<sect1 id="fonts">


<title>Fonts - Installing and Configuring</title>


<para>Fonts are really easy to configure in &tde;. Open up the Control
Center (with <menuchoice><guimenu>TDE Menu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Control
Center</guimenuitem></menuchoice>) and choose
<guilabel>Font Installer</guilabel> in <guilabel>System
Administration</guilabel>in the tree view.</para>

<para>There are two kinds of fonts: Personal and Global fonts.
Personal fonts are only accessible to your user, whereas global fonts are
accessible to everyone. When you open the <application>Font
Installer</application>, you're in Personal mode (you can see this in
the <guilabel>Location</guilabel> bar). When you click on the <guibutton>Administrator Mode</guibutton>
button, and put the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> password,
you can access global mode, where you can change the fonts for every user on
this computer.</para>

<para>For the rest, there is no difference between those two kind of fonts.</para>


<para>There is a list of fonts in the center. Click on a font to see a preview.
In the toolbar on the top you have buttons to access the top directory,
refresh and change the view.</para>

<para>If you want to, you can organise your fonts in multiple directories, so that
you can easily find them later.</para>


<para>To install a font, click on the <guibutton>Add
Fonts...</guibutton> button. A file open dialog will appear where you can
choose your font.</para>

<para>Alternatively, you can drag fonts from &konqueror; to the
list. To remove a font, <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on it and
choose <guibutton>Delete</guibutton>.</para>

<para>Configuration (anti-aliasing)</para>

<para>tdefontinst and tdefontview should probably get a mention too, since
they don't seem to have any existing docs.</para>