/* This file is part of the KDE project
   Copyright (C) 2001 Christoph Cullmann <cullmann@kde.org>
   Copyright (C) 2001 Joseph Wenninger <jowenn@kde.org>
   Copyright (C) 2001 Anders Lund <anders.lund@lund.tdcadsl.dk>

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

//BEGIN Includes
#include "katefilelist.h"
#include "katefilelist.moc"

#include "katedocmanager.h"
#include "kateviewmanager.h"
#include "katemainwindow.h"

#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <qheader.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qhbox.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qgroupbox.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>

#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
#include <kpassivepopup.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kstringhandler.h>
#include <kcolorbutton.h>
#include <kdialog.h>
//END Includes

//BEGIN ToolTip
class ToolTip : public QToolTip
    ToolTip( QWidget *parent, KateFileList *lv )
      : QToolTip( parent ),
    m_listView( lv )
    virtual ~ToolTip() {};

    void maybeTip( const QPoint &pos )
      QListViewItem *i = m_listView->itemAt( pos );
      if ( ! i ) return;

      KateFileListItem *item = ((KateFileListItem*)i);
      if ( ! item ) return;

      tip( m_listView->itemRect( i ), m_listView->tooltip( item, 0 ) );


    KateFileList *m_listView;

//END ToolTip

//BEGIN KateFileList
KateFileList::KateFileList (KateMainWindow *main,
                            KateViewManager *_viewManager,
                            QWidget * parent, const char * name )
    :  KListView (parent, name)
    , m_sort( KateFileList::sortByID )
  m_main = main;
  m_tooltip = new ToolTip( viewport(), this );

  // default colors
  m_viewShade = QColor( 51, 204, 255 );
  m_editShade = QColor( 255, 102, 153 );
  m_enableBgShading = false;

  setFocusPolicy ( QWidget::NoFocus  );

  viewManager = _viewManager;

  addColumn("Document Name");

  setSelectionMode( QListView::Single );
  setSorting( 0, true );
  setShowToolTips( false );

  setupActions ();

  for (uint i = 0; i < KateDocManager::self()->documents(); i++)
    slotDocumentCreated (KateDocManager::self()->document(i));
    slotModChanged (KateDocManager::self()->document(i));

  connect(KateDocManager::self(),SIGNAL(documentCreated(Kate::Document *)),
	  this,SLOT(slotDocumentCreated(Kate::Document *)));

  // don't Honour KDE single/double click setting, this files are already open,
  // no need for hassle of considering double-click
  connect(this,SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QListViewItem *)),
	  this,SLOT(slotActivateView(QListViewItem *)));
  connect(viewManager,SIGNAL(viewChanged()), this,SLOT(slotViewChanged()));
  connect(this,SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int )),
	  this,SLOT(slotMenu ( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int )));

KateFileList::~KateFileList ()
  delete m_tooltip;

void KateFileList::setupActions ()
  windowNext = KStdAction::back(this, SLOT(slotPrevDocument()), m_main->actionCollection());
  windowPrev = KStdAction::forward(this, SLOT(slotNextDocument()), m_main->actionCollection());
  sortAction = new KSelectAction( i18n("Sort &By"), 0,
      m_main->actionCollection(), "filelist_sortby"  );
  QStringList l;
  l << i18n("Opening Order") << i18n("Document Name") << i18n("URL");
  sortAction->setItems( l );
  connect( sortAction, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(setSortType(int)) );

void KateFileList::updateActions ()
  windowNext->setEnabled(KateDocManager::self()->documents()  > 1);
  windowPrev->setEnabled(KateDocManager::self()->documents()  > 1);

void KateFileList::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) {
  if ( ( e->key() == Key_Return ) || ( e->key() == Key_Enter ) )
    slotActivateView( currentItem() );

// Protect single mode selection: don't let them
// leftclick outside items.
// ### if we get to accept keyboard navigation, set focus before
// returning
void KateFileList::contentsMousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
  if ( ! itemAt( contentsToViewport( e->pos() ) ) )

  KListView::contentsMousePressEvent( e );

void KateFileList::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *e )
  KListView::resizeEvent( e );

  // ### We may want to actually calculate the widest field,
  // since it's not automatically scrinked. If I add support for
  // tree or marks, the changes of the required width will vary
  // a lot with opening/closing of files and display changes for
  // the mark branches.
  int w = viewport()->width();
  if ( columnWidth( 0 ) < w )
    setColumnWidth( 0, w );

void KateFileList::slotNextDocument()
  if ( ! currentItem() || childCount() == 0 )

