/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2001 Christoph Cullmann <cullmann@kde.org> Copyright (C) 2001 Joseph Wenninger <jowenn@kde.org> Copyright (C) 2001, 2004 Anders Lund <anders.lund@lund.tdcadsl.dk> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kategrepdialog.h" #include "katemainwindow.h" #include <qobject.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qevent.h> #include <qlistbox.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <qwhatsthis.h> #include <qcursor.h> #include <kapplication.h> #include <kaccelmanager.h> #include <kbuttonbox.h> #include <kfiledialog.h> #include <kprocess.h> #include <kapplication.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kpushbutton.h> #include <kurlrequester.h> #include <kurlcompletion.h> #include <kcombobox.h> #include <klineedit.h> const char *template_desc[] = { "normal", "assignment", "->MEMBER(", "class::MEMBER(", "OBJECT->member(", 0 }; const char *strTemplate[] = { "%s", "\\<%s\\>[\t ]*=[^=]", "\\->[\\t ]*\\<%s\\>[\\t ]*(", "[a-z0-9_$]\\+[\\t ]*::[\\t ]*\\<%s\\>[\\t ]*(", "\\<%s\\>[\\t ]*\\->[\\t ]*[a-z0-9_$]\\+[\\t ]*(", 0 }; GrepTool::GrepTool(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QWidget(parent, name/*, false*/), m_fixFocus(true), childproc(0) { setCaption(i18n("Find in Files")); config = KGlobal::config(); config->setGroup("GrepTool"); lastSearchItems = config->readListEntry("LastSearchItems"); lastSearchPaths = config->readListEntry("LastSearchPaths"); lastSearchFiles = config->readListEntry("LastSearchFiles"); if( lastSearchFiles.isEmpty() ) { // if there are no entries, most probably the first Kate start. // Initialize with default values. lastSearchFiles << "*.h,*.hxx,*.cpp,*.cc,*.C,*.cxx,*.idl,*.c" << "*.cpp,*.cc,*.C,*.cxx,*.c" << "*.h,*.hxx,*.idl" << "*"; } QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout(this, 6, 3, 4, 4); layout->setColStretch(0, 10); layout->addColSpacing(1, 10); layout->setColStretch(1, 0); layout->setColStretch(2, 1); layout->setRowStretch(1, 0); layout->setRowStretch(2, 10); layout->setRowStretch(4, 0); QGridLayout *loInput = new QGridLayout(4, 2, 4); layout->addLayout(loInput, 0, 0); loInput->setColStretch(0, 0); loInput->setColStretch(1, 20); QLabel *lPattern = new QLabel(i18n("Pattern:"), this); lPattern->setFixedSize(lPattern->sizeHint()); loInput->addWidget(lPattern, 0, 0, AlignRight | AlignVCenter); QBoxLayout *loPattern = new QHBoxLayout( 4 ); loInput->addLayout( loPattern, 0, 1 ); cmbPattern = new KComboBox(true, this); cmbPattern->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); cmbPattern->insertStringList(lastSearchItems); cmbPattern->setEditText(QString::null); cmbPattern->setInsertionPolicy(QComboBox::NoInsertion); lPattern->setBuddy(cmbPattern); cmbPattern->setFocus(); cmbPattern->setMinimumSize(cmbPattern->sizeHint()); loPattern->addWidget( cmbPattern ); cbCasesensitive = new QCheckBox(i18n("Case sensitive"), this); cbCasesensitive->setMinimumWidth(cbCasesensitive->sizeHint().width()); cbCasesensitive->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("CaseSensitive", true)); loPattern->addWidget(cbCasesensitive); cbRegex = new QCheckBox( i18n("Regular expression"), this ); cbRegex->setMinimumWidth( cbRegex->sizeHint().width() ); cbRegex->setChecked( config->readBoolEntry( "Regex", true ) ); loPattern->addWidget( cbRegex ); loPattern->setStretchFactor( cmbPattern, 100 ); QLabel *lTemplate = new QLabel(i18n("Template:"), this); lTemplate->setFixedSize(lTemplate->sizeHint()); loInput->addWidget(lTemplate, 1, 0, AlignRight | AlignVCenter); QBoxLayout *loTemplate = new QHBoxLayout(4); loInput->addLayout(loTemplate, 1, 1); leTemplate = new KLineEdit(this); lTemplate->setBuddy(leTemplate); leTemplate->setText(strTemplate[0]); leTemplate->setMinimumSize(leTemplate->sizeHint()); loTemplate->addWidget(leTemplate); KComboBox *cmbTemplate = new