KDE3.4 -> KDE3.5 ================ 1. When copying a file out of fonts sub-system, copy as filename, or <fontname>.fonts.tar.gz in the case of multiple font files mapped to the same font name. e.g. Times New Roman -> times.ttf Helvetica, Bold Oblique-> Hevetica, Bold Oblique.fonts.tar.gz Which tqcontains: 75dpi_helvBO10.pcf.gz 75dpi_helvBO12.pcf.gz 100dpi_helvBO10.pcf.gz 100dpi_helvBO12.pcf.gz ...etc 2. New mimetype: fonts/package - to cater for the above. 3. Add settings to enable/disable configuring fonts for legacy X, and Ghostscript (X defaults to true, and Ghostscript defaults to false) 4. Show mime-type in detailed view. 5. Simple font sample printing - but only of installed fonts! 6. Add toggle button to control display of bitmap fonts. KDE3.3 -> KDE3.4 ================ 1. Font listing comes from fontconfig. This means that fonts will be grouped, i.e. previously each size of a bitmap font was shown seperately, now only 1 font will be displayed which represents all sizes. 2. Only fonts, and not folders (except System and Personal), are now shown. 3. Creation of afms from pfa/pfb and a pfm file. 4. Previews are drawn via Xft - previously FreeType was called directly. 5. New font preview look. 6. No longer dependant upon file extension. 7. Check for FPE of "fontconfig" -> if set, then no need to configure X core fonts. KDE3.2 -> KDE3.3 ================ 1. List fonts as "Full Name" -> i.e. "Times New Roman". 2. Preview of bitmap fonts. 3. No fontname-title in thumbnails - as fonts:/ lists the fontnames! 4. When copying to fonts:/ (as non-root) only ask for destination if more than 5 seconds since previously asked. 5. Add a konqueror service menu "Install" 6. Use FreeType2 for reading Type1 - instead of parsing the pfa/pfb header. 7. FamilyName is now the fonts *real* family name - no adding of style information. 8. Add extra style information (which was previously added to FamilyName) into the XLFD. 9. Consider regular weight to be medium (same as mkfontscale). 10. Default to width=normal, weight=medium if not set. 11. Allow change of preview string. 12. Allow zooming in/out of preview. 13. Waterfall font preview. 14. Use font preview part in the KControl module - less code duplication. 15. Include simple fontviwer app - basically just an application wrapper for the viewpart. KDE3.1 -> KDE3.2 ================ 1. Re-designed (yet again...) to be a kio slave. As a user, starting fonts:/ will display Personal Lists contents of $HOME/.fonts and $KDEHOME/share/fonts (where previous installer installed to) Fonts are installed to $HOME/.fonts System Lists contents of /usr/local/share/fonts, /usr/share/fonts, and /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts Fonts are installed to /usr/local/share/fonts (as per FHS) To install fonts system wide, just drop onto "System" and root's password will be asked for. As root, fonts:/ will show the same as fonts:/System (but without the System part...) 2. New kcontrol module that uses fonts:/ 3. Removed: AFM creation -- only really required (TTF wise) for SO <6.0 StarOffice configuration (S0 6.0 / OO.o is *much* better anyway) 4. X font server (xfs) - if used - is refreshed by seding a SIGUSR1 instead of relying on a /etc/init.d/xfs script. This is much more portable. 5. Simple FontView part for konqueror - this is basically a big re-sizable preview of the font. 6. Speed up creation of fonts.dir and fonts.scale - by reading in any existing files, and using the entries from these instead of loading and testing the font (if listed). 7. Better font preview and thumbnails. 8. Only add a dir to fontpath if fonts.dir has greater than 0 entries! 9. Use /etc/fonts/local.conf as root fontconfig file. 10. Only add dirs to fontconfig if *not* a sub-dir of an existing dir. 11. Ensure that top-level fonts dir is always in fontpath. 12. A Fontmap file is created in each sub dir, which is then combined into 1 top level Fontmap file. ~/.fonts/Fontmap for normal users, and /etc/fonts/Fontmap for root. 13. Modify <ghostscript dir><sub-dir>/Fontmap to contain: (/etc/fonts/Fontmap) .runlibfile ...as this is the system-wide Fontmap file created. As for the per-user, one, hmmm... 14. When a folder is configured, ensure fonts.dir/fonts.scale/Fontmap/.fonts-config-timestamp (SuSE specific) all have the same timestamp (if they exist). Helps to discover if a folder has been modified - in which case it needs to be reconfigured (and should happen automatically). 