/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2005 Christoph Cullmann <cullmann@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "katesession.h" #include "kateapp.h" #include "katemainwindow.h" #include "katedocmanager.h" #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kdirwatch.h> #include <kinputdialog.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <tdemessagebox.h> #include <kmdcodec.h> #include <kstdguiitem.h> #include <kpushbutton.h> #include <tdepopupmenu.h> #include <tqdir.h> #include <tqfile.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqvbox.h> #include <tqhbox.h> #include <tqdatetime.h> #include <tqmap.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <time.h> // FIXME general: need to keep doc list and current session's m_documents in synchro // all the time (doc open, doc closed, doc renamed). // To be done when doc list software is developed // String constants namespace { // Kate session const char *KS_COUNT = "Count"; const char *KS_DOCCOUNT = "Document count"; const char *KS_DOCLIST = "Document list"; const char *KS_GENERAL = "General"; const char *KS_NAME = "Name"; const char *KS_OPENDOC = "Open Documents"; const char *KS_READONLY = "ReadOnly"; const char *KS_OPEN_MAINWINDOWS = "Open MainWindows"; const char *KS_UNNAMED = "Unnamed"; // Kate session manager const char *KSM_DIR = "kate/sessions"; const char *KSM_FILE = "sessions.list"; const char *KSM_SESSIONS_COUNT = "Sessions count"; const char *KSM_LAST_SESSION_ID = "Last session id"; const char *KSM_SESSIONS_LIST = "Sessions list"; // Kate app const char *KAPP_GENERAL = "General"; const char *KAPP_LAST_SESSION = "Last Session"; const char *KAPP_STARTUP_SESSION = "Startup Session"; const char *KAPP_NEW = "new"; const char *KAPP_LAST = "last"; const char *KAPP_MANUAL = "manual"; const char *KAPP_SESSION_EXIT = "Session Exit"; const char *KAPP_DISCARD = "discard"; const char *KAPP_SAVE = "save"; const char *KAPP_ASK = "ask"; } //BEGIN Kate session KateSession::KateSession(const KateSessionManager &manager, const TQString &sessionName, const TQString &fileName) : m_manager(manager), m_sessionName(sessionName), m_filename(fileName), m_readOnly(false), m_documents(), m_config(NULL) { load(false); } //------------------------------------ KateSession::KateSession(const KateSession &session, const TQString &newSessionName) : m_manager(session.m_manager), m_sessionName(newSessionName), m_filename(), m_readOnly(false), m_documents(session.m_documents), m_config(NULL) { createFilename(); if (session.m_config) { m_config = new KSimpleConfig(m_filename); session.m_config->copyTo(m_filename, m_config); m_config->sync(); } } //------------------------------------ KateSession::~KateSession() { if (m_config) { delete m_config; } } //------------------------------------ void KateSession::setSessionName(const TQString &sessionName) { m_sessionName = sessionName.isEmpty() ? i18n(KS_UNNAMED) : sessionName; } //------------------------------------ bool KateSession::isStillVolatile() const { return m_filename.isEmpty() && m_sessionName == i18n(KS_UNNAMED); } //------------------------------------ void KateSession::load(bool includeGUIInfo) { if (m_config) { delete m_config; } if (TDEGlobal::dirs()->exists(m_filename)) { // Create config object if the session file already exists m_config = new KSimpleConfig(m_filename, m_readOnly); m_config->setGroup(KS_GENERAL); // Session general properties m_sessionName = m_config->readEntry(KS_NAME, i18n(KS_UNNAMED)); m_readOnly = m_config->readBoolEntry(KS_READONLY, false); // Document list if (m_config->hasGroup(KS_DOCLIST)) { // Read new style document list (from TDE R14.1.0) m_config->setGroup(KS_DOCLIST); int