/* * This file is part of the TDE Help Center * * Copyright (C) 2001 Waldo Bastian <bastian@kde.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "navigatorappitem.h" #include "docentry.h" #include <kdebug.h> #include <kservicegroup.h> using namespace KHC; NavigatorAppItem::NavigatorAppItem( DocEntry *entry, TQListView *parent, const TQString &relPath ) : NavigatorItem( entry, parent ), mRelpath( relPath ), mPopulated( false ) { setExpandable( true ); } NavigatorAppItem::NavigatorAppItem( DocEntry *entry, TQListViewItem *parent, const TQString &relPath ) : NavigatorItem( entry, parent ), mRelpath( relPath ), mPopulated( false ) { setExpandable( true ); } NavigatorAppItem::NavigatorAppItem( DocEntry *entry, TQListView *parent, TQListViewItem *after ) : NavigatorItem( entry, parent, after ), mPopulated( false ) { setExpandable( true ); } NavigatorAppItem::NavigatorAppItem( DocEntry *entry, TQListViewItem *parent, TQListViewItem *after ) : NavigatorItem( entry, parent, after ), mPopulated( false ) { setExpandable( true ); } void NavigatorAppItem::setRelpath( const TQString &relpath ) { mRelpath = relpath; } void NavigatorAppItem::setOpen(bool open) { kdDebug() << "NavigatorAppItem::setOpen()" << endl; if ( open && (childCount() == 0) && !mPopulated ) { kdDebug() << "NavigatorAppItem::setOpen(" << this << ", " << mRelpath << ")" << endl; populate(); } TQListViewItem::setOpen(open); } bool NavigatorAppItem::populate( bool recursive ) { bool entriesAdded = false; if ( mPopulated ) return false; KServiceGroup::Ptr root = KServiceGroup::group(mRelpath); if ( !root ) { kdWarning() << "No Service groups\n"; return false; } KServiceGroup::List list = root->entries(); for ( KServiceGroup::List::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { KSycocaEntry * e = *it; KService::Ptr s; NavigatorItem *item; KServiceGroup::Ptr g; TQString url; switch ( e->sycocaType() ) { case KST_KService: { s = static_cast<KService*>(e); url = documentationURL( s ); if ( !url.isEmpty() ) { DocEntry *entry = new DocEntry( s->name(), url, s->icon() ); item = new NavigatorItem( entry, this ); item->setAutoDeleteDocEntry( true ); item->setExpandable( false ); entriesAdded = true; } break; } case KST_KServiceGroup: { g = static_cast<KServiceGroup*>(e); if ( ( g->childCount() == 0 ) || g->name().startsWith( "." ) ) { continue; } KServiceGroup::List entryList = g->entries(false, true, false, false); if (entryList.count() > 0) { int entryCount = 0; for( KServiceGroup::List::ConstIterator it2 = entryList.begin(); it2 != entryList.end(); it2++) { KSycocaEntry *p = (*it2); if (p->isType(KST_KService)) { KService *s = static_cast<KService *>(p); url = documentationURL( s ); if ( !url.isEmpty() ){ entryCount++; } } } if (entryCount > 0) { DocEntry *entry = new DocEntry( g->caption(), "", g->icon() ); NavigatorAppItem *appItem; appItem = new NavigatorAppItem( entry, this, g->relPath() ); appItem->setAutoDeleteDocEntry( true ); if ( recursive ) appItem->populate( recursive ); entriesAdded = true; } } break; } default: break; } } sortChildItems( 0, true /* ascending */ ); mPopulated = true; return entriesAdded; } TQString NavigatorAppItem::key( int column, bool ascending ) const { return text( column ).lower(); } TQString NavigatorAppItem::documentationURL( KService *s ) { TQString docPath = s->property( "X-DocPath" ).toString(); if ( docPath.isEmpty() ) return TQString::null; if ( docPath.startsWith( "file:") || docPath.startsWith( "http:" ) ) return docPath; return TQString( "help:/" ) + docPath; }