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<article id="history" lang="&language;">
<title>History Sidebar</title>



<date>Reviewed: &tde-release-date;</date>

<holder>Burkhard Lück</holder>

<keyword>system settings</keyword>


<sect1 id="history-sidebard">
<title>HIstory Sidebar</title>

This dialog allows you to configure the history sidebar.

The options in this section can be used to set the maximum size of your history and set a time after which
items are automatically removed. 
<!-- URLs expire after
Maximum number of URLs-->

<varlistentry><term><guilabel>Custom Fonts</guilabel></term>
Here you can also set different fonts for new and
old &URL;s by selecting the <guibutton>Choose Font</guibutton> button.
<!--URLs older than
URLs newer than-->

The <guilabel>Detailed tooltips</guilabel> check box controls how much
information is displayed when you hover the mouse pointer over an item in the
history page.</para>
<para>If checked the number of times visited and the dates of the first and last 
visits are shown, in addition to the URL.</para></listitem>


<para>Selecting <guibutton>Clear History</guibutton> will
clear out the entire history.

