT);
+ setMoveResizeMaximized(false);
+ //copied from kcontrol/konq/twindesktop, aleXXX
+ OverlapSnap->setChecked(false);
+ setMinimizeAnim( true );
+ setMinimizeAnimSpeed( 5 );
+ emit TDECModule::changed(true);
+int KMovingConfig::getBorderSnapZone() {
+ return BrdrSnap->value();
+void KMovingConfig::setBorderSnapZone(int pxls) {
+ BrdrSnap->setValue(pxls);
+int KMovingConfig::getWindowSnapZone() {
+ return WndwSnap->value();
+void KMovingConfig::setWindowSnapZone(int pxls) {
+ WndwSnap->setValue(pxls);
+KTranslucencyConfig::~KTranslucencyConfig ()
+ if (standAlone)
+ delete config;
+ if (kompmgr)
+ kompmgr->detach();
+KTranslucencyConfig::KTranslucencyConfig (bool _standAlone, TDEConfig *_config, TQWidget *parent, const char *)
+ : TDECModule(parent, "kcmkwm"), config(_config), standAlone(_standAlone)
+ kompmgr = 0L;
+ resetKompmgr_ = FALSE;
+ TQVBoxLayout *lay = new TQVBoxLayout (this);
+ kompmgrAvailable_ = kompmgrAvailable();
+ if (!kompmgrAvailable_){
+ KActiveLabel *label = new KActiveLabel(i18n("<qt><b>It seems that alpha channel support is not available.</b><br><br>"
+ "Please make sure you have "
+ "<a href=\"\">Xorg &ge; 6.8</a>,"
+ " and installed the composition manager that came with twin.<br>"
+ "Also, make sure you have the following entries in your XConfig (e.g. /etc/X11/xorg.conf):<br><br>"
+ "<i>Section \"Extensions\"<br>"
+ "Option \"Composite\" \"Enable\"<br>"
+ "EndSection</i><br><br>"
+ "And if your GPU provides hardware-accelerated Xrender support (mainly nVidia cards):<br><br>"
+ "<i>Option \"RenderAccel\" \"true\"</i><br>"
+ "In <i>Section \"Device\"</i></qt>"), this);
+ lay->addWidget(label);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TQTabWidget *tabW = new TQTabWidget(this);
+ TQWidget *tGroup = new TQWidget(tabW);
+ TQVBoxLayout *vLay = new TQVBoxLayout (tGroup,KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint());
+ vLay->addSpacing(11); // to get the proper gb top offset
+ onlyDecoTranslucent = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Apply translucency only to decoration"),tGroup);
+ vLay->addWidget(onlyDecoTranslucent);
+ vLay->addSpacing(11);
+ TQGridLayout *gLay = new TQGridLayout(vLay,4,2,KDialog::spacingHint());
+ gLay->setColStretch(1,1);
+ activeWindowTransparency = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Active windows:"),tGroup);
+ gLay->addWidget(activeWindowTransparency,0,0);
+ activeWindowOpacity = new KIntNumInput(100, tGroup);
+ activeWindowOpacity->setRange(0,100);
+ activeWindowOpacity->setSuffix("%");
+ gLay->addWidget(activeWindowOpacity,0,1);
+ inactiveWindowTransparency = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Inactive windows:"),tGroup);
+ gLay->addWidget(inactiveWindowTransparency,1,0);
+ inactiveWindowOpacity = new KIntNumInput(100, tGroup);
+ inactiveWindowOpacity->setRange(0,100);
+ inactiveWindowOpacity->setSuffix("%");
+ gLay->addWidget(inactiveWindowOpacity,1,1);
+ movingWindowTransparency = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Moving windows:"),tGroup);
+ gLay->addWidget(movingWindowTransparency,2,0);
+ movingWindowOpacity = new KIntNumInput(100, tGroup);
+ movingWindowOpacity->setRange(0,100);
+ movingWindowOpacity->setSuffix("%");
+ gLay->addWidget(movingWindowOpacity,2,1);
+ dockWindowTransparency = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Dock windows:"),tGroup);
+ gLay->addWidget(dockWindowTransparency,3,0);
+ dockWindowOpacity = new KIntNumInput(100, tGroup);
+ dockWindowOpacity->setRange(0,100);
+ dockWindowOpacity->setSuffix("%");
+ gLay->addWidget(dockWindowOpacity,3,1);
+ vLay->addSpacing(11);