15. Add support for TrueType Collections (.ttc), and OpenType (.otf) fonts. Currently TTC's are only configured for X - need to also configure GS to see other faces. 16. CID fonts are *not* handled - therefore don't list the X11 CID directory, and don't let users try to create this. 17. Don't list "encodings" in fonts:/System - and don't allow users to create this. 18. Use XFree86's libfontenc (if found) to read font-encodings. 19. Handle 1bpp glyphs in thumbnail code. 20. Ensure X fontpaths *never* end in "/" - i.e. when write XF86Config, xfs/config, or fontpaths remove any trailing "/" 21. When adding/removing an unscaled dir from X font path, ensure ":unscaled" is part of the path! 22. Call fc-cache on top-level dir, not on each dir. 23. Use "~" in Xft config and user X config files -> e.g. /home/user/.fonts -> ~/.fonts 24. Remove top-level dir spec from top-level fontmap, e.g. TimesNewRomanPSMT (/home/user/.fonts/wibble/times.ttf); ...becomes... TimesNewRomanPSMT (wibble/times.ttf); 25. Add meta-data for AFM files to KFile plugin. 0.11-> KDE3.1 ============= 1. Re-design of UI - removed "Install From" view. 2. Created a KIO/thumbnail font preview class. 3. Fonts are installed/uninstalled on "Apply". 4. Settings are saved on "Apply". 5. Settings tab simplified - some uneccesary settings removed. 6. Removal of Anti-Alias tab - relevant settings moved to kcmfonts. 7. Add kfile-plugin to display Meta data for fonts. 8. Remove settings wizard. 9. Drop use of internal version numbering - not tagging CVS anyway, so whats the point? 10. DCOP interface. 11. Remember size of main window when run via kcmshell. 0.10->0.11 (KDE3.0) =================== 1. Port to KDE3/Qt3. 2. Add support for CUPS's Fontmap. 3. Create backups of system files. 4. When install symbol encoding fonts, set encoding to "glyphs-fontspecific" in XftConfig. 5. When install monospaced fonts, set spacing to mono in XftConfig. 6. When first run (as root) - checks XFree86 config file to see if a font server is being used, if so then fs/config is used as the config file, and "/etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs restart" is selected as as the X refresh command. 7. Only install fonts that are useable. 8. Add checkbox to enable overwriting of existing AFMs. 9. Remember open directories in advanced mode. 10. Add support for .Z compressed Bitmap fonts. 11. Read Type1 encodings from .afm files if listed as "array" in pfa/pfb. 0.10b11->0.10 ============= 1. Version added to KDE CVS. 2. Modified some keyboard shortcuts to remove conflicts. 3. Disable "Touch" and "Delete" folder if top-level X fonts dir is selected. 0.10b10->0.10b11 (Test version...) ================ 1. Removed "root"/"Modify" and "Help" buttons - this gives more space to font lists, plus when using "root"/"Modify" root's config files are not being saved. 2. "IsFixedPitch" flag in AFMs produced incorrectly - was outputing "false" for monospaced fonts! 3. Added rounding to AFM metric scaling. 4. When creating AFMs, check that each characters' BBox is within the main BBox - this is a quick fix for wingdings.afm, which seems to be giving incorrect results. 5. StarOffice 6 / OpenOffice only need AFM files for Type1 fonts - plus no config files need to be altered. Therefore, added the ability to select which font types AFMs should be created for. 6. Output *all* characters from a font into the AFM file. 7. Fixed a bug with Full/Family name in Speedo fonts. 8. For TrueType, Type1, and Speedo fonts - family name is obtained by using the fonts' FullName, remove FamilyName (read from file), remove any weight, width, or italic designation, and re-add FamilyName. (This is because some fonts are named <family><weight><italic><something else>, and <something else> was previously being lost). 9. When adding encodings to lists, check that they aren't alredy inserted. 