/*********************************************************************** * * Kfinddlg.cpp * **********************************************************************/ #include <qlayout.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <kguiitem.h> #include <kstatusbar.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kaboutapplication.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include "kftabdlg.h" #include "kquery.h" #include "kfwin.h" #include "kfinddlg.h" #include "kfinddlg.moc" KfindDlg::KfindDlg(const KURL & url, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KDialogBase( Plain, QString::null, User1 | User2 | Apply | Close | Help, Apply, parent, name, true, false, KGuiItem(i18n("Stop"), "stop"), KStdGuiItem::saveAs()) { QWidget::setCaption( i18n("Find Files/Folders" ) ); setButtonBoxOrientation(Vertical); enableButton(Apply, true); // Enable "Find" enableButton(User1, false); // Disable "Stop" enableButton(User2, false); // Disable "Save As..." setButtonApply(KGuiItem(i18n("&Find"), "find")); isResultReported = false; QFrame *frame = plainPage(); // create tabwidget tabWidget = new KfindTabWidget( frame, "dialog"); tabWidget->setURL( url ); // prepare window for find results win = new KfindWindow(frame,"window"); mStatusBar = new KStatusBar(frame); mStatusBar->insertFixedItem(i18n("AMiddleLengthText..."), 0, true); setStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); mStatusBar->setItemAlignment(0, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter); mStatusBar->insertItem(QString::null, 1, 1, true); mStatusBar->setItemAlignment(1, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter); QVBoxLayout *vBox = new QVBoxLayout(frame); vBox->addWidget(tabWidget, 0); vBox->addWidget(win, 1); vBox->addWidget(mStatusBar, 0); connect(this, SIGNAL(applyClicked()), this, SLOT(startSearch())); connect(this, SIGNAL(user1Clicked()), this, SLOT(stopSearch())); connect(this, SIGNAL(user2Clicked()), win, SLOT(saveResults())); connect(win ,SIGNAL(resultSelected(bool)), this,SIGNAL(resultSelected(bool))); query = new KQuery(frame); connect(query, SIGNAL(addFile(const KFileItem*,const QString&)), SLOT(addFile(const KFileItem*,const QString&))); connect(query, SIGNAL(result(int)), SLOT(slotResult(int))); dirwatch=NULL; } KfindDlg::~KfindDlg() { stopSearch(); } void KfindDlg::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *) { stopSearch(); slotClose(); } void KfindDlg::setProgressMsg(const QString &msg) { mStatusBar->changeItem(msg, 1); } void KfindDlg::setStatusMsg(const QString &msg) { mStatusBar->changeItem(msg, 0); } void KfindDlg::startSearch() { tabWidget->setQuery(query); isResultReported = false; // Reset count - use the same i18n as below setProgressMsg(i18n("one file found", "%n files found", 0)); emit resultSelected(false); emit haveResults(false); enableButton(Apply, false); // Disable "Find" enableButton(User1, true); // Enable "Stop" enableButton(User2, false); // Disable "Save As..." if(dirwatch!=NULL) delete dirwatch; dirwatch=new KDirWatch(); connect(dirwatch, SIGNAL(created(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotNewItems(const QString&))); connect(dirwatch, SIGNAL(deleted(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotDeleteItem(const QString&))); dirwatch->addDir(query->url().path(),true); #if 0 // waba: Watching for updates is disabled for now because even with FAM it causes too // much problems. See BR68220, BR77854, BR77846, BR79512 and BR85802 // There are 3 problems: // 1) addDir() keeps looping on recursive symlinks // 2) addDir() scans all subdirectories, so it basically does the same as the process that // is started by KQuery but in-process, undoing the advantages of using a seperate find process // A solution could be to let KQuery emit all the directories it has searched in. // Either way, putting dirwatchers on a whole file system is probably just too much. // 3) FAM has a tendency to deadlock with so many files (See BR77854) This has hopefully // been fixed in KDirWatch, but that has not yet been confirmed. //Getting a list of all subdirs if(tabWidget->isSearchRecursive() && (dirwatch->internalMethod() == KDirWatch::FAM)) { QStringList subdirs=getAllSubdirs(query->url().path()); for(QStringList::Iterator it = subdirs.begin(); it != subdirs.end(); ++it) dirwatch->addDir(*it,true); } #endif win->beginSearch(query->url()); tabWidget->beginSearch(); setStatusMsg(i18n("Searching...")); query->start(); } void KfindDlg::stopSearch() { query->kill(); } void KfindDlg::newSearch() { // WABA: Not used any longer? stopSearch(); tabWidget->setDefaults(); emit haveResults(false); emit resultSelected(false); setFocus(); } void KfindDlg::slotResult(int errorCode) { if (errorCode == 0) setStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); else if (errorCode == KIO::ERR_USER_CANCELED) setStatusMsg(i18n("Aborted.")); else if (errorCode == KIO::ERR_MALFORMED_URL) { setStatusMsg(i18n("Error.")); KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("Please specify an absolute path in the \"Look in\" box.")); } else if (errorCode == KIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST) { setStatusMsg(i18n("Error.")); KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("Could not find the specified folder.")); } else { kdDebug()<<"KIO error code: "<<errorCode<<endl; setStatusMsg(i18n("Error.")); }; enableButton(Apply, true); // Enable "Find" enableButton(User1, false); // Disable "Stop" enableButton(User2, true); // Enable "Save As..." win->endSearch(); tabWidget->endSearch(); setFocus(); } void KfindDlg::addFile(const KFileItem* item, const QString& matchingLine) { win->insertItem(*item,matchingLine); if (!isResultReported) { emit haveResults(true); isResultReported = true; } int count = win->childCount(); QString str = i18n("one file found", "%n files found", count); setProgressMsg(str); } void KfindDlg::setFocus() { tabWidget->setFocus(); } void KfindDlg::copySelection() { win->copySelection(); } void KfindDlg::about () { KAboutApplication dlg(this, "about", true); dlg.exec (); } void KfindDlg::slotDeleteItem(const QString& file) { kdDebug()<<QString("Will remove one item: %1").arg(file)<<endl; QListViewItem *iter; QString iterwithpath; iter=win->firstChild(); while( iter ) { iterwithpath=query->url().path(+1)+iter->text(1)+iter->text(0); if(iterwithpath==file) { win->takeItem(iter); break; } iter = iter->nextSibling(); } } void KfindDlg::slotNewItems( const QString& file ) { kdDebug()<<QString("Will add this item")<<endl; QStringList newfiles; QListViewItem *checkiter; QString checkiterwithpath; if(file.find(query->url().path(+1))==0) { kdDebug()<<QString("Can be added, path OK")<<endl; checkiter=win->firstChild(); while( checkiter ) { checkiterwithpath=query->url().path(+1)+checkiter->text(1)+checkiter->text(0); if(file==checkiterwithpath) return; checkiter = checkiter->nextSibling(); } query->slotListEntries(QStringList(file)); } } QStringList KfindDlg::getAllSubdirs(QDir d) { QStringList dirs; QStringList subdirs; d.setFilter( QDir::Dirs ); dirs = d.entryList(); for(QStringList::Iterator it = dirs.begin(); it != dirs.end(); ++it) { if((*it==".")||(*it=="..")) continue; subdirs.append(d.path()+"/"+*it); subdirs+=getAllSubdirs(d.path()+"/"+*it); } return subdirs; }