/* kate: space-indent on; indent-width 3; indent-mode cstyle; This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (c) 2005 David Saxton <david@bluehaze.org> Copyright (c) 2003 Waldo Bastian <bastian@kde.org> Copyright (c) 1999 Geert Jansen <g.t.jansen@stud.tue.nl> Copyright (c) 1996 Martin R. Jones Copyright (c) 1997 Matthias Hoelzer Copyright (c) 1997 Mark Donohoe Copyright (c) 1998 Stephan Kulow Copyright (c) 1998 Matej Koss This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <config.h> #include <tqbuttongroup.h> #include <tqcheckbox.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqpainter.h> #include <tqradiobutton.h> #include <tqslider.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #include <tqtooltip.h> #include <tqwhatsthis.h> #include <tqapplication.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kfiledialog.h> #include <kfilemetainfo.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kimageio.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kpixmap.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <kstringhandler.h> #include <kurlrequester.h> #include <twin.h> #include <twinmodule.h> #include <kimagefilepreview.h> #include <knewstuff/downloaddialog.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "bgmonitor.h" #include "bgwallpaper.h" #include "bgadvanced.h" #include "bgdialog.h" #define NR_PREDEF_PATTERNS 6 BGDialog::BGDialog(TQWidget* parent, TDEConfig* _config, bool _multidesktop) : BGDialog_UI(parent, "BGDialog") { m_pGlobals = new TDEGlobalBackgroundSettings(_config); m_pDirs = TDEGlobal::dirs(); m_multidesktop = _multidesktop; m_previewUpdates = true; KWinModule *m_twin; m_twin = new KWinModule(TQT_TQOBJECT(this)); m_curDesk = m_twin->currentDesktop(); TQSize s(m_twin->numberOfViewports(m_twin->currentDesktop())); m_useViewports = s.width() * s.height() > 1; m_numDesks = m_multidesktop ? KWin::numberOfDesktops() : 1; m_numViewports = s.width() * s.height(); m_numScreens = TQApplication::desktop()->numScreens(); TQCString multiHead = getenv("TDE_MULTIHEAD"); if (multiHead.lower() == "true") { m_numScreens = 1; } TQPoint vx(m_twin->currentViewport(m_twin->currentDesktop())); int t_eViewport = (vx.x() * vx.y()); if (t_eViewport < 1) { t_eViewport = 1; } delete m_twin; m_desk = m_multidesktop ? KWin::currentDesktop() : 1; m_desk = m_multidesktop ? (m_useViewports ? (((m_desk - 1) * m_numViewports) + t_eViewport) : m_desk) : m_desk; m_numDesks = m_multidesktop ? (m_useViewports ? (m_numDesks * m_numViewports) : m_numDesks) : m_numDesks; m_screen = TQApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(this); if (m_screen >= (int)m_numScreens) m_screen = m_numScreens-1; m_eDesk = m_pGlobals->commonDeskBackground() ? 0 : m_desk; getEScreen(); m_copyAllDesktops = true; m_copyAllScreens = true; if (!m_multidesktop) { m_pDesktopLabel->hide(); m_comboDesktop->hide(); } if (m_numScreens < 2) { m_comboScreen->hide(); m_buttonIdentifyScreens->hide(); m_screen = 0; m_eScreen = 0; } connect(m_buttonIdentifyScreens, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotIdentifyScreens())); // preview monitor m_pMonitorArrangement = new BGMonitorArrangement(m_screenArrangement, "monitor arrangement"); connect(m_pMonitorArrangement, TQT_SIGNAL(imageDropped(const TQString &)), TQT_SLOT(slotImageDropped(const TQString &))); if( m_multidesktop) { // desktop connect(m_comboDesktop, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotSelectDesk(int))); } if (m_numScreens > 1) { connect(m_comboScreen, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotSelectScreen(int))); } // background image settings TQIconSet iconSet = SmallIconSet(TQString::fromLatin1("fileopen")); TQPixmap pixMap = iconSet.pixmap( TQIconSet::Small, TQIconSet::Normal ); m_urlWallpaperButton->setIconSet( iconSet ); m_urlWallpaperButton->setFixedSize( pixMap.width()+8, pixMap.height()+8 ); TQToolTip::add(m_urlWallpaperButton, i18n("Open file dialog")); connect(m_buttonGroupBackground, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotWallpaperTypeChanged(int))); connect(m_urlWallpaperBox, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotWallpaper(int))); connect(m_urlWallpaperButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotWallpaperSelection())); connect(m_comboWallpaperPos, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotWallpaperPos(int))); connect(m_buttonSetupWallpapers, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotSetupMulti())); // set