KComboBox(false, this); cmbTemplate->insertStrList(template_desc); cmbTemplate->adjustSize(); cmbTemplate->setFixedSize(cmbTemplate->size()); loTemplate->addWidget(cmbTemplate); QLabel *lFiles = new QLabel(i18n("Files:"), this); lFiles->setFixedSize(lFiles->sizeHint()); loInput->addWidget(lFiles, 2, 0, AlignRight | AlignVCenter); cmbFiles = new KComboBox(true, this); lFiles->setBuddy(cmbFiles->focusProxy()); cmbFiles->setMinimumSize(cmbFiles->sizeHint()); cmbFiles->setInsertionPolicy(QComboBox::NoInsertion); cmbFiles->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); cmbFiles->insertStringList(lastSearchFiles); loInput->addWidget(cmbFiles, 2, 1); QLabel *lDir = new QLabel(i18n("Folder:"), this); lDir->setFixedSize(lDir->sizeHint()); loInput->addWidget(lDir, 3, 0, AlignRight | AlignVCenter); QBoxLayout *loDir = new QHBoxLayout(3); loInput->addLayout(loDir, 3, 1); KComboBox* cmbUrl = new KComboBox(true, this); cmbUrl->setMinimumWidth(80); // make sure that 800x600 res works cmbUrl->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); cmbUrl->setInsertionPolicy(QComboBox::NoInsertion); cmbDir = new KURLRequester( cmbUrl, this, "dir combo" ); cmbDir->completionObject()->setMode(KURLCompletion::DirCompletion); cmbDir->comboBox()->insertStringList(lastSearchPaths); cmbDir->setMode( KFile::Directory|KFile::LocalOnly ); loDir->addWidget(cmbDir, 1); lDir->setBuddy(cmbDir); cbRecursive = new QCheckBox(i18n("Recursive"), this); cbRecursive->setMinimumWidth(cbRecursive->sizeHint().width()); cbRecursive->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("Recursive", true)); loDir->addWidget(cbRecursive); KButtonBox *actionbox = new KButtonBox(this, Qt::Vertical); layout->addWidget(actionbox, 0, 2); actionbox->addStretch(); btnSearch = static_cast<KPushButton*>(actionbox->addButton(KGuiItem(i18n("Find"),"find"))); btnSearch->setDefault(true); btnClear = static_cast<KPushButton*>(actionbox->addButton( KStdGuiItem::clear() )); actionbox->addStretch(); actionbox->layout(); lbResult = new QListBox(this); QFontMetrics rb_fm(lbResult->fontMetrics()); layout->addMultiCellWidget(lbResult, 2, 2, 0, 2); layout->activate(); KAcceleratorManager::manage( this ); QWhatsThis::add(lPattern, i18n("<p>Enter the expression you want to search for here." "<p>If 'regular expression' is unchecked, any non-space letters in your " "expression will be escaped with a backslash character." "<p>Possible meta characters are:<br>" "<b>.</b> - Matches any character<br>" "<b>^</b> - Matches the beginning of a line<br>" "<b>$</b> - Matches the end of a line<br>" "<b>\\<</b> - Matches the beginning of a word<br>" "<b>\\></b> - Matches the end of a word" "<p>The following repetition operators exist:<br>" "<b>?</b> - The preceding item is matched at most once<br>" "<b>*</b> - The preceding item is matched zero or more times<br>" "<b>+</b> - The preceding item is matched one or more times<br>" "<b>{<i>n</i>}</b> - The preceding item is matched exactly <i>n</i> times<br>" "<b>{<i>n</i>,}</b> - The preceding item is matched <i>n</i> or more times<br>" "<b>{,<i>n</i>}</b> - The preceding item is matched at most <i>n</i> times<br>" "<b>{<i>n</i>,<i>m</i>}</b> - The preceding item is matched at least <i>n</i>, " "but at most <i>m</i> times." "<p>Furthermore, backreferences to bracketed subexpressions are available " "via the notation <code>\\#</code>." "<p>See the grep(1) documentation for the full documentation." )); QWhatsThis::add(lFiles, i18n("Enter the file name pattern of the files to search here.