  // ### more checking once more item types are added

  if ( currentItem()->nextSibling() )
    viewManager->activateView( ((KateFileListItem*)currentItem()->nextSibling())->documentNumber() );
    viewManager->activateView( ((KateFileListItem *)firstChild())->documentNumber() );

void KateFileList::slotPrevDocument()
  if ( ! currentItem() || childCount() == 0 )

  // ### more checking once more item types are added

  if ( currentItem()->itemAbove() )
    viewManager->activateView( ((KateFileListItem*)currentItem()->itemAbove())->documentNumber() );
    viewManager->activateView( ((KateFileListItem *)lastItem())->documentNumber() );

void KateFileList::slotDocumentCreated (Kate::Document *doc)
  new KateFileListItem( this, doc/*, doc->documentNumber()*/ );
  connect(doc,SIGNAL(modStateChanged(Kate::Document *)),this,SLOT(slotModChanged(Kate::Document *)));
  connect(doc,SIGNAL(nameChanged(Kate::Document *)),this,SLOT(slotNameChanged(Kate::Document *)));
  connect(doc,SIGNAL(modifiedOnDisc(Kate::Document *, bool, unsigned char)),this,SLOT(slotModifiedOnDisc(Kate::Document *, bool, unsigned char)));

  updateActions ();

void KateFileList::slotDocumentDeleted (uint documentNumber)
  QListViewItem * item = firstChild();
  while( item ) {
    if ( ((KateFileListItem *)item)->documentNumber() == documentNumber )
//       m_viewHistory.removeRef( (KateFileListItem *)item );
//       m_editHistory.removeRef( (KateFileListItem *)item );

      removeItem( item );

    item = item->nextSibling();

  updateActions ();

void KateFileList::slotActivateView( QListViewItem *item )
  if ( ! item || item->rtti() != RTTI_KateFileListItem )

  viewManager->activateView( ((KateFileListItem *)item)->documentNumber() );

void KateFileList::slotModChanged (Kate::Document *doc)
  if (!doc) return;

  QListViewItem * item = firstChild();
  while( item )
    if ( ((KateFileListItem *)item)->documentNumber() == doc->documentNumber() )

    item = item->nextSibling();

  if ( ((KateFileListItem *)item)->document()->isModified() )
    m_editHistory.removeRef( (KateFileListItem *)item );
    m_editHistory.prepend( (KateFileListItem *)item );

    for ( uint i=0; i <  m_editHistory.count(); i++ )
      m_editHistory.at( i )->setEditHistPos( i+1 );
      repaintItem(  m_editHistory.at( i ) );
    repaintItem( item );

void KateFileList::slotModifiedOnDisc (Kate::Document *doc, bool, unsigned char)
  slotModChanged( doc );

void KateFileList::slotNameChanged (Kate::Document *doc)
  if (!doc) return;

  // ### using nextSibling to *only* look at toplevel items.
  // child items could be marks for example
  QListViewItem * item = firstChild();
  while( item ) {
    if ( ((KateFileListItem*)item)->document() == doc )
      item->setText( 0, doc->docName() );
      repaintItem( item );
    item = item->nextSibling();

void KateFileList::slotViewChanged ()
  if (!viewManager->activeView()) return;

  Kate::View *view = viewManager->activeView();
  uint dn = view->getDoc()->documentNumber();

  QListViewItem * i = firstChild();
  while( i ) {
    if ( ((KateFileListItem *)i)->documentNumber() == dn )
    i = i->nextSibling();

  if ( ! i )

  KateFileListItem *item = (KateFileListItem*)i;
  setCurrentItem( item );

  // ### During load of file lists, all the loaded views gets active.
  // Do something to avoid shading them -- maybe not creating views, just
  // open the documents???

//   int p = 0;
//   if (  m_viewHistory.count() )
//   {
//     int p =  m_viewHistory.findRef( item ); // only repaint items that needs it
//   }

  m_viewHistory.removeRef( item );
  m_viewHistory.prepend( item );

  for ( uint i=0; i <  m_viewHistory.count(); i++ )
    m_viewHistory.at( i )->setViewHistPos( i+1 );
    repaintItem(  m_viewHistory.at( i ) );


void KateFileList::slotMenu ( QListViewItem *item, const QPoint &p, int /*col*/ )
  if (!item)

  QPopupMenu *menu = (QPopupMenu*) ((viewManager->mainWindow())->factory()->container("filelist_popup", viewManager->mainWindow()));

  if (menu)

QString KateFileList::tooltip( QListViewItem *item, int )
  KateFileListItem *i = ((KateFileListItem*)item);
  if ( ! i ) return QString::null;