docCount = m_config->readNumEntry(KS_DOCCOUNT, 0); for (int i = 0; i < docCount; ++i) { TQString urlStr = m_config->readEntry(TQString("URL_%1").arg(i)); if (!urlStr.isEmpty()) { // Filter out empty URLs m_documents.append(urlStr); } } } else { // Create document list from old session configuration // to effortlessly import existing sessions m_config->setGroup(KS_OPENDOC); int docCount = m_config->readNumEntry(KS_COUNT, 0); for (int i = 0; i < docCount; ++i) { m_config->setGroup(TQString("Document %1").arg(i)); TQString urlStr = m_config->readEntry("URL"); if (!urlStr.isEmpty()) { // Filter out empty URLs m_documents.append(urlStr); } } } } else { m_filename = TQString::null; } if (m_sessionName.isEmpty()) { m_sessionName = i18n(KS_UNNAMED); } // Update all current documents if necessary if (includeGUIInfo) { activate(); } } //------------------------------------ void KateSession::save(bool saveGUIInfo, bool setReadOnly) { if (m_readOnly && !setReadOnly) { return; } // create a new session filename if needed if (m_filename.isEmpty()) { createFilename(); } // save session config info if (!m_config) { m_config = new KSimpleConfig(m_filename); } if (m_config->hasGroup(KS_GENERAL)) { m_config->deleteGroup(KS_GENERAL); } m_config->setGroup(KS_GENERAL); m_config->writeEntry(KS_NAME, m_sessionName); m_config->writeEntry(KS_READONLY, m_readOnly); if (m_config->hasGroup(KS_DOCLIST)) { m_config->deleteGroup(KS_DOCLIST); } m_config->setGroup(KS_DOCLIST); m_config->writeEntry(KS_DOCCOUNT, m_documents.count()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_documents.count(); ++i) { m_config->writeEntry(TQString("URL_%1").arg(i), m_documents[i]); } // save GUI elements info if (saveGUIInfo) { KateDocManager::self()->saveDocumentList(m_config); // save main windows info int mwCount = KateApp::self()->mainWindows(); m_config->setGroup(KS_OPEN_MAINWINDOWS); m_config->writeEntry(KS_COUNT, mwCount); for (int i = 0; i < mwCount; ++i) { m_config->setGroup(TQString("MainWindow%1").arg(i)); KateApp::self()->mainWindow(i)->saveProperties(m_config); } } m_config->sync(); } //------------------------------------ void KateSession::activate() { if (KateDocManager::self()->documents() > 0) { KateDocManager::self()->closeAllDocuments(); } Kate::Document::setOpenErrorDialogsActivated(false); if (m_config) { KateApp::self()->documentManager()->restoreDocumentList(m_config); // load main windows info, if it exists if (m_config->hasGroup(KS_OPEN_MAINWINDOWS)) { m_config->setGroup(KS_OPEN_MAINWINDOWS); int mwCount = m_config->readUnsignedNumEntry(KS_COUNT, 1); for (int i = 0; i < mwCount; ++i) { if (i >= (int)KateApp::self()->mainWindows()) { KateApp::self()->newMainWindow(m_config, TQString("MainWindow%1").arg(i)); } else { m_config->setGroup(TQString("MainWindow%1").arg(i)); KateApp::self()->mainWindow(i)->readProperties(m_config); } } } } Kate::Document::setOpenErrorDialogsActivated(true); } //------------------------------------ void KateSession::createFilename() { // create a new session filename if needed if (!m_filename.isEmpty()) { return; } int s = time(0); TQCString tname; TQString tmpName; while (true) { tname.setNum(s++); KMD5 md5(tname); tmpName = m_manager.getBaseDir() + TQString("%1.katesession").arg(md5.hexDigest().data()); if (!TDEGlobal::dirs()->exists(tmpName)) { m_filename = tmpName; break; } } } //END Kate session //BEGIN KateSessionManager //------------------------------------ KateSessionManager *KateSessionManager::ksm_instance = NULL; //------------------------------------ KateSessionManager* KateSessionManager::self() { if (!KateSessionManager::ksm_instance) { KateSessionManager::ksm_instance = new KateSessionManager(); } return