up the background colour stuff connect(m_colorPrimary, TQT_SIGNAL(changed(const TQColor &)), TQT_SLOT(slotPrimaryColor(const TQColor &))); connect(m_colorSecondary, TQT_SIGNAL(changed(const TQColor &)), TQT_SLOT(slotSecondaryColor(const TQColor &))); connect(m_comboPattern, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotPattern(int))); // blend connect(m_comboBlend, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotBlendMode(int))); connect(m_sliderBlend, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotBlendBalance(int))); connect(m_cbBlendReverse, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(slotBlendReverse(bool))); // advanced options connect(m_buttonAdvanced, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotAdvanced())); connect(m_buttonGetNew, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotGetNewStuff())); // renderers m_renderer.resize(m_numDesks+1); if (m_numScreens > 1) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_numDesks+1; ++i) { m_renderer[i].resize(m_numScreens+2); m_renderer[i].setAutoDelete(true); int eDesk = i>0 ? i-1 : 0; // Setup the merged-screen renderer KBackgroundRenderer * r = new KBackgroundRenderer(eDesk, 0, false, _config); m_renderer[i].insert( 0, r ); connect( r, TQT_SIGNAL(imageDone(int,int)), TQT_SLOT(slotPreviewDone(int,int)) ); // Setup the common-screen renderer r = new KBackgroundRenderer(eDesk, 0, true, _config); m_renderer[i].insert( 1, r ); connect( r, TQT_SIGNAL(imageDone(int,int)), TQT_SLOT(slotPreviewDone(int,int)) ); // Setup the remaining renderers for each screen for (unsigned j=0; j < m_numScreens; ++j ) { r = new KBackgroundRenderer(eDesk, j, true, _config); m_renderer[i].insert( j+2, r ); connect( r, TQT_SIGNAL(imageDone(int,int)), TQT_SLOT(slotPreviewDone(int,int)) ); } } } else { for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_numDesks+1; ++i ) { m_renderer[i].resize(1); m_renderer[i].setAutoDelete(true); } // set up the common desktop renderer KBackgroundRenderer * r = new KBackgroundRenderer(0, 0, false, _config); m_renderer[0].insert(0, r); connect(r, TQT_SIGNAL(imageDone(int,int)), TQT_SLOT(slotPreviewDone(int,int))); // set up all the other desktop renderers for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_numDesks; ++i) { r = new KBackgroundRenderer(i, 0, false, _config); m_renderer[i+1].insert(0, r); connect(r, TQT_SIGNAL(imageDone(int,int)), TQT_SLOT(slotPreviewDone(int,int))); } } // Random or InOrder m_slideShowRandom = eRenderer()->multiWallpaperMode(); if (m_slideShowRandom == KBackgroundSettings::NoMultiRandom) m_slideShowRandom = KBackgroundSettings::Random; if (m_slideShowRandom == KBackgroundSettings::NoMulti) m_slideShowRandom = KBackgroundSettings::InOrder; // Wallpaper Position m_wallpaperPos = eRenderer()->wallpaperMode(); if (m_wallpaperPos == KBackgroundSettings::NoWallpaper) m_wallpaperPos = KBackgroundSettings::Centred; // Default if (TDEGlobal::dirs()->isRestrictedResource("wallpaper")) { m_urlWallpaperButton->hide(); m_buttonSetupWallpapers->hide(); m_radioSlideShow->hide(); } initUI(); updateUI(); #if (TQT_VERSION-0 >= 0x030200) connect( tqApp->desktop(), TQT_SIGNAL( resized( int )), TQT_SLOT( desktopResized())); // RANDR support #endif } BGDialog::~BGDialog() { delete m_pGlobals; } KBackgroundRenderer * BGDialog::eRenderer() { return m_renderer[m_eDesk][m_eScreen]; } void BGDialog::getEScreen() { if ( m_pGlobals->drawBackgroundPerScreen( m_eDesk>0 ? m_eDesk-1 : 0 ) ) m_eScreen = m_pGlobals->commonScreenBackground() ? 1 : m_screen+2; else m_eScreen = 0; if ( m_numScreens == 1 ) m_eScreen = 0; else if ( m_eScreen > int(m_numScreens+1) ) m_eScreen = m_numScreens+1; } void BGDialog::makeReadOnly() { m_pMonitorArrangement->setEnabled( false ); m_comboScreen->setEnabled( false ); m_comboDesktop->setEnabled( false ); m_colorPrimary->setEnabled( false ); m_colorSecondary->setEnabled( false ); m_comboPattern->setEnabled( false ); m_radioNoPicture->setEnabled( false ); m_radioPicture->setEnabled( false ); m_radioSlideShow->setEnabled( false ); m_urlWallpaperBox->setEnabled( false ); m_urlWallpaperButton->setEnabled( false ); m_comboWallpaperPos->setEnabled( false ); m_buttonSetupWallpapers->setEnabled( false ); m_comboBlend->setEnabled( false ); m_sliderBlend->setEnabled( false ); m_cbBlendReverse->setEnabled( false ); m_buttonAdvanced->setEnabled( false ); m_buttonGetNew->setEnabled( false ); } void BGDialog::load( bool useDefaults ) { m_pGlobals->getConfig()->setReadDefaults( useDefaults ); m_pGlobals->readSettings(); m_eDesk = m_pGlobals->commonDeskBackground() ? 