
 Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org>

 Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.


#include <config.h>

#include "actions_listview_widget.h"

#include <tqheader.h>

#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tqdragobject.h>

#include <khlistview.h>
#include <actions.h>
#include <triggers.h>

#include "kcmkhotkeys.h"

namespace KHotKeys

Actions_listview_widget::Actions_listview_widget( TQWidget* parent_P, const char* name_P )
    : Actions_listview_widget_ui( parent_P, name_P ), recent_item( NULL ),
        saved_current_item( NULL )
//    actions_listview->setSorting( 0 );
    actions_listview->addColumn( "" );
    actions_listview->setRootIsDecorated( true ); // CHECKME
    connect( actions_listview, TQT_SIGNAL( current_changed( TQListViewItem* )),
        TQT_SLOT( current_changed( TQListViewItem* )));
    connect( actions_listview, TQT_SIGNAL( moved( TQListViewItem*, TQListViewItem*, TQListViewItem* )),
        TQT_SLOT( item_moved( TQListViewItem*, TQListViewItem*, TQListViewItem* )));
    // KHotKeys::Module::changed()

void Actions_listview_widget::action_name_changed( const TQString& )
    current_action()->widthChanged( 0 );
    actions_listview->repaintItem( current_action());

void Actions_listview_widget::set_action_data( Action_data_base* data_P, bool recent_action_P )
    if( recent_action_P )
        assert( recent_item != NULL );
        recent_item->set_data( data_P );
        saved_current_item->set_data( data_P );

void Actions_listview_widget::current_changed( TQListViewItem* item_P )
    kdDebug( 1217 ) << "current_changed:" << item_P << endl;
    set_current_action( static_cast< Action_listview_item* >( item_P ));

void Actions_listview_widget::set_current_action( Action_listview_item* item_P )
    if( item_P == saved_current_item )
    recent_item = saved_current_item;
    saved_current_item = item_P;
    if( actions_listview->currentItem() != item_P )
        if( item_P == NULL )
        actions_listview->setCurrentItem( item_P );
    emit current_action_changed();

void Actions_listview_widget::new_action( Action_data_base* data_P )
    TQListViewItem* parent = NULL;
    if( current_action() != NULL )
        if( dynamic_cast< Action_data_group* >( current_action()->data()) != NULL )
            parent = current_action();
            parent = current_action()->tqparent();
    if( parent )
        parent->setOpen( true );
    Action_listview_item* tmp = create_item( parent, NULL, data_P );
    recent_item = saved_current_item;
    saved_current_item = tmp;
    actions_listview->setSelected( tmp, true );

void Actions_listview_widget::delete_action()
//    while( TQListViewItem* child = current_action()->firstChild())
//        delete child;
//    TQListViewItem* nw = current_action()->itemAbove();
//    if( nw == NULL )
//        nw = current_action()->itemBelow();
    delete saved_current_item;
    saved_current_item = NULL;
    recent_item = NULL;
//    if( nw != NULL )
//        {
//        saved_current_item = static_cast< Action_listview_item* >( nw );
//        actions_listview->setSelected( nw, true );
//        }
//    else
//        saved_current_item = NULL;

void Actions_listview_widget::item_moved( TQListViewItem* item_P, TQListViewItem*, TQListViewItem* )
    Action_listview_item* item = static_cast< Action_listview_item* >( item_P );
    Action_listview_item* parent = static_cast< Action_listview_item* >( item->tqparent());
    if( parent == NULL )
        item->data()->reparent( module->actions_root());
    else if( Action_data_group* group = dynamic_cast< Action_data_group* >( parent->data()))
        item->data()->reparent( group );
        item->data()->reparent( module->actions_root());

void Actions_listview_widget::build_up()
    build_up_recursively( module->actions_root(), NULL );
void Actions_listview_widget::build_up_recursively( Action_data_group* parent_P,
    Action_listview_item* item_parent_P )
    Action_listview_item* prev = NULL;
    for( Action_data_group::Iterator it = parent_P->first_child();
         ++it )
        prev = create_item( item_parent_P, prev, ( *it )); 
        Action_data_group* grp = dynamic_cast< Action_data_group* >( *it );
        if( grp != NULL )
            build_up_recursively( grp, prev );
Action_listview_item* Actions_listview_widget::create_item( TQListViewItem* parent_P,
    TQListViewItem* after_P, Action_data_base* data_P )
    if( parent_P != NULL )
        return new Action_listview_item( parent_P, after_P, data_P );
        return new Action_listview_item( actions_listview, after_P, data_P );

// Actions_listview

Actions_listview::Actions_listview( TQWidget* parent_P, const char* name_P )
    : KHListView( parent_P, name_P ), _widget( static_cast< Actions_listview_widget* >( parent_P->parent()))
    // this relies on the way designer creates the .cpp file from .ui (yes, I'm lazy)
    assert( dynamic_cast< Actions_listview_widget_ui* >( parent_P->parent()));
    setDragEnabled( true );
    setDropVisualizer( true );
    setAcceptDrops( true );

// Action_listview_item

TQString Action_listview_item::text( int column_P ) const
    return column_P == 0 ? data()->name() : TQString::null;

// CHECKME poradne tohle zkontrolovat po tom prekopani

} // namespace KHotKeys

#include "actions_listview_widget.moc"