
 Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org>

 Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.

#define _ACTIONS_CPP_

#include <config.h>

#include "actions.h"

#include <krun.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kurifilter.h>
#include <tdeglobal.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <dcopclient.h>
#include <kdesktopfile.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdeaccel.h>
#include <kservice.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>

#include "windows.h"
#include "action_data.h"

#include <X11/X.h>

namespace KHotKeys

// Action
Action* Action::create_cfg_read( TDEConfig& cfg_P, Action_data* data_P )
    TQString type = cfg_P.readEntry( "Type" );
    if( type == "COMMAND_URL" )
        return new Command_url_action( cfg_P, data_P );
    if( type == "MENUENTRY" )
        return new Menuentry_action( cfg_P, data_P );
    if( type == "DCOP" )
        return new Dcop_action( cfg_P, data_P );
    if( type == "KEYBOARD_INPUT" )
        return new Keyboard_input_action( cfg_P, data_P );
    if( type == "ACTIVATE_WINDOW" )
        return new Activate_window_action( cfg_P, data_P );
    kdWarning( 1217 ) << "Unknown Action type read from cfg file\n";
    return NULL;

void Action::cfg_write( TDEConfig& cfg_P ) const
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Type", "ERROR" ); // derived classes should call with their type

// Action_list

Action_list::Action_list( TDEConfig& cfg_P, Action_data* data_P )
    : TQPtrList< Action >()
    setAutoDelete( true );
    TQString save_cfg_group = cfg_P.group();
    int cnt = cfg_P.readNumEntry( "ActionsCount", 0 );
    for( int i = 0;
         i < cnt;
         ++i )
        cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group + TQString::number( i ));
        Action* action = Action::create_cfg_read( cfg_P, data_P );
        if( action )
            append( action );
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group );
void Action_list::cfg_write( TDEConfig& cfg_P ) const
    TQString save_cfg_group = cfg_P.group();
    int i = 0;
    for( Iterator it( *this );
         ++it, ++i )
        cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group + TQString::number( i ));
        it.current()->cfg_write( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "ActionsCount", i );     

// Command_url_action

Command_url_action::Command_url_action( TDEConfig& cfg_P, Action_data* data_P )
    : Action( cfg_P, data_P )
    _command_url = cfg_P.readEntry( "CommandURL" );

void Command_url_action::cfg_write( TDEConfig& cfg_P ) const
    base::cfg_write( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "CommandURL", command_url());    
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Type", "COMMAND_URL" ); // overwrites value set in base::cfg_write()

void Command_url_action::execute()
    if( command_url().isEmpty())
    KURIFilterData uri;
    TQString cmd = command_url();
    static bool sm_ready = false;
    if( !sm_ready )
        sm_ready = true;
//    int space_pos = command_url().find( ' ' );
//    if( command_url()[ 0 ] != '\'' && command_url()[ 0 ] != '"' && space_pos > -1
//        && command_url()[ space_pos - 1 ] != '\\' )
//        cmd = command_url().left( space_pos ); // get first 'word'
    uri.setData( cmd );
    KURIFilter::self()->filterURI( uri );
    if( uri.uri().isLocalFile() && !uri.uri().hasRef() )
        cmd = uri.uri().path();
        cmd = uri.uri().url();
    switch( uri.uriType())
        case KURIFilterData::LOCAL_FILE:
        case KURIFilterData::LOCAL_DIR:
        case KURIFilterData::NET_PROTOCOL:
        case KURIFilterData::HELP:
            ( void ) new KRun( uri.uri());
        case KURIFilterData::EXECUTABLE:
            if (!kapp->authorize("shell_access"))
            if( !uri.hasArgsAndOptions())
                KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByDesktopName( cmd );
                if( service != NULL )
                    if (!KRun::run( *service, KURL::List()))
                        KMessageBox::sorry(0, "<qt>" + i18n("KHotKeys was unable to execute") + " '" + cmd + "'<p>" + i18n("Please verify existence of the service") + "</qt>", i18n("Unable to launch service!"));
            // fall though
        case KURIFilterData::SHELL:
            if (!kapp->authorize("shell_access"))
            if( !KRun::runCommand(
                cmd + ( uri.hasArgsAndOptions() ? uri.argsAndOptions() : "" ),
                cmd, uri.iconName())) {
                KMessageBox::sorry(0, "<qt>" + i18n("KHotKeys was unable to execute") + " '" + cmd + "'<p>" + i18n("Please verify existence and permissions of the executable file") + "</qt>", i18n("Unable to launch program"));
        default: // error
		KMessageBox::sorry(0, "<qt>" + i18n("KHotKeys was unable to execute") + " '" + cmd + "'<p>" + i18n("Please verify existence and permissions of the executable file") + "</qt>", i18n("Unable to launch program"));
    timeout.start( 1000, true ); // 1sec timeout

