** KRDB - puts current KDE color scheme into preprocessor statements
** cats specially written application default files and uses xrdb -merge to
** write to RESOURCE_MANAGER. Thus it gives a  simple way to make non-TDE
** applications fit in with the desktop
** Copyright (C) 1998 by Mark Donohoe
** Copyright (C) 1999 by Dirk A. Mueller (reworked for KDE 2.0)
** Copyright (C) 2001 by Matthias Ettrich (add support for GTK applications )
** Copyright (C) 2001 by Waldo Bastian <bastian@kde.org>
** Copyright (C) 2002 by Karol Szwed <gallium@kde.org>
** This application is freely distributable under the GNU Public License.

#include <config.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#undef Unsorted
#include <tqbuffer.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqsettings.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>

#include <dcopclient.h>

#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdeglobalsettings.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kprocio.h>
#include <ksavefile.h>
#include <tdetempfile.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdestyle.h>

#include "krdb.h"

#include <X11/Xlib.h>

inline const char * gtkEnvVar(int version)
    return 2==version ? "GTK2_RC_FILES" : "GTK_RC_FILES";

inline const char * sysGtkrc(int version)
	if(access("/etc/opt/gnome/gtk-2.0", F_OK) == 0)
	    return "/etc/opt/gnome/gtk-2.0/gtkrc";
	    return "/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc";
	if(access("/etc/opt/gnome/gtk", F_OK) == 0)
	    return "/etc/opt/gnome/gtk/gtkrc";
	    return "/etc/gtk/gtkrc";

inline const char * userGtkrc(int version)
    return 2==version  ? "/.gtkrc-2.0" : "/.gtkrc";

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void applyGtkStyles(bool active, int version)
   TQString gtkkde = locateLocal("config", 2==version?"gtkrc-2.0":"gtkrc");
   TQCString gtkrc = getenv(gtkEnvVar(version));
   TQStringList list = TQStringList::split(':', TQFile::decodeName(gtkrc));
   if (list.count() == 0)
   if (!active)

   // Pass env. var to tdeinit.
   TQCString name = gtkEnvVar(version);
   TQCString value = TQFile::encodeName(list.join(":"));
   TQByteArray params;
   TQDataStream stream(params, IO_WriteOnly);
   stream << name << value;
   kapp->dcopClient()->send("tdelauncher", "tdelauncher", "setLaunchEnv(TQCString,TQCString)", params);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

static void applyQtColors( TDEConfig& kglobals, TQSettings& settings, TQPalette& newPal )
  TQStringList actcg, inactcg, discg;

  /* export kde color settings */
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < TQColorGroup::NColorRoles; i++)
     actcg   << newPal.color(TQPalette::Active,
                (TQColorGroup::ColorRole) i).name();
  for (i = 0; i < TQColorGroup::NColorRoles; i++)
     inactcg << newPal.color(TQPalette::Inactive,
                (TQColorGroup::ColorRole) i).name();
  for (i = 0; i < TQColorGroup::NColorRoles; i++)
     discg   << newPal.color(TQPalette::Disabled,
                (TQColorGroup::ColorRole) i).name();

  while (!settings.writeEntry("/qt/Palette/active", actcg)) ;
  settings.writeEntry("/qt/Palette/inactive", inactcg);
  settings.writeEntry("/qt/Palette/disabled", discg);

  // export twin's colors to qtrc for tdestyle to use

  // active colors
  TQColor clr = newPal.active().background();
  clr = kglobals.readColorEntry("activeBackground", &clr);
  settings.writeEntry("/qt/KWinPalette/activeBackground", clr.name());
  if (TQPixmap::defaultDepth() > 8)
    clr = clr.dark(110);
  clr = kglobals.readColorEntry("activeBlend", &clr);
  settings.writeEntry("/qt/KWinPalette/activeBlend", clr.name());
  clr = newPal.active().highlightedText();
  clr = kglobals.readColorEntry("activeForeground", &clr);
  settings.writeEntry("/qt/KWinPalette/activeForeground", clr.name());
  clr = newPal.active().background();
  clr = kglobals.readColorEntry("frame", &clr);
  settings.writeEntry("/qt/KWinPalette/frame", clr.name());
  clr = kglobals.readColorEntry("activeTitleBtnBg", &clr);
  settings.writeEntry("/qt/KWinPalette/activeTitleBtnBg", clr.name());