  QString str;
  const KateDocumentInfo *info = KateDocManager::self()->documentInfo(i->document());

  if (info && info->modifiedOnDisc)
    if (info->modifiedOnDiscReason == 1)
      str += i18n("<b>This file was changed (modified) on disk by another program.</b><br />");
    else if (info->modifiedOnDiscReason == 2)
      str += i18n("<b>This file was changed (created) on disk by another program.</b><br />");
    else if (info->modifiedOnDiscReason == 3)
      str += i18n("<b>This file was changed (deleted) on disk by another program.</b><br />");

  str += i->document()->url().prettyURL();
  return str;

void KateFileList::setSortType (int s)
  m_sort = s;
  updateSort ();

void KateFileList::updateSort ()
  sort ();

void KateFileList::readConfig( KConfig *config, const QString &group )
  QString oldgroup = config->group();
  config->setGroup( group );

  setSortType( config->readNumEntry( "Sort Type", sortByID ) );
  m_viewShade = config->readColorEntry( "View Shade", &m_viewShade );
  m_editShade = config->readColorEntry( "Edit Shade", &m_editShade );
  m_enableBgShading = config->readBoolEntry( "Shading Enabled", &m_enableBgShading );

  sortAction->setCurrentItem( sortType() );

  config->setGroup( oldgroup );

void KateFileList::writeConfig( KConfig *config, const QString &group )
  QString oldgroup = config->group();
  config->setGroup( group );

  config->writeEntry( "Sort Type", m_sort );
  config->writeEntry( "View Shade", m_viewShade );
  config->writeEntry( "Edit Shade", m_editShade );
  config->writeEntry( "Shading Enabled", m_enableBgShading );

  config->setGroup( oldgroup );

void KateFileList::takeItem( QListViewItem *item )
  if ( item->rtti() == RTTI_KateFileListItem )
    m_editHistory.removeRef( (KateFileListItem*)item );
    m_viewHistory.removeRef( (KateFileListItem*)item );
  QListView::takeItem( item );
//END KateFileList

//BEGIN KateFileListItem
KateFileListItem::KateFileListItem( QListView* lv,
				    Kate::Document *_doc )
  : QListViewItem( lv, _doc->docName() ),
    doc( _doc ),
    m_viewhistpos( 0 ),
    m_edithistpos( 0 ),
    m_docNumber( _doc->documentNumber() )


const QPixmap *KateFileListItem::pixmap ( int column ) const
  if ( column == 0) {
    static QPixmap noPm = SmallIcon ("null");
    static QPixmap modPm = SmallIcon("modified");
    static QPixmap discPm = SmallIcon("modonhd");
    static QPixmap modmodPm = SmallIcon("modmod");

    const KateDocumentInfo *info = KateDocManager::self()->documentInfo(doc);

    if (info && info->modifiedOnDisc)
      return doc->isModified() ? &modmodPm : &discPm;
      return doc->isModified() ? &modPm : &noPm;

  return 0;

void KateFileListItem::paintCell( QPainter *painter, const QColorGroup & cg, int column, int width, int align )
  KateFileList *fl = (KateFileList*)listView();
  if ( ! fl ) return;

  if ( column == 0 )
    QColorGroup cgNew = cg;

    // replace the base color with a different shading if necessary...
    if ( fl->shadingEnabled() && m_viewhistpos > 1 )
      QColor b( cg.base() );

      QColor shade = fl->viewShade();
      QColor eshade = fl->editShade();
      int hc = fl->histCount();
      // If this file is in the edit history, blend in the eshade
      // color. The blend is weighted by the position in the editing history
      if ( fl->shadingEnabled() && m_edithistpos > 0 )
        int ec = fl->editHistCount();
        int v = hc-m_viewhistpos;
        int e = ec-m_edithistpos+1;
        e = e*e;
        int n = QMAX(v + e, 1);
            ((shade.red()*v) + (eshade.red()*e))/n,
            ((shade.green()*v) + (eshade.green()*e))/n,
            ((shade.blue()*v) + (eshade.blue()*e))/n
      // blend in the shade color.
      // max transperancy < .5, latest is most colored.
      float t = (0.5/hc)*(hc-m_viewhistpos+1);
          (int)((b.red()*(1-t)) + (shade.red()*t)),
          (int)((b.green()*(1-t)) + (shade.green()*t)),
          (int)((b.blue()*(1-t)) + (shade.blue()*t))

      cgNew.setColor(QColorGroup::Base, b);