+ keepAboveAsActive = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Treat 'keep above' windows as active ones"),tGroup);
+ vLay->addWidget(keepAboveAsActive);
+ disableARGB = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Disable ARGB windows (ignores window alpha maps, fixes gtk1 apps)"),tGroup);
+ vLay->addWidget(disableARGB);
+ if (TDECompositor == "compton-tde") {
+ disableARGB->hide();
+ }
+ useOpenGL = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Use OpenGL compositor (best performance)"),tGroup);
+ vLay->addWidget(useOpenGL);
+ blurBackground = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Blur the background of transparent windows"),tGroup);
+ vLay->addWidget(blurBackground);
+ greyscaleBackground = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Desaturate the background of transparent windows"),tGroup);
+ vLay->addWidget(greyscaleBackground);
+ if (TDECompositor != "compton-tde") {
+ useOpenGL->hide();
+ blurBackground->hide();
+ greyscaleBackground->hide();
+ }
+ vLay->addStretch();
+ tabW->addTab(tGroup, i18n("Opacity"));
+ TQWidget *sGroup = new TQWidget(tabW);
+// sGroup->setCheckable(TRUE);
+ TQVBoxLayout *vLay2 = new TQVBoxLayout (sGroup,11,6);
+ vLay2->addSpacing(11); // to get the proper gb top offset
+ useShadows = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Use shadows (standard effects should be disabled in the Styles module if this is checked)"),sGroup);
+ vLay2->addWidget(useShadows);
+ useShadowsOnMenuWindows = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Use shadows on menus (requires menu fade effect to be disabled in the Styles module)"),sGroup);
+ vLay2->addWidget(useShadowsOnMenuWindows);
+ useShadowsOnToolTipWindows = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Use shadows on tooltips"),sGroup);
+ vLay2->addWidget(useShadowsOnToolTipWindows);
+ if (TDECompositor != "compton-tde") {
+ useShadowsOnMenuWindows->hide();
+ useShadowsOnToolTipWindows->hide();
+ }
+ vLay2->addSpacing(11);
+ TQGridLayout *gLay2 = new TQGridLayout(vLay2,6,2);
+ gLay2->setColStretch(1,1);
+ TQLabel *label2 = new TQLabel(i18n("Base shadow radius:"),sGroup);
+ gLay2->addWidget(label2,0,0);
+ baseShadowSize = new KIntNumInput(6,sGroup);
+ baseShadowSize->setRange(0,32);
+// inactiveWindowShadowSize->setSuffix("px");
+ gLay2->addWidget(baseShadowSize,0,1);
+ TQLabel *label2a = new TQLabel(i18n("Inactive window distance from background:"),sGroup);
+ gLay2->addWidget(label2a,1,0);
+ inactiveWindowShadowSize = new KIntNumInput(6,sGroup);
+ inactiveWindowShadowSize->setRange(0,16);
+// inactiveWindowShadowSize->setSuffix("px");
+ gLay2->addWidget(inactiveWindowShadowSize,1,1);
+ TQLabel *label1 = new TQLabel(i18n("Active window distance from background:"),sGroup);
+ gLay2->addWidget(label1,2,0);
+ activeWindowShadowSize = new KIntNumInput(12,sGroup);
+ activeWindowShadowSize->setRange(0,16);
+// activeWindowShadowSize->setSuffix("px");
+ gLay2->addWidget(activeWindowShadowSize,2,1);
+ TQLabel *label3 = new TQLabel(i18n("Dock distance from background:"),sGroup);
+ gLay2->addWidget(label3,3,0);
+ dockWindowShadowSize = new KIntNumInput(6,sGroup);
+ dockWindowShadowSize->setRange(0,16);
+// dockWindowShadowSize->setSuffix("px");
+ gLay2->addWidget(dockWindowShadowSize,3,1);
+ TQLabel *label3a = new TQLabel(i18n("Menu distance from background:"),sGroup);
+ gLay2->addWidget(label3a,4,0);
+ menuWindowShadowSize = new KIntNumInput(6,sGroup);
+ menuWindowShadowSize->setRange(0,16);
+// menuWindowShadowSize->setSuffix("px");
+ gLay2->addWidget(menuWindowShadowSize,4,1);
+ // FIXME
+ // Menu control does not work!
