/* * kdeprintfax - a small fax utility * Copyright (C) 2001 Michael Goffioul * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "faxab.h" #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqlayout.h> #include <kpushbutton.h> #include <klistview.h> #include <tqheader.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kabc/stdaddressbook.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <krun.h> #include <kstdguiitem.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <kconfig.h> FaxAB::FaxAB(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : KDialog(parent, name, true) { m_list = new KListView( this ); m_list->addColumn( i18n( "Name" ) ); m_list->addColumn( i18n( "Fax Number" ) ); m_list->header()->setStretchEnabled( true, 0 ); QLabel *m_listlabel = new TQLabel(i18n("Entries:"), this); m_ok = new KPushButton(KStdGuiItem::ok(), this); QPushButton *m_cancel = new KPushButton(KStdGuiItem::cancel(), this); QPushButton *m_ab = new KPushButton(KGuiItem(i18n("&Edit Addressbook"), "contents"), this); connect(m_ok, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(accept())); connect(m_cancel, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(reject())); connect(m_ab, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotEditAb())); m_ok->setDefault(true); QVBoxLayout *l0 = new TQVBoxLayout(this, 10, 10); l0->addWidget( m_listlabel ); l0->addWidget( m_list ); QHBoxLayout *l2 = new TQHBoxLayout(0, 0, 10); l0->addLayout(l2, 0); l2->addWidget(m_ab, 0); l2->addStretch(1); l2->addWidget(m_ok, 0); l2->addWidget(m_cancel, 0); KConfig *conf = KGlobal::config(); conf->setGroup( "General" ); TQSize defsize( 400, 200 ); resize( conf->readSizeEntry( "ABSize", &defsize ) ); initialize(); connect(KABC::StdAddressBook::self(), TQT_SIGNAL(addressBookChanged(AddressBook*)), TQT_SLOT(slotAbChanged(AddressBook*))); } FaxAB::~FaxAB() { KConfig *conf = KGlobal::config(); conf->setGroup( "General" ); conf->writeEntry( "ABSize", size() ); } void FaxAB::initialize() { m_entries.clear(); m_list->clear(); KABC::AddressBook *bk = KABC::StdAddressBook::self(); for (KABC::AddressBook::Iterator it=bk->begin(); it!=bk->end(); ++it) { KABC::PhoneNumber::List numbers = (*it).phoneNumbers(); KABC::PhoneNumber::List faxNumbers; for (TQValueList<KABC::PhoneNumber>::Iterator nit=numbers.begin(); nit!=numbers.end(); ++nit) { if (((*nit).type() & KABC::PhoneNumber::Fax) && !(*nit).number().isEmpty()) faxNumbers << ( *nit ); } if (faxNumbers.count() > 0) { for ( KABC::PhoneNumber::List::ConstIterator nit = faxNumbers.begin(); nit != faxNumbers.end(); ++nit ) { FaxABEntry entry; entry.m_number = ( *nit ); entry.m_enterprise = ( *it ).organization(); if ( !( *it ).formattedName().isEmpty() ) entry.m_name = ( *it ).formattedName(); else { TQString key = ( *it ).familyName(); if ( !( *it ).givenName().isEmpty() ) { if ( !key.isEmpty() ) key.append( " " ); key.append( ( *it ).givenName() ); } entry.m_name = key; } entry.m_name += ( " (" + ( *nit ).typeLabel() + ")" ); m_entries[ entry.m_name ] = entry; } } } if (m_entries.count() > 0) { for (TQMap<TQString,FaxABEntry>::ConstIterator it=m_entries.begin(); it!=m_entries.end(); ++it) { TQCheckListItem *item = new TQCheckListItem( m_list, it.key(), TQCheckListItem::CheckBox ); item->setText( 1, ( *it ).m_number.number() ); item->setText( 2, ( *it ).m_enterprise ); } m_list->sort(); m_ok->setEnabled(true); } else m_ok->setDisabled(true); } void FaxAB::slotEditAb() { KRun::runCommand("kaddressbook"); } void FaxAB::slotAbChanged(AddressBook*) { initialize(); } bool FaxAB::getEntry(TQStringList& number, TQStringList& name, TQStringList& enterprise, TQWidget *parent) { FaxAB kab(parent); if (!kab.isValid()) { KMessageBox::error(parent, i18n("No fax number found in your address book.")); return false; } if (kab.exec()) { TQListViewItemIterator it( kab.m_list, TQListViewItemIterator::Checked ); while ( it.current() ) { number << it.current()->text( 1 ); name << it.current()->text( 0 ); enterprise << it.current()->text( 2 ); ++it; } /* number = kab.m_fax->currentText(); name = kab.m_name->currentText(); if (kab.m_entries.contains(name)) { enterprise = kab.m_entries[name][0]; } */ return true; } return false; } bool FaxAB::getEntryByNumber(const TQString& number, TQString& name, TQString& enterprise) { KABC::AddressBook *bk = KABC::StdAddressBook::self(); for (KABC::AddressBook::Iterator it=bk->begin(); it!=bk->end(); ++it) { KABC::PhoneNumber::List numbers = (*it).phoneNumbers(); QStringList filteredNumbers; for (TQValueList<KABC::PhoneNumber>::Iterator nit=numbers.begin(); nit!=numbers.end(); ++nit) { if (((*nit).type() & KABC::PhoneNumber::Fax) ) { TQString strippedNumber; for (uint i = 0; i < (*nit).number().length(); ++i) if ((*nit).number()[i].isDigit() || ( *nit ).number()[ i ] == '+') strippedNumber.append((*nit).number()[i]); if ( strippedNumber == number) { enterprise = (*it).organization(); name = (*it).formattedName(); return true; } } } } return false; } bool FaxAB::isValid() { return true; //return (m_name->count() > 0); } #include "faxab.moc"