/* Copyright (c) 2002 Craig Drummond <craig@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kxftconfig.h" #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <tqregexp.h> #include <tqfile.h> #include <tqpaintdevice.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <klargefile.h> #include <tqdir.h> #include <tqsettings.h> #include <tqfont.h> #ifdef HAVE_FONTCONFIG #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> #include <kdebug.h> #endif using namespace std; TQString KXftConfig::contractHome(TQString path) { if (!path.isEmpty() && '/'==path[0]) { TQString home(TQDir::homeDirPath()); if(path.startsWith(home)) { unsigned int len = home.length(); if(path.length() == len || path[len] == '/') return path.replace(0, len, TQString::fromLatin1("~")); } } return path; } TQString KXftConfig::expandHome(TQString path) { if(!path.isEmpty() && '~'==path[0]) return 1==path.length() ? TQDir::homeDirPath() : path.replace(0, 1, TQDir::homeDirPath()); return path; } static int point2Pixel(double point) { return (int)(((point*TQPaintDevice::x11AppDpiY())/72.0)+0.5); } static int pixel2Point(double pixel) { return (int)(((pixel*72.0)/(double)TQPaintDevice::x11AppDpiY())+0.5); } static bool equal(double d1, double d2) { return (fabs(d1 - d2) < 0.0001); } static TQString dirSyntax(const TQString &d) { if(!d.isNull()) { TQString ds(d); ds.replace("//", "/"); int slashPos=ds.findRev('/'); if(slashPos!=(((int)ds.length())-1)) ds.append('/'); return ds; } return d; } static TQString xDirSyntax(const TQString &d) { if(!d.isNull()) { TQString ds(d); int slashPos=ds.findRev('/'); if(slashPos==(((int)ds.length())-1)) ds.remove(slashPos, 1); return ds; } return d; } static bool check(const TQString &path, unsigned int fmt, bool checkW=false) { KDE_struct_stat info; TQCString pathC(TQFile::encodeName(path)); return 0==KDE_lstat(pathC, &info) && (info.st_mode&S_IFMT)==fmt && (!checkW || 0==::access(pathC, W_OK)); } inline bool fExists(const TQString &p) { return check(p, S_IFREG, false); } inline bool dWritable(const TQString &p) { return check(p, S_IFDIR, true); } inline bool dExists(const TQString &p) { return check(p, S_IFDIR, false); } static TQString getDir(const TQString &f) { TQString d(f); int slashPos=d.findRev('/'); if(-1!=slashPos) d.remove(slashPos+1, d.length()); return dirSyntax(d); } static time_t getTimeStamp(const TQString &item) { KDE_struct_stat info; return !item.isNull() && 0==KDE_lstat(TQFile::encodeName(item), &info) ? info.st_mtime : 0; } #ifdef HAVE_FONTCONFIG inline TQString fileSyntax(const TQString &f) { return xDirSyntax(f); } // // Obtain location of config file to use. // // For system, prefer the following: // // <...>/config.d/00kde.conf = preferred method from FontConfig >= 2.3 // <...>/local.conf // // Non-system, prefer: // // $HOME/<...>/.fonts.conf // $HOME/<...>/fonts.conf // TQString getConfigFile(bool system) { #if (FC_VERSION>=20300) static const char * constKdeRootFcFile="00kde.conf"; #endif FcStrList *list=FcConfigGetConfigFiles(FcConfigGetCurrent()); TQStringList files; FcChar8 *file; TQString home(dirSyntax(TQDir::homeDirPath())); while((file=FcStrListNext(list))) { TQString f((const char *)file); if(fExists(f)) { if(system || 0==fileSyntax(f).find(home)) // For nonsystem, only consider file within $HOME files.append(f); } #if (FC_VERSION>=20300) if(system && dExists(f) && (-1!=f.find(TQRegExp("/conf\\.d/?$")) || -1!=f.find(TQRegExp("/conf\\.d?$"))) ) return dirSyntax(f)+constKdeRootFcFile; // This ones good enough for me! #endif } // // Go through list of files, looking for the preferred one... if(files.count()) { TQStringList::Iterator it(files.begin()), end(files.end()); for(; it!=end; ++it) if(-1!=(*it).find(TQRegExp(system ? "/local\\.conf$" : "/\\.?fonts\\.conf$"))) return *it; return files.front(); // Just return the 1st one... } else return system ? "/etc/fonts/local.conf" : fileSyntax(home+"/.fonts.conf"); // Hmmm... no known files? } static TQString getEntry(TQDomElement element, const char *type, unsigned int numAttributes, ...) { if(numAttributes==element.attributes().length()) { va_list args; unsigned int arg; bool ok=true; va_start(args, numAttributes); for(arg=0; arg<numAttributes && ok; ++arg) { const char *attr=va_arg(args, const char *); const char *val =va_arg(args, const char *); if(!attr || !val || val!