+ // Menus appear to be controlled by the base shadow radius ONLY
+ label3a->hide();
+ menuWindowShadowSize->hide();
+ TQLabel *label4 = new TQLabel(i18n("Vertical offset:"),sGroup);
+ gLay2->addWidget(label4,5,0);
+ shadowTopOffset = new KIntNumInput(80,sGroup);
+ shadowTopOffset->setSuffix("%");
+ shadowTopOffset->setRange(-200,200);
+ gLay2->addWidget(shadowTopOffset,5,1);
+ TQLabel *label5 = new TQLabel(i18n("Horizontal offset:"),sGroup);
+ gLay2->addWidget(label5,6,0);
+ shadowLeftOffset = new KIntNumInput(0,sGroup);
+ shadowLeftOffset->setSuffix("%");
+ shadowLeftOffset->setRange(-200,200);
+ gLay2->addWidget(shadowLeftOffset,6,1);
+ TQLabel *label6 = new TQLabel(i18n("Shadow color:"),sGroup);
+ gLay2->addWidget(label6,7,0);
+ shadowColor = new KColorButton(Qt::black,sGroup);
+ gLay2->addWidget(shadowColor,7,1);
+ gLay2->setColStretch(1,1);
+ vLay2->addSpacing(11);
+ removeShadowsOnMove = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Remove shadows on move"),sGroup);
+ vLay2->addWidget(removeShadowsOnMove);
+ removeShadowsOnResize = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Remove shadows on resize"),sGroup);
+ vLay2->addWidget(removeShadowsOnResize);
+ vLay2->addStretch();
+ tabW->addTab(sGroup, i18n("Shadows"));
+ TQWidget *eGroup = new TQWidget(this);
+ TQVBoxLayout *vLay3 = new TQVBoxLayout (eGroup,11,6);
+ fadeInWindows = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Fade-in windows (including popups)"),eGroup);
+ fadeInMenuWindows = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Fade-in menus (requires menu fade effect to be disabled in the Styles module)"),eGroup);
+ fadeInToolTipWindows = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Fade-in tooltips"),eGroup);
+ fadeOnOpacityChange = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Fade between opacity changes"),eGroup);
+ fadeInSpeed = new KIntNumInput(100, eGroup);
+ fadeInSpeed->setRange(1,100);
+ fadeInSpeed->setLabel(i18n("Fade-in speed:"));
+ fadeOutSpeed = new KIntNumInput(100, eGroup);
+ fadeOutSpeed->setRange(1,100);
+ fadeOutSpeed->setLabel(i18n("Fade-out speed:"));
+ vLay3->addWidget(fadeInWindows);
+ vLay3->addWidget(fadeInMenuWindows);
+ vLay3->addWidget(fadeInToolTipWindows);
+ vLay3->addWidget(fadeOnOpacityChange);
+ vLay3->addWidget(fadeInSpeed);
+ vLay3->addWidget(fadeOutSpeed);
+ vLay3->addStretch();
+ tabW->addTab(eGroup, i18n("Effects"));
+ useTranslucency = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Enable the Trinity window composition manager"),this);
+ lay->addWidget(useTranslucency);
+ lay->addWidget(tabW);
+ connect(useTranslucency, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), tabW, TQT_SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ connect(activeWindowTransparency, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), activeWindowOpacity, TQT_SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ connect(inactiveWindowTransparency, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), inactiveWindowOpacity, TQT_SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ connect(movingWindowTransparency, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), movingWindowOpacity, TQT_SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ connect(dockWindowTransparency, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), dockWindowOpacity, TQT_SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ connect(useTranslucency, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(onlyDecoTranslucent, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(activeWindowTransparency, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(inactiveWindowTransparency, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(movingWindowTransparency, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(dockWindowTransparency, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(keepAboveAsActive, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(disableARGB, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(useOpenGL, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(useOpenGL, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), blurBackground, TQT_SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ connect(blurBackground, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(useOpenGL, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), greyscaleBackground, TQT_SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ connect(greyscaleBackground, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(useShadows, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(useShadowsOnMenuWindows, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(useShadowsOnToolTipWindows, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(removeShadowsOnResize, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(removeShadowsOnMove, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(activeWindowOpacity, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(inactiveWindowOpacity, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(movingWindowOpacity, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(dockWindowOpacity, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(dockWindowShadowSize, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(menuWindowShadowSize, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(activeWindowShadowSize, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(inactiveWindowShadowSize, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(baseShadowSize, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(shadowTopOffset, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(shadowLeftOffset, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(shadowColor, TQT_SIGNAL(changed(const TQColor&)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(fadeInWindows, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(fadeInMenuWindows, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(fadeInToolTipWindows, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(fadeOnOpacityChange, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(fadeInSpeed, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(fadeOutSpeed, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(changed()));
+ connect(useShadows, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(processShadowLockouts()));
+ connect(useShadowsOnMenuWindows, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(processShadowLockouts()));
+ connect(useShadowsOnToolTipWindows, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(processShadowLockouts()));
+ load();
+ tabW->setEnabled(useTranslucency->isChecked());
+ connect(useTranslucency, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(showWarning(bool)));
+ // handle kompmgr restarts if necessary
+ connect(useTranslucency, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(resetKompmgr()));
+ connect(disableARGB, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(resetKompmgr()));
+ connect(useOpenGL, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(resetKompmgr()));
+ connect(blurBackground, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(resetKompmgr()));
+ connect(greyscaleBackground, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(resetKompmgr()));
+ connect(useShadows, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(resetKompmgr()));
+ connect(useShadowsOnMenuWindows, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(resetKompmgr()));
+ connect(useShadowsOnToolTipWindows, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(resetKompmgr()));
+ connect(inactiveWindowShadowSize, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(resetKompmgr()));
+ connect(baseShadowSize, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(resetKompmgr()));
+ connect(shadowTopOffset, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(resetKompmgr()));
+ connect(shadowLeftOffset, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(resetKompmgr()));
+ connect(shadowColor, TQT_SIGNAL(changed(const TQColor&)), TQT_SLOT(resetKompmgr()));
+ connect(fadeInWindows, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(resetKompmgr()));
+ connect(fadeInMenuWindows, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(resetKompmgr()));
+ connect(fadeInToolTipWindows, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(resetKompmgr()));