0 : m_desk; getEScreen(); for (unsigned desk = 0; desk < m_renderer.size(); ++desk) { unsigned eDesk = desk>0 ? desk-1 : 0; for (unsigned screen = 0; screen < m_renderer[desk].size(); ++screen) { unsigned eScreen = screen>1 ? screen-2 : 0; m_renderer[desk][screen]->load( eDesk, eScreen, (screen>0), useDefaults ); } } m_copyAllDesktops = true; m_copyAllScreens = true; // Random or InOrder m_slideShowRandom = eRenderer()->multiWallpaperMode(); if (m_slideShowRandom == KBackgroundSettings::NoMultiRandom) m_slideShowRandom = KBackgroundSettings::Random; if (m_slideShowRandom == KBackgroundSettings::NoMulti) m_slideShowRandom = KBackgroundSettings::InOrder; // Wallpaper Position m_wallpaperPos = eRenderer()->wallpaperMode(); if (m_wallpaperPos == KBackgroundSettings::NoWallpaper) m_wallpaperPos = KBackgroundSettings::Centred; // Default updateUI(); emit changed(useDefaults); } void BGDialog::save() { m_pGlobals->writeSettings(); // write out the common desktop or the "Desktop 1" settings // depending on which are the real settings // they both share Desktop[0] in the config file // similar for screen... for (unsigned desk = 0; desk < m_renderer.size(); ++desk) { if (desk == 0 && !m_pGlobals->commonDeskBackground()) continue; if (desk == 1 && m_pGlobals->commonDeskBackground()) continue; for (unsigned screen = 0; screen < m_renderer[desk].size(); ++screen) { if (screen == 1 && !m_pGlobals->commonScreenBackground()) continue; if (screen == 2 && m_pGlobals->commonScreenBackground()) continue; m_renderer[desk][screen]->writeSettings(); } } emit changed(false); } void BGDialog::defaults() { load( true ); eRenderer()->setWallpaper( eRenderer()->wallpaper() ); } TQString BGDialog::quickHelp() const { return i18n("<h1>Background</h1> This module allows you to control the" " appearance of the virtual desktops. TDE offers a variety of options" " for customization, including the ability to specify different settings" " for each virtual desktop, or a common background for all of them.<p>" " The appearance of the desktop results from the combination of its" " background colors and patterns, and optionally, wallpaper, which is" " based on the image from a graphic file.<p>" " The background can be made up of a single color, or a pair of colors" " which can be blended in a variety of patterns. Wallpaper is also" " customizable, with options for tiling and stretching images. The" " wallpaper can be overlaid opaquely, or blended in different ways with" " the background colors and patterns.<p>" " TDE allows you to have the wallpaper change automatically at specified" " intervals of time. You can also replace the background with a program" " that updates the desktop dynamically. For example, the \"kworldclock\"" " program shows a day/night map of the world which is updated periodically."); } void BGDialog::slotIdentifyScreens() { // Taken from PositionTab::showIdentify in tdebase/kcontrol/kicker/positiontab_impl.cpp for(unsigned s = 0; s < m_numScreens; s++) { TQLabel *screenLabel = new TQLabel(0,"Screen Identify", (WFlags)(WDestructiveClose | WStyle_Customize | WX11BypassWM)); TQFont identifyFont(TDEGlobalSettings::generalFont()); identifyFont.setPixelSize(100); screenLabel->setFont(identifyFont); screenLabel->setFrameStyle(TQFrame::Panel); screenLabel->setFrameShadow(TQFrame::Plain); screenLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); screenLabel->setNum(int(s + 1)); // BUGLET: we should not allow the identification to be entered again // until the timer fires. TQTimer::singleShot(1500, screenLabel, TQT_SLOT(close())); TQPoint screenCenter(TQApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(s).center()); TQRect targetGeometry(TQPoint(0,0),screenLabel->sizeHint()); targetGeometry.moveCenter(screenCenter); screenLabel->setGeometry(targetGeometry); screenLabel->show(); } } void