KateSessionManager::ksm_instance; } //------------------------------------ KateSessionManager::KateSessionManager() : m_baseDir(locateLocal("data", KSM_DIR)+"/"), m_configFile(m_baseDir + KSM_FILE), m_activeSessionId(INVALID_SESSION), m_lastSessionId(INVALID_SESSION), m_sessions(), m_config(NULL), m_startupOption(STARTUP_NEW), m_switchOption(SWITCH_DISCARD) { // Session startup and switch options updateSessionOptions(SO_ALL); // Sessions configuration m_sessions.setAutoDelete(true); int sessionsCount = 0; if (TDEGlobal::dirs()->exists(m_configFile)) { // Read new style configuration (from TDE R14.1.0) m_config = new KSimpleConfig(m_configFile); m_config->setGroup(KSM_SESSIONS_LIST); sessionsCount = m_config->readNumEntry(KSM_SESSIONS_COUNT, 0); m_lastSessionId = m_config->readNumEntry(KSM_LAST_SESSION_ID, INVALID_SESSION); for (int i = 0; i < sessionsCount; ++i) { TQString urlStr = m_config->readEntry(TQString("URL_%1").arg(i)); if (!urlStr.isEmpty() && TDEGlobal::dirs()->exists(urlStr)) { // Filter out empty URLs or non existing sessions m_sessions.append(new KateSession(*this, TQString::null, urlStr)); } } } else { // Create sessions list from session files // to effortlessly import existing sessions TQDir sessionDir(m_baseDir, "*.katesession"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sessionDir.count(); ++i) { m_sessions.append(new KateSession(*this, TQString::null, m_baseDir+sessionDir[i])); } } sessionsCount = (int)m_sessions.count(); if (sessionsCount == 0) // In the worst case, there is no valid session at all { m_sessions.append(new KateSession(*this, TQString::null, TQString::null)); } if (m_lastSessionId < 0 || m_lastSessionId >= (int)m_sessions.count()) { m_lastSessionId = 0; // Invalid last session was detected. Use first in the list } //NOTE do not activate any session in the KateSessionManager costructor // since Kate's main window may not be ready yet. The initial session // will be activated by KateApp::startupKate() or KateApp::restoreKate() } //------------------------------------ KateSessionManager::~KateSessionManager() { if (m_config) { delete m_config; } m_sessions.clear(); } //------------------------------------ void KateSessionManager::updateSessionOptions(int optionType) { // Session startup and switch options TDEConfig *kateCfg = KateApp::self()->config(); kateCfg->setGroup(KAPP_GENERAL); if (optionType == SO_STARTUP || optionType == SO_ALL) { if (kateCfg->hasKey(KAPP_LAST_SESSION)) { // Delete no longer used entry (pre R14.1.0) kateCfg->deleteEntry(KAPP_LAST_SESSION); } TQString startupOption(kateCfg->readEntry(KAPP_STARTUP_SESSION, KAPP_MANUAL)); if (startupOption == KAPP_LAST) { m_startupOption = STARTUP_LAST; } else if (startupOption == KAPP_NEW) { m_startupOption = STARTUP_NEW; } else // startupOption == "manual" { m_startupOption = STARTUP_MANUAL; } } if (optionType == SO_SWITCH || optionType == SO_ALL) { TQString switchOption(kateCfg->readEntry(KAPP_SESSION_EXIT, KAPP_ASK)); if (switchOption == KAPP_DISCARD) { m_switchOption = SWITCH_DISCARD; } else if (switchOption == KAPP_SAVE) { m_switchOption = SWITCH_SAVE; } else // switchOption == "ask" { m_switchOption = SWITCH_ASK; } } } //------------------------------------ void KateSessionManager::saveSessionOptions(int optionType) { TDEConfig *kateCfg = KateApp::self()->config(); kateCfg->setGroup(KAPP_GENERAL); if (optionType == SO_STARTUP || optionType == SO_ALL) { if (m_startupOption == STARTUP_LAST) { kateCfg->writeEntry(KAPP_STARTUP_SESSION, KAPP_LAST); } else if (m_startupOption == STARTUP_NEW) { kateCfg->writeEntry(KAPP_STARTUP_SESSION, KAPP_NEW); } else // m_startupOption == STARTUP_MANUAL { kateCfg->writeEntry(KAPP_STARTUP_SESSION, KAPP_MANUAL); } } if (optionType == SO_SWITCH || optionType == SO_ALL) { if (m_switchOption == SWITCH_DISCARD) { kateCfg->writeEntry(KAPP_SESSION_EXIT, KAPP_DISCARD); } else if (m_switchOption == SWITCH_SAVE) { kateCfg->writeEntry(KAPP_SESSION_EXIT, KAPP_SAVE); } else // m_switchOption == SWITCH_ASK { kateCfg->writeEntry(KAPP_SESSION_EXIT, KAPP_ASK); } } kateCfg->sync(); } //------------------------------------ void KateSessionManager::saveConfig(bool saveSessions) { // Session startup and switch options updateSessionOptions(SO_ALL); saveSessionOptions(SO_ALL); // Sessions configuration if (!saveSessions) { // delete all session files if they exist for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_sessions.count(); ++i) { const TQString &filename = m_sessions[i]->getSessionFilename(); if (filename != TQString::null && TQFile::exists(filename)) { TQFile::remove(filename); } } m_sessions.clear(); m_activeSessionId = INVALID_SESSION; } if (!m_config) { m_config = new KSimpleConfig(m_configFile); } if (m_config->hasGroup(KSM_SESSIONS_LIST)) { m_config->deleteGroup(KSM_SESSIONS_LIST); } m_config->setGroup(KSM_SESSIONS_LIST); m_config->writeEntry(KSM_SESSIONS_COUNT, m_sessions.count()); m_config->writeEntry(KSM_LAST_SESSION_ID, m_activeSessionId); for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_sessions.count(); ++i) { saveSession(i, false, false); m_config->writeEntry(TQString("URL_%1").arg(i), m_sessions[i]->getSessionFilename()); } m_config->sync(); } //------------------------------------ const int KateSessionManager::getStartupOption() { updateSessionOptions(SO_STARTUP); return m_startupOption; } //------------------------------------ const int KateSessionManager::getSwitchOption() { updateSessionOptions(SO_SWITCH); return m_switchOption; } //------------------------------------ void KateSessionManager::setSwitchOption(int option) { m_switchOption = (option == SWITCH_DISCARD || option == SWITCH_SAVE) ? option : SWITCH_ASK; saveSessionOptions(SO_SWITCH); emit switchOptionChanged(); } //------------------------------------ const TQString& KateSessionManager::getSessionName(int sessionId) { if (sessionId < 0 || sessionId >= (int)m_sessions.count()) { return TQString::null; } return m_sessions[sessionId]->getSessionName(); } //------------------------------------ KateSession* KateSessionManager::getSessionFromId(int sessionId) { if (sessionId < 0 || sessionId >= (int)m_sessions.count()) { return NULL; } return m_sessions[sessionId]; } //------------------------------------ int KateSessionManager::getSessionIdFromName(const TQString &name) { if (name.isEmpty()) return INVALID_SESSION; for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_sessions.count(); ++i) { if (m_sessions[i]->getSessionName() == name) return i; } return INVALID_SESSION; } //------------------------------------ bool KateSessionManager::activateSession(int sessionId, bool saveCurr) { if (sessionId < 0 || sessionId >= (int)m_sessions.count()) { return false; } if (sessionId == m_activeSessionId) { return true; } int oldSessionId = m_activeSessionId; if (m_activeSessionId != INVALID_SESSION) { // Do this only if a session has already been activated earlier, if (KateApp::self()->activeMainWindow()) { // First check if all documents can be closed safely if (!KateApp::self()->activeMainWindow()->queryClose_internal()) return false; } if (saveCurr) { saveSession(m_activeSessionId, true); } else { // Delete current session before activating the new one const TQString &filename = m_sessions[m_activeSessionId]->getSessionFilename(); if (filename != TQString::null && TQFile::exists(filename)) { TQFile::remove(filename); } m_sessions.remove(m_activeSessionId); // this also