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<article lang="&language;" id="fish">


<date>Reviewed: &tde-release-date;</date>


This handbook describes the fish protocol.



<para>Allows you to access another computer's files using the Secure Shell (<acronym>SSH</acronym>) protocol.
The remote computer needs to be running the <acronym>SSH</acronym> daemon, but the remainder of the protocol
uses standard command line tools.</para>

<para>You can use the fish tdeioslave like this:
<userinput>fish://<replaceable>hostname</replaceable></userinput> or <userinput>fish://<replaceable>username

<note><para>You need to use double forward slashes.</para></note>

<para>You can omit the <replaceable>username</replaceable> (and the trailing
@ symbol) when using the same username on both computers.</para>

<para>You can add a password in the format:
hostname</replaceable></userinput> but it is not necessary as you will be prompted for one if it is not

<para>When you are running the <acronym>SSH</acronym> daemon on a non-standard
port, you can specify that port using the normal &URL; syntax as shown below:

<para>Fish should work with any roughly <acronym>POSIX</acronym> compatible
&UNIX; based remote computer. It uses the shell commands
<command>cat</command>, <command>chgrp</command>,
<command>chmod</command>, <command>chown</command>,
<command>cp</command>, <command>dd</command>,
<command>env</command>, <command>expr</command>,
<command>grep</command>, <command>ls</command>,
<command>mkdir</command>, <command>mv</command>,
<command>rm</command>, <command>rmdir</command>,
and <command>wc</command>. Fish starts
<command>/bin/sh</command> as its shell and expects it to be a
Bourne shell (or compatible, like <command>bash</command>).
If the <command>sed</command> and
<command>file</command> commands are available, as well as a
<filename>/etc/apache/magic</filename> file with &MIME; type
signatures, these will be used to guess &MIME; types.

<para>If <application>Perl</application> is available on the remote
machine, it will be used instead. Then only <command>env</command> and
<command>/bin/sh</command> are needed. Using
<application>Perl</application> has the additional benefit of being

<para>Fish might even work on &Windows; machines, if tools like
<application>Cygwin</application> are installed. All the above
utilities must be in the system <envar>PATH</envar>, and the initial
shell must be able to process the command <command>echo
FISH:;/bin/sh</command> correctly.</para>
