<article lang="&language;" id="nntp"> <title>nntp</title> <articleinfo> <authorgroup> <author>&Lauri.Watts; &Lauri.Watts.mail;</author> <!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS --> </authorgroup> </articleinfo> <para>The nntp kioslave accesses <acronym>NNTP</acronym> servers directly.</para> <para>This kioslave can not be used with servers that do not implement the <command>GROUP</command> command, including some versions of the popular <application>INN</application> news server which is often used by <acronym>ISP</acronym>s. It does work with <application>leafnode</application>, which many people use to keep an offline cache of news articles on their own hard drive or within their <acronym>LAN</acronym>.</para> <para>You can use the nntp kioslave by typing <userinput>nntp://yourserver/groupname</userinput> into the &konqueror; <acronym>URL</acronym> bar.</para> <para>If you enter a group name, as above, and the group is available, you will see the messages stored for that group as icons in &konqueror;.</para> <para>Clicking on a message will display it as plain text, including all headers. This could be useful for debugging a news client to news server connection, for example, to ensure that your new <application>leafnode</application> server is working correctly.</para> <para>If you don't enter a group name, and only the server name, you will see a list of available groups.</para> <para>Please be aware that this could take an enormous amount of time, and will cause a lot of network traffic. Some commercial usenet servers have 60,000 or more groups available, and doing such a thing may cause your desktop to freeze.</para> </article>