/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005 by Olivier Goffart * * ogoffart@kde.org * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "voicesignature.h" #include "sound.h" #include <kconfig.h> #include <math.h> #ifdef PI #undef PI #endif #define PI (2.0 * asin(1.0)) #include <kdebug.h> #include <tqdatetime.h> #undef Complex namespace KHotKeys { inline static float ABS(float X) { return (X>0) ? X : -X ; } inline static int MAX(int X , int Y) { return (X>Y) ? X : Y ; } inline static int MIN(int X , int Y) { return (X<Y) ? X : Y ; } class Complex { public: Complex () {} Complex (double re): _re(re), _im(0.0) {} Complex (double re, double im): _re(re), _im(im) {} double Re () const { return _re; } double Im () const { return _im; } void operator += (const Complex& c) { _re += c._re; _im += c._im; } void operator -= (const Complex& c) { _re -= c._re; _im -= c._im; } void operator *= (const Complex& c) { double reT = c._re * _re - c._im * _im; _im = c._re * _im + c._im * _re; _re = reT; } Complex operator- () { return Complex (-_re, -_im); } Complex operator- (const Complex& c) const { return Complex (_re - c._re, _im - c._im); } Complex operator+ (const Complex& c) const { return Complex (_re + c._re, _im + c._im); } Complex operator* (const Complex& c) const { return Complex (_re * c._re - _im * c._im , _im * c._re + _re * c._im); } double Mod () const { return sqrt (_re * _re + _im * _im); } static Complex fromExp(double mod, double arg) { return Complex(mod*cos(arg) , mod*sin(arg)); } private: double _re; double _im; }; static inline double hamming(uint n, uint size) { return HAMMING ? 0.54-0.46*cos( 2*PI*n /(size-1) ) : 1; } static TQMemArray<double> fft(const Sound& sound, unsigned int start, unsigned int stop) { if(start>=stop || sound.size() == 0) return TQMemArray<double>(); //We need a sample with a size of a power of two uint size=stop-start; unsigned short log2size=0; while( (1<<log2size) < size ) log2size++; int diff=(1<<log2size) - size; if(diff > size/4 || 1<<log2size > sound.size() ) { log2size--; diff=(1<<log2size) - size; } size=1<<log2size; int start2=start-diff/2; int stop2=start2+ size; if(start2<0) { stop2-=start2; start2=0; } if(stop2>sound.size()) { start2-= stop2 - sound.size(); stop2=sound.size(); if(start2<0) { stop2-=start2; start2=0; } } //Generate an array to work in TQMemArray<Complex> samples(size); //Fill it with samples in the "reversed carry" order int rev_carry = 0; for (uint f = 0; f < size - 1; f++) { samples[f]=sound.at(start2+rev_carry)* hamming(rev_carry, size); // KDEBUG(rev_carry); int mask = size>>1; // N / 2 // add 1 backwards while (rev_carry >= mask) { rev_carry -= mask; // turn off this bit mask >>= 1; } rev_carry += mask; } samples[size-1]=sound.at(start2+size-1)*hamming(size-1, size); //FFT for(uint level=0; level < log2size; level++) { for( int k=0; k< (size>>1) ; k++) { uint indice1 = (k << (level+1) ) % (size-1); // (k*2*2^l)%(N-1) uint indice2 = indice1 + (1<<level); // (k*2*2^l)%(N-1) + 2^l uint coefW = ( k << (level+1) ) / (size-1); // (k*2*2^l) div (N-1) double Wexpn=-2 * PI * coefW / (2 << level); // -2 pi n / 2^(l+1) Complex W=Complex::fromExp(1, Wexpn) ; //OPERATION BUTTERFLY Complex a=samples[indice1]; Complex b=samples[indice2]; samples[indice1]=a+W*b; samples[indice2]=a-W*b; // kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << "PAPILLON s_" << indice1 << " s_" << indice2 << " W_" << (2<<level) << "^" << coefW << endl; } } TQMemArray<double> result(size); for(uint f=0;f<size;f++) { result[f]=samples[f].Mod() / size; } return result; } TQMemArray<double> VoiceSignature::fft(const Sound& sound, unsigned int start, unsigned int stop) { return KHotKeys::fft(sound, start, stop); /*TQMemArray<double> result(8000); for(int f=0; f<8000;f++) { Complex c(0); for(uint x=start; x<stop; x++) { Complex s(sound.at(x)); double