+ connect(fadeOnOpacityChange, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(resetKompmgr()));
+ connect(fadeInSpeed, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(resetKompmgr()));
+ connect(fadeOutSpeed, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(resetKompmgr()));
+ }
+void KTranslucencyConfig::processShadowLockouts()
+ bool enabled = (useShadows->isChecked() || useShadowsOnMenuWindows->isChecked() || useShadowsOnToolTipWindows->isChecked());
+ dockWindowShadowSize->setEnabled(enabled);
+ menuWindowShadowSize->setEnabled(enabled);
+ activeWindowShadowSize->setEnabled(enabled);
+ inactiveWindowShadowSize->setEnabled(enabled);
+ baseShadowSize->setEnabled(enabled);
+ shadowTopOffset->setEnabled(enabled);
+ shadowLeftOffset->setEnabled(enabled);
+ shadowColor->setEnabled(enabled);
+void KTranslucencyConfig::resetKompmgr()
+ resetKompmgr_ = TRUE;
+void KTranslucencyConfig::load( void )
+ if (!kompmgrAvailable_)
+ return;
+ config->setGroup( "Notification Messages" );
+ useTranslucency->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("UseTranslucency",false));
+ config->setGroup( "Translucency" );
+ activeWindowTransparency->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("TranslucentActiveWindows",false));
+ inactiveWindowTransparency->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("TranslucentInactiveWindows",false));
+ movingWindowTransparency->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("TranslucentMovingWindows",false));
+ removeShadowsOnMove->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("RemoveShadowsOnMove",false));
+ removeShadowsOnResize->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("RemoveShadowsOnResize",false));
+ dockWindowTransparency->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("TranslucentDocks",false));
+ keepAboveAsActive->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("TreatKeepAboveAsActive",true));
+ onlyDecoTranslucent->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("OnlyDecoTranslucent",false));
+ activeWindowOpacity->setValue(config->readNumEntry("ActiveWindowOpacity",100));
+ inactiveWindowOpacity->setValue(config->readNumEntry("InactiveWindowOpacity",75));
+ movingWindowOpacity->setValue(config->readNumEntry("MovingWindowOpacity",25));
+ dockWindowOpacity->setValue(config->readNumEntry("DockOpacity",80));
+ int ass, iss, dss, mss;
+ dss = config->readNumEntry("DockShadowSize", 0*100);
+ mss = config->readNumEntry("MenuShadowSize", 1*100);
+ ass = config->readNumEntry("ActiveWindowShadowSize", 2*100);
+ iss = config->readNumEntry("InactiveWindowShadowSize", 1*100);
+ activeWindowOpacity->setEnabled(activeWindowTransparency->isChecked());
+ inactiveWindowOpacity->setEnabled(inactiveWindowTransparency->isChecked());
+ movingWindowOpacity->setEnabled(movingWindowTransparency->isChecked());
+ dockWindowOpacity->setEnabled(dockWindowTransparency->isChecked());
+ TDEConfig conf_(TQDir::homeDirPath() + "/.xcompmgrrc");
+ conf_.setGroup("xcompmgr");
+ disableARGB->setChecked(conf_.readBoolEntry("DisableARGB",FALSE));
+ useOpenGL->setChecked(conf_.readBoolEntry("useOpenGL",FALSE));
+ blurBackground->setChecked(conf_.readBoolEntry("blurBackground",FALSE));
+ blurBackground->setEnabled(useOpenGL->isChecked());
+ greyscaleBackground->setChecked(conf_.readBoolEntry("greyscaleBackground",FALSE));
+ greyscaleBackground->setEnabled(useOpenGL->isChecked());
+ useShadows->setChecked(conf_.readEntry("Compmode","").compare("CompClientShadows") == 0);
+ useShadowsOnMenuWindows->setChecked(conf_.readBoolEntry("ShadowsOnMenuWindows",TRUE));
+ useShadowsOnToolTipWindows->setChecked(conf_.readBoolEntry("ShadowsOnToolTipWindows",TRUE));
+ shadowTopOffset->setValue(-1*(conf_.readNumEntry("ShadowOffsetY",0)));
+ shadowLeftOffset->setValue(-1*(conf_.readNumEntry("ShadowOffsetX",0)));
+ int ss = conf_.readNumEntry("ShadowRadius",4);
+ dockWindowShadowSize->setValue((int)(dss/100.0));
+ menuWindowShadowSize->setValue((int)(mss/100.0));
+ activeWindowShadowSize->setValue((int)(ass/100.0));
+ inactiveWindowShadowSize->setValue((int)(iss/100.0));
+ baseShadowSize->setValue((int)(ss));
