/* Conversation widget for kdm greeter Copyright (C) 2008 Dirk Mueller <mueller@kde.org> based on classic kdm greeter: Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 2000 Steffen Hansen <hansen@kde.org> Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Oswald Buddenhagen <ossi@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kgreet_pam.h" #include "themer/kdmthemer.h" #include "themer/kdmlabel.h" #include <klocale.h> #include <klineedit.h> #include <kpassdlg.h> #include <kuser.h> #include <tqregexp.h> #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <syslog.h> //#define PAM_GREETER_DEBUG class KDMPasswordEdit : public KPasswordEdit { public: KDMPasswordEdit( TQWidget *parent ) : KPasswordEdit( parent, 0 ) {} KDMPasswordEdit( KPasswordEdit::EchoModes echoMode, TQWidget *parent ) : KPasswordEdit( echoMode, parent, 0 ) {} protected: virtual void contextMenuEvent( TQContextMenuEvent * ) {} }; static FILE* log; static void kg_debug(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list lst; va_start(lst, fmt); #ifdef PAM_GREETER_DEBUG #if 0 vfprintf(log, fmt, lst); fflush(log); #else char buf[6000]; sprintf(buf, "*** %s\n", fmt); vsyslog(LOG_WARNING, buf, lst); #endif #endif va_end(lst); } static KPasswordEdit::EchoModes echoMode; KPamGreeter::KPamGreeter( KGreeterPluginHandler *_handler, KdmThemer *themer, TQWidget *parent, TQWidget *pred, const TQString &_fixedEntity, Function _func, Context _ctx ) : TQObject(), KGreeterPlugin( _handler ), fixedUser( _fixedEntity ), func( _func ), ctx( _ctx ), exp( -1 ), pExp( -1 ), running( false ) { ctx = Login; kg_debug("KPamGreeter constructed\n"); m_parentWidget = parent; KdmItem *user_entry = 0, *pw_entry = 0; int line = 0; layoutItem = 0; if (themer && (!(user_entry = themer->findNode( "user-entry" )) || !(pw_entry = themer->findNode( "pw-entry" )))) themer = 0; m_themer = themer; if (!themer) layoutItem = TQT_TQLAYOUTITEM(new TQGridLayout( 0, 0, 10 )); loginLabel = 0; authLabel.clear(); authEdit.clear(); loginLabel = 0; loginEdit = 0; if (ctx == ExUnlock || ctx == ExChangeTok) fixedUser = KUser().loginName(); if (func != ChAuthTok) { kg_debug("func != ChAuthTok\n"); kg_debug("fixedUser: *%s*\n", fixedUser.latin1()); if (fixedUser.isEmpty()) { loginEdit = new KLineEdit( parent ); loginEdit->setContextMenuEnabled( false ); connect( loginEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(lostFocus()), TQT_SLOT(slotLoginLostFocus()) ); connect( loginEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(lostFocus()), TQT_SLOT(slotActivity()) ); connect( loginEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged( const TQString & )), TQT_SLOT(slotActivity()) ); connect( loginEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), TQT_SLOT(slotActivity()) ); if (pred) { parent->setTabOrder( pred, loginEdit ); pred = loginEdit; } if (!getLayoutItem()) { loginEdit->adjustSize(); user_entry->setWidget( loginEdit ); } else { loginLabel = new TQLabel( loginEdit, i18n("Username:"), parent ); getLayoutItem()->addWidget( loginLabel, line, 0 ); getLayoutItem()->addWidget( loginEdit, line++, 1 ); } } else if (ctx != Login && ctx != Shutdown && getLayoutItem()) { loginLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Username:"), parent ); getLayoutItem()->addWidget( loginLabel, line, 0 ); getLayoutItem()->addWidget( new TQLabel( fixedUser, parent ), line++, 1 ); } #if 0 if (echoMode == -1) passwdEdit = new KDMPasswordEdit( parent ); else passwdEdit = new KDMPasswordEdit( echoMode, parent ); connect( passwdEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged( const TQString & )), TQT_SLOT(slotActivity()) ); connect( passwdEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(lostFocus()), TQT_SLOT(slotActivity()) ); if (pred) { parent->setTabOrder( pred, passwdEdit ); pred = passwdEdit; } if (!getLayoutItem()) { passwdEdit->adjustSize(); pw_entry->setWidget( passwdEdit ); } else { passwdLabel = new TQLabel( passwdEdit, func == Authenticate ? i18n("hello &Password:") : i18n("Current &password:"), parent ); getLayoutItem()->addWidget( passwdLabel, line, 0 ); getLayoutItem()->addWidget( passwdEdit, line++, 1 ); } #endif if (loginEdit) loginEdit->setFocus(); } if (func != Authenticate) { if (echoMode == -1) { authEdit << new KDMPasswordEdit( echoMode, parent ); authEdit << new KDMPasswordEdit( echoMode, parent ); } else { authEdit << new KDMPasswordEdit( parent ); authEdit << new KDMPasswordEdit( parent ); } authLabel << new TQLabel( authEdit[0], i18n("&New password:"), parent ); authLabel << new TQLabel( authEdit[1], i18n("Con&firm password:"), parent ); if (pred) { parent->setTabOrder( pred, authEdit[0] ); parent->setTabOrder( authEdit[0], authEdit[1] ); } if (getLayoutItem()) { getLayoutItem()->addWidget( authLabel[0], line, 0 ); getLayoutItem()->addWidget( authEdit[0], line++, 1 ); getLayoutItem()->addWidget( authLabel[1], line, 0 ); getLayoutItem()->addWidget( authEdit[1], line, 1 ); } if (authEdit.size() >= 2) authEdit[1]->setFocus(); } } // virtual KPamGreeter::~KPamGreeter() { kg_debug("KPamGreeter::~KPamGreeter"); abort(); if (!layoutItem) { delete loginEdit; return; } TQLayoutIterator it = TQT_TQLAYOUT(static_cast<QLayoutItem*>(layoutItem))->iterator(); for (TQLayoutItem *itm = it.current(); itm; itm = ++it) delete itm->widget(); delete layoutItem; kg_debug("destructor finished, good bye"); } void // virtual KPamGreeter::loadUsers( const TQStringList &users ) { KCompletion *userNamesCompletion = new KCompletion; userNamesCompletion->setItems( users ); loginEdit->setCompletionObject( userNamesCompletion ); loginEdit->setAutoDeleteCompletionObject( true ); loginEdit->setCompletionMode( KGlobalSettings::CompletionAuto ); } void // virtual KPamGreeter::presetEntity( const TQString &entity, int field ) { kg_debug("presetEntity(%s,%d) called!\n", entity.latin1(), field); loginEdit->setText( entity ); if (field == 1 && authEdit.size() >= 1) authEdit[0]->setFocus(); else { loginEdit->setFocus(); loginEdit->selectAll(); if (field == -1 && authEdit.size() >= 1) { authEdit[0]->setText( " " ); authEdit[0]->setEnabled( false ); authTok = false; } } curUser = entity; } TQString // virtual KPamGreeter::getEntity() const { return fixedUser.isEmpty() ? loginEdit->text() : fixedUser; } void // virtual KPamGreeter::setUser( const TQString &user ) { // assert( fixedUser.isEmpty() ); curUser = user; loginEdit->setText( user ); if (authEdit.size() >= 1) { authEdit[0]->setFocus(); authEdit[0]->selectAll(); } } void // virtual KPamGreeter::setEnabled(bool enable) { // assert( !passwd1Label ); // assert( func == Authenticate && ctx == Shutdown ); // if (loginLabel) // loginLabel->setEnabled( enable ); authEdit[0]->setEnabled( enable ); setActive( enable ); if (enable) authEdit[0]->setFocus(); } void // private KPamGreeter::returnData() { kg_debug("*************** returnData called with exp %d\n", exp); switch (exp) { case 0: handler->gplugReturnText( (loginEdit ? loginEdit->text() : fixedUser).local8Bit(), KGreeterPluginHandler::IsUser ); break; case 1: handler->gplugReturnText( authEdit[0]->password(), KGreeterPluginHandler::IsPassword | KGreeterPluginHandler::IsSecret ); break; case 2: handler->gplugReturnText( authEdit[1]->password(), KGreeterPluginHandler::IsSecret ); break; default: // case 3: handler->gplugReturnText( authEdit[2]->password(), KGreeterPluginHandler::IsNewPassword | KGreeterPluginHandler::IsSecret ); break; } } bool // virtual KPamGreeter::textMessage( const char *text, bool err ) { kg_debug(" ************** textMessage(%s, %d)\n", text, err); if (!authEdit.size()) return false; if (getLayoutItem()) { TQLabel* label = new TQLabel(TQString::fromUtf8(text), m_parentWidget); getLayoutItem()->addWidget(label, state+1, 0, 0); } return true; } void // virtual KPamGreeter::textPrompt( const char *prompt, bool echo, bool nonBlocking ) { kg_debug("textPrompt called with prompt %s echo %d nonBlocking %d", prompt, echo, nonBlocking); kg_debug("state is %d, authEdit.size is %d\n", state, authEdit.size()); if (state == 0 && echo) { if (loginLabel) loginLabel->setText(TQString::fromUtf8(prompt)); else if (m_themer) { KdmLabel *kdmlabel = static_cast<KdmLabel*>(m_themer->findNode("user-label")); if (kdmlabel) { //userLabel->setText(TQString::fromUtf8(prompt)); kdmlabel->label.text = TQString::fromUtf8(prompt); TQTimer::singleShot(0, kdmlabel, TQT_SLOT(update())); } } } else if (state >= authEdit.size()) { if (getLayoutItem()) { TQLabel* label = new TQLabel(TQString::fromUtf8(prompt), m_parentWidget); getLayoutItem()->addWidget(label, state+1, 0, 0); kg_debug("added label widget to layout"); } else if (m_themer) { kg_debug("themer found!"); KdmItem *pw_label = 0; KdmLabel *kdmlabel = static_cast<KdmLabel*>(m_themer->findNode("pw-label")); if (kdmlabel) { //userLabel->setText(TQString::fromUtf8(prompt)); TQString str = TQString::fromUtf8(prompt); kdmlabel->label.text = str; TQTimer::singleShot(0, kdmlabel, TQT_SLOT(update())); } } KDMPasswordEdit* passwdEdit; if (echoMode == -1) passwdEdit = new KDMPasswordEdit( m_parentWidget ); else passwdEdit = new KDMPasswordEdit( echoMode, m_parentWidget); connect( passwdEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged( const TQString & )), TQT_SLOT(slotActivity()) ); connect( passwdEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(lostFocus()), TQT_SLOT(slotActivity()) ); authEdit << passwdEdit; #if 1 for(TQValueList<KPasswordEdit*>::iterator it = authEdit.begin(); it != authEdit.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->isEnabled() && (*it)->text().isEmpty()) { (*it)->setFocus(); break; } } #endif if (getLayoutItem()) getLayoutItem()->addWidget(passwdEdit, state+1, 1, 0); if (m_themer) { kg_debug("themer found!"); KdmItem *pw_entry = 0; pw_entry = m_themer->findNode("pw-entry"); if (pw_entry && passwdEdit) pw_entry->setWidget(passwdEdit); if (0) { //userLabel->setText(TQString::fromUtf8(prompt)); //kdmlabel->label.text = TQString::fromUtf8(prompt); //TQTimer::singleShot(0, kdmlabel, TQT_SLOT(update())); } } else kg_debug("no themer found!"); } ++state; pExp = exp; exp = authEdit.size(); kg_debug("state %d exp: %d, has %d\n", state, exp, has); if (has >= exp || nonBlocking) returnData(); } bool // virtual KPamGreeter::binaryPrompt( const char *, bool ) { // this simply cannot happen ... :} return true; } void // virtual KPamGreeter::start() { kg_debug("******* start() called\n"); while(authEdit.begin() != authEdit.end()) { KPasswordEdit* item = *authEdit.remove(authEdit.begin()); delete item; } while(authLabel.begin() != authLabel.end()) { TQLabel* item = *authLabel.remove(authLabel.begin()); delete item; } authTok = !(authEdit.size() >= 2 && authEdit[1]->isEnabled()); exp = has = -1; state = 0; running = true; handler->gplugStart(); } void // virtual KPamGreeter::suspend() { } void // virtual KPamGreeter::resume() { } void // virtual KPamGreeter::next() { kg_debug("********* next() called state %d\n", state); if (state == 0 && running && handler) { kg_debug(" **** returned text!