//=========================================================================== // // This file is part of the KDE project // // Copyright (c) 1999 Martin R. Jones <mjones@kde.org> // Copyright (c) 2003 Chris Howells <howells@kde.org> // Copyright (c) 2003 Oswald Buddenhagen <ossi@kde.org> #include <config.h> #include "lockprocess.h" #include "lockdlg.h" #include <kcheckpass.h> #include <dmctl.h> #include <kapplication.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kpushbutton.h> #include <kseparator.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <kglobalsettings.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kdesu/defaults.h> #include <kpassdlg.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kuser.h> #include <dcopref.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qsimplerichtext.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qstringlist.h> #include <qfontmetrics.h> #include <qstyle.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include <qlistview.h> #include <qheader.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/keysym.h> #include <fixx11h.h> #ifndef AF_LOCAL # define AF_LOCAL AF_UNIX #endif #define PASSDLG_HIDE_TIMEOUT 10000 //=========================================================================== // // Simple dialog for entering a password. // PasswordDlg::PasswordDlg(LockProcess *parent, GreeterPluginHandle *plugin) : QDialog(parent, "password dialog", true, WX11BypassWM), mPlugin( plugin ), mCapsLocked(-1), mUnlockingFailed(false) { frame = new QFrame( this ); frame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Raised ); frame->setLineWidth( 2 ); QLabel *pixLabel = new QLabel( frame, "pixlabel" ); pixLabel->setPixmap(DesktopIcon("lock")); KUser user; QLabel *greetLabel = new QLabel( user.fullName().isEmpty() ? i18n("<nobr><b>The session is locked</b><br>") : i18n("<nobr><b>The session was locked by %1</b><br>").arg( user.fullName() ), frame ); mStatusLabel = new QLabel( "<b> </b>", frame ); mStatusLabel->setAlignment( QLabel::AlignCenter ); mLayoutButton = new QPushButton( frame ); mLayoutButton->setFlat( true ); KSeparator *sep = new KSeparator( KSeparator::HLine, frame ); mNewSessButton = new KPushButton( KGuiItem(i18n("Sw&itch User..."), "fork"), frame ); ok = new KPushButton( i18n("Unl&ock"), frame ); cancel = new KPushButton( KStdGuiItem::cancel(), frame ); greet = plugin->info->create( this, 0, this, mLayoutButton, QString::null, KGreeterPlugin::Authenticate, KGreeterPlugin::ExUnlock ); QVBoxLayout *unlockDialogLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); unlockDialogLayout->addWidget( frame ); QHBoxLayout *layStatus = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, KDialog::spacingHint()); layStatus->addWidget( mStatusLabel ); layStatus->addWidget( mLayoutButton ); QHBoxLayout *layButtons = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, KDialog::spacingHint()); layButtons->addWidget( mNewSessButton ); layButtons->addStretch(); layButtons->addWidget( ok ); layButtons->addWidget( cancel ); frameLayout = new QGridLayout( frame, 1, 1, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint() ); frameLayout->addMultiCellWidget( pixLabel, 0, 2, 0, 0, AlignTop ); frameLayout->addWidget( greetLabel, 0, 1 ); frameLayout->addItem( greet->getLayoutItem(), 1, 1 ); frameLayout->addLayout( layStatus, 2, 1 ); frameLayout->addMultiCellWidget( sep, 3, 3, 0, 1 ); frameLayout->addMultiCellLayout( layButtons, 4, 4, 0, 1 ); setTabOrder( ok, cancel ); setTabOrder( cancel, mNewSessButton ); setTabOrder( mNewSessButton, mLayoutButton ); connect(mLayoutButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(layoutClicked())); connect(cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(reject())); connect(ok, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotOK())); connect(mNewSessButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotSwitchUser())); if (!DM().isSwitchable() || !kapp->authorize("switch_user")) mNewSessButton->hide(); installEventFilter(this); mFailedTimerId = 0; mTimeoutTimerId = startTimer(PASSDLG_HIDE_TIMEOUT); connect(qApp, SIGNAL(activity()), SLOT(slotActivity()) ); greet->start(); DCOPRef kxkb("kxkb", "kxkb"); if( !kxkb.isNull() ) { layoutsList = kxkb.call("getLayoutsList"); QString currentLayout = kxkb.call("getCurrentLayout"); if( !currentLayout.isEmpty() && layoutsList.count() > 1 ) { currLayout = layoutsList.find(currentLayout); if (currLayout == layoutsList.end()) setLayoutText("err"); else setLayoutText(*currLayout); } else mLayoutButton->hide(); } else { mLayoutButton->hide(); // no kxkb running } capsLocked(); } PasswordDlg::~PasswordDlg() { hide(); frameLayout->removeItem( greet->getLayoutItem() ); delete greet; } void PasswordDlg::layoutClicked() { if( ++currLayout == layoutsList.end() ) currLayout = layoutsList.begin(); DCOPRef kxkb("kxkb", "kxkb"); setLayoutText( kxkb.call("setLayout", *currLayout) ? *currLayout : "err" ); } void PasswordDlg::setLayoutText( const QString &txt ) { mLayoutButton->setText( txt ); QSize sz = mLayoutButton->fontMetrics().size( 0, txt ); int mrg = mLayoutButton->style().pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_ButtonMargin ) * 2; mLayoutButton->setFixedSize( sz.width() + mrg, sz.height() + mrg ); } void PasswordDlg::updateLabel() { if (mUnlockingFailed) { mStatusLabel->setPaletteForegroundColor(Qt::black); mStatusLabel->setText(i18n("<b>Unlocking failed</b>")); } else if (mCapsLocked) { mStatusLabel->setPaletteForegroundColor(Qt::red); mStatusLabel->setText(i18n("<b>Warning: Caps Lock on</b>")); } else { mStatusLabel->setText("<b> </b>"); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Handle timer events. // void PasswordDlg::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *ev) { if (ev->timerId() == mTimeoutTimerId) { reject(); } else if (ev->timerId() == mFailedTimerId) { killTimer(mFailedTimerId); mFailedTimerId = 0; // Show the normal password prompt. mUnlockingFailed = false; updateLabel(); ok->setEnabled(true); cancel->setEnabled(true); mNewSessButton->setEnabled( true ); greet->revive(); greet->start(); } } bool PasswordDlg::eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *ev) { if (ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress || ev->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease) capsLocked(); return false; } void PasswordDlg::slotActivity() { if (mTimeoutTimerId) { killTimer(mTimeoutTimerId); mTimeoutTimerId = startTimer(PASSDLG_HIDE_TIMEOUT); } } ////// kckeckpass interface code int PasswordDlg::Reader (void *buf, int count) { int ret, rlen; for (rlen = 0; rlen < count; ) { dord: ret = ::read (sFd, (void *)((char *)buf + rlen), count - rlen); if (ret < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) goto dord; if (errno == EAGAIN) break; return -1; } if (!ret) break; rlen += ret; } return rlen; } bool PasswordDlg::GRead (void *buf, int count) { return Reader (buf, count) == count; } bool PasswordDlg::GWrite (const void *buf, int count) { return ::write (sFd, buf, count) == count; } bool PasswordDlg::GSendInt (int val) { return GWrite (&val, sizeof(val)); } bool PasswordDlg::GSendStr (const char *buf) { int len = buf ? ::strlen (buf) + 1 : 0; return GWrite (&len, sizeof(len)) && GWrite (buf, len); } bool PasswordDlg::GSendArr (int len, const char *buf) { return GWrite (&len, sizeof(len)) && GWrite (buf, len); } bool PasswordDlg::GRecvInt (int *val) { return GRead (val, sizeof(*val)); } bool PasswordDlg::GRecvArr (char **ret) { int len; char *buf; if (!GRecvInt(&len)) return false; if (!len) { *ret = 0; return true; } if (!