 * @mainpage Kasbar 3NG
 * @section intro Introduction
 * This is the 3rd generation of kasbar.
 * @section completed Completed Features
 * <ul>
 * <li>Added the ability to detach the bar from the screen edge and drag it around.
 * <li>Added support for the 'demands attention' NET WM property.
 * <li>Many internal code clean-ups.
 * <li>Centralised the drawing code and graphical resource management.
 * <li>Added a 'Send To System Tray' command to the window menu.
 * <li>Added the ability to group windows on inactive desktops.
 * <li>Improved the painting code.
 * <li>Added an 'ungroup' action to the context menu for group items.
 * <li>Added a 'Refresh' action to kasbar menu.
 * <li>Added a 'Quit' action to kasbar menu when running as a standalone app.
 * <li>Support for embedding the preview in the box instead of an icon.
 * </ul>
 * @section inprogress In Progress
 * <ul>
 * <li>Support for new size modes.
 * </ul>
 * @section todo Todo
 * <ul>
 * <li>Support for custom grouping.
 * </ul>

class QObject

class TQWidget : public QObject

class TQDialog : public QWidget

class TQFrame : public QWidget

class TQHBox : public QFrame

class TQLCDNumber : public QFrame

class KDialogBase : public QDialog

class KPanelExtension : public QWidget