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<!-- Note: When updating this empty handbook, remember that usually most handbooks -->
<!-- use the book model rather than article. Feel free to use article if the new handbook -->
<!-- remains really short. -->

<article lang="&language;">
<title>Display Settings</title>



<date>Reviewed: &tde-release-date;</date>


This handbook describes user-specific display settings.



<sect1 id="apologies">
<title>We Apologize</title>
<para>No documentation has yet been written for this module.</para>

<para>If you need help, please check <ulink url="http://www.trinitydesktop.org">The &tde;
web site</ulink>, submit questions to the <ulink url="http://www.trinitydesktop.org/mailinglist.php">
&tde; mail lists</ulink>, or file a bug report at the <ulink url="http://bugs.trinitydesktop.org/">
&tde; bug tracker</ulink>.</para>

<para>If you are interested in helping, please consider writing the help file.
Submitting a basic text file is acceptable as the &tde-team; will convert the text.</para>

<para>Thank you for helping and thank you for your patience.</para>