+ TQString hex = conf_.readEntry("ShadowColor","#000000");
+ uint r, g, b;
+ r = g = b = 256;
+ if (sscanf(hex.latin1(), "0x%02x%02x%02x", &r, &g, &b)!=3 || r > 255 || g > 255 || b > 255)
+ shadowColor->setColor(Qt::black);
+ else
+ shadowColor->setColor(TQColor(r,g,b));
+ fadeInWindows->setChecked(conf_.readBoolEntry("FadeWindows",FALSE));
+ fadeInMenuWindows->setChecked(conf_.readBoolEntry("FadeMenuWindows",TRUE));
+ fadeInToolTipWindows->setChecked(conf_.readBoolEntry("FadeToolTipWindows",TRUE));
+ fadeOnOpacityChange->setChecked(conf_.readBoolEntry("FadeTrans",FALSE));
+ fadeInSpeed->setValue((int)(conf_.readDoubleNumEntry("FadeInStep",0.070)*1000.0));
+ fadeOutSpeed->setValue((int)(conf_.readDoubleNumEntry("FadeOutStep",0.070)*1000.0));
+ emit TDECModule::changed(false);
+void KTranslucencyConfig::save( void )
+ if (!kompmgrAvailable_)
+ return;
+ config->setGroup( "Notification Messages" );
+ config->writeEntry("UseTranslucency",useTranslucency->isChecked());
+ config->setGroup( "Translucency" );
+ config->writeEntry("TranslucentActiveWindows",activeWindowTransparency->isChecked());
+ config->writeEntry("TranslucentInactiveWindows",inactiveWindowTransparency->isChecked());
+ config->writeEntry("TranslucentMovingWindows",movingWindowTransparency->isChecked());
+ config->writeEntry("TranslucentDocks",dockWindowTransparency->isChecked());
+ config->writeEntry("TreatKeepAboveAsActive",keepAboveAsActive->isChecked());
+ config->writeEntry("ActiveWindowOpacity",activeWindowOpacity->value());
+ config->writeEntry("InactiveWindowOpacity",inactiveWindowOpacity->value());
+ config->writeEntry("MovingWindowOpacity",movingWindowOpacity->value());
+ config->writeEntry("DockOpacity",dockWindowOpacity->value());
+ // for simplification:
+ // xcompmgr supports a general shadow radius and additionally lets external apps set a multiplicator for each window
+ // (speed reasons, so the shadow matrix hasn't to be recreated for every window)
+ // we set inactive windows to 100%, the radius to the inactive window value and adjust the multiplicators for docks and active windows
+ // this way the user can set the three values without caring about the radius/multiplicator stuff
+ // additionally we find a value between big and small values to have a more smooth appereance
+ config->writeEntry("DockShadowSize",(int)(100.0 * dockWindowShadowSize->value()));
+ config->writeEntry("MenuShadowSize",(int)(100.0 * menuWindowShadowSize->value()));
+ config->writeEntry("ActiveWindowShadowSize",(int)(100.0 * activeWindowShadowSize->value()));
+ config->writeEntry("InactiveWindowShadowSize",(int)(100.0 * inactiveWindowShadowSize->value()));
+ config->writeEntry("RemoveShadowsOnMove",removeShadowsOnMove->isChecked());
+ config->writeEntry("RemoveShadowsOnResize",removeShadowsOnResize->isChecked());
+ config->writeEntry("OnlyDecoTranslucent", onlyDecoTranslucent->isChecked());
+ config->writeEntry("ResetKompmgr",resetKompmgr_);
+ TDEConfig *conf_ = new TDEConfig(TQDir::homeDirPath() + "/.xcompmgrrc");
+ conf_->setGroup("xcompmgr");
+ conf_->writeEntry("Compmode",useShadows->isChecked()?"CompClientShadows":"");
+ conf_->writeEntry("ShadowsOnMenuWindows",useShadowsOnMenuWindows->isChecked());
+ conf_->writeEntry("ShadowsOnToolTipWindows",useShadowsOnToolTipWindows->isChecked());
+ conf_->writeEntry("DisableARGB",disableARGB->isChecked());
+ conf_->writeEntry("useOpenGL",useOpenGL->isChecked());
+ conf_->writeEntry("blurBackground",blurBackground->isChecked());
+ conf_->writeEntry("greyscaleBackground",greyscaleBackground->isChecked());
+ conf_->writeEntry("ShadowOffsetY",-1*shadowTopOffset->value());
+ conf_->writeEntry("ShadowOffsetX",-1*shadowLeftOffset->value());
+ int r, g, b;
+ shadowColor->color().rgb( &r, &g, &b );
+ TQString hex;
+ hex.sprintf("0x%02X%02X%02X", r,g,b);
+ conf_->writeEntry("ShadowColor",hex);
+ conf_->writeEntry("ShadowRadius",baseShadowSize->value());
+ conf_->writeEntry("FadeWindows",fadeInWindows->isChecked());
+ conf_->writeEntry("FadeMenuWindows",fadeInMenuWindows->isChecked());
+ conf_->writeEntry("FadeToolTipWindows",fadeInToolTipWindows->isChecked());
+ conf_->writeEntry("FadeTrans",fadeOnOpacityChange->isChecked());