deletes the KateSession item since auto-deletion is enabled m_activeSessionId = INVALID_SESSION; if (sessionId > oldSessionId) { --sessionId; } emit sessionDeleted(oldSessionId); oldSessionId = INVALID_SESSION; } } m_activeSessionId = sessionId; m_sessions[sessionId]->activate(); m_lastSessionId = INVALID_SESSION; emit sessionActivated(m_activeSessionId, oldSessionId); return true; } //------------------------------------ int KateSessionManager::newSession(const TQString &sessionName, bool saveCurr) { m_sessions.append(new KateSession(*this, sessionName, TQString::null)); int newSessionId = m_sessions.count() - 1; emit sessionCreated(newSessionId); activateSession(newSessionId, saveCurr); return newSessionId; } //------------------------------------ int KateSessionManager::cloneSession(int sessionId, const TQString &sessionName, bool activate, bool deleteCurr) { if (sessionId < 0 || sessionId >= (int)m_sessions.count()) { return INVALID_SESSION; } m_sessions.append(new KateSession(*m_sessions[sessionId], sessionName)); int newSessionId = m_sessions.count() - 1; emit sessionCreated(newSessionId); // If cloning the active session, the new session will contain the current status // and the original session will be restored to the last saved state (save as... functionality) saveSession(newSessionId, sessionId == m_activeSessionId); if (sessionId == m_activeSessionId) { reloadActiveSession(); } if (activate) { activateSession(newSessionId, m_activeSessionId != INVALID_SESSION && !deleteCurr); } return newSessionId; } //------------------------------------ bool KateSessionManager::restoreLastSession() { if (m_activeSessionId != INVALID_SESSION) { return false; } return activateSession(m_lastSessionId, false); } //------------------------------------------- void KateSessionManager::saveSession(int sessionId, bool saveGUIInfo, bool setReadOnly) { if (sessionId < 0 || sessionId >= (int)m_sessions.count()) { return; } m_sessions[sessionId]->save(saveGUIInfo, setReadOnly); emit sessionSaved(sessionId); } //------------------------------------------- bool KateSessionManager::deleteSession(int sessionId, int actSessId) { if (sessionId < 0 || sessionId >= (int)m_sessions.count()) { return false; } // delete session file if it exists const TQString &filename = m_sessions[sessionId]->getSessionFilename(); if (filename != TQString::null && TQFile::exists(filename)) { TQFile::remove(filename); } // delete session m_sessions.remove(sessionId); // this also deletes the KateSession item since auto-deletion is enabled if (m_activeSessionId > sessionId) { --m_activeSessionId; } else if (m_activeSessionId == sessionId) { m_activeSessionId = INVALID_SESSION; } emit sessionDeleted(sessionId); if (m_activeSessionId == INVALID_SESSION) { if (m_sessions.count() > 0 && actSessId >= 0 && actSessId < (int)m_sessions.count()) { activateSession(actSessId, false); } else { newSession(); } } return true; } //------------------------------------------- void KateSessionManager::swapSessionsPosition(int sessionId1, int sessionId2) { if (sessionId1 < 0 || sessionId1 >= (int)m_sessions.count() || sessionId2 < 0 || sessionId2 >= (int)m_sessions.count() || sessionId1 == sessionId2) { return; } int idxMin, idxMax; if (sessionId1 < sessionId2) { idxMin = sessionId1; idxMax = sessionId2; } else { idxMin = sessionId2; idxMax = sessionId1; } KateSession *sessMax = m_sessions.take(idxMax); KateSession *sessMin = m_sessions.take(idxMin); m_sessions.insert(idxMin, sessMax); m_sessions.insert(idxMax, sessMin); if (m_activeSessionId == sessionId1) { m_activeSessionId = sessionId2; } else if (m_activeSessionId == sessionId2) { m_activeSessionId = sessionId1; } emit