/* This file is part of the KDE project
   Copyright (C) 2005 Christoph Cullmann <cullmann@kde.org>

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#ifndef __KATE_SESSION_H__
#define __KATE_SESSION_H__

#include "katemain.h"

#include <kdialogbase.h>
#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
#include <ksharedptr.h>
#include <kaction.h>

#include <qobject.h>
#include <qvaluelist.h>

class KateSessionManager;

class KDirWatch;
class KListView;
class KPushButton;

class QCheckBox;

class KateSession  : public KShared
     * Define a Shared-Pointer type
    typedef KSharedPtr<KateSession> Ptr;

     * create a session from given file
     * @param fileName session filename, relative
     * @param name session name
     * @param manager pointer to the manager
    KateSession (KateSessionManager *manager, const QString &fileName, const QString &name);

     * init the session object, after construction or create
    void init ();

     * destruct me
    ~KateSession ();

     * session filename, absolute, calculated out of relative filename + session dir
     * @return absolute path to session file
    QString sessionFile () const;

     * relative session filename
     * @return relative filename for this session
    const QString &sessionFileRelative () const { return m_sessionFileRel; }

     * session name
     * @return name for this session
    const QString &sessionName () const { return m_sessionName; }

     * is this a valid session? if not, don't use any session if this is
     * the active one
    bool isNew () const { return m_sessionName.isEmpty(); }

     * create the session file, if not existing
     * @param name name for this session
     * @param force force to create new file
     * @return true if created, false if no creation needed
    bool create (const QString &name, bool force = false);

     * rename this session
     * @param name new name
     * @return success
    bool rename (const QString &name);

     * config to read
     * on first access, will create the config object, delete will be done automagic
     * return 0 if we have no file to read config from atm
     * @return config to read from
    KConfig *configRead ();

     * config to write
     * on first access, will create the config object, delete will be done automagic
     * return 0 if we have no file to write config to atm
     * @return config to write from
    KConfig *configWrite ();

     * count of documents in this session
     * @return documents count
    unsigned int documents () const { return m_documents; }

     * session filename, in local location we can write to
     * relative filename to the session dirs :)
    QString m_sessionFileRel;

     * session name, extracted from the file, to display to the user
    QString m_sessionName;

     * number of document of this session
    unsigned int m_documents;

     * KateSessionMananger
    KateSessionManager *m_manager;

     * simpleconfig to read from
    KSimpleConfig *m_readConfig;

     * simpleconfig to write to
    KSimpleConfig *m_writeConfig;

typedef QValueList<KateSession::Ptr> KateSessionList;

class KateSessionManager : public QObject

    KateSessionManager(QObject *parent);

     * allow access to this :)
     * @return instance of the session manager
    static KateSessionManager *self();

     * allow access to the session list
     * kept up to date by watching the dir
    inline KateSessionList & sessionList () { updateSessionList (); return m_sessionList; }

     * activate a session
     * first, it will look if a session with this name exists in list
     * if yes, it will use this session, else it will create a new session file
     * @param session session to activate
     * @param closeLast try to close last session or not?
     * @param saveLast try to save last session or not?
     * @param loadNew load new session stuff?
    void activateSession (KateSession::Ptr session, bool closeLast = true, bool saveLast = true, bool loadNew = true);

     * create a new session
     * @param name session name
    KateSession::Ptr createSession (const QString &name);

     * return session with given name
     * if no existing session matches, create new one with this name
     * @param name session name
    KateSession::Ptr giveSession (const QString &name);

     * save current session
     * for sessions without filename: save nothing
     * @param tryAsk should we ask user if needed?
     * @param rememberAsLast remember this session as last used?
     * @return success
    bool saveActiveSession (bool tryAsk = false, bool rememberAsLast = false);

     * return the current active session
     * sessionFile == empty means we have no session around for this instance of kate
     * @return session active atm
    inline KateSession::Ptr activeSession () { return m_activeSession; }

     * session dir
     * @return global session dir
    inline const QString &sessionsDir () const { return m_sessionsDir; }

     * initial session chooser, on app start
     * @return success, if false, app should exit
    bool chooseSession ();

  public slots:
     * try to start a new session
     * asks user first for name
    void sessionNew ();

     * try to open a existing session
    void sessionOpen ();

     * try to save current session
    void sessionSave ();

     * try to save as current session
    void sessionSaveAs ();

     * show dialog to manage our sessions
    void sessionManage ();

  private slots:
    void dirty (const QString &path);

     * trigger update of session list
    void updateSessionList ();

     * absolute path to dir in home dir where to store the sessions
    QString m_sessionsDir;

     * list of current available sessions
    KateSessionList m_sessionList;

     * current active session
    KateSession::Ptr m_activeSession;

class KateSessionChooser : public KDialogBase

    KateSessionChooser (QWidget *parent, const QString &lastSession);
    ~KateSessionChooser ();

    KateSession::Ptr selectedSession ();

    bool reopenLastSession ();

    enum {
      resultQuit = QDialog::Rejected,

  protected slots:
     * open session
    void slotUser1 ();

     * new session
    void slotUser2 ();

     * quit kate
    void slotUser3 ();

     * selection has changed
    void selectionChanged ();

    KListView *m_sessions;
    QCheckBox *m_useLast;

class KateSessionOpenDialog : public KDialogBase

    KateSessionOpenDialog (QWidget *parent);
    ~KateSessionOpenDialog ();

    KateSession::Ptr selectedSession ();

    enum {

  protected slots:
     * cancel pressed
    void slotUser1 ();

     * ok pressed
    void slotUser2 ();

    KListView *m_sessions;

class KateSessionManageDialog : public KDialogBase

    KateSessionManageDialog (QWidget *parent);
    ~KateSessionManageDialog ();

  protected slots:
     * close pressed
    void slotUser1 ();

     * selection has changed
    void selectionChanged ();

     * try to rename session
    void rename ();

     * try to delete session
    void del ();

     * update our list
    void updateSessionList ();

    KListView *m_sessions;
    KPushButton *m_rename;
    KPushButton *m_del;

class KateSessionsAction : public KActionMenu

    KateSessionsAction(const QString& text, QObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0);
    ~KateSessionsAction (){;};

  public  slots:
    void slotAboutToShow();

    void openSession (int i);
