/**************************************************************************** KHotKeys Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org> Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. ****************************************************************************/ #define _WINDOWDEF_LIST_WIDGET_CPP_ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include "windowdef_list_widget.h" #include <assert.h> #include <tqpushbutton.h> #include <tqheader.h> #include <tqlineedit.h> #include <tqpopupmenu.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <khlistview.h> #include <windows.h> #include "windowdef_simple_widget.h" #include "kcmkhotkeys.h" namespace KHotKeys { // Windowdef_list_widget Windowdef_list_widget::Windowdef_list_widget( TQWidget* parent_P, const char* name_P ) : Windowdef_list_widget_ui( parent_P, name_P ), autodetect_object( NULL ), autodetect_slot( NULL ), selected_item( NULL ) { TQPopupMenu* popup = new TQPopupMenu; // CHECKME looks like setting parent doesn't work popup->insertItem( i18n( "Simple Window..." ), TYPE_WINDOWDEF_SIMPLE ); connect( popup, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int )), TQT_SLOT( new_selected( int ))); connect( windows_listview, TQT_SIGNAL( doubleClicked ( TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &, int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( modify_pressed() ) ); new_button->setPopup( popup ); windows_listview->header()->hide(); windows_listview->addColumn( "" ); windows_listview->setSorting( -1 ); windows_listview->setForceSelect( true ); copy_button->setEnabled( false ); modify_button->setEnabled( false ); delete_button->setEnabled( false ); clear_data(); // KHotKeys::Module::changed() connect( new_button, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked()), module, TQT_SLOT( changed())); connect( copy_button, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked()), module, TQT_SLOT( changed())); connect( modify_button, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked()), module, TQT_SLOT( changed())); connect( delete_button, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked()), module, TQT_SLOT( changed())); connect( comment_lineedit, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString& )), module, TQT_SLOT( changed())); } Windowdef_list_widget::~Windowdef_list_widget() { delete new_button->popup(); } void Windowdef_list_widget::clear_data() { comment_lineedit->clear(); windows_listview->clear(); } void Windowdef_list_widget::set_data( const Windowdef_list* data_P ) { if( data_P == NULL ) { clear_data(); return; } comment_lineedit->setText( data_P->comment()); Windowdef_list_item* after = NULL; windows_listview->clear(); for( Windowdef_list::Iterator it( *data_P ); *it; ++it ) after = create_listview_item( *it, windows_listview, NULL, after, true ); } Windowdef_list* Windowdef_list_widget::get_data() const { // CHECKME TODO hmm, tady to bude chtit asi i children :( Windowdef_list* list = new Windowdef_list( comment_lineedit->text()); for( TQListViewItem* pos = windows_listview->firstChild(); pos != NULL; pos = pos->nextSibling()) list->append( static_cast< Windowdef_list_item* >( pos )->window()->copy()); return list; } void Windowdef_list_widget::new_selected( int type_P ) { Windowdef_dialog* dlg = NULL; switch( type_P ) { case TYPE_WINDOWDEF_SIMPLE: // Windowdef_simple dlg = new Windowdef_simple_dialog( new Windowdef_simple( "", "", Windowdef_simple::NOT_IMPORTANT, "", Windowdef_simple::NOT_IMPORTANT, "", Windowdef_simple::NOT_IMPORTANT, Windowdef_simple::WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL | Windowdef_simple::WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG ), NULL, NULL ); // CHECKME tady pak autodetect break; } if( dlg != NULL ) { Windowdef* window = dlg->edit_windowdef(); if( window != NULL ) windows_listview->setSelected( create_listview_item( window, windows_listview, NULL, selected_item, false ), true ); // CHECKME tady pak jeste spravne vnoreni, kdyz bude skupina delete dlg; } } void Windowdef_list_widget::copy_pressed() { windows_listview->setSelected( create_listview_item( selected_item->window(), selected_item->tqparent() ? NULL : windows_listview, selected_item->tqparent(), selected_item, true ), true ); } void Windowdef_list_widget::delete_pressed() { delete selected_item; // CHECKME snad vyvola signaly pro enable() } void Windowdef_list_widget::modify_pressed() { edit_listview_item( selected_item ); } void Windowdef_list_widget::current_changed( TQListViewItem* item_P ) { // if( item_P == selected_item ) // return; selected_item = static_cast< Windowdef_list_item* >( item_P ); // windows_listview->setSelected( item_P, true ); copy_button->setEnabled( item_P != NULL ); modify_button->setEnabled( item_P != NULL ); delete_button->setEnabled( item_P != NULL ); } Windowdef_list_item* Windowdef_list_widget::create_listview_item( Windowdef* window_P, TQListView* parent1_P, TQListViewItem* parent2_P, TQListViewItem* after_P, bool copy_P ) { Windowdef* new_win = copy_P ? window_P->copy() : window_P; // CHECKME uz by nemelo byt treba /* if( after_P == NULL ) { if( parent1_P == NULL ) return new Windowdef_list_item( parent2_P, new_win ); else return new Windowdef_list_item( parent1_P, new_win ); } else*/ { if( parent1_P == NULL ) return new Windowdef_list_item( parent2_P, after_P, new_win ); else return new Windowdef_list_item( parent1_P, after_P, new_win ); } } void Windowdef_list_widget::edit_listview_item( Windowdef_list_item* item_P ) { Windowdef_dialog* dlg = NULL; if( Windowdef_simple* window = dynamic_cast< Windowdef_simple* >( item_P->window())) dlg = new Windowdef_simple_dialog( window, autodetect_object, autodetect_slot ); else // CHECKME TODO pridat dalsi assert( false ); Windowdef* new_window = dlg->edit_windowdef(); if( new_window != NULL ) { item_P->set_window( new_window ); item_P->widthChanged( 0 ); // SELI tohle i u dalsich listview? windows_listview->tqrepaintItem( item_P ); } delete dlg; } // Windowdef_list_item TQString Windowdef_list_item::text( int column_P ) const { return column_P == 0 ? window()->description() : TQString::null; } Windowdef_list_item::~Windowdef_list_item() { // CHECKME if the listview will ever be used hiearchically, delete _window; // this will be wrong, the windows tree will have to be kept } // and deleted separately // Windowdef_simple_dialog Windowdef_simple_dialog::Windowdef_simple_dialog( Windowdef_simple* window_P, TQObject* obj_P, const char* slot_P ) : KDialogBase( NULL, NULL, true, i18n( "Window Details" ), Ok | Cancel ), window( NULL ) { widget = new Windowdef_simple_widget( this ); widget->set_autodetect( obj_P, slot_P ); widget->set_data( window_P ); setMainWidget( widget ); } Windowdef* Windowdef_simple_dialog::edit_windowdef() { exec(); return window; } void Windowdef_simple_dialog::accept() { KDialogBase::accept(); window = widget->get_data(); // CHECKME NULL ? } } // namespace KHotKeys #include "windowdef_list_widget.moc"