  // inactive colors
  clr = newPal.inactive().background();
  clr = kglobals.readColorEntry("inactiveBackground", &clr);
  settings.writeEntry("/qt/KWinPalette/inactiveBackground", clr.name());
  if (TQPixmap::defaultDepth() > 8)
    clr = clr.dark(110);
  clr = kglobals.readColorEntry("inactiveBlend", &clr);
  settings.writeEntry("/qt/KWinPalette/inactiveBlend", clr.name());
  clr = newPal.inactive().background().dark();
  clr = kglobals.readColorEntry("inactiveForeground", &clr);
  settings.writeEntry("/qt/KWinPalette/inactiveForeground", clr.name());
  clr = newPal.inactive().background();
  clr = kglobals.readColorEntry("inactiveFrame", &clr);
  settings.writeEntry("/qt/KWinPalette/inactiveFrame", clr.name());
  clr = kglobals.readColorEntry("inactiveTitleBtnBg", &clr);
  settings.writeEntry("/qt/KWinPalette/inactiveTitleBtnBg", clr.name());

  settings.writeEntry("/qt/KDE/contrast", kglobals.readNumEntry("contrast", 7));

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

static void applyQtSettings( TDEConfig& kglobals, TQSettings& settings )
  /* export kde's plugin library path to qtrc */

  TQMap <TQString, bool> pathDb;
    // OK, this isn't fun at all.
    // KApp adds paths ending with /, QApp those without slash, and if
    // one gives it something that is other way around, it will complain and scare
    // users. So we need to know whether a path being added is from KApp, and in this case
    // end it with.. So keep a TQMap to bool, specifying whether the path is KDE-specified..

  TQString qversion = tqVersion();
  if ( qversion.contains( '.' ) > 1 )
     qversion.truncate( qversion.findRev( '.' ) );
  if ( qversion.contains( '-' ) )
     qversion.truncate( qversion.findRev( '-' ) );

  TQStringList kdeAdded =
  TQString libPathKey =
    TQString("/qt/%1/libraryPath").arg( qversion );

  //Read qt library path..
  TQStringList plugins = settings.readListEntry(libPathKey, ':');
  for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = plugins.begin(); it != plugins.end(); ++it)
    TQString path = *it;
    if (path.endsWith("/"))


  //Get rid of old KDE-added ones...
  for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = kdeAdded.begin(); it != kdeAdded.end(); ++it)
    TQString path = *it;
    if (path.endsWith("/"))



  //Merge in KDE ones..
  plugins = TDEGlobal::dirs()->resourceDirs( "qtplugins" );

  for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = plugins.begin(); it != plugins.end(); ++it)
    TQString path = *it;
    if (path.endsWith("/"))



  TQStringList paths;
  for (TQMap <TQString, bool>::ConstIterator it = pathDb.begin();
         it != pathDb.end(); ++it)
    TQString path = it.key();
    bool fromKDE = it.data();

    char new_path[PATH_MAX+1];
    if (realpath(TQFile::encodeName(path), new_path))
      path = TQFile::decodeName(new_path);

    if (fromKDE)
      if (!path.endsWith("/"))
        path += "/";
      kdeAdded.push_back(path); //Add for the new list -- do it here to have it in the right form..


   //Write the list out..
  settings.writeEntry("/qt/KDE/kdeAddedLibraryPaths", kdeAdded);
  settings.writeEntry(libPathKey, paths, ':');

  /* export widget style */
  TQString style = kglobals.readEntry("widgetStyle", TDEStyle::defaultStyle() );
  if (!style.isEmpty())
    settings.writeEntry("/qt/style", style);

  /* export font settings */
  settings.writeEntry("/qt/font", TDEGlobalSettings::generalFont().toString());

  /* ##### looks like kcmfonts skips this, so we don't do this here */
/*bool usexft = kglobals.readBoolEntry("AntiAliasing", false);
  settings.writeEntry("/qt/enableXft", usexft);
  settings.writeEntry("/qt/useXft", usexft); */

