<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.3" stdsetdef="1">
<widget class="TQWidget">
    <property name="name">
    <property name="geometry">
        <property name="name">
        <property name="margin">
        <widget class="TQLayoutWidget">
            <property name="name">
                <property name="name">
                <widget class="TQLabel">
                    <property name="name">
                    <property name="text">
                        <string>Start menu style:</string>
                    <property name="buddy" stdset="0">
                <widget class="TQComboBox">
                        <property name="text">
                        <property name="text">
                            <string>Trinity Classic</string>
                    <property name="name">
                    <property name="name">
                    <property name="orientation">
                    <property name="sizeType">
                    <property name="sizeHint">
        <widget class="TQGroupBox">
            <property name="name">
            <property name="title">
                <string>TDE Menu</string>
                <property name="name">
                <widget class="TQLayoutWidget">
                    <property name="name">
                        <property name="name">
                <widget class="TQCheckBox" row="0" column="0">
                    <property name="name">
                    <property name="text">
                        <string>Open menu on mouse hover</string>
                        <widget class="TQButtonGroup">
                            <property name="name">
                            <property name="lineWidth">
                            <property name="title">
                                <string>Menu item format:</string>
                            <property name="flat">
                            <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
                                <string>Here you can choose how menu entries are shown.</string>
                                <property name="name">
                                <widget class="TQRadioButton" row="1" column="1">
                                    <property name="name">
                                    <property name="text">
                                        <string>&amp;Name only</string>
                                    <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
                                        <string>When this option is selected, items in the TDE Menu will appear with the application's name next to the icon.</string>
                                <widget class="TQRadioButton" row="2" column="1">
                                    <property name="name">
                                    <property name="text">
                                        <string>Name - &amp;Description</string>
                                    <property name="checked">
                                    <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
                                        <string>When this option is selected, items in the TDE Menu will appear with the application's name and a brief description next to the icon.</string>
                                <widget class="TQRadioButton" row="3" column="1">
                                    <property name="name">
                                    <property name="text">
                                        <string>D&amp;escription only</string>
                                    <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
                                        <string>When this option is selected, items in the TDE Menu will appear with the application's brief description next to the icon.</string>
                                <widget class="TQRadioButton" row="4" column="1">
                                    <property name="name">
                                    <property name="focusPolicy">
                                    <property name="text">
                                        <string>Des&amp;cription (Name)</string>
                                    <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
                                        <string>When this option is selected, items in the TDE Menu will appear with a brief description and the application's name in brackets next to the icon.</string>
                        <widget class="TQCheckBox">
                            <property name="name">
                            <property name="text">
                                <string>Show side ima&amp;ge</string>
                            <property name="checked">
                            <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
                                <string>&lt;qt&gt;When this option is selected an image will appear down the left-hand side of the TDE Menu. The image will be tinted according to your color settings.
                                    &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Tip&lt;/b&gt;: You can customize the image that appears in the TDE Menu by putting an image file called kside.png and a tileable image file called kside_tile.png in $TDEHOME/share/apps/kicker/pics.&lt;/qt&gt;</string>
                            <property name="name">
                            <property name="orientation">
                            <property name="sizeType">
                            <property name="sizeHint">
			<widget class="TQCheckBox" row="0" column="0" colspan="2">
				<property name="name">
				<property name="text">
					<string>Display text in TDE Menu button</string>
				<property name="checked">
				<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
					<string>&lt;qt&gt;When this option is selected the text below will be shown in the TDE Menu button.</string>
				<property name="name">
				<property name="margin">
				<widget class="TQLineEdit" row="0" column="1" colspan="3">
					<property name="name">
					<property name="maxLength">
				<widget class="TQLabel" row="3" column="0" colspan="2">
					<property name="name">
					<property name="sizePolicy">
					<property name="text">
						<string>TDE Menu button icon:</string>
				<widget class="KPushButton" row="3" column="3" colspan="2">
					<property name="name">
					<property name="sizePolicy">
					<property name="minimumSize">
					<property name="maximumSize">
					<property name="acceptDrops">
					<property name="text">
				<widget class="TQLabel" row="0" column="0">
					<property name="name">
					<property name="sizePolicy">
					<property name="text">
				<widget class="TQLabel" row="2" column="0">
					<property name="name">
					<property name="sizePolicy">
					<property name="text">
				<widget class="KFontRequester" row="2" column="1" rowspan="1" colspan="3">
					<property name="name">
				<spacer row="3" column="3">
					<property name="name">
					<property name="orientation">
					<property name="sizeType">
					<property name="sizeHint">
				<property name="name">
				<property name="orientation">
				<property name="sizeType">
				<property name="sizeHint">
                        <widget class="TQPushButton">