BGDialog::initUI() { // Desktop names if (m_useViewports == false) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_numDesks; ++i) { m_comboDesktop->insertItem(m_pGlobals->deskName(i)); } } else { for (unsigned i = 0; i < (m_numDesks/m_numViewports); ++i) { for (unsigned j = 0; j < m_numViewports; ++j) { m_comboDesktop->insertItem(i18n("Desktop %1 Viewport %2").arg(i+1).arg(j+1)); } } } // Screens for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_numScreens; ++i) m_comboScreen->insertItem( i18n("Screen %1").arg(TQString::number(i+1)) ); // Patterns m_comboPattern->insertItem(i18n("Single Color")); m_comboPattern->insertItem(i18n("Horizontal Gradient")); m_comboPattern->insertItem(i18n("Vertical Gradient")); m_comboPattern->insertItem(i18n("Pyramid Gradient")); m_comboPattern->insertItem(i18n("Pipecross Gradient")); m_comboPattern->insertItem(i18n("Elliptic Gradient")); m_patterns = KBackgroundPattern::list(); m_patterns.sort(); // Defined order TQStringList::Iterator it; for (it=m_patterns.begin(); it != m_patterns.end(); ++it) { KBackgroundPattern pat(*it); if (pat.isAvailable()) m_comboPattern->insertItem(pat.comment()); } loadWallpaperFilesList(); // Wallpaper tilings: again they must match the ones from bgrender.cc m_comboWallpaperPos->insertItem(i18n("Centered")); m_comboWallpaperPos->insertItem(i18n("Tiled")); m_comboWallpaperPos->insertItem(i18n("Center Tiled")); m_comboWallpaperPos->insertItem(i18n("Centered Maxpect")); m_comboWallpaperPos->insertItem(i18n("Tiled Maxpect")); m_comboWallpaperPos->insertItem(i18n("Scaled")); m_comboWallpaperPos->insertItem(i18n("Centered Auto Fit")); m_comboWallpaperPos->insertItem(i18n("Scale & Crop")); // Blend modes: make sure these match with kdesktop/bgrender.cc !! m_comboBlend->insertItem(i18n("No Blending")); m_comboBlend->insertItem(i18n("Flat")); m_comboBlend->insertItem(i18n("Horizontal")); m_comboBlend->insertItem(i18n("Vertical")); m_comboBlend->insertItem(i18n("Pyramid")); m_comboBlend->insertItem(i18n("Pipecross")); m_comboBlend->insertItem(i18n("Elliptic")); m_comboBlend->insertItem(i18n("Intensity")); m_comboBlend->insertItem(i18n("Saturation")); m_comboBlend->insertItem(i18n("Contrast")); m_comboBlend->insertItem(i18n("Hue Shift")); } void BGDialog::loadWallpaperFilesList() { // Wallpapers // the following TQMap is lower cased names mapped to cased names and URLs // this way we get case insensitive sorting TQMap<TQString, QPair<TQString, TQString> > papers; //search for .desktop files before searching for images without .desktop files TQStringList lst = m_pDirs->findAllResources("wallpaper", "*desktop", false, true); TQStringList files; TQStringList hiddenfiles; for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it) { KSimpleConfig fileConfig(*it); fileConfig.setGroup("Wallpaper"); int slash = (*it).findRev('/') + 1; TQString directory = (*it).left(slash); TQString imageCaption = fileConfig.readEntry("Name"); TQString fileName = fileConfig.readEntry("File"); if (fileConfig.readBoolEntry("Hidden",false)) { hiddenfiles.append(directory + fileName); continue; } if (imageCaption.isEmpty()) { imageCaption = fileName; imageCaption.replace('_', ' '); imageCaption = KStringHandler::capwords(imageCaption); } // avoid name collisions TQString rs = imageCaption; TQString lrs = rs.lower(); for (int n = 1; papers.find(lrs) != papers.end(); ++n) { rs = imageCaption + " (" + TQString::number(n) + ')'; lrs = rs.lower(); } bool canLoadScaleable = false; #ifdef HAVE_LIBART canLoadScaleable = true; #endif if ( fileConfig.readEntry("ImageType") == "pixmap" || canLoadScaleable ) { papers[lrs] = qMakePair(rs, directory + fileName); files.append(directory + fileName); } } //now find any wallpapers that don't have a .desktop file lst = m_pDirs->findAllResources("wallpaper", "*", false, true); for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it) { if ( !