#include "view.h" #include "formatter.h" #include "history.h" #include <dom/html_document.h> #include <dom/html_misc.h> #include <kaction.h> #include <kactioncollection.h> #include <kapplication.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <khtml_settings.h> #include <khtmlview.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kpopupmenu.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <tqfileinfo.h> #include <tqclipboard.h> using namespace KHC; View::View( TQWidget *parentWidget, const char *widgetName, TQObject *parent, const char *name, KHTMLPart::GUIProfile prof, KActionCollection *col ) : KHTMLPart( parentWidget, widgetName, parent, name, prof ), mState( Docu ), mActionCollection(col) { setJScriptEnabled(false); setJavaEnabled(false); setPluginsEnabled(false); mFormatter = new Formatter; if ( !mFormatter->readTemplates() ) { kdDebug() << "Unable to read Formatter templates." << endl; } m_zoomStepping = 10; connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( setWindowCaption( const TQString & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( setTitle( const TQString & ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( popupMenu( const TQString &, const TQPoint& ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( showMenu( const TQString &, const TQPoint& ) ) ); TQString css = langLookup("common/kde-default.css"); if (!css.isEmpty()) { TQFile css_file(css); if (css_file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { TQTextStream s(&css_file); TQString stylesheet = s.read(); preloadStyleSheet("help:/common/kde-default.css", stylesheet); } } view()->installEventFilter( this ); } View::~View() { delete mFormatter; } void View::copySelectedText() { kapp->clipboard()->setText( selectedText() ); } bool View::openURL( const KURL &url ) { if ( url.protocol().lower() == "about" ) { showAboutPage(); return true; } mState = Docu; return KHTMLPart::openURL( url ); } void View::saveState( TQDataStream &stream ) { stream << mState; if ( mState == Docu ) KHTMLPart::saveState( stream ); } void View::restoreState( TQDataStream &stream ) { stream >> mState; if ( mState == Docu ) KHTMLPart::restoreState( stream ); else if ( mState == About ) showAboutPage(); } void View::showAboutPage() { TQString file = locate( "data", "khelpcenter/intro.html.in" ); if ( file.isEmpty() ) return; TQFile f( file ); if ( !f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) return; mState = About; emit started( 0 ); TQTextStream t( &f ); TQString res = t.read(); res = res.arg( i18n("Conquer your Desktop!") ) .arg( langLookup( "khelpcenter/konq.css" ) ) .arg( langLookup( "khelpcenter/pointers.png" ) ) .arg( langLookup( "khelpcenter/khelpcenter.png" ) ) .arg( i18n("Help Center") ) .arg( langLookup( "khelpcenter/lines.png" ) ) .arg( i18n( "Welcome to the Trinity Desktop Environment" ) ) .arg( i18n( "The TDE team welcomes you to user-friendly UNIX-like computing" ) ) .arg( i18n( "The Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) is a graphical desktop\n" "environment for UNIX-like workstations. The\n" "Trinity Desktop Environment combines ease of use, contemporary functionality, and\n" "professional graphical design along with the technical advantages of\n" "UNIX-like operating systems." ) ) .arg( i18n( "What is the Trinity Desktop Environment?" ) ) .arg( i18n( "Contacting the TDE Project Members" ) ) .arg( i18n( "Supporting the TDE Project" ) ) .arg( i18n( "Useful links" ) ) .arg( i18n( "Getting the most out of TDE" ) ) .arg( i18n( "General Documentation" ) ) .arg( i18n( "A Quick Start Guide to the Desktop" ) ) .arg( i18n( "TDE Users' guide" ) ) .arg( i18n( "Frequently Asked Questions" ) ) .arg( i18n( "Basic Applications" ) ) .arg( i18n( "The Kicker Desktop Panel" ) ) .arg( i18n( "The TDE Control Center" ) ) .arg( i18n( "The Konqueror File manager and Web Browser" ) ) .arg( langLookup( "khelpcenter/kdelogo2.png" ) ); begin( KURL( "about:khelpcenter" ) ); write( res ); end(); emit completed(); } TQString View::langLookup( const TQString &fname ) { TQStringList search; // assemble the local search paths const TQStringList localDoc = KGlobal::dirs()->resourceDirs("html"); // look up the different languages for (int id=localDoc.count()-1; id >= 0; --id) { TQStringList langs = KGlobal::locale()->languageList(); langs.append( "en" ); langs.remove( "C" ); TQStringList::ConstIterator lang; for (lang = langs.begin(); lang != langs.end(); ++lang) search.append(TQString("%1%2/%3").arg(localDoc[id]).arg(*lang).arg(fname)); } // try to locate the file TQStringList::Iterator it; for (it = search.begin(); it != search.end(); ++it) { TQFileInfo info(*it); if (info.exists() && info.isFile() && info.isReadable()) return *it; // Fall back to the index.docbook for this language if we couldn't find its // specific docbook file. If we are not looking up docbook (images, // css etc) then look in other languages first. if ( ( *it ).endsWith( "docbook" ) ) { TQString file = (*it).left((*it).findRev('/')) + "/index.docbook"; info.setFile(file); if (info.exists() && info.isFile() && info.isReadable()) { return *it; } } } return TQString::null; } void View::setTitle( const TQString &title ) { mTitle = title; } void View::beginSearchResult() { mState = Search; begin(); mSearchResult = ""; } void View::writeSearchResult( const TQString &str ) { write( str ); mSearchResult += str; } void View::endSearchResult() { end(); if ( !mSearchResult.isEmpty() ) emit searchResultCacheAvailable(); } void View::beginInternal( const KURL &url ) { mInternalUrl = url; begin(); } KURL View::internalUrl() const { return mInternalUrl; } void View::lastSearch() { if ( mSearchResult.isEmpty() ) return; mState = Search; begin(); write( mSearchResult ); end(); } void View::slotIncFontSizes() { setZoomFactor( zoomFactor() + m_zoomStepping ); } void View::slotDecFontSizes() { setZoomFactor( zoomFactor() - m_zoomStepping ); } void View::showMenu( const TQString& url, const TQPoint& pos) { KPopupMenu* pop = new KPopupMenu(view()); if (url.isEmpty()) { KAction *action; action = mActionCollection->action("go_home"); if (action) action->plug(pop); pop->insertSeparator(); action = mActionCollection->action("prevPage"); if (action) action->plug(pop); action = mActionCollection->action("nextPage"); if (action) action->plug(pop); pop->insertSeparator(); History::self().m_backAction->plug(pop); History::self().m_forwardAction->plug(pop); } else { pop->insertItem(i18n("Copy Link Address"), this, TQT_SLOT(slotCopyLink())); mCopyURL = completeURL(url).url(); } pop->exec(pos); delete pop; } void View::slotCopyLink() { TQApplication::clipboard()->setText(mCopyURL); } bool View::prevPage(bool checkOnly) { const DOM::HTMLCollection links = htmlDocument().links(); // The first link on a page (top-left corner) would be the Prev link. const DOM::Node prevLinkNode = links.item( 0 ); KURL prevURL = urlFromLinkNode( prevLinkNode ); if (!prevURL.isValid()) return false; if (!checkOnly) openURL( prevURL ); return true; } bool View::nextPage(bool checkOnly) { const DOM::HTMLCollection links = htmlDocument().links(); KURL nextURL; // If we're on the first page, the "Next" link is the last link if ( baseURL().path().endsWith( "/index.html" ) ) nextURL = urlFromLinkNode( links.item( links.length() - 1 ) ); else nextURL = urlFromLinkNode( links.item( links.length() - 2 ) ); if (!nextURL.isValid()) return false; // If we get a mail link instead of a http URL, or the next link points // to an index.html page (a index.html page is always the first page // there can't be a Next link pointing to it!) there's probably nowhere // to go. Next link at all. if ( nextURL.protocol() == "mailto" || nextURL.path().endsWith( "/index.html" ) ) return false; if (!checkOnly) openURL( nextURL ); return true; } bool View::eventFilter( TQObject *o, TQEvent *e ) { if ( e->type() != TQEvent::KeyPress || htmlDocument().links().length() == 0 ) return KHTMLPart::eventFilter( o, e ); TQKeyEvent *ke = TQT_TQKEYEVENT( e ); if ( ke->state() & TQt::ShiftButton && ke->key() == Key_Space ) { // If we're on the first page, it does not make sense to go back. if ( baseURL().path().endsWith( "/index.html" ) ) return KHTMLPart::eventFilter( o, e ); const TQScrollBar * const scrollBar = view()->verticalScrollBar(); if ( scrollBar->value() == scrollBar->minValue() ) { if (prevPage()) return true; } } else if ( ke->key() == Key_Space ) { const TQScrollBar * const scrollBar = view()->verticalScrollBar(); if ( scrollBar->value() == scrollBar->maxValue() ) { if (nextPage()) return true; } } return KHTMLPart::eventFilter( o, e ); } KURL View::urlFromLinkNode( const DOM::Node &n ) const { if ( n.isNull() || n.nodeType() != DOM::Node::ELEMENT_NODE ) return KURL(); DOM::Element elem = static_cast<DOM::Element>( n ); KURL href ( elem.getAttribute( "href" ).string() ); if ( !href.protocol().isNull() ) return href; TQString path = baseURL().path(); path.truncate( path.findRev( '/' ) + 1 ); path += href.url(); KURL url = baseURL(); url.setRef( TQString::null ); url.setEncodedPathAndQuery( path ); return url; } void View::slotReload( const KURL &url ) { const_cast<KHTMLSettings *>( settings() )->init( kapp->config() ); KParts::URLArgs args = browserExtension()->urlArgs(); args.reload = true; browserExtension()->setURLArgs( args ); if ( url.isEmpty() ) openURL( baseURL() ); else openURL( url ); } #include "view.moc" // vim:ts=2:sw=2:et