=element.attribute(attr)) ok=false; } va_end(args); if(ok) { TQDomNode n=element.firstChild(); if(!n.isNull()) { TQDomElement e = n.toElement(); if(!e.isNull() && type==e.tagName()) return e.text(); } } } return TQString::null; } static KXftConfig::SubPixel::Type strToType(const char *str) { if(0==strcmp(str, "rgb")) return KXftConfig::SubPixel::Rgb; else if(0==strcmp(str, "bgr")) return KXftConfig::SubPixel::Bgr; else if(0==strcmp(str, "vrgb")) return KXftConfig::SubPixel::Vrgb; else if(0==strcmp(str, "vbgr")) return KXftConfig::SubPixel::Vbgr; else return KXftConfig::SubPixel::None; } static KXftConfig::Hint::Style strToStyle(const char *str) { if(0==strcmp(str, "hintslight")) return KXftConfig::Hint::Slight; else if(0==strcmp(str, "hintmedium")) return KXftConfig::Hint::Medium; else if(0==strcmp(str, "hintfull")) return KXftConfig::Hint::Full; else return KXftConfig::Hint::None; } #else static bool strToType(const char *str, KXftConfig::SubPixel::Type &type) { if(0==memcmp(str, "rgb", 3)) type=KXftConfig::SubPixel::Rgb; else if(0==memcmp(str, "bgr", 3)) type=KXftConfig::SubPixel::Bgr; else if(0==memcmp(str, "vrgb", 4)) type=KXftConfig::SubPixel::Vrgb; else if(0==memcmp(str, "vbgr", 4)) type=KXftConfig::SubPixel::Vbgr; else if(0==memcmp(str, "none", 4)) type=KXftConfig::SubPixel::None; else return false; return true; } static inline bool isWhiteSpace(char c) { return c==' ' || c=='\n' || c== '\t'; } static bool ok(char *data, char *entry) { char *e=entry; for(;;) { e--; if(e==data || *e=='\n') return true; else if(!isWhiteSpace(*e)) return false; } return false; } static char * getKey(char *data, const char *key) { char *entry, *start=data; while(start &&start && (entry=strstr(start, key))) if(entry==data || ok(data, entry) && isWhiteSpace(entry[strlen(key)])) return entry; else start=entry+strlen(key); return NULL; } static bool skipToken(char **ptr, const char *token) { while(isWhiteSpace(**ptr)) (*ptr)++; if(0!=memcmp(*ptr, token, strlen(token))) return false; (*ptr)+=strlen(token); return true; } static bool readNum(char **ptr, double *num) { static const int constMaxNumLen=64; char n[constMaxNumLen+1]; bool foundNum=false, foundPoint=false, foundE=false; int numChars=0; while(isWhiteSpace(**ptr)) (*ptr)++; while(numChars<constMaxNumLen && (isdigit(**ptr) || ('.'==**ptr && foundNum && !foundPoint && !foundE) || ('e'==**ptr && foundNum && !foundE))) { n[numChars++]=**ptr; if('.'==**ptr) foundPoint=true; else if('e'==**ptr) foundE=true; else foundNum=true; (*ptr)++; } if(numChars) { n[numChars]='\0'; *num=atof(n); return true; } return false; } static KXftConfig::ListItem * getFirstItem(TQPtrList<KXftConfig::ListItem> &list) { KXftConfig::ListItem *cur; for(cur=list.first(); cur; cur=list.next()) if(!cur->added()) return cur; return NULL; } #endif static KXftConfig::ListItem * getLastItem(TQPtrList<KXftConfig::ListItem> &list) { KXftConfig::ListItem *cur; for(cur=list.last(); cur; cur=list.prev()) if(!cur->added()) return cur; return NULL; } #ifndef HAVE_FONTCONFIG static const TQString defaultPath("/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XftConfig"); static const TQString defaultUserFile(".xftconfig"); static const char * constSymEnc="\"glyphs-fontspecific\""; static const TQString constConfigFiles[]= { defaultPath, "/etc/X11/XftConfig", TQString::null }; #endif KXftConfig::KXftConfig(int required, bool system) : m_required(required), #ifdef HAVE_FONTCONFIG m_doc("fontconfig"), #else m_size(0), m_data(NULL), #endif m_system(system) { #ifdef HAVE_FONTCONFIG m_file=getConfigFile(system); kdDebug(1208) << "Using fontconfig file:" << m_file << endl; m_antiAliasing = aliasingEnabled(); #else if(system) { int f; for(f=0; !constConfigFiles[f].isNull(); ++f) if(fExists(constConfigFiles[f])) m_file=constConfigFiles[f]; if(m_file.isNull()) m_file=defaultPath; } else m_file= TQString(TQDir::homeDirPath()+"/"+defaultUserFile); #endif #ifndef HAVE_FONTCONFIG m_symbolFamilies.setAutoDelete(true); #endif m_dirs.setAutoDelete(true); reset(); } KXftConfig::~KXftConfig() { #ifndef HAVE_FONTCONFIG delete [] m_data; m_data=NULL; #endif } bool KXftConfig::reset() { bool ok=false; m_madeChanges=false; #ifdef HAVE_FONTCONFIG m_hint.reset(); m_hinting.reset(); #else m_symbolFamilies.clear(); #endif m_dirs.clear(); m_excludeRange.reset(); m_excludePixelRange.reset(); m_subPixel.reset(); #ifdef HAVE_FONTCONFIG TQFile f(m_file); if(f.