sessionsSwapped(idxMin, idxMax); } //------------------------------------------- void KateSessionManager::moveSessionForward(int sessionId) { if (sessionId < 0 || sessionId >= ((int)m_sessions.count() - 1)) { return; } swapSessionsPosition(sessionId, sessionId + 1); } //------------------------------------------- void KateSessionManager::moveSessionBackward(int sessionId) { if (sessionId < 1 || sessionId >= (int)m_sessions.count()) { return; } swapSessionsPosition(sessionId, sessionId - 1); } //------------------------------------------- void KateSessionManager::renameSession(int sessionId, const TQString &newSessionName) { if (sessionId < 0 || sessionId >= (int)m_sessions.count()) { return; } m_sessions[sessionId]->setSessionName(newSessionName); emit sessionRenamed(sessionId); } //------------------------------------------- void KateSessionManager::setSessionReadOnlyStatus(int sessionId, bool readOnly) { if (sessionId < 0 || sessionId >= (int)m_sessions.count()) { return; } m_sessions[sessionId]->setReadOnly(readOnly); // Session is saved one last time when making it read only saveSession(sessionId, sessionId == m_activeSessionId, true); } //END KateSessionManager //BEGIN KateSessionChooser //------------------------------------------- KateSessionChooser::KateSessionChooser(TQWidget *parent) : KDialogBase(parent, "", true, i18n("Session Chooser"), KDialogBase::User1 | KDialogBase::User2 | KDialogBase::User3, KDialogBase::User2, true, KStdGuiItem::quit(), KGuiItem(i18n("Open Session"), "document-open"), KGuiItem(i18n("New Session"), "document-new")), m_listview(NULL) { TQHBox *page = new TQHBox(this); page->setMinimumSize(400, 200); setMainWidget(page); TQHBox *hb = new TQHBox(page); hb->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); TQLabel *label = new TQLabel(hb); label->setPixmap(UserIcon("sessionchooser")); label->setFrameStyle (TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken); TQVBox *vb = new TQVBox(hb); vb->setSpacing (KDialog::spacingHint()); m_listview = new TDEListView(vb); m_listview->addColumn(i18n("Session Name")); m_listview->addColumn(i18n("Open Documents")); m_listview->setSelectionMode(TQListView::Single); m_listview->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); m_listview->setSorting(-1); m_listview->setResizeMode(TQListView::LastColumn); connect (m_listview, TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); connect (m_listview, TQT_SIGNAL(executed(TQListViewItem*)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotUser2())); TQPtrList<KateSession> &sessions = KateSessionManager::self()->getSessionsList(); for (int idx = sessions.count()-1; idx >= 0; --idx) { new KateSessionChooserItem(m_listview, sessions[idx]->getSessionName(), TQString("%1").arg(sessions[idx]->getDocCount()), idx); } setResult(RESULT_NO_OP); slotSelectionChanged(); // update button status } //------------------------------------------- int KateSessionChooser::getSelectedSessionId() { KateSessionChooserItem *selectedItem = dynamic_cast<KateSessionChooserItem*>(m_listview->selectedItem()); if (!selectedItem) return KateSessionManager::INVALID_SESSION; return selectedItem->getSessionId(); } //------------------------------------------- void KateSessionChooser::slotUser1() { done(RESULT_QUIT_KATE); } //------------------------------------------- void KateSessionChooser::slotUser2() { done(RESULT_OPEN_EXISTING); } //------------------------------------------- void KateSessionChooser::slotUser3() { done(RESULT_OPEN_NEW); } //------------------------------------------- void KateSessionChooser::slotSelectionChanged() { enableButton(KDialogBase::User2, m_listview->selectedItem()); } //END KateSessionChooser #include "katesession.moc"