0.10b9->0.10b10 (Test version...) =============== 1. Fixed a problem with non-enabled install button in basic mode - again, thanks to Hardy Griech for spotting this. 0.10b8->0.10b9 (Test version...) ============== *** NOTE *** Please remove any Kfontinst generated StarOffice psstd.fonts and Ghostscript Fontmap output before using this version 1. StarOffice psstd.fonts generated output is no longer marked line-by line, instead it is marked as a section, e.g. # kfontinst <user, if not root> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType <fonts...> # kfontinst <user, if not root> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType ...Likewise for Ghostscript's Fontmap 2. Limited generated StarOffice psstd.fonts lines to 126 characters, and lines longher than this will not be output. It appears as if this is the max line len StarOffice will accept - thanks to Hardy Griech for discovering this. 3. Fixed a bug where a static pointer was not reset to NULL when module was unloaded. 4. When chekcing ps-fonts, I was looking for the string "%!PS-Adbobe", however the hershey fonts just has "%!FontType" - therefore I've change the code to just look for "%!" 5. For pcf fonts, look for FAMILY as well as FAMILY_NAME 6. Construct name from xlfd for bitmap fonts where can't get seperate components 0.10b7->0.10b8 (Test version...) ============== *** NOTE *** Please remove any Kfontinst generated Ghostscript and/or StarOffice output before using this version 1. Forgot to extract foundry from bitmap fonts - however, changed bitmap Xlfd creation, see below. 2. Extract Xlfd from Bitmap fonts directly - not all fonts have each seperate component available. Thanks to Claudio Bandaloukas for helping me discover the various bugs with Bitmap output. 3. When displaying bitmap details, if individual entries (family, point size, etc) can't be read, then the Xlfd will be displayed. 4. Ghostscript & StarOffice include guards changed from "kfontinst" to "kfi" -- this will *require" removing of any previous output! 5. Shortened generated TrueType foundry fields - to help with StarOffice 0.10b6->0.10b7 (Test version...) ============== 1. Fixed a bug with string-to-width conversion for Type1 and bitmap fonts 2. Fixed some compile bugs if no Xft.h found 3. Remove any fonts.alias when deleting a dir 4. When try to open Type1 or Speedo fonts, check magic numbers - for Speedo check char[0]=='D' or 'd', char[1]==num, char[2]=='.', and char[3]==num 0.10b5->0.10b6 (Test version...) ============== 1. Fonts with "Normal" weight now installed as "Medium" 2. Added support for "Oblique" in xlfd 3. Check is performed to see if destination is writeable before enabling "Install" button, likewise for the "Remove" button. 0.10b4->0.10b5 (Test version...) ============== 1. Forgot to reset the made-changes state of XftConfig when saved! 2. Add a validator to math & edit line-edits to disallow usage of double-quotes & tabs 3. Select correct default entries for field-name combos when adding an XftRule. 4. Removed check for number of items in match list, as these are not always required (such as for the sub-pixel hinting rule.) 5. When setting rgba - use symbolic name - previously always setting to 0! 6. Modified help a little 7. Reduced Advanced mode list-view treeStepSize to 10 pixels (from default of 20), this makes it easier for browsing /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/etc... 8. Fixed bug where could not remove Xft exclude range! 9. Fixed a bug where uninstalled items could cause duplicates in "Install from" list. 10. Renamed the "Configure System" button to "Apply" - this should make the neccessity of the option more obvious. 11. Fixed display of uninstall folder. 12. Added "include" and "includeif" directives from XftConfig to editor. 0.10b3->0.10b4 (Test version...) ============== *** NOTE *** Please delete your existing ~/.kde/share/config/kfontinstrc -or- ~/.kde2/share/config/kfontinstrc file *** before using this version 1. Added support for X font server config files. 2. Show "unscaled" directories in italic. 3. Abilty to set directories as scaled/unscaled. 4. Modified GUI slightly so that it works beter with Liquid style. 5. Added chack to make sure XftConfig file exists before trying to parse. 6. Advanced editing of XftConfig. 