// This file is part of the KDE project
// Copyright (c) 1999 Martin R. Jones <mjones@kde.org>

#ifndef __LOCKENG_H__
#define __LOCKENG_H__

#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <tqvaluevector.h>
#include "KScreensaverIface.h"
#include "xautolock.h"
#include "xautolock_c.h"

class DCOPClientTransaction;

 * Screen saver engine.  Handles screensaver window, starting screensaver
 * hacks, and password entry.
class SaverEngine
    : public TQWidget,
      public KScreensaverIface

     * Lock the screen
    virtual void lock();

     * Save the screen
    virtual void save();

     * Quit the screensaver if running
    virtual void quit();

     * return true if the screensaver is enabled
    virtual bool isEnabled();

     * enable/disable the screensaver
    virtual bool enable( bool e );

     * return true if the screen is currently blanked
    virtual bool isBlanked();

     * Read and apply configuration.
    virtual void configure();

     * Enable or disable "blank only" mode.  This is useful for
     * laptops where one might not want a cpu thirsty screensaver
     * draining the battery.
    virtual void setBlankOnly( bool blankOnly );

     * Called by kdesktop_lock when locking is in effect.
    virtual void saverLockReady();

public slots:
    void slotLockProcessWaiting();
    void slotLockProcessFullyActivated();

protected slots:
    void idleTimeout();
    void lockProcessExited();
    void lockProcessWaiting();

private slots:
    void handleSecureDialog();
    void slotSAKProcessExited();

     * Enable wallpaper exports
    void enableExports();

    enum LockType { DontLock, DefaultLock, ForceLock, SecureDialog };
    bool startLockProcess( LockType lock_type );
    void stopLockProcess();
    bool handleKeyPress(XKeyEvent *xke);
    void processLockTransactions();
    xautolock_corner_t applyManualSettings(int);

    enum State { Waiting, Preparing, Saving };
    bool        mEnabled;

    State       mState;
    XAutoLock   *mXAutoLock;
    KProcess    mLockProcess;
    int		mTimeout;

    // the original X screensaver parameters
    int         mXTimeout;
    int         mXInterval;
    int         mXBlanking;
    int         mXExposures;

    bool	mBlankOnly;  // only use the blanker, not the defined saver
    TQValueVector< DCOPClientTransaction* > mLockTransactions;

    KProcess*   mSAKProcess;
    bool        mTerminationRequested;
