

 Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org>

 Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.


#define _TRIGGERS_CPP_

#include <config.h>

#include "triggers.h"

#include <kglobalaccel.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kwinmodule.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <netwm_def.h>
#include <kaccel.h>

#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>

#include "actions.h"
#include "action_data.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "gestures.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include "voices.h"

namespace KHotKeys

// Trigger

void Trigger::cfg_write( KConfig& cfg_P ) const
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Type", "ERROR" );

Trigger* Trigger::create_cfg_read( KConfig& cfg_P, Action_data* data_P )
    TQString type = cfg_P.readEntry( "Type" );
    if( type == "SHORTCUT" || type == "SINGLE_SHORTCUT" )
        return new Shortcut_trigger( cfg_P, data_P );
    if( type == "WINDOW" )
        return new Window_trigger( cfg_P, data_P );
    if( type == "GESTURE" )
        return new Gesture_trigger(cfg_P, data_P );
    if( type == "VOICE" )
        return new Voice_trigger (cfg_P, data_P );

    kdWarning( 1217 ) << "Unknown Trigger type read from cfg file\n";
    return NULL;

// Trigger_list

Trigger_list::Trigger_list( KConfig& cfg_P, Action_data* data_P )
    : TQPtrList< Trigger >()
    setAutoDelete( true );
    _comment = cfg_P.readEntry( "Comment" );
    TQString save_cfg_group = cfg_P.group();
    int cnt = cfg_P.readNumEntry( "TriggersCount", 0 );
    for( int i = 0;
         i < cnt;
         ++i )
        cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group + TQString::number( i ));
        Trigger* trigger = Trigger::create_cfg_read( cfg_P, data_P );
        if( trigger )
            append( trigger );
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group );

void Trigger_list::cfg_write( KConfig& cfg_P ) const
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Comment", comment());
    TQString save_cfg_group = cfg_P.group();
    int i = 0;
    for( Iterator it( *this );
         ++it, ++i )
        cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group + TQString::number( i ));
        it.current()->cfg_write( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "TriggersCount", i );

Trigger_list* Trigger_list::copy( Action_data* data_P ) const
    Trigger_list* ret = new Trigger_list( comment());
    for( Iterator it( *this );
         ++it )
        ret->append( it.current()->copy( data_P ));
    return ret;

void Trigger_list::activate( bool activate_P )
    for( Iterator it( *this );
         ++it )
        ( *it )->activate( activate_P );

// Shortcut_trigger

Shortcut_trigger::Shortcut_trigger( Action_data* data_P, const KShortcut& shortcut_P )
    : Trigger( data_P ), _shortcut( shortcut_P )
    keyboard_handler->insert_item( shortcut(), this );

Shortcut_trigger::Shortcut_trigger( KConfig& cfg_P, Action_data* data_P )
    : Trigger( cfg_P, data_P ), _shortcut( cfg_P.readEntry( "Key", 0 ))
    keyboard_handler->insert_item( shortcut(), this );

    keyboard_handler->remove_item( shortcut(), this );

void Shortcut_trigger::cfg_write( KConfig& cfg_P ) const
    base::cfg_write( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Key", _shortcut.toStringInternal());
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Type", "SHORTCUT" ); // overwrites value set in base::cfg_write()

Shortcut_trigger* Shortcut_trigger::copy( Action_data* data_P ) const
    kdDebug( 1217 ) << "Shortcut_trigger::copy()" << endl;
    return new Shortcut_trigger( data_P ? data_P : data, shortcut());

const TQString Shortcut_trigger::description() const
    // CHECKME vice mods
    return i18n( "Shortcut trigger: " ) + _shortcut.toString();
    // CHECKME i18n pro toString() ?

bool Shortcut_trigger::handle_key( const KShortcut& shortcut_P )
    if( shortcut() == shortcut_P )
        windows_handler->set_action_window( 0 ); // use active window
        return true;
    return false;

void Shortcut_trigger::activate( bool activate_P )
    if( activate_P && khotkeys_active())
        keyboard_handler->activate_receiver( this );
        keyboard_handler->deactivate_receiver( this );