                            <property name="name">
                            <property name="text">
                                <string>Edit &amp;TDE Menu</string>
                            <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
                                <string>Start the editor for the TDE Menu. Here you can add, edit, remove and hide applications.</string>
                <widget class="KListView">
                        <property name="text">
                            <string>Optional Menus</string>
                        <property name="clickable">
                        <property name="resizable">
                    <property name="name">
                    <property name="sizePolicy">
                    <property name="minimumSize">
                    <property name="fullWidth">
                    <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
                        <string>This is a list of the dynamic menus that can be displayed in the KDE menu in addition to the normal applications. Use the checkboxes to add or remove menus.</string>
		<property name="name">
		<property name="margin">
		<widget class="TQGroupBox" row="0" column="0">
			<property name="name">
			<property name="title">
				<string>QuickBrowser Menus</string>
				<property name="name">
				<widget class="TQLayoutWidget" row="1" column="0">
				<property name="name">
					<property name="name">
					<widget class="TQLabel">
					<property name="name">
					<property name="text">
						<string>Ma&amp;ximum number of entries:</string>
					<property name="buddy" stdset="0">
					<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
						<string>When browsing directories that contain a lot of files, the QuickBrowser can sometimes hide your whole desktop. Here you can limit the number of entries shown at a time in the QuickBrowser. This is particularly useful for low screen resolutions.</string>
					<widget class="KIntNumInput">
					<property name="name">
					<property name="value">
					<property name="minValue">
					<property name="maxValue">
					<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
						<string>When browsing directories that contain a lot of files, the QuickBrowser can sometimes hide your whole desktop. Here you can limit the number of entries shown at a time in the QuickBrowser. This is particularly useful for low screen resolutions.</string>
				<widget class="TQCheckBox" row="0" column="0">
				<property name="name">
				<property name="text">
					<string>Show hidden fi&amp;les</string>
				<property name="checked">
				<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
					<string>If this option is enabled, hidden files (i.e. files beginning with a dot) will be shown in the QuickBrowser menus.</string>
				<spacer row="0" column="1" rowspan="2" colspan="1">
				<property name="name">
				<property name="orientation">
				<property name="sizeType">
				<property name="sizeHint">
		<widget class="TQGroupBox" row="1" column="0">
			<property name="name">
			<property name="title">
				<string>Recent Documents Menu</string>
				<property name="name">
				<widget class="TQLayoutWidget" row="1" column="0">
					<property name="name">
						<property name="name">
						<widget class="TQLabel">
							<property name="name">
							<property name="text">
								<string>Ma&amp;ximum number of entries:</string>
							<property name="buddy" stdset="0">
							<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
								<string>This sets the maximum number of recently accessed documents stored for fast retrieval.</string>
						<widget class="KIntNumInput">
							<property name="name">
							<property name="value">
							<property name="minValue">
							<property name="maxValue">
							<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
								<string>This sets the maximum number of recently accessed documents stored for fast retrieval.</string>
				<spacer row="0" column="1" rowspan="2" colspan="1">
					<property name="name">
					<property name="orientation">
					<property name="sizeType">
					<property name="sizeHint">
		<widget class="TQButtonGroup" row="0" column="1" rowspan="1">
		<property name="name">
		<property name="title">
			<string>QuickStart Menu Items</string>
				<property name="name">
				<widget class="TQLayoutWidget" row="2" column="0">
				<property name="name">
					<property name="name">
					<widget class="TQLabel">
					<property name="name">
					<property name="text">
						<string>Maxim&amp;um number of entries:</string>
					<property name="buddy" stdset="0">
					<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
						<string>This option allows you to define the maximum number of applications that should be displayed in the QuickStart menu area.</string>
					<widget class="KIntNumInput">
					<property name="name">
					<property name="value">
					<property name="minValue">
					<property name="maxValue">
					<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
						<string>This option allows you to define how many applications should be displayed at most in the QuickStart menu area.</string>
				<widget class="TQRadioButton" row="0" column="0">
				<property name="name">
				<property name="text">
					<string>Show the &amp;applications most recently used</string>
				<property name="checked">
				<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
					<string>When this option is selected the QuickStart menu area will be filled with the applications you have used most recently.</string>
				<widget class="TQRadioButton" row="1" column="0">
				<property name="name">
				<property name="text">
					<string>Show the applications most fre&amp;quently used</string>
				<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
					<string>When this option is selected the QuickStart menu area will be filled with the applications you use most frequently.</string>
				<spacer row="0" column="1" rowspan="3" colspan="1">
				<property name="name">
				<property name="orientation">
				<property name="sizeType">
				<property name="sizeHint">
		<widget class="TQButtonGroup" row="1" column="1" rowspan="1">
			<property name="name">
			<property name="title">
				<string>TDE Menu Search</string>
				<property name="name">
				<widget class="TQCheckBox">
					<property name="name">
					<property name="text">
						<string>Show search field in TDE Menu</string>
					<property name="checked">
					<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
						<string>&lt;qt&gt;When this option is selected a text-based search field will appear in the TDE Menu.&lt;/qt&gt;</string>
				<spacer row="0" column="1" rowspan="3" colspan="1">
					<property name="name">
					<property name="orientation">
					<property name="sizeType">
					<property name="sizeHint">
    <include location="global" impldecl="in implementation">klistview.h</include>
    <include location="global" impldecl="in implementation">knuminput.h</include>
    <include location="local" impldecl="in implementation">kdialog.h</include>
<layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/>
<layoutfunctions spacing="KDialog::spacingHint" margin="KDialog::marginHint"/>