<article lang="&language;" id="bzip2"> <title>bzip2</title> <articleinfo> <authorgroup> <author>&Lauri.Watts; &Lauri.Watts.mail;</author> <!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS --> </authorgroup> </articleinfo> <para>Bzip2 is a compression program</para> <para>The bzip2 kioslave is not directly usable, and is intended for use as a filter. For example, the tar kioslave can filter a file through the bzip2 kioslave, in order to display the contents of a <literal role="extension">tar.bz2</literal> file directly in a &konqueror; window.</para> <para>If you click on a file compressed with a <literal role="extension">.bz2</literal> in &konqueror;, this kioslave is used to uncompress it and display it as a normal (uncompressed) file.</para> <para>If you are a developer, and would like to use the bzip2 filter, you can find documentation on using kioslaves at <ulink url="http://developer.kde.org">http://developer.kde.org</ulink></para> <para> See the manual: <ulink url="man:/bzip2">bzip2</ulink>. </para> </article>