  /* export effects settings */
  bool effectsEnabled = kglobals.readBoolEntry("EffectsEnabled", false);
  bool fadeMenus = kglobals.readBoolEntry("EffectFadeMenu", false);
  bool fadeTooltips = kglobals.readBoolEntry("EffectFadeTooltip", false);
  bool animateCombobox = kglobals.readBoolEntry("EffectAnimateCombo", false);

  TQStringList guieffects;
  if (effectsEnabled) {
    guieffects << TQString("general");
    if (fadeMenus)
      guieffects << TQString("fademenu");
    if (animateCombobox)
      guieffects << TQString("animatecombo");
    if (fadeTooltips)
      guieffects << TQString("fadetooltip");
    guieffects << TQString("none");

  settings.writeEntry("/qt/GUIEffects", guieffects);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

static void addColorDef(TQString& s, const char* n, const TQColor& col)
  TQString tmp;

  tmp.sprintf("#define %s #%02x%02x%02x\n",
              n, col.red(), col.green(), col.blue());

  s += tmp;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

static void copyFile(TQFile& tmp, TQString const& filename, bool )
  TQFile f( filename );
  if ( f.open(IO_ReadOnly) ) {
      TQCString buf( 8192 );
      while ( !f.atEnd() ) {
          int read = f.readBlock( buf.data(), buf.size() );
          if ( read > 0 )
              tmp.writeBlock( buf.data(), read );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

static TQString item( int i ) {
    return TQString::number( i / 255.0, 'f', 3 );

static TQString color( const TQColor& col )
    return TQString( "{ %1, %2, %3 }" ).arg( item( col.red() ) ).arg( item( col.green() ) ).arg( item( col.blue() ) );

static void createGtkrc( bool exportColors, const TQColorGroup& cg, int version )
    // lukas: why does it create in ~/.trinity/share/config ???
    // pfeiffer: so that we don't overwrite the user's gtkrc.
    // it is found via the GTK_RC_FILES environment variable.
    KSaveFile saveFile( locateLocal( "config", 2==version?"gtkrc-2.0":"gtkrc" ) ); 
    if ( saveFile.status() != 0 || saveFile.textStream() == 0L )

    TQTextStream& t = *saveFile.textStream();
    t.setEncoding( TQTextStream::Locale );

    t << i18n(
            "# created by TDE, %1\n"
            "# If you do not want TDE to override your GTK settings, select\n"
            "# Appearance & Themes -> Colors in the Control Center and disable the checkbox\n"
            "# \"Apply colors to non-TDE applications\"\n"

    t << "style \"default\"" << endl;
    t << "{" << endl;
    if (exportColors)
        t << "  bg[NORMAL] = " << color( cg.background() ) << endl;
        t << "  bg[SELECTED] = " << color( cg.highlight() ) << endl;
        t << "  bg[INSENSITIVE] = " << color( cg.background() ) << endl;
        t << "  bg[ACTIVE] = " << color( cg.mid() ) << endl;
        t << "  bg[PRELIGHT] = " << color( cg.background() ) << endl;
        t << endl;
        t << "  base[NORMAL] = " << color( cg.base() ) << endl;
        t << "  base[SELECTED] = " << color( cg.highlight() ) << endl;
        t << "  base[INSENSITIVE] = " << color( cg.background() ) << endl;
        t << "  base[ACTIVE] = " << color( cg.highlight() ) << endl;
        t << "  base[PRELIGHT] = " << color( cg.highlight() ) << endl;
        t << endl;
        t << "  text[NORMAL] = " << color( cg.text() ) << endl;
        t << "  text[SELECTED] = " << color( cg.highlightedText() ) << endl;
        t << "  text[INSENSITIVE] = " << color( cg.mid() ) << endl;
        t << "  text[ACTIVE] = " << color( cg.highlightedText() ) << endl;
        t << "  text[PRELIGHT] = " << color( cg.highlightedText() ) << endl;
        t << endl;
        t << "  fg[NORMAL] = " << color( cg.foreground() ) << endl;
        t << "  fg[SELECTED] = " << color( cg.highlightedText() ) << endl;
        t << "  fg[INSENSITIVE] = " << color( cg.mid() ) << endl;
        t << "  fg[ACTIVE] = " << color( cg.foreground() ) << endl;
        t << "  fg[PRELIGHT] = " << color( cg.foreground() ) << endl;

