Fri Jul 30 22:33:25 1999  Carsten Pfeiffer  <>

	* kfwin.cpp, kfwin.h: The listview items show a mini-pixmap, like those
	in kfiledialog. For now, they're static icons (only folder and document
	icons), maybe we can show the correct icons for the mimetypes, later.

	Also introduced drag-support, you can drag files from the list.

	* kftabdlg.cpp: accept Key_Enter to start the search, too.

1999-06-13  Harri Porten  <>

	* kftabdlg.cpp: introduced flexible geometry managment. Patch provided
	by Dima Rogozin <>.

1999-04-30  Harri Porten  <>

	* kftabdlg.cpp: Default to '*' when no filenames are specified and
	allow case insensitive text search. Patch provided by Dima Rogozin

1999-04-06  Harri Porten  <>

	* kfind.cpp: replaced simple delete and free() with delete [] iBuffer

1998-12-07  Mario Weilguni <>

	* made it work with Qt 2.0

1998-12-07  Alex Zepeda  <>

	* kfindtop.cpp: Commented out _height, as it's not used.

1998-11-30  Miroslav Fl�dr  <>

	* Dissabled multiple selection in view because it was not fully
	* Fixed problem in nameBox, dirBox combos which caused improper
	find query generation (it is still neccesary to fix multiplication of
	list entries)

1998-10-23  Alex Zepeda  <>

	* LICENSE: remove it, it's redundant.

	* kfind/README: Tidy up, and mention inclusion in kdebase.

ver. 0.4.1: Mario Weilguni <>
	* temporary files are no longer needed
	* found files are now shown while searching
	* KDE compliant "Help" menu
	* max-/min-size box is now disabled per default
	* GUI is disabled while searching, makes it easier to see
	* kfind compiles now without warnings with -Wall
	* result list is now scrollable without having the focus (only page
	  up and page down)
	* moc files are now #included in moc.cpp instead of compiling
	  separate files. Speeds up compilation and makes binary smaller
	* file patterns are remembered between sessions
	* introduced new filetypes for searching: files, folders,
	  symlinks, special files, executables, suid executables
	* better keyboard support

ver. 0.4: Mario Weilguni <>
	* introduced this ChangeLog
	* kfind now uses KShellProcess instead of KProcess, makes
	  regular expression search possible with egrep/xargs
	* kftabdlg.cpp: tab-dialog isn't closed anymore if Escape key
	  is pressed
	* kfind can now search for contained text (with egrep)
	* "Select All" and "Invert Selection" work now as expected
	* "Copy" copies the currently selected items to the X11 selection
	* "Unselect All" added for completeness
ver. 0.3.4:

 o removed some resizing problems
 o kfinds icons now uses only 16 color
 o mimetype browser removed from preferences 
   (something like that should be in kcc)
 o kfind sets icon for kwmII

ver. 0.3.3:

 o uses KProcess
 o supports other languages then english (at this time german and czech)

ver. 0.3.2:

 o uses KTopLevelWidget and KToolBar
 o new documentations 
ver. 0.3.1:
 o new documentation contributed by Mark Roberts

ver. 0.3:
 o entry Open in File menu or doubleclick on file executes default binding
 o removed bug causing segfaults

ver. 0.2.9:
 o uses of autoconf
 o you can specify searched directory as kfind argument
 o added Icon entry in all provided filetypes (some were 
   missing this entry and kfm didn't liked it)

ver. 0.2.8:
 o kfind is now KDE AWARE application!!
 o uses libkde0.7 (=> kmsgbox and ktabctl removed from kfind distribution)
 o uses filetypes introduced by Torben Weis for kfm (kfind installs
   some more filetypes)
 o it is possible to store files in archives
 o preferences dialog added
        - it is possible to determine filename for results saving
        - it is possible to browse available filetypes details
        - it is possible to browse available archivers details
        (in next version you will be able to change the details)
 o calls kfm for properties dialog 
 o menu entry "remove" removed (kfm properties dialog does the job)
 o removed some bugs

ver. 0.2.6:
 o reflects changes made by Martin Hartig (known as version 0.2.1)

ver. 0.2.5:
 o implemented dir selection box (it is actually a littlebit changed
   and striped down version of QFileDialog)
 o delete, rename, properties functions are implemented
 o function "Open containing folder" implemented (it calls KFM)
 o search results are now saved in file ~/.kfind-results.html
   (I finally recognized this is better choice than plain text file) 
 o removed nasty bug causing segfaults when compiler optimization were
 o improved Makefile

ver. 0.2:
 o all in kfind available options work now ;-))
 o better calling of find. It's now separate process => interface isn't 
   blocked anymore during searching 

ver. 0.1: first official release