TQString Command_url_action::description() const
    return i18n( "Command/URL : " ) + command_url();

Action* Command_url_action::copy( Action_data* data_P ) const
    return new Command_url_action( data_P, command_url());

// Menuentry_action

void Menuentry_action::cfg_write( TDEConfig& cfg_P ) const
    base::cfg_write( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Type", "MENUENTRY" ); // overwrites value set in base::cfg_write()

KService::Ptr Menuentry_action::service() const
    if (!_service)
        const_cast<Menuentry_action *>(this)->_service = KService::serviceByStorageId(command_url());
    return _service;

void Menuentry_action::execute()
    (void) service();
    if (!_service)
    KRun::run( *_service, KURL::List());
    timeout.start( 1000, true ); // 1sec timeout

TQString Menuentry_action::description() const
    (void) service();
    return i18n( "Menuentry : " ) + (_service ? _service->name() : TQString::null);

Action* Menuentry_action::copy( Action_data* data_P ) const
    return new Menuentry_action( data_P, command_url());

// Dcop_action

Dcop_action::Dcop_action( TDEConfig& cfg_P, Action_data* data_P )
    : Action( cfg_P, data_P )
    app = cfg_P.readEntry( "RemoteApp" );
    obj = cfg_P.readEntry( "RemoteObj" );
    call = cfg_P.readEntry( "Call" );
    args = cfg_P.readEntry( "Arguments" );
void Dcop_action::cfg_write( TDEConfig& cfg_P ) const
    base::cfg_write( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Type", "DCOP" ); // overwrites value set in base::cfg_write()
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "RemoteApp", app );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "RemoteObj", obj );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Call", call );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Arguments", args );

void Dcop_action::execute()
    if( app.isEmpty() || obj.isEmpty() || call.isEmpty())
    TQStringList args_list;
    TQString args_str = args;
    while( !args_str.isEmpty())
        unsigned int pos = 0;
        while( args_str[ pos ] == ' ' )
        if( args_str[ pos ] == '\"' || args_str[ pos ] == '\'' )
            TQString val = "";
            TQChar sep = args_str[ pos ];
            bool skip = false;
                 pos < args_str.length();
                 ++pos )
                if( args_str[ pos ] == '\\' )
                    skip = true;
                if( !skip && args_str[ pos ] == sep )
                skip = false;
                val += args_str[ pos ];
            if( pos >= args_str.length())
            args_str = args_str.mid( pos );
            args_list.append( val );
            // one word
            if( pos != 0 )
                args_str = args_str.mid( pos );
            int nxt_pos = args_str.find( ' ' );
            args_list.append( args_str.left( nxt_pos )); // should be ok if nxt_pos is -1
            args_str = nxt_pos >= 0 ? args_str.mid( nxt_pos ) : "";
    kdDebug( 1217 ) << "DCOP call:" << app << ":" << obj << ":" << call << ":" << args_list << endl;
    TDEProcess proc;
    proc << "dcop" << app << obj << call << args_list;
    proc.start( TDEProcess::DontCare );
TQString Dcop_action::description() const
    return i18n( "DCOP : " ) + remote_application() + "::" + remote_object() + "::"
        + called_function();