\n" "You may give several patterns separated by commas.")); QWhatsThis::add(lTemplate, i18n("You can choose a template for the pattern from the combo box\n" "and edit it here. The string %s in the template is replaced\n" "by the pattern input field, resulting in the regular expression\n" "to search for.")); QWhatsThis::add(lDir, i18n("Enter the folder which contains the files in which you want to search.")); QWhatsThis::add(cbRecursive, i18n("Check this box to search in all subfolders.")); QWhatsThis::add(cbCasesensitive, i18n("If this option is enabled (the default), the search will be case sensitive.")); QWhatsThis::add( cbRegex, i18n( "<p>If this is enabled, your pattern will be passed unmodified to " "<em>grep(1)</em>. Otherwise, all characters that are not letters will be " "escaped using a backslash character to prevent grep from interpreting " "them as part of the expression.") ); QWhatsThis::add(lbResult, i18n("The results of the grep run are listed here. Select a\n" "filename/line number combination and press Enter or doubleclick\n" "on the item to show the respective line in the editor.")); // event filter, do something relevant for RETURN cmbPattern->installEventFilter( this ); leTemplate->installEventFilter( this ); cmbFiles->installEventFilter( this ); cmbDir->comboBox()->installEventFilter( this ); connect( cmbTemplate, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(templateActivated(int)) ); connect( lbResult, SIGNAL(selected(const QString&)), SLOT(itemSelected(const QString&)) ); connect( btnSearch, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotSearch()) ); connect( btnClear, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotClear()) ); connect( cmbPattern->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged ( const QString & )), SLOT( patternTextChanged( const QString & ))); patternTextChanged( cmbPattern->lineEdit()->text()); } GrepTool::~GrepTool() { delete childproc; } void GrepTool::patternTextChanged( const QString & _text) { btnSearch->setEnabled( !_text.isEmpty() ); } void GrepTool::templateActivated(int index) { leTemplate->setText(strTemplate[index]); } void GrepTool::itemSelected(const QString& item) { int pos; QString filename, linenumber; QString str = item; if ( (pos = str.find(':')) != -1) { filename = str.left(pos); str = str.mid(pos+1); if ( (pos = str.find(':')) != -1) { filename = m_workingDir + QDir::separator() + filename; linenumber = str.left(pos); emit itemSelected(filename,linenumber.toInt()-1); } } } void GrepTool::processOutput() { int pos; while ( (pos = buf.find('\n')) != -1) { QString item = buf.mid(2,pos-2); if (!item.isEmpty()) lbResult->insertItem(item); buf = buf.mid(pos+1); } kapp->processEvents(); } void GrepTool::slotSearch() { if ( cmbPattern->currentText().isEmpty() ) { cmbPattern->setFocus(); return; } if ( cmbDir->url().isEmpty() || ! QDir(cmbDir->url()).exists() ) { cmbDir->setFocus(); KMessageBox::information( this, i18n( "You must enter an existing local folder in the 'Folder' entry."), i18n("Invalid Folder"), "Kate grep tool: invalid folder" ); return; } if ( ! leTemplate->text().contains("%s") ) { leTemplate->setFocus(); return; } if ( childproc && childproc->isRunning() ) { childproc->kill(); return; } slotClear (); m_workingDir = cmbDir->url(); QString s = cmbPattern->currentText(); if ( ! cbRegex->isChecked() ) s.replace( QRegExp( "([^\\w'()<>])" ), "\\\\1" ); QString pattern = leTemplate->text(); pattern.replace( "%s", s ); childproc = new KProcess(); childproc->setWorkingDirectory( m_workingDir ); *childproc << "find" << "."; if (!cbRecursive->isChecked()) *childproc << "-maxdepth" << "1"; if (!cmbFiles->currentText().isEmpty() ) { QStringList files = QStringList::split ( ",", cmbFiles->currentText(), FALSE ); *childproc << "("; bool first = true; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it ) { if (!first) *childproc << "-o"; *childproc << "-name" << (*it); first = false; } *childproc << ")"; } *childproc << "-exec" << "grep"; if (!cbCasesensitive->isChecked()) *childproc << "-i"; *childproc << "-n" << "-e" << pattern << "{}"; *childproc << "/dev/null"; //trick to have grep always display the filename *childproc << ";"; connect( childproc, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess *)), SLOT(childExited()) ); connect( childproc, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess *, char *, int)), SLOT(receivedOutput(KProcess *, char *, int)) ); connect( childproc, SIGNAL(receivedStderr(KProcess *, char *, int)), SLOT(receivedErrOutput(KProcess *, char *, int)) ); // actually it should be checked whether the process was started successfully lbResult->setCursor( QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor) ); btnClear->setEnabled( false ); btnSearch->setGuiItem( KGuiItem(i18n("Cancel"), "button_cancel")); childproc->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::AllOutput); } void GrepTool::slotSearchFor(const QString &pattern) { slotClear(); cmbPattern->setEditText(pattern); slotSearch(); } void GrepTool::finish() { btnSearch->setEnabled( !cmbPattern->lineEdit()->text().isEmpty() ); buf += '\n'; processOutput(); delete childproc; childproc = 0; config->setGroup("GrepTool"); QString cmbText = cmbPattern->currentText(); bool itemsRemoved = lastSearchItems.remove(cmbText) > 0; lastSearchItems.prepend(cmbText); if (itemsRemoved) { cmbPattern->removeItem(cmbPattern->currentItem()); } cmbPattern->insertItem(cmbText, 0); cmbPattern->setCurrentItem(0); if (lastSearchItems.count() > 10) { lastSearchItems.pop_back(); cmbPattern->removeItem(cmbPattern->count() - 1); } config->writeEntry("LastSearchItems", lastSearchItems); cmbText = cmbDir->url(); itemsRemoved = lastSearchPaths.remove(cmbText) > 0; lastSearchPaths.prepend(cmbText); if (itemsRemoved) { cmbDir->comboBox()->removeItem(cmbDir->comboBox()->currentItem()); } cmbDir->comboBox()->insertItem(cmbText, 0); cmbDir->comboBox()->setCurrentItem(0); if (lastSearchPaths.count() > 10) { lastSearchPaths.pop_back(); cmbDir->comboBox()->removeItem(cmbDir->comboBox()->count() - 1); } config->writeEntry("LastSearchPaths", lastSearchPaths); cmbText = cmbFiles->currentText(); itemsRemoved = lastSearchFiles.remove(cmbText) > 0; lastSearchFiles.prepend(cmbText); if (itemsRemoved) { cmbFiles->removeItem(cmbFiles->currentItem()); } cmbFiles->insertItem(cmbText, 0); cmbFiles->setCurrentItem(0); if (lastSearchFiles.count() > 10) { lastSearchFiles.pop_back(); cmbFiles->removeItem(cmbFiles->count() - 1); } config->writeEntry("LastSearchFiles", lastSearchFiles); config->writeEntry("Recursive", cbRecursive->isChecked()); config->writeEntry("CaseSensitive", cbCasesensitive->isChecked()); config->writeEntry("Regex", cbRegex->isChecked()); } void GrepTool::slotCancel() { finish(); } void GrepTool::childExited() { // int status = childproc->exitStatus(); lbResult->unsetCursor(); btnClear->setEnabled( true ); btnSearch->setGuiItem( KGuiItem(i18n("Find"), "find") ); if ( ! errbuf.isEmpty() ) { KMessageBox::information( parentWidget(), i18n("<strong>Error:</strong><p>") + errbuf, i18n("Grep Tool Error") ); errbuf.truncate(0); } else finish(); } void GrepTool::receivedOutput(KProcess */*proc*/, char *buffer, int buflen) { buf += QCString(buffer, buflen+1); processOutput(); } void GrepTool::receivedErrOutput(KProcess */*proc*/, char *buffer, int buflen) { errbuf += QCString( buffer, buflen + 1 ); } void GrepTool::slotClear() { finish(); lbResult->clear(); } void GrepTool::updateDirName(const QString &dir) { if (m_lastUpdatedDir != dir) { setDirName (dir); m_lastUpdatedDir = dir; } } void GrepTool::setDirName(const QString &dir){ cmbDir->setURL(dir); } bool GrepTool::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e ) { if ( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress && ( ((QKeyEvent*)e)->key() == Qt::Key_Return || ((QKeyEvent*)e)->key() == Qt::Key_Enter ) ) { slotSearch(); return true; } return QWidget::eventFilter( o, e ); } void GrepTool::focusInEvent ( QFocusEvent * ev ) { QWidget::focusInEvent(ev); if (m_fixFocus) { m_fixFocus = false; cmbPattern->setFocus(); } } void GrepTool::showEvent( QShowEvent * ev ) { QWidget::showEvent(ev); m_fixFocus = true; } #include "kategrepdialog.moc"