(*it).endsWith(".desktop") && files.grep(*it).empty() && hiddenfiles.grep(*it).empty() ) { // First try to see if we have a comment describing the image. If we do // just use the first line of said comment. KFileMetaInfo metaInfo(*it); TQString imageCaption; if (metaInfo.isValid() && metaInfo.item("Comment").isValid()) imageCaption = metaInfo.item("Comment").string().section('\n', 0, 0); if (imageCaption.isEmpty()) { int slash = (*it).findRev('/') + 1; int endDot = (*it).findRev('.'); // strip the extension if it exists if (endDot != -1 && endDot > slash) imageCaption = (*it).mid(slash, endDot - slash); else imageCaption = (*it).mid(slash); imageCaption.replace('_', ' '); imageCaption = KStringHandler::capwords(imageCaption); } // avoid name collisions TQString rs = imageCaption; TQString lrs = rs.lower(); for (int n = 1; papers.find(lrs) != papers.end(); ++n) { rs = imageCaption + " (" + TQString::number(n) + ')'; lrs = rs.lower(); } papers[lrs] = qMakePair(rs, *it); } } KComboBox *comboWallpaper = m_urlWallpaperBox; comboWallpaper->clear(); m_wallpaper.clear(); int i = 0; for (TQMap<TQString, QPair<TQString, TQString> >::Iterator it = papers.begin(); it != papers.end(); ++it) { comboWallpaper->insertItem(it.data().first); m_wallpaper[it.data().second] = i; i++; } } void BGDialog::setWallpaper(const TQString &s) { KComboBox *comboWallpaper = m_urlWallpaperBox; comboWallpaper->blockSignals(true); if (m_wallpaper.find(s) == m_wallpaper.end()) { int i = comboWallpaper->count(); TQString imageCaption; int slash = s.findRev('/') + 1; int endDot = s.findRev('.'); // strip the extension if it exists if (endDot != -1 && endDot > slash) imageCaption = s.mid(slash, endDot - slash); else imageCaption = s.mid(slash); if (comboWallpaper->text(i-1) == imageCaption) { i--; comboWallpaper->removeItem(i); } comboWallpaper->insertItem(imageCaption); m_wallpaper[s] = i; comboWallpaper->setCurrentItem(i); } else { comboWallpaper->setCurrentItem(m_wallpaper[s]); } comboWallpaper->blockSignals(false); } void BGDialog::slotWallpaperSelection() { KFileDialog dlg( TQString::null, TQString::null, this, "file dialog", true ); KImageFilePreview* previewWidget = new KImageFilePreview(&dlg); dlg.setPreviewWidget(previewWidget); TQStringList mimeTypes = KImageIO::mimeTypes( KImageIO::Reading ); #ifdef HAVE_LIBART mimeTypes += "image/svg+xml"; #endif dlg.setFilter( mimeTypes.join( " " ) ); dlg.setMode( KFile::File | KFile::ExistingOnly | KFile::LocalOnly ); dlg.setCaption( i18n("Select Wallpaper") ); int j = m_urlWallpaperBox->currentItem(); TQString uri; for(TQMap<TQString,int>::ConstIterator it = m_wallpaper.begin(); it != m_wallpaper.end(); ++it) { if (it.data() == j) { uri = it.key(); break; } } if ( !uri.isEmpty() ) { dlg.setSelection( uri ); } if ( dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) { setWallpaper(dlg.selectedFile()); int optionID = m_buttonGroupBackground->id(m_radioPicture); m_buttonGroupBackground->setButton( optionID ); slotWallpaperTypeChanged( optionID ); emit changed(true); } } void BGDialog::updateUI() { KBackgroundRenderer *r = eRenderer(); m_comboDesktop->setCurrentItem(m_eDesk); m_comboScreen->setCurrentItem(m_eScreen); m_colorPrimary->setColor(r->colorA()); m_colorSecondary->setColor(r->colorB()); int wallpaperMode = r->wallpaperMode(); int multiMode = r->multiWallpaperMode(); if (r->backgroundMode() == KBackgroundSettings::Program && wallpaperMode == KBackgroundSettings::NoWallpaper) groupBox3->setEnabled( false ); else groupBox3->setEnabled( true ); if ((multiMode == KBackgroundSettings::NoMultiRandom) || (multiMode == KBackgroundSettings::NoMulti)) { // No wallpaper if (wallpaperMode == KBackgroundSettings::NoWallpaper ) { m_urlWallpaperBox->setEnabled(false); m_urlWallpaperButton->setEnabled(false); m_buttonSetupWallpapers->setEnabled(false); m_comboWallpaperPos->setEnabled(false); m_lblWallpaperPos->setEnabled(false); m_buttonGroupBackground->setButton( m_buttonGroupBackground->id(m_radioNoPicture) ); } // 1 Picture else { m_urlWallpaperBox->setEnabled(true); m_urlWallpaperButton->setEnabled(true); m_buttonSetupWallpapers->setEnabled(false); m_comboWallpaperPos->setEnabled(true); m_lblWallpaperPos->setEnabled(true); setWallpaper(r->wallpaper()); m_buttonGroupBackground->setButton( m_buttonGroupBackground->id(m_radioPicture) ); } } // Slide show else { m_urlWallpaperBox->setEnabled(false); m_urlWallpaperButton->setEnabled(false); m_buttonSetupWallpapers->setEnabled(true); m_comboWallpaperPos->setEnabled(true); m_lblWallpaperPos->setEnabled(true); m_buttonGroupBackground->setButton( m_buttonGroupBackground->id(m_radioSlideShow) ); } m_comboWallpaperPos->setCurrentItem(r->wallpaperMode()-1); bool