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { m_time=getTimeStamp(m_file); ok=true; m_doc.clear(); if(m_doc.setContent(&f)) readContents(); f.close(); } else ok=!fExists(m_file) && dWritable(getDir(m_file)); if(m_doc.documentElement().isNull()) m_doc.appendChild(m_doc.createElement("fontconfig")); #else TQFile f(m_file); m_size=0; delete [] m_data; m_data=NULL; if(f.open(IO_Raw|IO_ReadOnly)) { m_time=getTimeStamp(m_file); m_size=f.size(); ok=true; if(m_size>0) { m_data=new char [m_size+1]; if(m_data) { f.readBlock(m_data, m_size); m_data[m_size]='\0'; readContents(); } } f.close(); } else ok=!fExists(m_file) && dWritable(getDir(m_file)); #endif if(ok && m_required&ExcludeRange) { // // Check exclude range values - i.e. size and pixel size... if(!equal(0, m_excludeRange.from) || !equal(0, m_excludeRange.to)) // If "size" range is set, ensure "pixelsize" matches... { double pFrom=(double)point2Pixel(m_excludeRange.from), pTo=(double)point2Pixel(m_excludeRange.to); if(!equal(pFrom, m_excludePixelRange.from) || !equal(pTo, m_excludePixelRange.to)) { m_excludePixelRange.from=pFrom; m_excludePixelRange.to=pTo; m_madeChanges=true; apply(); } } else if(!equal(0, m_excludePixelRange.from) || !equal(0, m_excludePixelRange.to)) // "pixelsize" set, but not "size" !!! { m_excludeRange.from=(int)pixel2Point(m_excludePixelRange.from); m_excludeRange.to=(int)pixel2Point(m_excludePixelRange.to); m_madeChanges=true; apply(); } } return ok; } bool KXftConfig::apply() { bool ok=true; if(m_madeChanges) { // // Check if file has been written since we last read it. If it has, then re-read and add any // of our changes... if(fExists(m_file) && getTimeStamp(m_file)!=m_time) { KXftConfig newConfig(m_required, m_system); TQStringList list; TQStringList::Iterator it; if(m_required&Dirs) { list=getDirs(); for(it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it) newConfig.addDir(*it); } if(m_required&ExcludeRange) newConfig.setExcludeRange(m_excludeRange.from, m_excludeRange.to); if(m_required&SubPixelType) newConfig.setSubPixelType(m_subPixel.type); #ifdef HAVE_FONTCONFIG if(m_required&HintStyle) newConfig.setHintStyle(m_hint.style); if(m_required&AntiAlias) newConfig.setAntiAliasing(m_antiAliasing.set); #else if(m_required&SymbolFamilies) { list=getSymbolFamilies(); for(it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it) newConfig.addSymbolFamily(*it); } #endif ok=newConfig.changed() ? newConfig.apply() : true; if(ok) reset(); else m_time=getTimeStamp(m_file); } else { if(m_required&ExcludeRange) { // Ensure these are always equal... m_excludePixelRange.from=(int)point2Pixel(m_excludeRange.from); m_excludePixelRange.to=(int)point2Pixel(m_excludeRange.to); } #ifdef HAVE_FONTCONFIG FcAtomic *atomic=FcAtomicCreate((const unsigned char *)((const char *)(TQFile::encodeName(m_file)))); ok=false; if(atomic) { if(FcAtomicLock(atomic)) { FILE *f=fopen((char *)FcAtomicNewFile(atomic), "w"); if(f) { if(m_required&Dirs) { applyDirs(); removeItems(m_dirs); } if(m_required&SubPixelType) applySubPixelType(); if(m_required&HintStyle) applyHintStyle(); if(m_required&AntiAlias) applyAntiAliasing(); if(m_required&ExcludeRange) { applyExcludeRange(false); applyExcludeRange(true); } // // Check document syntax... const char qtXmlHeader[] = "<?xml version = '1.0'?>"; const char xmlHeader[] = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"; const char qtDocTypeLine[] = "<!DOCTYPE fontconfig>"; const char docTypeLine[] = "<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM \"fonts.dtd\">"; TQString str(m_doc.toString()); int idx; if(0!