    QListViewItem::paintCell( painter, cgNew, column, width, align );
    QListViewItem::paintCell( painter, cg, column, width, align );

int KateFileListItem::compare ( QListViewItem * i, int col, bool ascending ) const
  if ( i->rtti() == RTTI_KateFileListItem )
    switch( ((KateFileList*)listView())->sortType() )
      case KateFileList::sortByID:

        int d = (int)doc->documentNumber() - ((KateFileListItem*)i)->documentNumber();
        return ascending ? d : -d;
      case KateFileList::sortByURL:
        return doc->url().prettyURL().compare( ((KateFileListItem*)i)->document()->url().prettyURL() );
        return QListViewItem::compare( i, col, ascending );
  return 0;
//END KateFileListItem

//BEGIN KFLConfigPage
KFLConfigPage::KFLConfigPage( QWidget* parent, const char *name, KateFileList *fl )
  :  Kate::ConfigPage( parent, name ),
    m_filelist( fl ),
    m_changed( false )
  QVBoxLayout *lo1 = new QVBoxLayout( this );
  int spacing = KDialog::spacingHint();
  lo1->setSpacing( spacing );

  QGroupBox *gb = new QGroupBox( 1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Background Shading"), this );
  lo1->addWidget( gb );

  QWidget *g = new QWidget( gb );
  QGridLayout *lo = new QGridLayout( g, 2, 2 );
  lo->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
  cbEnableShading = new QCheckBox( i18n("&Enable background shading"), g );
  lo->addMultiCellWidget( cbEnableShading, 1, 1, 0, 1 );

  kcbViewShade = new KColorButton( g );
  lViewShade = new QLabel( kcbViewShade, i18n("&Viewed documents' shade:"), g );
  lo->addWidget( lViewShade, 2, 0 );
  lo->addWidget( kcbViewShade, 2, 1 );

  kcbEditShade = new KColorButton( g );
  lEditShade = new QLabel( kcbEditShade, i18n("&Modified documents' shade:"), g );
  lo->addWidget( lEditShade, 3, 0 );
  lo->addWidget( kcbEditShade, 3, 1 );

  // sorting
  QHBox *hbSorting = new QHBox( this );
  lo1->addWidget( hbSorting );
  lSort = new QLabel( i18n("&Sort by:"), hbSorting );
  cmbSort = new QComboBox( hbSorting );
  lSort->setBuddy( cmbSort );
  QStringList l;
  l << i18n("Opening Order") << i18n("Document Name") << i18n("URL");
  cmbSort->insertStringList( l );

  lo1->insertStretch( -1, 10 );

  QWhatsThis::add( cbEnableShading, i18n(
      "When background shading is enabled, documents that have been viewed "
      "or edited within the current session will have a shaded background. "
      "The most recent documents have the strongest shade.") );
  QWhatsThis::add( kcbViewShade, i18n(
      "Set the color for shading viewed documents.") );
  QWhatsThis::add( kcbEditShade, i18n(
      "Set the color for modified documents. This color is blended into "
      "the color for viewed files. The most recently edited documents get "
      "most of this color.") );

  QWhatsThis::add( cmbSort, i18n(
      "Set the sorting method for the documents.") );


  connect( cbEnableShading, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotMyChanged()) );
  connect( cbEnableShading, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotEnableChanged()) );
  connect( kcbViewShade, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(slotMyChanged()) );
  connect( kcbEditShade, SIGNAL(changed(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(slotMyChanged()) );
  connect( cmbSort, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotMyChanged()) );

void KFLConfigPage::apply()
  if ( ! m_changed )
  m_changed = false;

  // Change settings in the filelist
  m_filelist->m_viewShade = kcbViewShade->color();
  m_filelist->m_editShade = kcbEditShade->color();
  m_filelist->m_enableBgShading = cbEnableShading->isChecked();
  m_filelist->setSortType( cmbSort->currentItem() );
  // repaint the affected items

void KFLConfigPage::reload()
  // read in from config file
  KConfig *config = kapp->config();
  config->setGroup( "Filelist" );
  cbEnableShading->setChecked( config->readBoolEntry("Shading Enabled", &m_filelist->m_enableBgShading ) );
  kcbViewShade->setColor( config->readColorEntry("View Shade", &m_filelist->m_viewShade ) );
  kcbEditShade->setColor( config->readColorEntry("Edit Shade", &m_filelist->m_editShade ) );
  cmbSort->setCurrentItem( m_filelist->sortType() );
  m_changed = false;

void KFLConfigPage::slotEnableChanged()
  kcbViewShade->setEnabled( cbEnableShading->isChecked() );
  kcbEditShade->setEnabled( cbEnableShading->isChecked() );
  lViewShade->setEnabled( cbEnableShading->isChecked() );
  lEditShade->setEnabled( cbEnableShading->isChecked() );

void KFLConfigPage::slotMyChanged()
  m_changed = true;

//END KFLConfigPage

// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;