+ conf_->writeEntry("FadeInStep",fadeInSpeed->value()/1000.0);
+ conf_->writeEntry("FadeOutStep",fadeOutSpeed->value()/1000.0);
+ delete conf_;
+ // Now write out compton settings
+ TQFile* compton_conf_file_ = new TQFile(TQDir::homeDirPath() + "/.compton-tde.conf");
+ if ( compton_conf_file_->open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
+ TQTextStream stream(compton_conf_file_);
+ stream << "# WARNING\n";
+ stream << "# This file was automatically generated by TDE\n";
+ stream << "# All changes will be lost!\n";
+ stream << "shadow = " << (useShadows->isChecked()?"true":"false") << ";\n";
+ stream << "shadow-offset-y = " << (-1*shadowTopOffset->value()) << ";\n";
+ stream << "shadow-offset-x = " << (-1*shadowLeftOffset->value()) << ";\n";
+ int r, g, b;
+ shadowColor->color().rgb( &r, &g, &b );
+ stream << "shadow-red = " << (r/255.0) << ";\n";
+ stream << "shadow-green = " << (g/255.0) << ";\n";
+ stream << "shadow-blue = " << (b/255.0) << ";\n";
+ stream << "shadow-radius = " << baseShadowSize->value() << ";\n";
+ bool fadeOpacity = fadeOnOpacityChange->isChecked();
+ bool fadeWindows = fadeInWindows->isChecked();
+ bool fadeMenuWindows = fadeInMenuWindows->isChecked();
+ bool fadeToolTipWindows = fadeInToolTipWindows->isChecked();
+ bool shadows = useShadows->isChecked();
+ bool shadowsOnMenuWindows = useShadowsOnMenuWindows->isChecked();
+ bool shadowsOnToolTipWindows = useShadowsOnToolTipWindows->isChecked();
+ stream << "fading = " << ((fadeWindows || fadeMenuWindows || fadeOpacity)?"true":"false") << ";\n";
+ stream << "no-fading-opacitychange = " << (fadeOpacity?"false":"true") << ";\n";
+ stream << "no-fading-openclose = " << ((fadeWindows||fadeMenuWindows)?"false":"true") << ";\n";
+ stream << "wintypes:" << "\n";
+ stream << "{" << "\n";
+ stream << " menu = { shadow = " << (shadowsOnMenuWindows?"true":"false") << "; fade = " << (fadeMenuWindows?"true":"false") << "; no-fading-openclose = " << (fadeMenuWindows?"false":"true") << "; };" << "\n";
+ stream << " dropdown_menu = { shadow = " << (shadowsOnMenuWindows?"true":"false") << "; fade = " << (fadeMenuWindows?"true":"false") << "; no-fading-openclose = " << (fadeMenuWindows?"false":"true") << "; };" << "\n";
+ stream << " popup_menu = { shadow = " << (shadowsOnMenuWindows?"true":"false") << "; fade = " << (fadeMenuWindows?"true":"false") << "; no-fading-openclose = " << (fadeMenuWindows?"false":"true") << "; };" << "\n";
+ stream << " tooltip = { shadow = " << (shadowsOnToolTipWindows?"true":"false") << "; fade = " << (fadeToolTipWindows?"true":"false") << "; no-fading-openclose = " << (fadeToolTipWindows?"false":"true") << "; };" << "\n";
+ stream << " normal = { shadow = " << (shadows?"true":"false") << "; fade = " << (fadeWindows?"true":"false") << "; no-fading-openclose = " << (fadeWindows?"false":"true") << "; };" << "\n";
+ stream << " dialog = { shadow = " << (shadows?"true":"false") << "; fade = " << (fadeWindows?"true":"false") << "; no-fading-openclose = " << (fadeWindows?"false":"true") << "; };" << "\n";
+ stream << " unknown = { shadow = " << (shadows?"true":"false") << "; fade = " << (fadeWindows?"true":"false") << "; no-fading-openclose = " << (fadeWindows?"false":"true") << "; };" << "\n";
+ stream << " toolbar = { shadow = " << (shadows?"true":"false") << "; fade = " << (fadeWindows?"true":"false") << "; no-fading-openclose = " << (fadeWindows?"false":"true") << "; };" << "\n";
+ stream << " utility = { shadow = " << (shadows?"true":"false") << "; fade = " << (fadeWindows?"true":"false") << "; no-fading-openclose = " << (fadeWindows?"false":"true") << "; };" << "\n";
+ stream << " splash = { shadow = " << (shadows?"true":"false") << "; fade = " << (fadeWindows?"true":"false") << "; no-fading-openclose = " << (fadeWindows?"false":"true") << "; };" << "\n";
+ stream << " notify = { shadow = false; fade = " << (fadeWindows?"true":"false") << "; no-fading-openclose = " << (fadeWindows?"false":"true") << "; };" << "\n";
+ stream << " combo = { shadow = false; fade = " << (fadeWindows?"true":"false") << "; no-fading-openclose = " << (fadeWindows?"false":"true") << "; };" << "\n";
