/* * ksmbstatus.cpp * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <tqlayout.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kdialog.h> #include "ksmbstatus.h" #include "ksmbstatus.moc" #define Before(ttf,in) in.left(in.find(ttf)) #define After(ttf,in) (in.contains(ttf)?TQString(in.mid(in.find(ttf)+TQString(ttf).length())):TQString("")) NetMon::NetMon( TQWidget * parent, TDEConfig *config, const char * name ) : TQWidget(parent, name) ,configFile(config) ,showmountProc(0) ,strShare("") ,strUser("") ,strGroup("") ,strMachine("") ,strSince("") ,strPid("") ,iUser(0) ,iGroup(0) ,iMachine(0) ,iPid(0) { TQBoxLayout *topLayout = new TQVBoxLayout(this, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); topLayout->setAutoAdd(true); list=new TQListView(this,"Hello"); version=new TQLabel(this); list->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); list->setMinimumSize(425,200); list->setShowSortIndicator(true); list->addColumn(i18n("Type")); list->addColumn(i18n("Service")); list->addColumn(i18n("Accessed From")); list->addColumn(i18n("UID")); list->addColumn(i18n("GID")); list->addColumn(i18n("PID")); list->addColumn(i18n("Open Files")); timer = new TQTimer(this); timer->start(15000); TQObject::connect(timer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(update())); update(); } void NetMon::processNFSLine(char *bufline, int) { TQCString line(bufline); if (line.contains(":/")) new TQListViewItem(list,"NFS",After(":",line),Before(":/",line)); } void NetMon::processSambaLine(char *bufline, int) { TQCString line(bufline); rownumber++; if (rownumber == 2) version->setText(bufline); // second line = samba version if ((readingpart==header) && line.contains("Service")) { iUser=line.find("uid"); iGroup=line.find("gid"); iPid=line.find("pid"); iMachine=line.find("machine"); } else if ((readingpart==header) && (line.contains("---"))) { readingpart=connexions; } else if ((readingpart==connexions) && (int(line.length())>=iMachine)) { strShare=line.mid(0,iUser); strUser=line.mid(iUser,iGroup-iUser); strGroup=line.mid(iGroup,iPid-iGroup); strPid=line.mid(iPid,iMachine-iPid); line=line.mid(iMachine,line.length()); strMachine=line; new TQListViewItem(list,"SMB",strShare,strMachine, strUser,strGroup,strPid/*,strSince*/); } else if (readingpart==connexions) readingpart=locked_files; else if ((readingpart==locked_files) && (line.find("No ")==0)) readingpart=finished; else if (readingpart==locked_files) { if ((strncmp(bufline,"Pi", 2) !=0) // "Pid DenyMode ..." && (strncmp(bufline,"--", 2) !=0)) // "------------" { char *tok=strtok(bufline," "); if (tok) { int pid=atoi(tok); (lo)[pid]++; } } } } // called when we get some data from smbstatus // can be called for any size of buffer (one line, several lines, // half of one ...) void NetMon::slotReceivedData(TDEProcess *, char *buffer, int ) { //kdDebug()<<"received stuff"<<endl; char s[250],*start,*end; size_t len; start = buffer; while ((end = strchr(start,'\n'))) // look for '\n' { len = end-start; if (len>=sizeof(s)) len=sizeof(s)-1; strncpy(s,start,len); s[len] = '\0'; //kdDebug() << "recived: "<<s << endl; if (readingpart==nfs) processNFSLine(s,len); else processSambaLine(s,len); // process each line start=end+1; } if (readingpart==nfs) { list->viewport()->update(); list->update(); } // here we could save the remaining part of line, if ever buffer // doesn't end with a '\n' ... but will this happen ? } void NetMon::update() { TDEProcess * process = new TDEProcess(); memset(&lo, 0, sizeof(lo)); list->clear(); /* Re-read the Contents ... */ TQString path(::getenv("PATH")); path += "/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin"; rownumber=0; readingpart=header; nrpid=0; process->setEnvironment("PATH", path); connect(process, TQT_SIGNAL(receivedStdout(TDEProcess *, char *, int)), TQT_SLOT(slotReceivedData(TDEProcess *, char *, int))); *process << "smbstatus"; if (!process->start(TDEProcess::Block,TDEProcess::Stdout)) version->setText(i18n("Error: Unable to run smbstatus")); else if (rownumber==0) // empty result version->setText(i18n("Error: Unable to open configuration file \"smb.conf\"")); else { // ok -> count the number of locked files for each pid for (TQListViewItem *row=list->firstChild();row!=0;row=row->itemBelow()) { // cerr<<"NetMon::update: this should be the pid: "<<row->text(5)<<endl; int pid=row->text(5).toInt(); row->setText(6,TQString("%1").arg((lo)[pid])); } } delete process; process=0; readingpart=nfs; delete showmountProc; showmountProc=new TDEProcess(); showmountProc->setEnvironment("PATH", path); *showmountProc<<"showmount"<<"-a"<<"localhost"; connect(showmountProc,TQT_SIGNAL(receivedStdout(TDEProcess *, char *, int)),TQT_SLOT(slotReceivedData(TDEProcess *, char *, int))); //without this timer showmount hangs up to 5 minutes //if the portmapper daemon isn't running TQTimer::singleShot(5000,this,TQT_SLOT(killShowmount())); //kdDebug()<<"starting kill timer with 5 seconds"<<endl; connect(showmountProc,TQT_SIGNAL(processExited(TDEProcess*)),this,TQT_SLOT(killShowmount())); if (!showmountProc->start(TDEProcess::NotifyOnExit,TDEProcess::Stdout)) // run showmount { delete showmountProc; showmountProc=0; } version->adjustSize(); list->show(); } void NetMon::killShowmount() { //kdDebug()<<"killShowmount()"<<endl; delete showmountProc; showmountProc=0; }