// Window_trigger

Window_trigger::Window_trigger( KConfig& cfg_P, Action_data* data_P )
    : Trigger( cfg_P, data_P ), active( false )
//    kdDebug( 1217 ) << "Window_trigger" << endl;
    TQString save_cfg_group = cfg_P.group();
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group + "Windows" );
    _windows = new Windowdef_list( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group );
    window_actions = cfg_P.readNumEntry( "WindowActions" );

//    kdDebug( 1217 ) << "~Window_trigger :" << this << endl;
    disconnect( windows_handler, NULL, this, NULL );
    delete _windows;

void Window_trigger::init()
    kdDebug( 1217 ) << "Window_trigger::init()" << endl;
    connect( windows_handler, TQT_SIGNAL( window_added( WId )), this, TQT_SLOT( window_added( WId )));
    connect( windows_handler, TQT_SIGNAL( window_removed( WId )), this, TQT_SLOT( window_removed( WId )));
        connect( windows_handler, TQT_SIGNAL( active_window_changed( WId )),
            this, TQT_SLOT( active_window_changed( WId )));
    connect( windows_handler, TQT_SIGNAL( window_changed( WId, unsigned int )),
        this, TQT_SLOT( window_changed( WId, unsigned int )));

void Window_trigger::activate( bool activate_P )
    active = activate_P && khotkeys_active();

void Window_trigger::window_added( WId window_P )
    bool matches = windows()->match( Window_data( window_P ));
    existing_windows[ window_P ] = matches;
    kdDebug( 1217 ) << "Window_trigger::w_added() : " << matches << endl;
    if( active && matches && ( window_actions & WINDOW_APPEARS ))
        windows_handler->set_action_window( window_P );

void Window_trigger::window_removed( WId window_P )
    if( existing_windows.contains( window_P ))
        bool matches = existing_windows[ window_P ];
        kdDebug( 1217 ) << "Window_trigger::w_removed() : " << matches << endl;
        if( active && matches && ( window_actions & WINDOW_DISAPPEARS ))
            windows_handler->set_action_window( window_P );
        existing_windows.remove( window_P );
        // CHECKME jenze co kdyz se window_removed zavola pred active_window_changed ?
        kdDebug( 1217 ) << "Window_trigger::w_removed()" << endl;

void Window_trigger::active_window_changed( WId window_P )
    bool was_match = false;
    if( existing_windows.contains( last_active_window ))
        was_match = existing_windows[ last_active_window ];
    if( active && was_match && ( window_actions & WINDOW_DEACTIVATES ))
        windows_handler->set_action_window( window_P );
/*    bool matches = windows()->match( Window_data( window_P ));
    existing_windows[ window_P ] = matches;*/
    bool matches = existing_windows.contains( window_P )
        ? existing_windows[ window_P ] : false;
    if( active && matches && ( window_actions & WINDOW_ACTIVATES ))
        windows_handler->set_action_window( window_P );
    kdDebug( 1217 ) << "Window_trigger::a_w_changed() : " << was_match << "|" << matches << endl;
    last_active_window = window_P;

void Window_trigger::window_changed( WId window_P, unsigned int dirty_P )
    { // CHECKME snad nebude mit vliv, kdyz budu kaslat na properties_P a zkratka
      // kontrolovat kazdou zmenu
      // CHECKME kdyz se zmeni okno z match na non-match, asi to nebrat jako DISAPPEAR
    if( ! ( dirty_P & ( NET::WMName | NET::WMWindowType )))
    kdDebug( 1217 ) << "Window_trigger::w_changed()" << endl;
    bool was_match = false;
    if( existing_windows.contains( window_P ))
        was_match = existing_windows[ window_P ];
    bool matches = windows()->match( Window_data( window_P ));
    existing_windows[ window_P ] = matches;
    if( active && matches && !was_match )
        if( window_actions & WINDOW_APPEARS )
            windows_handler->set_action_window( window_P );
        else if( window_actions & WINDOW_ACTIVATES && window_P == windows_handler->active_window())
            windows_handler->set_action_window( window_P );
    kdDebug( 1217 ) << "Window_trigger::w_changed() : " << was_match << "|" << matches << endl;

void Window_trigger::cfg_write( KConfig& cfg_P ) const
    base::cfg_write( cfg_P );
    TQString save_cfg_group = cfg_P.group();
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group + "Windows" );
    windows()->cfg_write( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "WindowActions", window_actions );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Type", "WINDOW" ); // overwrites value set in base::cfg_write()