+ stream << " desktop = { shadow = false; fade = " << (fadeWindows?"true":"false") << "; no-fading-openclose = " << (fadeWindows?"false":"true") << "; };" << "\n";
+ stream << " dnd = { shadow = false; fade = " << (fadeWindows?"true":"false") << "; no-fading-openclose = " << (fadeWindows?"false":"true") << "; };" << "\n";
+ stream << " dock = { shadow = false; fade = " << (fadeWindows?"true":"false") << "; no-fading-openclose = " << (fadeWindows?"false":"true") << "; };" << "\n";
+ stream << "};" << "\n";
+ stream << "fade-in-step = " << (fadeInSpeed->value()/1000.0) << ";\n";
+ stream << "fade-out-step = " << (fadeOutSpeed->value()/1000.0) << ";\n";
+ stream << "backend = \"" << (useOpenGL->isChecked()?"glx":"xrender") << "\";\n";
+ stream << "vsync = \"" << (useOpenGL->isChecked()?"opengl":"none") << "\";\n";
+ stream << "blur-background = " << ((blurBackground->isChecked() && useOpenGL->isChecked())?"true":"false") << ";\n";
+ stream << "blur-background-fixed = true;\n";
+ stream << "blur-background-exclude = [\n";
+ stream << " \"window_type = 'dock'\",\n";
+ stream << " \"window_type = 'desktop'\"\n";
+ stream << "];\n";
+ stream << "greyscale-background = " << ((greyscaleBackground->isChecked() && useOpenGL->isChecked())?"true":"false") << ";\n";
+ // Global settings
+ stream << "no-dock-shadow = true;\n";
+ stream << "no-dnd-shadow = true;\n";
+ stream << "clear-shadow = true;\n";
+ stream << "shadow-ignore-shaped = false;\n";
+ // Features not currently supported by compton
+// stream << "DisableARGB = " << (disableARGB->isChecked()?"true":"false") << ";\n";
+ compton_conf_file_->close();
+ }
+ delete compton_conf_file_;
+ if (standAlone)
+ {
+ config->sync();
+ if ( !kapp->dcopClient()->isAttached() )
+ kapp->dcopClient()->attach();
+ kapp->dcopClient()->send("twin*", "", "reconfigure()", TQString(""));
+ }
+ if (useTranslucency->isChecked())
+ startKompmgr();
+ else
+ stopKompmgr();
+ emit TDECModule::changed(false);
+void KTranslucencyConfig::defaults()
+ if (!kompmgrAvailable_)
+ return;
+ useTranslucency->setChecked(false);
+ onlyDecoTranslucent->setChecked(false);
+ activeWindowTransparency->setChecked(false);
+ inactiveWindowTransparency->setChecked(false);
+ movingWindowTransparency->setChecked(false);
+ dockWindowTransparency->setChecked(false);
+ keepAboveAsActive->setChecked(true);
+ disableARGB->setChecked(false);
+ activeWindowOpacity->setValue(100);
+ inactiveWindowOpacity->setValue(75);
+ movingWindowOpacity->setValue(25);
+ dockWindowOpacity->setValue(80);
+ dockWindowShadowSize->setValue(0);
+ menuWindowShadowSize->setValue(1);
+ activeWindowShadowSize->setValue(2);
+ inactiveWindowShadowSize->setValue(1);
+ baseShadowSize->setValue(4);
+ shadowTopOffset->setValue(0);
+ shadowLeftOffset->setValue(0);
+ activeWindowOpacity->setEnabled(false);
+ inactiveWindowOpacity->setEnabled(false);
+ movingWindowOpacity->setEnabled(false);
+ dockWindowOpacity->setEnabled(false);
+ useShadows->setChecked(FALSE);
+ useShadowsOnMenuWindows->setChecked(TRUE);
+ useShadowsOnToolTipWindows->setChecked(TRUE);
+ removeShadowsOnMove->setChecked(FALSE);
+ removeShadowsOnResize->setChecked(FALSE);
+ shadowColor->setColor(Qt::black);
+ fadeInWindows->setChecked(FALSE);
+ fadeInMenuWindows->setChecked(TRUE);
+ fadeInToolTipWindows->setChecked(TRUE);
+ fadeOnOpacityChange->setChecked(FALSE);
+ fadeInSpeed->setValue(70);
+ fadeOutSpeed->setValue(70);
+ emit TDECModule::changed(true);
+bool KTranslucencyConfig::kompmgrAvailable()
+ bool ret;
+ TDEProcess proc;
+ proc << TDECompositor << "-v";
+ ret = proc.start(TDEProcess::DontCare, TDEProcess::AllOutput);
+ proc.detach();
+ return ret;
+void KTranslucencyConfig::startKompmgr()
+ kapp->dcopClient()->send("twin*", "", "startKompmgr()", TQString(""));
+void KTranslucencyConfig::stopKompmgr()
+ kapp->dcopClient()->send("twin*", "", "stopKompmgr()", TQString(""));
+void KTranslucencyConfig::showWarning(bool alphaActivated)
+// if (alphaActivated)
+// KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("<qt>Translucency support is new and may cause problems<br> including crashes (sometimes the translucency engine, seldom even X).</qt>"), i18n("Warning"));
+#include "windows.moc"