angle=-2*PI*f*x/8000; s*= Complex( cos(angle) , sin(angle) ); c+=s; } result[f]= c.Mod()/(stop-start) ; } return result;*/ } bool VoiceSignature::window(const Sound& sound, unsigned int *_start, unsigned int *_stop) { bool isNoise=false; unsigned int length=sound.size(); uint unit=WINDOW_UNIT; if(length < unit ) return false; //Fen�trage unsigned int start=0 , stop=0; double moy=0; for(uint x=0;x<unit;x++) { moy+=ABS(sound.at(x)); } if(moy>WINDOW_MINIMUM*unit) isNoise=true; for(uint x=unit; x<length; x++) { if(moy<WINDOW_MINIMUM*unit) { if(stop==0) start=x-unit/2; } else stop=x-unit/2; moy+=ABS(sound.at(x)); moy-=ABS(sound.at(x-unit)); } if(moy>WINDOW_MINIMUM*unit && isNoise) return false; stop=MIN(length,stop+WINDOW_MINIMUM_ECART); start=MAX(0 ,start-WINDOW_MINIMUM_ECART); if(_start) *_start=start; if(_stop) *_stop=stop; return start<stop; } //finally doesn't give better results /*#define HZ_TO_MEL(F) (1127*log(1+(F)/700.0)) #define MEL_TO_HZ(M) ( ( exp((M)/1127.0) -1) *700 )*/ #define HZ_TO_MEL(F) (F) #define MEL_TO_HZ(F) (F) VoiceSignature::VoiceSignature(const Sound& sound) { static uint temp_wind=0, temp_fft=0, temp_moy=0; TQTime t; t.start(); unsigned int start , stop; if(!window(sound,&start,&stop)) { kdWarning( 1217 ) << k_funcinfo << "No voice found in the sound" << endl ; return; } temp_wind+=t.restart(); uint length=stop-start; for(int wind=0; wind<WINDOW_NUMBER; wind++) { unsigned int w_start=MAX(start, start+ (int)((wind - WINDOW_SUPER)*length/WINDOW_NUMBER)); unsigned int w_stop =MIN(stop , start+ (int)((wind+1.0+WINDOW_SUPER)*length/WINDOW_NUMBER)); TQMemArray<double> fourrier=fft(sound, w_start,w_stop); temp_fft+=t.restart(); //MEL conversion double mel_start=HZ_TO_MEL(FFT_RANGE_INF); uint mel_stop=HZ_TO_MEL(FFT_RANGE_SUP); for(int four=0; four<FOUR_NUMBER; four++) { unsigned int wf_start=mel_start + four*(mel_stop-mel_start)/FOUR_NUMBER; unsigned int wf_stop=mel_start + (four+1)*(mel_stop-mel_start)/FOUR_NUMBER; unsigned int f_start=MEL_TO_HZ( wf_start )*fourrier.size()/sound.fs(); unsigned int f_stop=MEL_TO_HZ( wf_stop )*fourrier.size()/sound.fs(); unsigned int f_size=f_stop-f_start; double nb=0; for(uint f=f_start; f<f_stop; f++) { int freq=f*fourrier.size()/sound.fs(); nb+=fourrier[f]*FFT_PONDERATION(freq); } nb/=(f_size); data[wind][four]=nb; } temp_moy+=t.restart(); } // kdDebug( 1217 ) << k_funcinfo << "wind: "<< temp_wind << " - fft: " << temp_fft << " - moy: " << temp_moy << endl; } VoiceSignature::~VoiceSignature() { } float VoiceSignature::diff(const VoiceSignature &s1, const VoiceSignature &s2) { if(s1.isNull() || s2.isNull()) return 1000000; #if 0 double result=0; for(int x=0;x<WINDOW_NUMBER;x++) for(int y=0;y<FOUR_NUMBER;y++) { double d1=s1.data[x][y]-s2.data[x][y]; result+= d1*d1;//*pond[x][y]; } return result; #endif //DTW // http://tcts.fpms.ac.be/cours/1005-08/speech/projects/2001/delfabro_henry_poitoux/ const int I=WINDOW_NUMBER; const int J=WINDOW_NUMBER; double g[I+1][J+1]; for(int f=1;f<=J;f++) g[0][f]=10000000; for(int f=1;f<=I;f++) g[f][0]=10000000; g[0][0]=0; for(int i=1;i<=I;i++) for(int j=1;j<=J;j++) { double d=0; for(int f=0;f<FOUR_NUMBER;f++) { double d1=s1.data[i-1][f]-s2.data[j-1][f]; d+= d1*d1;//*pond[x][y]; } d=sqrt(d); g[i][j]=QMIN(QMIN( g[i-1][j]+d, g[i][j-1]+d ) , g[i-1][j-1]+d+d ); } return g[I][J]/(I+J); } int VoiceSignature::size1() { return WINDOW_NUMBER; } int VoiceSignature::size2() { return FOUR_NUMBER; } TQMap<int, TQMap<int, double> > VoiceSignature::pond; void VoiceSignature::write(KConfigBase *cfg, const TQString &key) const { TQStringList sl; for(int x=0;x<WINDOW_NUMBER;x++) for(int y=0;y<FOUR_NUMBER;y++) { sl.append( TQString::number(data[x][y]) ); } cfg->writeEntry(key,sl); } void VoiceSignature::read(KConfigBase *cfg, const TQString &key) { TQStringList sl=cfg->readListEntry(key); for(int x=0;x<WINDOW_NUMBER;x++) for(int y=0;y<FOUR_NUMBER;y++) { data[x][y]= sl[x*FOUR_NUMBER+y].toDouble(); } } }