=str.find("<?xml")) str.insert(0, xmlHeader); else if(0==str.find(qtXmlHeader)) str.replace(0, strlen(qtXmlHeader), xmlHeader); if(-1!=(idx=str.find(qtDocTypeLine))) str.replace(idx, strlen(qtDocTypeLine), docTypeLine); // // Write to file... fputs(str.utf8(), f); fclose(f); if(FcAtomicReplaceOrig(atomic)) { ok=true; reset(); // Re-read contents.. } else FcAtomicDeleteNew(atomic); } FcAtomicUnlock(atomic); } FcAtomicDestroy(atomic); } #else std::ofstream f(TQFile::encodeName(m_file)); if(f) { ListItem *ldi=m_required&Dirs ? getLastItem(m_dirs) : NULL, *lfi=m_required&SymbolFamilies ? getLastItem(m_symbolFamilies) : NULL; char *pos=m_data; bool finished=false, pixel=false; while(!finished) { int type=0; ListItem *fdi=NULL, *ffi=NULL; Item *first=NULL; if(m_required&Dirs && NULL!=(fdi=getFirstItem(m_dirs)) && (NULL==first || fdi->start < first->start)) { first=fdi; type=Dirs; } if(m_required&SymbolFamilies && NULL!=(ffi=getFirstItem(m_symbolFamilies)) && (NULL==first || ffi->start < first->start)) { first=ffi; type=SymbolFamilies; } if(m_required&SubPixelType && NULL!=m_subPixel.start && (NULL==first || m_subPixel.start < first->start)) { first=&m_subPixel; type=SubPixelType; } if(m_required&ExcludeRange) if(NULL!=m_excludeRange.start && (NULL==first || m_excludeRange.start < first->start)) { first=&m_excludeRange; type=ExcludeRange; pixel=false; } else if(NULL!=m_excludePixelRange.start && (NULL==first || m_excludePixelRange.start < first->start)) { first=&m_excludePixelRange; type=ExcludeRange; pixel=true; } if(first && first->start!=pos) f.write(pos, first->start-pos); if(0!=type) pos=first->end+1; switch(type) { case Dirs: if(!first->toBeRemoved) outputDir(f, fdi->str); m_dirs.remove(fdi); if(fdi==ldi) outputNewDirs(f); break; case SymbolFamilies: if(!first->toBeRemoved) outputSymbolFamily(f, ffi->str); m_symbolFamilies.remove(ffi); if(ffi==lfi) outputNewSymbolFamilies(f); break; case SubPixelType: if(!first->toBeRemoved) outputSubPixelType(f, false); m_subPixel.start=NULL; break; case ExcludeRange: if(!first->toBeRemoved) outputExcludeRange(f, false, pixel); m_excludeRange.start=NULL; break; case 0: // 0 => All read in entries written... if(m_size && (pos < m_data+m_size)) f.write(pos, (m_data+m_size)-pos); default: finished=true; break; } }; outputNewDirs(f); outputNewSymbolFamilies(f); outputSubPixelType(f, true); outputExcludeRange(f, true, false); outputExcludeRange(f, true, true); f.close(); reset(); // Re-read contents... } else ok=false; #endif } } return ok; } bool KXftConfig::getSubPixelType(SubPixel::Type &type) { type=m_subPixel.type; return SubPixel::None!=m_subPixel.type; } void KXftConfig::setSubPixelType(SubPixel::Type type) { if(type!=m_subPixel.type) { m_subPixel.type=type; m_madeChanges=true; } } #ifdef HAVE_FONTCONFIG bool KXftConfig::getHintStyle(Hint::Style &style) { if(Hint::NotSet!=m_hint.style && !m_hint.toBeRemoved) { style=m_hint.style; return true; } else return false; } void KXftConfig::setHintStyle(Hint::Style style) { if((Hint::NotSet==style && Hint::NotSet!=m_hint.style && !m_hint.toBeRemoved) || (Hint::NotSet!=style && (style!=m_hint.style || m_hint.toBeRemoved)) ) { m_hint.toBeRemoved=(Hint::NotSet==style); m_hint.style=style; m_madeChanges=true; } if(Hint::NotSet!=style) setHinting(Hint::None!=m_hint.style); } void KXftConfig::setHinting(bool set) { if(set!=m_hinting.set) { m_hinting.set=set; m_madeChanges=true; } } #endif bool KXftConfig::getExcludeRange(double &from, double &to) { if(!equal(0, m_excludeRange.from) || !equal(0,m_excludeRange.to)) { from=m_excludeRange.from; to=m_excludeRange.to; return true; } else return false; } void KXftConfig::setExcludeRange(double from, double to) { double f=from<to ? from : to, t=from<to ? to : from; if(!equal(f, m_excludeRange.from) || !equal(t,m_excludeRange.to)) { m_excludeRange.from=f; m_excludeRange.to=t; m_madeChanges=true; } } void KXftConfig::addDir(const TQString &d) { TQString dir(dirSyntax(d)); if(dExists(dir) && !hasDir(dir)) addItem(m_dirs, dir); } void KXftConfig::removeDir(const TQString &d) { TQString