(buf = (char *)::malloc (len))) return false; *ret = buf; return GRead (buf, len); } void PasswordDlg::reapVerify() { ::close( sFd ); int status; ::waitpid( sPid, &status, 0 ); if (WIFEXITED(status)) switch (WEXITSTATUS(status)) { case AuthOk: greet->succeeded(); accept(); return; case AuthBad: greet->failed(); mUnlockingFailed = true; updateLabel(); mFailedTimerId = startTimer(1500); ok->setEnabled(false); cancel->setEnabled(false); mNewSessButton->setEnabled( false ); return; case AuthAbort: return; } cantCheck(); } void PasswordDlg::handleVerify() { int ret; char *arr; while (GRecvInt( &ret )) { switch (ret) { case ConvGetBinary: if (!GRecvArr( &arr )) break; greet->binaryPrompt( arr, false ); if (arr) ::free( arr ); return; case ConvGetNormal: if (!GRecvArr( &arr )) break; greet->textPrompt( arr, true, false ); if (arr) ::free( arr ); return; case ConvGetHidden: if (!GRecvArr( &arr )) break; greet->textPrompt( arr, false, false ); if (arr) ::free( arr ); return; case ConvPutInfo: if (!GRecvArr( &arr )) break; if (!greet->textMessage( arr, false )) static_cast< LockProcess* >(parent())->msgBox( QMessageBox::Information, QString::fromLocal8Bit( arr ) ); ::free( arr ); continue; case ConvPutError: if (!GRecvArr( &arr )) break; if (!greet->textMessage( arr, true )) static_cast< LockProcess* >(parent())->msgBox( QMessageBox::Warning, QString::fromLocal8Bit( arr ) ); ::free( arr ); continue; } break; } reapVerify(); } ////// greeter plugin callbacks void PasswordDlg::gplugReturnText( const char *text, int tag ) { GSendStr( text ); if (text) GSendInt( tag ); handleVerify(); } void PasswordDlg::gplugReturnBinary( const char *data ) { if (data) { unsigned const char *up = (unsigned const char *)data; int len = up[3] | (up[2] << 8) | (up[1] << 16) | (up[0] << 24); if (!len) GSendArr( 4, data ); else GSendArr( len, data ); } else GSendArr( 0, 0 ); handleVerify(); } void PasswordDlg::gplugSetUser( const QString & ) { // ignore ... } void PasswordDlg::cantCheck() { greet->failed(); static_cast< LockProcess* >(parent())->msgBox( QMessageBox::Critical, i18n("Cannot unlock the session because the authentication system failed to work;\n" "you must kill kdesktop_lock (pid %1) manually.").arg(getpid()) ); greet->revive(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Starts the kcheckpass process to check the user's password. // void PasswordDlg::gplugStart() { int sfd[2]; char fdbuf[16]; if (::socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sfd)) { cantCheck(); return; } if ((sPid = ::fork()) < 0) { ::close(sfd[0]); ::close(sfd[1]); cantCheck(); return; } if (!sPid) { ::close(sfd[0]); sprintf(fdbuf, "%d", sfd[1]); execlp("kcheckpass", "kcheckpass", #ifdef HAVE_PAM "-c", KSCREENSAVER_PAM_SERVICE, #endif "-m", mPlugin->info->method, "-S", fdbuf, (char *)0); exit(20); } ::close(sfd[1]); sFd = sfd[0]; handleVerify(); } void PasswordDlg::gplugActivity() { slotActivity(); } void PasswordDlg::gplugMsgBox( QMessageBox::Icon type, const QString &text ) { QDialog dialog( this, 0, true, WX11BypassWM ); QFrame *winFrame = new QFrame( &dialog ); winFrame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::WinPanel | QFrame::Raised ); winFrame->setLineWidth( 2 ); QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout( &dialog ); vbox->addWidget( winFrame ); QLabel *label1 = new QLabel( winFrame ); label1->setPixmap( QMessageBox::standardIcon( type ) ); QLabel *label2 = new QLabel( text, winFrame ); KPushButton *button = new KPushButton( KStdGuiItem::ok(), winFrame ); button->setDefault( true ); button->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred ) ); connect( button, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( accept() ) ); QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout( winFrame, 2, 2, 10 ); grid->addWidget( label1, 0, 0, Qt::AlignCenter ); grid->addWidget( label2, 0, 1, Qt::AlignCenter ); grid->addMultiCellWidget( button, 1,1, 0,1, Qt::AlignCenter ); static_cast< LockProcess* >(parent())->execDialog( &dialog ); } void PasswordDlg::slotOK() { greet->next(); } void PasswordDlg::show() { QDialog::show(); QApplication::flushX(); } void PasswordDlg::slotStartNewSession() { if (!KMessageBox::shouldBeShownContinue( ":confirmNewSession" )) { DM().startReserve(); return; } killTimer(mTimeoutTimerId); mTimeoutTimerId = 0; QDialog *dialog = new QDialog( this, "warnbox", true, WX11BypassWM ); QFrame *winFrame = new QFrame( dialog ); winFrame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::WinPanel | QFrame::Raised ); winFrame->setLineWidth( 2 ); QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout( dialog ); vbox->addWidget( winFrame ); QLabel *label1 = new QLabel( winFrame ); label1->setPixmap( QMessageBox::standardIcon( QMessageBox::Warning ) ); QString qt_text = i18n("You have chosen to open another desktop session " "instead of resuming the current one.<br>" "The current session will be hidden " "and a new login screen will be displayed.<br>" "An F-key is assigned to each session; " "F%1 is usually assigned to the first session, " "F%2 to the second session and so on. " "You can switch between sessions by pressing " "Ctrl, Alt and the appropriate F-key at the same time. " "Additionally, the KDE Panel and Desktop menus have " "actions for switching between sessions.") .arg(7).arg(8); QLabel *label2 = new QLabel( qt_text, winFrame ); KPushButton *okbutton = new KPushButton( KGuiItem(i18n("&Start New Session"), "fork"), winFrame ); okbutton->setDefault( true ); connect( okbutton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), dialog, SLOT( accept() ) ); KPushButton *cbutton = new KPushButton( KStdGuiItem::cancel(), winFrame ); connect( cbutton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), dialog, SLOT( reject() ) ); QBoxLayout *mbox = new QVBoxLayout( winFrame, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint() ); QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout( mbox, 2, 2, 2 * KDialog::spacingHint() ); grid->setMargin( KDialog::marginHint() ); grid->addWidget( label1, 0, 0, Qt::AlignCenter ); grid->addWidget( label2, 0, 1, Qt::AlignCenter ); QCheckBox *cb = new QCheckBox( i18n("&Do not ask again"), winFrame ); grid->addMultiCellWidget( cb, 1,1, 0,1 ); QBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout( mbox, KDialog::spacingHint() ); hbox->addStretch( 1 ); hbox->addWidget( okbutton ); hbox->addStretch( 1 ); hbox->addWidget( cbutton ); hbox->addStretch( 1 ); // stolen from kmessagebox int pref_width = 0; int pref_height = 0; // Calculate a proper size for the text. { QSimpleRichText rt(qt_text, dialog->font()); QRect rect = KGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry(dialog); pref_width = rect.width() / 3; rt.setWidth(pref_width); int used_width = rt.widthUsed(); pref_height = rt.height(); if (used_width <= pref_width) { while(true) { int new_width = (used_width * 9) / 10; rt.setWidth(new_width); int new_height = rt.height(); if (new_height > pref_height) break; used_width = rt.widthUsed(); if (used_width > new_width) break; } pref_width = used_width; } else { if (used_width > (pref_width *2)) pref_width = pref_width *2; else pref_width = used_width; } } label2->setFixedSize(QSize(pref_width+10, pref_height)); int ret = static_cast< LockProcess* >( parent())->execDialog( dialog ); delete dialog; if (ret == QDialog::Accepted) { if (cb->isChecked()) KMessageBox::saveDontShowAgainContinue( ":confirmNewSession" ); DM().startReserve(); } mTimeoutTimerId = startTimer(PASSDLG_HIDE_TIMEOUT); } class LockListViewItem : public QListViewItem { public: LockListViewItem( QListView *parent, const QString &sess, const QString &loc, int _vt ) : QListViewItem( parent ) , vt( _vt ) { setText( 0, sess ); setText( 1, loc ); } int vt; }; void PasswordDlg::slotSwitchUser() { int p = 0; DM dm; QDialog dialog( this, "sessbox", true, WX11BypassWM ); QFrame *winFrame = new QFrame( &dialog ); winFrame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::WinPanel | QFrame::Raised ); winFrame->setLineWidth( 2 ); QBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout( &dialog ); vbox->addWidget( winFrame ); QBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout( winFrame, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint() ); QBoxLayout *vbox1 = new QVBoxLayout( hbox, KDialog::spacingHint() ); QBoxLayout *vbox2 = new QVBoxLayout( hbox, KDialog::spacingHint() ); KPushButton *btn; SessList sess; if (dm.localSessions( sess )) { lv = new QListView( winFrame ); connect( lv, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QListViewItem *, const QPoint&, int)), SLOT(slotSessionActivated()) ); connect( lv, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QListViewItem *, const QPoint&, int)), &dialog, SLOT(reject()) ); lv->setAllColumnsShowFocus( true ); lv->addColumn( i18n("Session") ); lv->addColumn( i18n("Location") ); lv->setColumnWidthMode( 0, QListView::Maximum ); lv->setColumnWidthMode( 1, QListView::Maximum ); QListViewItem *itm = 0; QString user, loc; int ns = 0; for (SessList::ConstIterator it = sess.begin(); it != sess.end(); ++it) { DM::sess2Str2( *it, user, loc ); itm = new LockListViewItem( lv, user, loc, (*it).vt ); if (!(*it).vt) itm->setEnabled( false ); if ((*it).self) { lv->setCurrentItem( itm ); itm->setSelected( true ); } ns++; } int fw = lv->frameWidth() * 2; QSize hds( lv->header()->sizeHint() ); lv->setMinimumWidth( fw + hds.width() + (ns > 10 ? style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent) : 0 ) ); lv->setFixedHeight( fw + hds.height() + itm->height() * (ns < 6 ? 6 : ns > 10 ? 10 : ns) ); lv->header()->adjustHeaderSize(); vbox1->addWidget( lv ); btn = new KPushButton( KGuiItem(i18n("session", "&Activate"), "fork"), winFrame ); connect( btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotSessionActivated()) ); connect( btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), &dialog, SLOT(reject()) ); vbox2->addWidget( btn ); vbox2->addStretch( 2 ); } if (kapp->authorize("start_new_session") && (p = dm.numReserve()) >= 0) { btn = new KPushButton( KGuiItem(i18n("Start &New Session"), "fork"), winFrame ); connect( btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotStartNewSession()) ); connect( btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), &dialog, SLOT(reject()) ); if (!p) btn->setEnabled( false ); vbox2->addWidget( btn ); vbox2->addStretch( 1 ); } btn = new KPushButton( KStdGuiItem::cancel(), winFrame ); connect( btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), &dialog, SLOT(reject()) ); vbox2->addWidget( btn ); static_cast< LockProcess* >(parent())->execDialog( &dialog ); } void PasswordDlg::slotSessionActivated() { LockListViewItem *itm = (LockListViewItem *)lv->currentItem(); if (itm && itm->vt > 0) DM().switchVT( itm->vt ); } void PasswordDlg::capsLocked() { unsigned int lmask; Window dummy1, dummy2; int dummy3, dummy4, dummy5, dummy6; XQueryPointer(qt_xdisplay(), DefaultRootWindow( qt_xdisplay() ), &dummy1, &dummy2, &dummy3, &dummy4, &dummy5, &dummy6, &lmask); mCapsLocked = lmask & LockMask; updateLabel(); } #include "lockdlg.moc"