\n"); handler->gplugReturnText( (loginEdit ? loginEdit->text() : fixedUser).local8Bit(), KGreeterPluginHandler::IsUser ); setActive(false); } has = 0; for(TQValueList<KPasswordEdit*>::iterator it = authEdit.begin(); it != authEdit.end(); ++it) { has++; if ((*it)->hasFocus()) { ++it; if (it != authEdit.end()) (*it)->setFocus(); break; } if (it == authEdit.end()) has = -1; } kg_debug(" has %d and exp %d\n", has, exp); #if 0 // assert( running ); if (loginEdit && loginEdit->hasFocus()) { passwdEdit->setFocus(); // will cancel running login if necessary has = 0; } else if (passwdEdit && passwdEdit->hasFocus()) { if (passwd1Edit) passwd1Edit->setFocus(); has = 1; } else if (passwd1Edit) { if (passwd1Edit->hasFocus()) { passwd2Edit->setFocus(); has = 1; // sic! } else has = 3; } else has = 1; if (exp < 0) handler->gplugStart(); #endif if (has >= exp) returnData(); } void // virtual KPamGreeter::abort() { kg_debug("***** abort() called\n"); running = false; if (exp >= 0) { exp = -1; handler->gplugReturnText( 0, 0 ); } } void // virtual KPamGreeter::succeeded() { kg_debug("**** succeeded() called\n"); // assert( running || timed_login ); if (!authTok) setActive( false ); else setAllActive( false ); exp = -1; running = false; } void // virtual KPamGreeter::failed() { // assert( running || timed_login ); setActive( false ); setAllActive( false ); exp = -1; running = false; } #include<assert.h> void // virtual KPamGreeter::revive() { // assert( !running ); setAllActive( true ); #if 1 if (authEdit.size() < 1) return; #endif assert(authEdit.size() >= 1); if (authTok) { authEdit[0]->erase(); if(authEdit.size() >= 2) authEdit[1]->erase(); authEdit[0]->setFocus(); } else { authEdit[0]->erase(); if (loginEdit && loginEdit->isEnabled()) authEdit[0]->setEnabled( true ); else { setActive( true ); if (loginEdit && loginEdit->text().isEmpty()) loginEdit->setFocus(); else authEdit[0]->setFocus(); } } } void // virtual KPamGreeter::clear() { // assert( !running && !passwd1Edit ); authEdit[0]->erase(); if (loginEdit) { loginEdit->clear(); loginEdit->setFocus(); curUser = TQString::null; } else authEdit[0]->setFocus(); } // private void KPamGreeter::setActive( bool enable ) { if (loginEdit) loginEdit->setEnabled( enable ); } void KPamGreeter::setAllActive( bool enable ) { for(TQValueList<KPasswordEdit*>::iterator it = authEdit.begin(); it != authEdit.end(); ++it) (*it)->setEnabled( enable ); } void KPamGreeter::slotLoginLostFocus() { if (!running) return; if (exp > 0) { if (curUser == loginEdit->text()) return; exp = -1; handler->gplugReturnText( 0, 0 ); } curUser = loginEdit->text(); kg_debug("curUser is %s", curUser.latin1()); handler->gplugSetUser( curUser ); } void KPamGreeter::slotActivity() { kg_debug("slotActivity"); if (running) handler->gplugActivity(); } // factory static bool init( const TQString &, TQVariant (*getConf)( void *, const char *, const TQVariant & ), void *ctx ) { echoMode = (KPasswordEdit::EchoModes) getConf( ctx, "EchoMode", TQVariant( -1 ) ).toInt(); KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue( "kgreet_pam" ); return true; } static void done( void ) { KGlobal::locale()->removeCatalogue( "kgreet_pam" ); if (log && log != stderr) fclose(log); log = 0; } static KGreeterPlugin * create( KGreeterPluginHandler *handler, KdmThemer *themer, TQWidget *parent, TQWidget *predecessor, const TQString &fixedEntity, KGreeterPlugin::Function func, KGreeterPlugin::Context ctx ) { return new KPamGreeter( handler, themer, parent, predecessor, fixedEntity, func, ctx ); } KDE_EXPORT kgreeterplugin_info kgreeterplugin_info = { I18N_NOOP("Pam conversation plugin"), "pam", kgreeterplugin_info::Local | kgreeterplugin_info::Presettable, init, done, create }; #include "kgreet_pam.moc"