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<date>Reviewed: &tde-release-date;</date>


This handbook describes the system protocol.



<para>The system protocol provides direct access to several &tde; system related protocols:

<para><guilabel>Documents Folder</guilabel>. This is the same as the special
<guilabel>My Documents</guilabel> desktop icon.</para>
<para><guilabel>Home Folder</guilabel>. This is the same as $HOME or selecting
the Home button in &konqueror;.</para>
<para><guilabel>Remote Places</guilabel>. This is the same as the special
<guilabel>My Network Places</guilabel> desktop icon or using the
<ulink url="help:/tdeioslave/remote">remote</ulink> protocol.</para>
<para><guilabel>Storage Media</guilabel>. This is the same as the special
<guilabel>My Computer</guilabel> desktop icon.</para>
<para><guilabel>Trash</guilabel>. This is the same as the special
<guilabel>Trash</guilabel> desktop icon or panel applet, or using the
<ulink url="help:/tdeioslave/trash">trash</ulink> protocol.</para>
<para><guilabel>User Folders</guilabel>. This is the same as using the
<ulink url="help:/tdeioslave/home">home</ulink> protocol.</para>