#ifndef COVARIANT_RETURN_BROKEN    // stupid gcc, it doesn't even warn it can't do this
Window_trigger* Window_trigger::copy( Action_data* data_P ) const
Trigger* Window_trigger::copy( Action_data* data_P ) const
    Window_trigger* ret = new Window_trigger( data_P ? data_P : data, windows()->copy(),
        window_actions );
    ret->existing_windows = existing_windows; // CHECKME je tohle vazne treba ?
    return ret;

const TQString Window_trigger::description() const
    return i18n( "Window trigger: " ) + windows()->comment();

// Gesture_trigger

Gesture_trigger::Gesture_trigger( Action_data* data_P, const TQString &gesturecode_P )
    : Trigger( data_P ), _gesturecode( gesturecode_P )

Gesture_trigger::Gesture_trigger( KConfig& cfg_P, Action_data* data_P )
    : Trigger( cfg_P, data_P )
    _gesturecode = cfg_P.readEntry( "Gesture" );

    gesture_handler->unregister_handler( this, TQT_SLOT( handle_gesture( const TQString&, WId )));

void Gesture_trigger::cfg_write( KConfig& cfg_P ) const
    base::cfg_write( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Gesture", gesturecode());
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Type", "GESTURE" ); // overwrites value set in base::cfg_write()

Trigger* Gesture_trigger::copy( Action_data* data_P ) const
    kdDebug( 1217 ) << "Gesture_trigger::copy()" << endl;
    return new Gesture_trigger( data_P ? data_P : data, gesturecode());

const TQString Gesture_trigger::description() const
    return i18n( "Gesture trigger: " ) + gesturecode();

void Gesture_trigger::handle_gesture( const TQString &gesture_P, WId window_P )
    if( gesturecode() == gesture_P )
        windows_handler->set_action_window( window_P );

void Gesture_trigger::activate( bool activate_P )
    if( activate_P )
        gesture_handler->register_handler( this, TQT_SLOT( handle_gesture( const TQString&, WId )));
        gesture_handler->unregister_handler( this, TQT_SLOT( handle_gesture( const TQString&, WId )));

// Voice_trigger

	Voice_trigger::Voice_trigger( Action_data* data_P, const TQString &Voicecode_P, const VoiceSignature& signature1_P, const VoiceSignature& signature2_P )
	: Trigger( data_P ), _voicecode( Voicecode_P )

Voice_trigger::Voice_trigger( KConfig& cfg_P, Action_data* data_P )
	: Trigger( cfg_P, data_P )
    _voicecode = cfg_P.readEntry( "Name" );
	_voicesignature[0].read( &cfg_P , "Signature1" );
	_voicesignature[1].read( &cfg_P , "Signature2" );

    voice_handler->unregister_handler( this );

void Voice_trigger::cfg_write( KConfig& cfg_P ) const
    base::cfg_write( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Name", voicecode());
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Type", "VOICE" ); // overwrites value set in base::cfg_write()
	_voicesignature[0].write( &cfg_P , "Signature1" );
	_voicesignature[1].write( &cfg_P , "Signature2" );

Trigger* Voice_trigger::copy( Action_data* data_P ) const
    kdDebug( 1217 ) << "Voice_trigger::copy()" << endl;
	return new Voice_trigger( data_P ? data_P : data, voicecode(), voicesignature(1) , voicesignature(2) );

const TQString Voice_trigger::description() const
    return i18n( "Voice trigger: " ) + voicecode();

void Voice_trigger::handle_Voice(  )
        windows_handler->set_action_window( 0 ); // use active window


void Voice_trigger::activate( bool activate_P )
    if( activate_P && khotkeys_active())
		voice_handler->register_handler( this );
        voice_handler->unregister_handler( this );

} // namespace KHotKeys

#include "triggers.moc"