7. Added help on XftConfig - from Danny Tholen (obiwan@mailmij.org) 8. Removed some memory leaks 10. Default folders changed for non-root users. KFontinst will now (upon initial start-up) select the following: X fonts dir: $KDEHOME/share/fonts XConfig file: $KDEHOME/share/fonts/fontpaths XftConfig file: $HOME/.xftconfig Fontmap file: $KDEHOME/share/fonts/Fontmap ...This should make it possible for users to install fonts without being root. However, problems may arrise when configuring StarOffice - as this requires some other files to be modified, which won't be possible if SO has been installed by root. ...Also to accomplish this, some changes are needed to 'startkde' - see file README.startkde 11. Because of the above, when started as non-root, KFontinst will create Type1 and TrueType sub-folders in $KDEHOME/share/fonts - if they do not already exist. 12. Moved XftConfig stuff from a sub-page of settings tab into its own tab. 13. Added question dialog if module is unloaded before system has been configured. 14. Added ability to "touch" a X font folder - marking it as being modified, so that a re-configure of the that folder can be done in order to create AFMs, modify encoding, etc. 0.10b2->0.10b3 (Test version...) ============== 1. When locating Ghostscript's Fontmap file, sub-directories (up to a level of 4) are searched - this allows for the possiblity of users using a different version of Ghostscript. 2. Create a fonts.scale as well as fonts.dir - just incase another program runs mkfontdir. 3. Fixed an error when creating AFMs for some symbol-encoded fonts. 4. Re-worded SettingsWizard "Folders/Files" tab. 5. Added a checkbox to Ghostscript configuration. 6. Added support for XftConfig. 7. Added/fixed support of Type1 fonts with no FullName or FamilyName fields - such as the hershey fonts. 8. Fixed some bugs when configuring with --enable-final. 9. Basic html help added. 0.10b1->0.10b2 (Test version...) ============== 1. Minor compile error (struct declared as private, but used elsewhere!) 0.9.2->0.10b1 (Test version...) ============= 1. Almost a complete re-write, 2. Handles Speedo, and Bitmap fonts 3. fonts.dir & encodings.dir are now created internally - no need for ttmkfdir 4. Re-design of GUI. 5. Advanced mode where X11 folder structure is displayed and all font types may be installed - and a Basic mode where the X11 folder structure is hidden, and only TrueType and Type1 fonts may be installed. 6. Settings wizard. 7. Application is now a kcontrol module. 8. Complete X11 fonts directory structure is now managed - no need for seperate 'Managed' directory. 9. X11.PS is no longer created, instead the StarOffice printer file (*.PS) is now modified. 10. Ported to FreeType2. 11. Support more encodings - encodings combos now list standard encodings as well as those read from .enc(.gz) files. 12. Internal AMF creator for Type1 and TrueType fonts - ttf2pt1 and pf2afm.ps are no longer used/supplied. 13. Removed the 'Process AFMs' & 'Delete AFMs' options - all AFMs are created be KFontinst, therefore they should be OK for StarOffice and AbiWord. 14. If a writable XF86Config file is found - then complete folders may be installed, and folders in the X11 directory may be uninstalled or disabled (i.e. the folder is not deleted, but it's entry is removed from the XF86Config file). 15. No longer supply .enc files with KFontinst - they should be provided by the distro. 0.9.1->0.9.2 ============ 1. Removed a bug where the "Configure System" menu entry was always disabled! 2. Spelling error in Settings dialog. 3. t1lib has problems with some of the fonts supplied with Adobe acrobat - therefore, if t1lib fails to load the font, then KFontinst itself will try to read the header information (although no preview will be available, everything else should still work). 4. Fixed multiple installing of programs in other/ directory. For instance KFontinst's version of ttmkfdir was being installed into $(PREFIX) (usually /usr/bin) as well as $(KDE_DATADIR)/kfontinst - this was incorrect as KFontinst will only use the version in $(KDE_DATADIR)/kfontinst, and it was possible that a previous version of ttmkfdir (such as that supplied with XFree86) would have been overwritten. 