dir(dirSyntax(d)); removeItem(m_dirs, dir); } TQString KXftConfig::description(SubPixel::Type t) { switch(t) { default: case SubPixel::None: return i18n("None"); case SubPixel::Rgb: return i18n("RGB"); case SubPixel::Bgr: return i18n("BGR"); case SubPixel::Vrgb: return i18n("Vertical RGB"); case SubPixel::Vbgr: return i18n("Vertical BGR"); } } const char * KXftConfig::toStr(SubPixel::Type t) { switch(t) { default: case SubPixel::None: return "none"; case SubPixel::Rgb: return "rgb"; case SubPixel::Bgr: return "bgr"; case SubPixel::Vrgb: return "vrgb"; case SubPixel::Vbgr: return "vbgr"; } } #ifdef HAVE_FONTCONFIG TQString KXftConfig::description(Hint::Style s) { switch(s) { default: case Hint::Medium: return i18n("Medium"); case Hint::NotSet: return ""; case Hint::None: return i18n("None"); case Hint::Slight: return i18n("Slight"); case Hint::Full: return i18n("Full"); } } const char * KXftConfig::toStr(Hint::Style s) { switch(s) { default: case Hint::Medium: return "hintmedium"; case Hint::None: return "hintnone"; case Hint::Slight: return "hintslight"; case Hint::Full: return "hintfull"; } } #endif bool KXftConfig::hasDir(const TQString &d) { TQString dir(dirSyntax(d)); #ifdef HAVE_FONTCONFIG ListItem *item; for(item=m_dirs.first(); item; item=m_dirs.next()) if(0==dir.find(item->str)) return true; return false; #else return NULL!=findItem(m_dirs, dir); #endif } KXftConfig::ListItem * KXftConfig::findItem(TQPtrList<ListItem> &list, const TQString &i) { ListItem *item; for(item=list.first(); item; item=list.next()) if(item->str==i) break; return item; } void KXftConfig::clearList(TQPtrList<ListItem> &list) { ListItem *item; for(item=list.first(); item; item=list.next()) removeItem(list, item); } TQStringList KXftConfig::getList(TQPtrList<ListItem> &list) { TQStringList res; ListItem *item; for(item=list.first(); item; item=list.next()) if(!item->toBeRemoved) res.append(item->str); return res; } void KXftConfig::addItem(TQPtrList<ListItem> &list, const TQString &i) { ListItem *item=findItem(list, i); if(!item) { list.append(new ListItem(i #ifndef HAVE_FONTCONFIG , NULL, NULL #endif )); m_madeChanges=true; } else item->toBeRemoved=false; } void KXftConfig::removeItem(TQPtrList<ListItem> &list, ListItem *item) { if(item) { if(item->added()) list.remove(item); else item->toBeRemoved=true; m_madeChanges=true; } } void KXftConfig::readContents() { #ifdef HAVE_FONTCONFIG TQDomNode n = m_doc.documentElement().firstChild(); while(!n.isNull()) { TQDomElement e = n.toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) if("dir"==e.tagName()) { if(m_required&Dirs) m_dirs.append(new ListItem(expandHome(dirSyntax(e.text())), n)); } else if("match"==e.tagName()) { TQString str; switch(e.childNodes().count()) { case 1: if(m_required&SubPixelType && "font"==e.attribute("target")) { TQDomElement ene=e.firstChild().toElement(); if(!ene.isNull() && "edit"==ene.tagName()) if(!(str=getEntry(ene, "const", 2, "name", "rgba", "mode", "assign")).isNull()) { m_subPixel.node=n; m_subPixel.type=strToType(str.latin1()); } else if(!(str=getEntry(ene, "const", 2, "name", "hintstyle", "mode", "assign")).isNull()) { m_hint.node=n; m_hint.style=strToStyle(str.latin1()); } else if(!(str=getEntry(ene, "bool", 2, "name", "hinting", "mode", "assign")).isNull()) { m_hinting.node=n; m_hinting.set=str.lower()!="false"; } else if(!(str=getEntry(ene, "bool", 2, "name", "antialias", "mode", "assign")).isNull()) { m_antiAliasing.node=n; m_antiAliasing.set=str.lower()!="false"; } } break; case 3: if(m_required&ExcludeRange && "font"==e.attribute("target")) // CPD: Is target "font" or "pattern" ???? { bool foundFalse=false; TQDomNode en=e.firstChild(); TQString family; double from=-1.0, to=-1.0, pixelFrom=-1.0, pixelTo=-1.0; while(!en.isNull()) { TQDomElement ene=en.toElement(); if(!ene.isNull()) if("test"==ene.tagName()) { // kcmfonts used to write incorrectly more or less instead of more_eq and less_eq, so read both, // first the old (wrong) one then the right one if(!(str=getEntry(ene, "double", 3, "qual", "any", "name", "size", "compare", "more")).isNull()) from=str.toDouble(); if(!