<article lang="&language;" id="smb"> <title>SMB</title> <articleinfo> <authorgroup> <author>&Alexander.Neundorf; &Alexander.Neundorf.mail;</author> <!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS --> </authorgroup> </articleinfo> <para> The smb ioslave enables you to browse the shares of a &Windows; (or Samba) network. </para> <para> To see the workgroups, enter <userinput><command>smb:/</command></userinput>. </para> <para> <userinput><command>smb://</command><replaceable>a_workgroup</replaceable></userinput> will list the hosts in this workgroup. </para> <para> To see the shares of a host, enter <userinput><command>smb://</command><replaceable>the_host</replaceable></userinput> or <userinput><command>smb:/</command><replaceable>a_workgroup</replaceable>/<replaceable>the_host</replaceable></userinput>. </para> <para> To access a share directly enter <userinput><command>smb://</command><replaceable>the_host/the_share</replaceable></userinput> or <userinput><command>smb:/</command><replaceable>a_workgroup</replaceable>/<replaceable>the_host</replaceable>/<replaceable>the_share</replaceable></userinput> </para> <para> The smb ioslave requires that you have libsmbclient to use this ioslave. </para> <para> You can set your default user name and password in the &kcontrol; in <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Network</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Windows Shares</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. This is especially useful if you are a member of a &Windows; <acronym>NT</acronym> domain. There you can also set your workgroup name, but in most cases this is not required. The tdeioslave will ask for your username and password if a default is not set. </para> <para> This ioslave is tested and developed using mainly Samba 2.0.7, but other versions of Samba should work too. </para> <para> Author: Alexander Neundorf <email>neundorf@kde.org</email> </para> </article>