bSecondaryEnabled = true; m_comboPattern->blockSignals(true); switch (r->backgroundMode()) { case KBackgroundSettings::Flat: m_comboPattern->setCurrentItem(0); bSecondaryEnabled = false; break; case KBackgroundSettings::Pattern: { int i = m_patterns.findIndex(r->KBackgroundPattern::name()); if (i >= 0) m_comboPattern->setCurrentItem(NR_PREDEF_PATTERNS+i); else m_comboPattern->setCurrentItem(0); } break; case KBackgroundSettings::Program: m_comboPattern->setCurrentItem(0); bSecondaryEnabled = false; break; default: // Gradient m_comboPattern->setCurrentItem( 1 + r->backgroundMode() - KBackgroundSettings::HorizontalGradient); break; } m_comboPattern->blockSignals(false); m_colorSecondary->setEnabled(bSecondaryEnabled); int mode = r->blendMode(); m_comboBlend->blockSignals(true); m_sliderBlend->blockSignals(true); m_comboBlend->setCurrentItem(mode); m_cbBlendReverse->setChecked(r->reverseBlending()); m_sliderBlend->setValue( r->blendBalance() / 10 ); m_comboBlend->blockSignals(false); m_sliderBlend->blockSignals(false); // turn it off if there is no background picture set! setBlendingEnabled(wallpaperMode != KBackgroundSettings::NoWallpaper); // Start preview renderer(s) if ( m_eScreen == 0 ) { r->setPreview( m_pMonitorArrangement->combinedPreviewSize() ); r->start(true); } else if ( m_eScreen == 1 ) { r->setPreview( m_pMonitorArrangement->maxPreviewSize() ); r->start(true); } else { for (unsigned j = 0; j < m_numScreens; ++j) { m_renderer[m_eDesk][j+2]->stop(); m_renderer[m_eDesk][j+2]->setPreview( m_pMonitorArrangement->monitor(j)->size() ); m_renderer[m_eDesk][j+2]->start(true); } } } void BGDialog::slotPreviewDone(int desk_done, int screen_done) { int currentDesk = (m_eDesk > 0) ? m_eDesk-1 : 0; if ( desk_done != currentDesk ) return; if (!m_previewUpdates) return; KBackgroundRenderer * r = m_renderer[m_eDesk][(m_eScreen>1) ? (screen_done+2) : m_eScreen]; if (r->image().isNull()) return; r->saveCacheFile(); KPixmap pm; if (TQPixmap::defaultDepth() < 15) pm.convertFromImage(r->image(), KPixmap::LowColor); else pm.convertFromImage(r->image()); if ( m_eScreen == 0 ) { m_pMonitorArrangement->setPixmap(pm); } else if ( m_eScreen == 1 ) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_pMonitorArrangement->numMonitors(); ++i) m_pMonitorArrangement->monitor(i)->setPixmap(pm); } else { m_pMonitorArrangement->monitor(screen_done)->setPixmap(pm); } } void BGDialog::slotImageDropped(const TQString &uri) { setWallpaper(uri); int optionID = m_buttonGroupBackground->id(m_radioPicture); m_buttonGroupBackground->setButton( optionID ); slotWallpaperTypeChanged( optionID ); } void BGDialog::slotWallpaperTypeChanged(int i) { KBackgroundRenderer *r = eRenderer(); r->stop(); // No picture if (i == m_buttonGroupBackground->id(m_radioNoPicture)) //None { m_urlWallpaperBox->setEnabled(false); m_urlWallpaperButton->setEnabled(false); m_buttonSetupWallpapers->setEnabled(false); m_comboWallpaperPos->setEnabled(false); m_lblWallpaperPos->setEnabled(false); r->setWallpaperMode(KBackgroundSettings::NoWallpaper); if (m_slideShowRandom == KBackgroundSettings::InOrder) r->setMultiWallpaperMode(KBackgroundSettings::NoMulti); else r->setMultiWallpaperMode(KBackgroundSettings::NoMultiRandom); setBlendingEnabled(false); } // Slide show else if (i == m_buttonGroupBackground->id(m_radioSlideShow)) { m_urlWallpaperBox->setEnabled(false); m_urlWallpaperButton->setEnabled(false); m_buttonSetupWallpapers->setEnabled(true); m_comboWallpaperPos->setEnabled(true); m_lblWallpaperPos->setEnabled(true); setBlendingEnabled(true); m_comboWallpaperPos->blockSignals(true); m_comboWallpaperPos->setCurrentItem(m_wallpaperPos-1); m_comboWallpaperPos->blockSignals(false); if (r->wallpaperList().count() == 0) r->setWallpaperMode( KBackgroundSettings::NoWallpaper ); else r->setWallpaperMode(m_wallpaperPos); r->setMultiWallpaperMode(m_slideShowRandom); setWallpaper(r->wallpaper()); setBlendingEnabled(true); } // 1 Picture else if (i == m_buttonGroupBackground->id(m_radioPicture)) { m_urlWallpaperBox->setEnabled(true); m_urlWallpaperButton->setEnabled(true); m_buttonSetupWallpapers->setEnabled(false); m_lblWallpaperPos->setEnabled(true); m_comboWallpaperPos->setEnabled(true); setBlendingEnabled(true); if (m_slideShowRandom == KBackgroundSettings::InOrder) r->setMultiWallpaperMode(KBackgroundSettings::NoMulti); else r->setMultiWallpaperMode(KBackgroundSettings::NoMultiRandom); int j = m_urlWallpaperBox->currentItem(); TQString path; for(TQMap<TQString,int>::ConstIterator it = m_wallpaper.begin(); it != m_wallpaper.end(); ++it) { if (it.data() == j) { path = it.key(); break; } } KFileMetaInfo metaInfo(path); if (metaInfo.isValid() && metaInfo.item("Dimensions").isValid()) { // If the image is greater than 800x600 default to using scaled mode, // otherwise default to tiled. TQSize s = metaInfo.item("Dimensions").value().toSize(); if (s.width() >= 800 && s.height() >= 600) m_wallpaperPos = KBackgroundSettings::Scaled; else m_wallpaperPos = KBackgroundSettings::Tiled; } else if (KMimeType::findByPath(path)->is("image/svg+xml")) { m_wallpaperPos = KBackgroundSettings::Scaled; } r->setWallpaperMode(m_wallpaperPos); m_comboWallpaperPos->blockSignals(true); m_comboWallpaperPos->setCurrentItem(m_wallpaperPos-1); m_comboWallpaperPos->blockSignals(false); r->setWallpaper(path); } r->start(true); m_copyAllDesktops = true; m_copyAllScreens = true; emit changed(true); } void BGDialog::slotWallpaper(int) { slotWallpaperTypeChanged(m_buttonGroupBackground->id(m_radioPicture)); emit changed(true); } void BGDialog::setBlendingEnabled(bool enable) { int mode = eRenderer()->blendMode(); bool b = !(mode == KBackgroundSettings::NoBlending); m_lblBlending->setEnabled(enable); m_comboBlend->setEnabled(enable); m_lblBlendBalance->setEnabled(enable && b); m_sliderBlend->setEnabled(enable && b); b = !(mode < KBackgroundSettings::IntensityBlending); m_cbBlendReverse->setEnabled(enable && b); } void BGDialog::slotWallpaperPos(int mode) { KBackgroundRenderer *r = eRenderer(); mode++; m_wallpaperPos = mode; if (mode == r->wallpaperMode()) return; r->stop(); r->setWallpaperMode(mode); r->start(true); m_copyAllDesktops = true; m_copyAllScreens = true; emit changed(true); } void BGDialog::slotSetupMulti() { KBackgroundRenderer *r = eRenderer(); BGMultiWallpaperDialog dlg(r, topLevelWidget()); if (dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted) { r->stop(); m_slideShowRandom = r->multiWallpaperMode(); r->setWallpaperMode(m_wallpaperPos); r->start(true); m_copyAllDesktops = true; m_copyAllScreens = true; emit changed(true); } } void BGDialog::slotPrimaryColor(const TQColor &color) { KBackgroundRenderer *r = eRenderer(); if (color == r->colorA()) return; r->stop(); r->setColorA(color); r->start(true); m_copyAllDesktops = true; m_copyAllScreens = true; emit changed(true); } void BGDialog::slotSecondaryColor(const TQColor &color) { KBackgroundRenderer *r = eRenderer(); if (color == r->colorB()) return; r->stop(); r->setColorB(color); r->start(true); m_copyAllDesktops = true; m_copyAllScreens = true; emit changed(true); } void BGDialog::slotPattern(int pattern) { KBackgroundRenderer *r = eRenderer(); r->stop(); bool bSecondaryEnabled = true; if (pattern < NR_PREDEF_PATTERNS) { if (pattern == 0) { r->setBackgroundMode(KBackgroundSettings::Flat); bSecondaryEnabled = false; } else { r->setBackgroundMode(pattern - 1 + KBackgroundSettings::HorizontalGradient); } } else { r->setBackgroundMode(KBackgroundSettings::Pattern); r->setPatternName(m_patterns[pattern - NR_PREDEF_PATTERNS]); } r->start(true); m_colorSecondary->setEnabled(bSecondaryEnabled); m_copyAllDesktops = true; m_copyAllScreens = true; emit changed(true); } void BGDialog::slotSelectScreen(int screen) { // Copy the settings from "All screens" to all the other screens // at a suitable point if (m_pGlobals->commonScreenBackground() && (screen >1) && m_copyAllScreens) { // Copy stuff for (unsigned desk = 0; desk < m_numDesks+1; ++desk ) { KBackgroundRenderer *master = m_renderer[desk][1]; for (unsigned screen = 0; screen < m_numScreens; ++screen) { m_renderer[desk][screen+2]->copyConfig(master); } } } if (screen == m_eScreen ) { return; // Nothing to do } m_copyAllScreens = false; bool drawBackgroundPerScreen = screen > 0; bool commonScreenBackground = screen < 2; // Update drawBackgroundPerScreen if (m_eDesk == 0) { for (unsigned desk = 0; desk < m_numDesks; ++desk ) m_pGlobals->setDrawBackgroundPerScreen(desk, drawBackgroundPerScreen); } else { m_pGlobals->setDrawBackgroundPerScreen(m_eDesk-1, drawBackgroundPerScreen); } m_pGlobals->setCommonScreenBackground(commonScreenBackground); if (screen < 2) emit changed(true); else { for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_renderer[m_eDesk].size(); ++i) { if ( m_renderer[m_eDesk][i]->isActive() ) m_renderer[m_eDesk][i]->stop(); } } m_eScreen = screen; updateUI(); } void BGDialog::slotSelectDesk(int desk) { // Copy the settings from "All desktops" to all the other desktops // at a suitable point. if (m_pGlobals->commonDeskBackground() && (desk > 0) && m_copyAllDesktops) { // Copy stuff for (unsigned screen = 0; screen < m_renderer[0].size(); ++screen ) { KBackgroundRenderer *master = m_renderer[0][screen]; for (unsigned desk = 0; desk < m_numDesks; ++desk ) { m_renderer[desk+1][screen]->copyConfig(master); } } } if (desk == m_eDesk) { return; // Nothing to do } m_copyAllDesktops = false; if (desk == 0) { if (m_pGlobals->commonDeskBackground()) return; // Nothing to do m_pGlobals->setCommonDeskBackground(true); emit changed(true); } else { for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_renderer[m_eDesk].size(); ++i) { if ( m_renderer[m_eDesk][i]->isActive() ) m_renderer[m_eDesk][i]->stop(); } m_pGlobals->setCommonDeskBackground(false); } m_eDesk = desk; getEScreen(); updateUI(); } void BGDialog::slotAdvanced() { KBackgroundRenderer *r = eRenderer(); m_previewUpdates = false; BGAdvancedDialog dlg(r, topLevelWidget(), m_multidesktop); if (!m_pMonitorArrangement->isEnabled()) { dlg.makeReadOnly(); dlg.exec(); return; } dlg.setTextColor(m_pGlobals->textColor()); dlg.setTextBackgroundColor(m_pGlobals->textBackgroundColor()); dlg.setShadowEnabled(m_pGlobals->shadowEnabled()); dlg.setTextLines(m_pGlobals->textLines()); dlg.setTextWidth(m_pGlobals->textWidth()); if (m_pGlobals->limitCache()) dlg.setCacheSize( m_pGlobals->cacheSize() ); else dlg.setCacheSize( 0 ); if( !dlg.exec()) { m_previewUpdates = true; return; } r->setBackgroundMode(dlg.backgroundMode()); if (dlg.backgroundMode() == KBackgroundSettings::Program) { r->setProgram(dlg.backgroundProgram()); } int cacheSize = dlg.cacheSize(); if (cacheSize) { m_pGlobals->setCacheSize(cacheSize); m_pGlobals->setLimitCache(true); } else { m_pGlobals->setLimitCache(false); } m_pGlobals->setTextColor(dlg.textColor()); m_pGlobals->setTextBackgroundColor(dlg.textBackgroundColor()); m_pGlobals->setShadowEnabled(dlg.shadowEnabled()); m_pGlobals->setTextLines(dlg.textLines()); m_pGlobals->setTextWidth(dlg.textWidth()); r->stop(); m_previewUpdates = true; r->start(true); updateUI(); m_copyAllDesktops = true; emit changed(true); } void BGDialog::slotGetNewStuff() { //FIXME set this to a server when we get one //should really be in a .rc file but could be either //kcmshellrc or kcontrolrc TDEConfig* config = TDEGlobal::config(); config->setGroup("KNewStuff"); config->writeEntry( "ProvidersUrl", "http://download.kde.org/khotnewstuff/wallpaper-providers.xml" ); config->writeEntry( "StandardResource", "wallpaper" ); config->sync(); KNS::DownloadDialog::open("wallpapers", i18n("Get New Wallpapers")); loadWallpaperFilesList(); } void BGDialog::slotBlendMode(int mode) { if (mode == eRenderer()->blendMode()) return; bool b = !(mode == KBackgroundSettings::NoBlending); m_sliderBlend->setEnabled( b ); m_lblBlendBalance->setEnabled( b ); b = !(mode < KBackgroundSettings::IntensityBlending); m_cbBlendReverse->setEnabled(b); emit changed(true); eRenderer()->stop(); eRenderer()->setBlendMode(mode); eRenderer()->start(true); } void BGDialog::slotBlendBalance(int value) { value = value*10; if (value == eRenderer()->blendBalance()) return; emit changed(true); eRenderer()->stop(); eRenderer()->setBlendBalance(value); eRenderer()->start(true); } void BGDialog::slotBlendReverse(bool b) { if (b == eRenderer()->reverseBlending()) return; emit changed(true); eRenderer()->stop(); eRenderer()->setReverseBlending(b); eRenderer()->start(true); } void BGDialog::desktopResized() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_renderer.size(); ++i) { for (unsigned j = 0; j < m_renderer[i].size(); ++j ) { KBackgroundRenderer * r = m_renderer[i][j]; if( r->isActive()) r->stop(); r->desktopResized(); } } eRenderer()->start(true); } #include "bgdialog.moc"