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<article lang="&language;">

<title>Theme Manager</title>


<holder>Andrew Lake</holder>

<date>Reviewed: &tde-release-date;</date>

<keyword>System Settings</keyword>


<sect1 id="thememanager">
<title>Theme Manager</title>

<sect2 id="thememanager-introduction">

<para>Use this module to customize your desktop theme and to replace theme items
with items from other themes or from files.</para>

<para>A &tde; desktop theme uses several components or items. Desktop theme components
include the background, colors, widget style, icons, fonts, and the screen saver.</para>

<para>This module supports four basic functions: 1) applying themes, 2) installing themes,
3) creating new themes, and 4) removing themes.</para>


<sect2 id="thememanager-applytheme">
<title>Apply A Theme</title>

<para>In the <guibutton>Themes</guibutton> list box on the left is a list of premade
themes currently available on your computer. Use different themes by selecting themes
in the list and then selecting the <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> button.</para>

<para>When selecting a theme, a preview image will appear to the right of the list.</para>

<warning><para>Testing and creating new themes is fun but do know that themes are comprehensive
changes to the desktop. When applying a new theme, many related options are not restored
when reverting to the previous theme. Generally this is not important to many users who
accept all components of a theme, but to those who like to customize the desktop using
individual features, installing new themes will override many desktop customizations.
To avoid this result requires 1) saving the existing settings as a new theme, 2) manually
configuring and testing each setting one at a time, or 3) using a backup copy of your Trinity
profile directory ($TDEHOME, normally $HOME/.trinity).</para></warning>

<para>Select the <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> button to make the selection permanent.</para>


<sect2 id="thememanager-installnewtheme">
<title>Install A Theme</title>

<para>Use the <guilabel>Get new themes...</guilabel> link in the top right corner to download
additional themes from the Internet.</para>

<para>Use the <guibutton>Install New Theme...</guibutton> button to install new themes
downloaded or copied to your computer but not yet seen in the Themes list box. Using this
option installs themes to your user profile directory. After installing the theme then will
be listed in the <guibutton>Themes</guibutton> list box.</para>

<note><para>Using the link only downloads the themes to your computer. Use the <guibutton>Install New Theme...</guibutton> button to install the themes to your user profile directory ($TDEHOME).</para></note>

<para>When the new themes are in the <guibutton>Themes</guibutton> list box, select the theme and
then select the <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> button to make the selection permanent.</para>


<sect2 id="thememanager-createnewtheme">
<title>Create A New Theme</title>

<para>From the <guibutton>Themes</guibutton> list box, select a theme to be used as a base theme.</para>

<para>Next use the <guibutton>Create New Theme...</guibutton> button to provide the new theme a name.</para>

<para>Then use the big buttons at the bottom of the module to customize the items you want to change.
You can change the background, colors, widget style, icons, fonts, and the screen saver.</para>

<para>After creating your new masterpiece, select the <guibutton>Apply</guibutton>
button to make the selection permanent.</para>


<sect2 id="thememanager-removetheme">
<title>Remove A Theme</title>

<para>From the <guibutton>Themes</guibutton> list box, select a custom theme to remove.</para>

<note><para>The default system themes installed with &tde; cannot be removed.</para></note>

<para>When the theme is selected the <guibutton>Remove Theme</guibutton>
button will be enabled. Select the <guibutton>Remove Theme</guibutton> button. A confirmation dialog appears. Select the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button.</para>