    t << "}" << endl;
    t << endl;
    t << "class \"*\" style \"default\"" << endl;
    t << endl;
    if ( 2==version ) {  // we should maybe check for MacOS settings here
	t << "gtk-alternative-button-order = 1" << endl;
	t << endl;

    if (exportColors)
        // tooltips don't have the standard background color
        t << "style \"ToolTip\"" << endl;
        t << "{" << endl;
        TQColorGroup group = TQToolTip::palette().active();
        t << "  bg[NORMAL] = " << color( group.background() ) << endl;
        t << "  base[NORMAL] = " << color( group.base() ) << endl;
        t << "  text[NORMAL] = " << color( group.text() ) << endl;
        t << "  fg[NORMAL] = " << color( group.foreground() ) << endl;
        t << "}" << endl;
        t << endl;
        t << "widget \"gtk-tooltip\" style \"ToolTip\"" << endl;
        t << "widget \"gtk-tooltips\" style \"ToolTip\"" << endl;
        t << endl;
        // highlight the current (mouse-hovered) menu-item
        // not every button, checkbox, etc.
        t << "style \"MenuItem\"" << endl;
        t << "{" << endl;
        t << "  bg[PRELIGHT] = " << color( cg.highlight() ) << endl;
        t << "  fg[PRELIGHT] = " << color( cg.highlightedText() ) << endl;
        t << "}" << endl;
        t << endl;
        t << "class \"*MenuItem\" style \"MenuItem\"" << endl;
        t << endl;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void runRdb( uint flags )
  // Obtain the application palette that is about to be set.
  TQPalette newPal = TDEApplication::createApplicationPalette();
  bool exportColors      = flags & KRdbExportColors;
  bool exportQtColors    = flags & KRdbExportQtColors;
  bool exportQtSettings  = flags & KRdbExportQtSettings;
  bool exportXftSettings = flags & KRdbExportXftSettings;

  TDEConfig kglobals("kdeglobals", true, false);

  KTempFile tmpFile;

  if (tmpFile.status() != 0)
    kdDebug() << "Couldn't open temp file" << endl;

  TQFile &tmp = *(tmpFile.file());

  // Export colors to non-(KDE/Qt) apps (e.g. Motif, GTK+ apps)
  if (exportColors)
    TDEGlobal::dirs()->addResourceType("appdefaults", TDEStandardDirs::kde_default("data") + "tdedisplay/app-defaults/");
    TQColorGroup cg = newPal.active();
    createGtkrc( true, cg, 1 );
    createGtkrc( true, cg, 2 );

    TQString preproc;
    TQColor backCol = cg.background();
    addColorDef(preproc, "FOREGROUND"         , cg.foreground());
    addColorDef(preproc, "BACKGROUND"         , backCol);
    addColorDef(preproc, "HIGHLIGHT"          , backCol.light(100+(2*TDEGlobalSettings::contrast()+4)*16/1));
    addColorDef(preproc, "LOWLIGHT"           , backCol.dark(100+(2*TDEGlobalSettings::contrast()+4)*10));
    addColorDef(preproc, "SELECT_BACKGROUND"  , cg.highlight());
    addColorDef(preproc, "SELECT_FOREGROUND"  , cg.highlightedText());
    addColorDef(preproc, "WINDOW_BACKGROUND"  , cg.base());
    addColorDef(preproc, "WINDOW_FOREGROUND"  , cg.foreground());
    addColorDef(preproc, "INACTIVE_BACKGROUND", TDEGlobalSettings::inactiveTitleColor());
    addColorDef(preproc, "INACTIVE_FOREGROUND", TDEGlobalSettings::inactiveTitleColor());
    addColorDef(preproc, "ACTIVE_BACKGROUND"  , TDEGlobalSettings::activeTitleColor());
    addColorDef(preproc, "ACTIVE_FOREGROUND"  , TDEGlobalSettings::activeTitleColor());

    tmp.writeBlock( preproc.latin1(), preproc.length() );

    TQStringList list;