(str=getEntry(ene, "double", 3, "qual", "any", "name", "size", "compare", "more_eq")).isNull()) from=str.toDouble(); if(!(str=getEntry(ene, "double", 3, "qual", "any", "name", "size", "compare", "less")).isNull()) to=str.toDouble(); if(!(str=getEntry(ene, "double", 3, "qual", "any", "name", "size", "compare", "less_eq")).isNull()) to=str.toDouble(); if(!(str=getEntry(ene, "double", 3, "qual", "any", "name", "pixelsize", "compare", "more")).isNull()) pixelFrom=str.toDouble(); if(!(str=getEntry(ene, "double", 3, "qual", "any", "name", "pixelsize", "compare", "more_eq")).isNull()) pixelFrom=str.toDouble(); if(!(str=getEntry(ene, "double", 3, "qual", "any", "name", "pixelsize", "compare", "less")).isNull()) pixelTo=str.toDouble(); if(!(str=getEntry(ene, "double", 3, "qual", "any", "name", "pixelsize", "compare", "less_eq")).isNull()) pixelTo=str.toDouble(); } else if("edit"==ene.tagName() && "false"==getEntry(ene, "bool", 2, "name", "antialias", "mode", "assign")) foundFalse=true; en=en.nextSibling(); } if((from>=0 || to>=0) && foundFalse) { m_excludeRange.from=from < to ? from : to; m_excludeRange.to =from < to ? to : from; m_excludeRange.node=n; } else if((pixelFrom>=0 || pixelTo>=0) && foundFalse) { m_excludePixelRange.from=pixelFrom < pixelTo ? pixelFrom : pixelTo; m_excludePixelRange.to =pixelFrom < pixelTo ? pixelTo : pixelFrom; m_excludePixelRange.node=n; } } break; default: break; } } n=n.nextSibling(); } #else static const int constMaxDataLen=2048; char *from=NULL, *ptr=m_data, *eostr=NULL, data[constMaxDataLen]; if(m_required&Dirs) while((ptr=getKey(ptr, "dir"))) { from=ptr; ptr+=4; while(isWhiteSpace(*ptr)) ptr++; if(*ptr=='\"') { ptr++; if(NULL!=(eostr=(char*)strchr(ptr, '\"')) && eostr-ptr<constMaxDataLen) { memcpy(data, ptr, eostr-ptr); data[eostr-ptr]='\0'; if(NULL==strchr(data, '\n')) { ptr=eostr+1; while(*ptr!='\n' && *ptr!='\0' && isWhiteSpace(*ptr)) ptr++; m_dirs.append(new ListItem(expandHome(dirSyntax(data)), from, ptr)); } } } } if(m_required&SymbolFamilies || m_required&SubPixelType || m_required&ExcludeRange) { double efrom, eto; ptr=m_data; while((ptr=getKey(ptr, "match"))) { from=ptr; ptr+=6; if((m_required&SymbolFamilies || m_required&ExcludeRange) && skipToken(&ptr, "any")) { if(m_required&SymbolFamilies && skipToken(&ptr, "family") && skipToken(&ptr, "==")) { while(isWhiteSpace(*ptr)) ptr++; if(*ptr=='\"') { ptr++; if(NULL!=(eostr=(char*)strchr(ptr, '\"')) && eostr-ptr<constMaxDataLen) { memcpy(data, ptr, eostr-ptr); data[eostr-ptr]='\0'; if(NULL==strchr(data, '\n')) { ptr=eostr+1; if(skipToken(&ptr, "edit") && skipToken(&ptr, "encoding") && skipToken(&ptr, "=") && skipToken(&ptr, constSymEnc) && skipToken(&ptr, ";")) { while(*ptr!='\n' && *ptr!='\0' && isWhiteSpace(*ptr)) ptr++; m_symbolFamilies.append(new ListItem(data, from, ptr)); } } } } } else if(m_required&ExcludeRange && skipToken(&ptr, "size") && (skipToken(&ptr, ">")||skipToken(&ptr, "<")) && readNum(&ptr, &efrom) && skipToken(&ptr, "any") && skipToken(&ptr, "size") && (skipToken(&ptr, "<")||skipToken(&ptr, ">")) && readNum(&ptr, &eto) && skipToken(&ptr, "edit") && skipToken(&ptr, "antialias") && skipToken(&ptr, "=") && skipToken(&ptr, "false") && skipToken(&ptr, ";")) { while(*ptr!='\n' && *ptr!='\0' && isWhiteSpace(*ptr)) ptr++; m_excludeRange.from=efrom<eto ? efrom : eto; m_excludeRange.to=efrom<eto ? eto : efrom; m_excludeRange.start=from; m_excludeRange.end=ptr; } else if(m_required&ExcludeRange && skipToken(&ptr, "pixelsize") && (skipToken(&ptr, ">")||skipToken(&ptr, "<")) && readNum(&ptr, &efrom) && skipToken(&ptr, "any") && skipToken(&ptr, "pixelsize") && (skipToken(&ptr, "<")||skipToken(&ptr, ">")) && readNum(&ptr, &eto) && skipToken(&ptr, "edit") && skipToken(&ptr, "antialias") && skipToken(&ptr, "=") && skipToken(&ptr, "false") && skipToken(&ptr, ";")) { while(*ptr!='\n' && *ptr!='\0' && isWhiteSpace(*ptr)) ptr++; m_excludePixelRange.from=efrom<eto ? efrom : eto; m_excludePixelRange.to=efrom<eto ? eto : efrom; m_excludePixelRange.start=from; m_excludePixelRange.end=ptr; } } else if(m_required&SubPixelType && skipToken(&ptr, "edit") && skipToken(&ptr, "rgba") && skipToken(&ptr, "=")) { SubPixel::Type type=SubPixel::None; while(isWhiteSpace(*ptr)) ptr++; if(!strToType(ptr, type)) continue; ptr+=SubPixel::Rgb==type || SubPixel::Bgr==type ? 