  KDE Control Accessibility module to control Bell, Keyboard and ?Mouse?
  Copyright : (c) 2000 Matthias H�lzer-Kl�pfel
  Original Author: Matthias H�lzer-Kl�pfel
  Contributors: Jos� Pablo Ezequiel "Pupeno" Fern�ndez <pupeno@kde.org>
  Current Maintainer: Jos� Pablo Ezequiel "Pupeno" Fern�ndez <pupeno@kde.org>

 *                                                                          *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by   *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or      *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                    *
 *                                                                          *

#include <tqcheckbox.h>
#include <tqradiobutton.h>
#include <tqtabwidget.h>

#include <kaboutdata.h>
#include <kcolorbutton.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kgenericfactory.h>
#include <knuminput.h>
#include <kurlrequester.h>

#include "accessibility.moc"

typedef KGenericFactory<AccessibilityConfig, TQWidget> AccessibilityFactory;
K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( kcm_accessibility, AccessibilityFactory("kcmaccessibility") )

 * This function checks if the kaccess daemon needs to be run
 * This function will be deprecated since the kaccess daemon will be part of kded
// static bool needToRunKAccessDaemon( KConfig *config ){
//    KConfigGroup group( config, "Bell" );
//    if(!group.readBoolEntry("SystemBell", true)){
//       return true;
//    }
//    if(group.readBoolEntry("ArtsBell", false)){
//       return true;
//    }
//    if(group.readBoolEntry("VisibleBell", false)){
//       return true;
//    }
//    return false; // don't need it
// }

AccessibilityConfig::AccessibilityConfig(TQWidget *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList &)
  : AccessibilityConfigWidget( parent, name){

   KAboutData *about =
   new KAboutData(I18N_NOOP("kcmaccessiblity"), I18N_NOOP("TDE Accessibility Tool"),
                  0, 0, KAboutData::License_GPL,
                  I18N_NOOP("(c) 2000, Matthias Hoelzer-Kluepfel"));

   about->addAuthor("Matthias Hoelzer-Kluepfel", I18N_NOOP("Author") , "hoelzer@kde.org");
   about->addAuthor("Jos� Pablo Ezequiel Fern�ndez", I18N_NOOP("Author") , "pupeno@kde.org");
   setAboutData( about );

   kdDebug() << "Running: AccessibilityConfig::AccessibilityConfig(TQWidget *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList &)" << endl;
   // TODO: set the KURL Dialog to open just audio files
   connect( mainTab, TQT_SIGNAL(currentChanged(TQWidget*)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(quickHelpChanged()) );

   kdDebug() << "Running: AccessibilityConfig::~AccessibilityConfig()" << endl;

void AccessibilityConfig::load()
   load( false );

void AccessibilityConfig::load( bool useDefaults )
   kdDebug() << "Running: AccessibilityConfig::load()" << endl;
   KConfig *bell = new KConfig("bellrc", true);
   bell->setReadDefaults( useDefaults );

   systemBell->setChecked(bell->readBoolEntry("SystemBell", false));
   customBell->setChecked(bell->readBoolEntry("CustomBell", false));
   visibleBell->setChecked(bell->readBoolEntry("VisibleBell", false));
   soundToPlay->setURL(bell->readPathEntry("Sound", ""));

   invertScreen->setChecked(bell->readBoolEntry("Invert", true));
   flashScreen->setChecked(bell->readBoolEntry("Flash", false));
   // TODO: There has to be a cleaner way.
   TQColor *redColor = new TQColor(Qt::red);
   flashScreenColor->setColor(bell->readColorEntry("FlashColor", redColor));
   delete redColor;
   visibleBellDuration->setValue(bell->readNumEntry("Duration", 500));
   delete bell;
   emit changed( useDefaults );

void AccessibilityConfig::save(){
   kdDebug() << "Running: AccessibilityConfig::save()" << endl;
   KConfig *bell = new KConfig("bellrc");
   bell->writeEntry("SystemBell", systemBell->isChecked());
   bell->writeEntry("CustomBell", customBell->isChecked());
   bell->writeEntry("VisibleBell", visibleBell->isChecked());
   bell->writePathEntry("Sound", soundToPlay->url());

   bell->writeEntry("Invert", invertScreen->isChecked());
   bell->writeEntry("Flash", flashScreen->isChecked());
   bell->writeEntry("FlashColor", flashScreenColor->color());
   bell->writeEntry("Duration", visibleBellDuration->value());
   delete bell;

void AccessibilityConfig::defaults()
   load( true );