    TQStringList adPaths = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("appdefaults", "");
    for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = adPaths.begin(); it != adPaths.end(); ++it) {
      TQDir dSys( *it );

      if ( dSys.exists() ) {
        dSys.setFilter( TQDir::Files );
        dSys.setSorting( TQDir::Name );
        list += dSys.entryList();

    for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); it++)
      copyFile(tmp, locate("appdefaults", *it ), true);

  // Merge ~/.Xresources or fallback to ~/.Xdefaults
  TQString homeDir = TQDir::homeDirPath();
  TQString xResources = homeDir + "/.Xresources";

  // very primitive support for ~/.Xresources by appending it
  if ( TQFile::exists( xResources ) )
    copyFile(tmp, xResources, true);
    copyFile(tmp, homeDir + "/.Xdefaults", true);

  // Export the Xcursor theme & size settings
  TDEConfig mousecfg( "kcminputrc" );
  mousecfg.setGroup( "Mouse" );
  TQString theme = mousecfg.readEntry("cursorTheme", TQString());
  TQString size  = mousecfg.readEntry("cursorSize", TQString());
  TQString contents;

  if (!theme.isNull())
    contents = "Xcursor.theme: " + theme + '\n';

  if (!size.isNull())
    contents += "Xcursor.size: " + size + '\n';

  if (exportXftSettings)

    if (kglobals.hasKey("XftAntialias"))
      contents += "Xft.antialias: ";
      if(kglobals.readBoolEntry("XftAntialias", true))
        contents += "1\n";
        contents += "0\n";

    if (kglobals.hasKey("XftHintStyle"))
      TQString hintStyle = kglobals.readEntry("XftHintStyle", "hintfull");
      contents += "Xft.hinting: ";
        contents += "-1\n";
          contents += "1\n";
          contents += "0\n";
        contents += "Xft.hintstyle: " + hintStyle + '\n';

    if (kglobals.hasKey("XftSubPixel"))
      TQString subPixel = kglobals.readEntry("XftSubPixel", "none");
        contents += "Xft.rgba: " + subPixel + '\n';

    TDEConfig cfgfonts("kcmfonts", true);
    if( cfgfonts.readNumEntry( "forceFontDPI", 0 ) != 0 )
      contents += "Xft.dpi: " + cfgfonts.readEntry( "forceFontDPI" ) + '\n';

  if (contents.length() > 0)
    tmp.writeBlock( contents.latin1(), contents.length() );


  TDEProcess proc;
#ifndef NDEBUG
  proc << "xrdb" << "-merge" << tmpFile.name();
  proc << "xrdb" << "-quiet" << "-merge" << tmpFile.name();
  proc.start( TDEProcess::Block, TDEProcess::Stdin );


  applyGtkStyles(exportColors, 1);
  applyGtkStyles(exportColors, 2);

  /* Qt exports */
  if ( exportQtColors || exportQtSettings )
    TQSettings* settings = new TQSettings;

    if ( exportQtColors )
      applyQtColors( kglobals, *settings, newPal );    // For kcmcolors

    if ( exportQtSettings )
      applyQtSettings( kglobals, *settings );          // For kcmstyle

    delete settings;

    // We let KIPC take care of ourselves, as we are in a KDE app with
    // QApp::setDesktopSettingsAware(false);
    // Instead of calling QApp::x11_apply_settings() directly, we instead
    // modify the timestamp which propagates the settings changes onto
    // Qt-only apps without adversely affecting ourselves.

    // Cheat and use the current timestamp, since we just saved to qtrc.
    TQDateTime settingsstamp = TQDateTime::currentDateTime();

    static Atom qt_settings_timestamp = 0;
    if (!qt_settings_timestamp) {
	 TQString atomname("_QT_SETTINGS_TIMESTAMP_");
	 atomname += XDisplayName( 0 ); // Use the $DISPLAY envvar.
	 qt_settings_timestamp = XInternAtom( tqt_xdisplay(), atomname.latin1(), False);

    TQBuffer stamp;
    TQDataStream s(stamp.buffer(), IO_WriteOnly);
    s << settingsstamp;
    XChangeProperty( tqt_xdisplay(), tqt_xrootwin(), qt_settings_timestamp,
		     qt_settings_timestamp, 8, PropModeReplace,
		     (unsigned char*) stamp.buffer().data(),
		     stamp.buffer().size() );