3 : 4; if(skipToken(&ptr, ";")) { while(*ptr!='\n' && *ptr!='\0' && isWhiteSpace(*ptr)) ptr++; m_subPixel.type=type; m_subPixel.start=from; m_subPixel.end=ptr; } } } } #endif } #ifdef HAVE_FONTCONFIG void KXftConfig::applyDirs() { ListItem *item, *last=getLastItem(m_dirs); for(item=m_dirs.first(); item; item=m_dirs.next()) if(!item->toBeRemoved && item->node.isNull()) { TQDomElement newNode = m_doc.createElement("dir"); TQDomText text = m_doc.createTextNode(contractHome(xDirSyntax(item->str))); newNode.appendChild(text); if(last) m_doc.documentElement().insertAfter(newNode, last->node); else m_doc.documentElement().appendChild(newNode); } } void KXftConfig::applySubPixelType() { TQDomElement matchNode = m_doc.createElement("match"), typeNode = m_doc.createElement("const"), editNode = m_doc.createElement("edit"); TQDomText typeText = m_doc.createTextNode(toStr(m_subPixel.type)); matchNode.setAttribute("target", "font"); editNode.setAttribute("mode", "assign"); editNode.setAttribute("name", "rgba"); editNode.appendChild(typeNode); typeNode.appendChild(typeText); matchNode.appendChild(editNode); if(m_subPixel.node.isNull()) m_doc.documentElement().appendChild(matchNode); else m_doc.documentElement().replaceChild(matchNode, m_subPixel.node); m_subPixel.node=matchNode; } void KXftConfig::applyHintStyle() { applyHinting(); if(Hint::NotSet==m_hint.style || m_hint.toBeRemoved) { if(!m_hint.node.isNull()) { m_doc.documentElement().removeChild(m_hint.node); m_hint.node.clear(); } } else { TQDomElement matchNode = m_doc.createElement("match"), typeNode = m_doc.createElement("const"), editNode = m_doc.createElement("edit"); TQDomText typeText = m_doc.createTextNode(toStr(m_hint.style)); matchNode.setAttribute("target", "font"); editNode.setAttribute("mode", "assign"); editNode.setAttribute("name", "hintstyle"); editNode.appendChild(typeNode); typeNode.appendChild(typeText); matchNode.appendChild(editNode); if(m_hint.node.isNull()) m_doc.documentElement().appendChild(matchNode); else m_doc.documentElement().replaceChild(matchNode, m_hint.node); m_hint.node=matchNode; } } void KXftConfig::applyHinting() { TQDomElement matchNode = m_doc.createElement("match"), typeNode = m_doc.createElement("bool"), editNode = m_doc.createElement("edit"); TQDomText typeText = m_doc.createTextNode(m_hinting.set ? "true" : "false"); matchNode.setAttribute("target", "font"); editNode.setAttribute("mode", "assign"); editNode.setAttribute("name", "hinting"); editNode.appendChild(typeNode); typeNode.appendChild(typeText); matchNode.appendChild(editNode); if(m_hinting.node.isNull()) m_doc.documentElement().appendChild(matchNode); else m_doc.documentElement().replaceChild(matchNode, m_hinting.node); m_hinting.node=matchNode; } void KXftConfig::applyExcludeRange(bool pixel) { Exclude &range=pixel ? m_excludePixelRange : m_excludeRange; if(equal(range.from, 0) && equal(range.to, 0)) { if(!range.node.isNull()) { m_doc.documentElement().removeChild(range.node); range.node.clear(); } } else { TQString fromString, toString; fromString.setNum(range.from); toString.setNum(range.to); TQDomElement matchNode = m_doc.createElement("match"), fromTestNode = m_doc.createElement("test"), fromNode = m_doc.createElement("double"), toTestNode = m_doc.createElement("test"), toNode = m_doc.createElement("double"), editNode = m_doc.createElement("edit"), boolNode = m_doc.createElement("bool"); TQDomText fromText = m_doc.createTextNode(fromString), toText = m_doc.createTextNode(toString), boolText = m_doc.createTextNode("false"); matchNode.setAttribute("target", "font"); // CPD: Is target "font" or "pattern" ???? fromTestNode.setAttribute("qual", "any"); fromTestNode.setAttribute("name", pixel ? "pixelsize" : "size"); fromTestNode.setAttribute("compare", "more_eq"); fromTestNode.appendChild(fromNode); fromNode.appendChild(fromText); toTestNode.setAttribute("qual", "any"); toTestNode.setAttribute("name", pixel ? "pixelsize" : "size"); toTestNode.setAttribute("compare", "less_eq"); toTestNode.appendChild(toNode); toNode.appendChild(toText); editNode.setAttribute("mode", "assign"); editNode.setAttribute("name", "antialias"); editNode.appendChild(boolNode); boolNode.appendChild(boolText); matchNode.appendChild(fromTestNode); matchNode.appendChild(toTestNode); matchNode.appendChild(editNode); if(!m_antiAliasing.node.isNull()) m_doc.documentElement().removeChild(range.node); m_doc.documentElement().appendChild(matchNode); range.node=matchNode; } } void KXftConfig::removeItems(TQPtrList<ListItem> &list) { ListItem *item; TQDomElement docElem = m_doc.documentElement(); for(item=list.first(); item; item=list.next()) if(item->toBeRemoved && !item->node.isNull()) docElem.removeChild(item->node); } #else void KXftConfig::outputDir(std::ofstream &f, const TQString &str) { f << "dir \"" << contractHome(xDirSyntax(str)).local8Bit() << "\"" << endl; } void KXftConfig::outputNewDirs(std::ofstream &f) { ListItem *item; for(item=m_dirs.first(); item; item=m_dirs.next()) if(!item->toBeRemoved && NULL==item->start) outputDir(f, item->str); m_dirs.clear(); } void KXftConfig::outputSymbolFamily(std::ofstream &f, const TQString &str) { f << "match any family == \"" << str.local8Bit() << "\" edit encoding = " << constSymEnc << ';' << endl; } void KXftConfig::outputNewSymbolFamilies(std::ofstream &f) { ListItem *item; for(item=m_symbolFamilies.first(); item; item=m_symbolFamilies.next()) if(!item->toBeRemoved && NULL==item->start) outputSymbolFamily(f, item->str); m_symbolFamilies.clear(); } void KXftConfig::outputSubPixelType(std::ofstream &f, bool ifNew) { if((ifNew && NULL==m_subPixel.end) || (!ifNew && NULL!=m_subPixel.end)) f << "match edit rgba = " << toStr(m_subPixel.type) << ';' << endl; } void KXftConfig::outputExcludeRange(std::ofstream &f, bool ifNew, bool pixel) { Exclude &range=pixel ? m_excludePixelRange : m_excludeRange; if(((ifNew && NULL==range.end) || (!ifNew && NULL!=range.end)) && (!equal(range.from,0) || !equal(range.to,0))) { if(pixel) f << "match any pixelsize > "; else f << "match any size > "; f << range.from; if(pixel) f << " any pixelsize < "; else f << " any size < "; f << range.to << " edit antialias = false;" << endl; } } #endif #ifdef HAVE_FONTCONFIG bool KXftConfig::getAntiAliasing() const { return m_antiAliasing.set; } void KXftConfig::setAntiAliasing( bool set ) { if ((set && !m_antiAliasing.set) || (!set && m_antiAliasing.set)) { m_antiAliasing.set = set; m_madeChanges = true; } } void KXftConfig::applyAntiAliasing() { TQDomElement matchNode = m_doc.createElement("match"), typeNode = m_doc.createElement("bool"), editNode = m_doc.createElement("edit"); TQDomText typeText = m_doc.createTextNode(m_antiAliasing.set ? "true" : "false"); matchNode.setAttribute("target", "font"); editNode.setAttribute("mode", "assign"); editNode.setAttribute("name", "antialias"); editNode.appendChild(typeNode); typeNode.appendChild(typeText); matchNode.appendChild(editNode); if(!m_antiAliasing.node.isNull()) m_doc.documentElement().removeChild(m_antiAliasing.node); m_doc.documentElement().appendChild(matchNode); m_antiAliasing.node=matchNode; } // KXftConfig only parses one config file, user's .fonts.conf usually. // If that one doesn't exist, then KXftConfig doesn't know if antialiasing // is enabled or not. So try to find out the default value from the default font. // Maybe there's a better way *shrug*. bool KXftConfig::aliasingEnabled() { FcPattern *pattern = FcPatternCreate(); FcConfigSubstitute(0, pattern, FcMatchPattern); FcDefaultSubstitute(pattern); FcResult result; FcPattern *f = FcFontMatch( 0, pattern, &result ); FcBool antialiased = FcTrue; FcPatternGetBool( f, FC_ANTIALIAS, 0, &antialiased ); FcPatternDestroy( f ); FcPatternDestroy( pattern ); return antialiased == FcTrue; } #else void KXftConfig::setAntiAliasing( bool set ) { TQSettings().writeEntry("/qt/useXft", set); if (set) TQSettings().writeEntry("/qt/enableXft", set); } bool KXftConfig::getAntiAliasing() const { return TQSettings().readBoolEntry("/qt/useXft"); } #endif