5. Fixed bug where the user was allowed to select (and subsequently install) fonts which could not be loaded correctly. 6. Added the ability to enter a custom preview string. 0.9->0.9.1 ========== 1. Fixed a few compile errors. 2. Fix to html formatting error. 3. Fixed a ./configure error if t1lib was not found (the string NO was being used as the librarary name, instead of an empty string!) 4. Modified the reading of Type1 header information. 0.8.3->0.9 ========== 1. Converted to KDE2. 2. Rearranged this file! 3. Removed command line interface - KDE2's command line stuff is way different! 4. Re-created dialogs with Qt designer. 5. Removed ProgressDialog, and tqreplaced with a progress bar on a new statusbar. 6. Modified configure script to check for FreeType & t1lib. 7. If an encoding (not tqunicode) is selected, then the .enc file is copied to the X11 fonts directory. 8. As with the .enc files, the StarOffice .xpp files are also copied, and no longer just sym linked. 9. Removed enabling/disabing of Configure System button. 10. Fontmap.X11 is no longer created, instead the real Fontmap file itself is modified. 0.8.2->0.8.3 ============ 1. Modified 'kfontinst.kdelnk' so that kdesu is now used - so that a user will automatically be prompted for the root password. 2. Modified dialogs to use the KDE caption ("Font Installer") instead of the app name ("kfontinst") 3. Corrected size of Configure dialog. 4. Fixed a minor bug where if all fonts were uninstalled, the 'Configure System' button was disabled - therefore not allowing you to activate the changes! 5. Added a command line interface. (type 'kfontinst --help' for details) 6. Added option to automatically fix TTF postscript names upon install. 0.8.1->0.8.2 ============ 1. Fixed a bug which always had SO configuration disabled! 2. Fixed a bug when selecting Unicode encoding. 3. Changed "Fonts/Uninstalled" menu entry to "Fonts/Disk" 4. Added keyboard short-cuts to dialogs 0.8->0.8.1 ========== 1. Fixed a bug where X configuration would fail if no TT fonts present. 2. If no fonts are installed, then the system configuration button/menu-entry is now disabled. 3. Changed menu structure to add 'Fonts' menu. 0.7.4->0.8 ========== 1. Changed location of StarOffice stuf from <dir on settings dialog>/xp3 to just <dir on settings dialog> -- As StarOffice 5.2 has 'xp3' within a 'share' sub-dir. 2. Changed structure of config file to be more modular. 3. Modified internal code structure to allow easier additon of extra apps to be configured. (NOTE: If any apps need to be configured, then I'll also [later on] modify the Settings & Configure dialogs to accomodate these.) 4. Because of 3, added a 'StarOffice' check to the settings dialog. If this is not seleted, then no check is performed to make sure the SO dir is OK - and the option to config SO is diabled on the config dialog. 5. Added check when installing font to make sure that it's not already installed. 0.7.3->0.7.4 ============ 1. Changed location of Fontmap.X11 -- from <directory on settings dialog>/lib/Fontmap.X11 to <directory on settings dialog>/Fontmap.X11. As it seems some ghostscript installations don't have the 'lib' sub directory. 2. Improved the documentation a little - added a FAQ section 0.7.2->0.7.3 ============ 1. Very minor bug fix. 0.7.1->0.7.2 ============ 1. Added more detailed error messages when system configuration fails. 0.7->0.7.1 ========== 1. Removed lots of debug info from ttf2pt1, and afm.pl -- this should drastically speed up afm creation. 2. Modified ttf2pt1 to accept a parameter to just create .afm files 3. Added option to modify a .afm file when installing. 4. Added "Unicode" to list of encodings that can be used. 5. Removed kfontinst-cp1252.enc, kfontinst-cp1252.xpp -- these were hacks anyway, and seing as Qt2 is going to support cp1252 by a hard-coded codec, there's no real point... 6. Rearranged the Configure System dialog - so that Force AFM regeneration is grouped next to the Generate AFMs option. 7. Encoding files now stored in <KDEDIR>/share/apps/kfontinst/Encodings 0.6.1->0.7 ========== 1. Modified ttmkfdir & ttf2pt1 to allow usage of X11 style font re-encoding files. 