Action* Dcop_action::copy( Action_data* data_P ) const
    return new Dcop_action( data_P, remote_application(), remote_object(),
        called_function(), arguments());

// Keyboard_input_action

Keyboard_input_action::Keyboard_input_action( TDEConfig& cfg_P, Action_data* data_P )
    : Action( cfg_P, data_P )
    _input = cfg_P.readEntry( "Input" );
    if( cfg_P.readBoolEntry( "IsDestinationWindow" ))
        TQString save_cfg_group = cfg_P.group();
        cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group + "DestinationWindow" );
        _dest_window = new Windowdef_list( cfg_P );
        _active_window = false; // ignored with _dest_window set anyway
        cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group );
        _dest_window = NULL;
        _active_window = cfg_P.readBoolEntry( "ActiveWindow" );

    delete _dest_window;
void Keyboard_input_action::cfg_write( TDEConfig& cfg_P ) const
    base::cfg_write( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Type", "KEYBOARD_INPUT" ); // overwrites value set in base::cfg_write()
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Input", input());
    if( dest_window() != NULL )
        cfg_P.writeEntry( "IsDestinationWindow", true );
        TQString save_cfg_group = cfg_P.group();
        cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group + "DestinationWindow" );
        dest_window()->cfg_write( cfg_P );
        cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group );
        cfg_P.writeEntry( "IsDestinationWindow", false );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "ActiveWindow", _active_window );
void Keyboard_input_action::execute()
    if( input().isEmpty())
    Window w = InputFocus;
    if( dest_window() != NULL )
        w = windows_handler->find_window( dest_window());
        if( w == None )
            w = InputFocus;
        if( !_active_window )
            w = windows_handler->action_window();
        if( w == None )
            w = InputFocus;
    int last_index = -1, start = 0;
    while(( last_index = input().find( ':', last_index + 1 )) != -1 ) // find next ';'
        TQString key = input().mid( start, last_index - start ).stripWhiteSpace();
        if( key == "Enter" && KKey( key ).keyCodeQt() == 0 )
            key = "Return"; // CHECKE hack
	keyboard_handler->send_macro_key( KKey( key ), w );
	start = last_index + 1;
    // and the last one
    TQString key = input().mid( start, input().length()).stripWhiteSpace();
    if( key == "Enter" && KKey( key ).keyCodeQt() == 0 )
        key = "Return";
    keyboard_handler->send_macro_key( KKey( key ), w ); // the rest
    XFlush( tqt_xdisplay());
TQString Keyboard_input_action::description() const
    TQString tmp = input();
    tmp.replace( '\n', ' ' );
    tmp.truncate( 30 );
    return i18n( "Keyboard input : " ) + tmp;

Action* Keyboard_input_action::copy( Action_data* data_P ) const
    return new Keyboard_input_action( data_P, input(),
        dest_window() ? dest_window()->copy() : NULL, _active_window );

// Activate_window_action

Activate_window_action::Activate_window_action( TDEConfig& cfg_P, Action_data* data_P )
    : Action( cfg_P, data_P )
    TQString save_cfg_group = cfg_P.group();
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group + "Window" );
    _window = new Windowdef_list( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group );

    delete _window;

void Activate_window_action::cfg_write( TDEConfig& cfg_P ) const
    base::cfg_write( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Type", "ACTIVATE_WINDOW" ); // overwrites value set in base::cfg_write()
    TQString save_cfg_group = cfg_P.group();
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group + "Window" );
    window()->cfg_write( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group );

void Activate_window_action::execute()
    if( window()->match( windows_handler->active_window()))
        return; // is already active
    WId win_id = windows_handler->find_window( window());
    if( win_id != None )
        windows_handler->activate_window( win_id );

TQString Activate_window_action::description() const
    return i18n( "Activate window : " ) + window()->comment();

Action* Activate_window_action::copy( Action_data* data_P ) const
    return new Activate_window_action( data_P, window()->copy());

} // namespace KHotKeys