2. Because .enc files are now used by kfontinst, removed the possibility of using gzipped encodings. 3. Added the ability to delete an installed font's .afm file. 4. Fixed a bug in the TtfPsNameFixer class - this would cause ttf2pt1 to creash when accessing a modified font! 5. Font encodings are now stored in <KDEDir>/share/x11encodings 6. Removed the reencode shell script, as the encodng is all done by ttmkfdir. 7. Removed xfinst shell script - handled internally. 8. Supplied a kfontinst-cp1252 encoding - with the ugly single-quotes normaly found in .ttf files remapped to the nice looking ones. 9. Added functionality, when configuring StarOffice, to select an appropriate xprinter.prolog for the selected encoding (if one exists)... 0.6->0.6.1 ========== 1. Fixed a display bug in the 'Un/Exclude from StarOffice" options. 0.5->0.6 ======== 1. Added the ability to 'fix' the postscript names in a ttf file. 2. Fixed some missing changes to help files. 0.4->0.5 ======== 1. Discovered a patch that modifies StarOffice's xprinter.prolog so that font's don't need to be modified to use the microsoft cp1252 enocding scheme. (Previosuly the PS output from StarOffice would not print OK with ghostscript - when using extra characters - unless the .ttf file was modified.) 2. Because of 1, removed the abilty to modify a TrueType font's internal charactermap - this was a hack anyway. 3. xfinst now uses mkfontdir to create encodings.dir - instead of kfontinst's install procedure copying a standard one in (this didn't actually work...) 4. As kfontinst no longer reads the .enc files themselves, added the ability to use .enc.gz files as well when selecting an encoding for X. 5. Re-wrote xfinst & reencode to be plain 'sh' scripts, as opposed to 'tcsh' scripts. 0.3->0.4 ======== 1. All X fonts will now be placed with in a directory - "Managed" - this makes things easier for AbiWord, and maybe others. 2. encodings.dir & Encodings/ will now be placed within this new "Managed" dir. 3. Only 1 StarOffice .PS file will be created - X11.PS 4. Only 1 Fontmap will be created - Fontmap.X11 - and this will be placed within <Ghostscript>/lib 5. Because of 4, an option has been added to the Settings dialog to specify the location of Ghostscript. 6. Because of 1, removed the font option from the Configure dialog. 7. Fixed an error with getting PS name from TT font - PS names are not allowed to have spaces, but in fences.ttf it does. FontEngine.cpp will now check for, and fix, this - using the same 'algorithm' as that of ttf2pt1 (which means the names will tie up with those in the .afm files). 8. Added some improvements to control of dialogs. 0.2.1->0.3 ========== 1. Reverted back to naming .afm files <fontname>.afm - and renaming any conflicting fonts. 2. Speeded up copying of files - by copying preview bitmap as opposed to regenerating it! 3. Removed need for FontMetrics directory - .afm files now placed within TrueType or Type1 dir, and sym links are produced for StarOffice. 1. & 3. should now make things easier for AbiWord. 4. Fixed output of Fontmap so that "URW Gothic" will be aliased as "UrwGothic-Roman" (etc.) as this is what Qt will output. 5. Added more processing of .afm files - this makes them OK for AbiWord. 0.2->0.2.1 ========== 1. Modified start-up progress dailog, and added progress dialogs to main window when scanning fonts. These will only appear if numTTfonts>X || numT1fonts>Y 0.1->0.2 ======== 1. Combined views of installed TrueType and Type1 fonts into 1 list. 2. When uninstalling a font, can now move the font to another directory - or delete. 3. Used t1lib so that Type1 fonts can also be previewed. 4. Changed Fontmap creator to dynamically allocate memory for each font-category. 5. .afm files are now named as <fontname>.<fontextension>.afm - this removes the need for renaming the .afm file if there exists Type1 and TrueType fonts with the same fontname. 6. Removed the re-scanning of the install directories whenever a font is added. 7. Added support for extra Type1 font weights. 8. Added a start-up screen to inform the user that the installed/disk fonts are being scanned. 9. When exiting, confirmation is now only asked if the system has been changed and not reconfigured.