/* kastasker.cpp ** ** Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Richard Moore <rich@kde.org> ** Contributor: Mosfet ** All rights reserved. ** ** KasBar is dual-licensed: you can choose the GPL or the BSD license. ** Short forms of both licenses are included below. */ /* ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program in a file called COPYING; if not, write to ** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, ** MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ** ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ** ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ** FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ** DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS ** OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ** HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ** LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY ** OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ** SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* ** Bug reports and questions can be sent to kde-devel@kde.org */ #include <tqapplication.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #include <tdeactionclasses.h> #include <tdeconfig.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <tdepopupmenu.h> #include <kiconloader.h> //#include <tdeconfiggroupsaver.h> #include <taskmanager.h> #include "kasaboutdlg.h" #include "kastaskitem.h" #include "kasprefsdlg.h" #include "kasstartupitem.h" #include "kasgroupitem.h" #include "kasgrouper.h" #include "kasclockitem.h" #include "kasloaditem.h" #include "kastasker.h" #include "kastasker.moc" static const int SWITCH_DESKTOPS_REGROUP_DELAY = 50; KasTasker::KasTasker( Orientation o, TQWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags f ) : KasBar( o, parent, name, f ), menu( 0 ), conf( 0 ), grouper( 0 ), standalone_( false ), enableThumbs_( true ), embedThumbs_( false ), thumbnailSize_( 0.2 ), enableNotifier_( true ), showModified_( true ), showProgress_( false ), showAllWindows_( true ), thumbUpdateDelay_( 10 ), groupWindows_( false ), groupInactiveDesktops_( false ), showAttention_( true ), showClock_( false ), clockItem(0), showLoad_( false ), loadItem(0) { setAcceptDrops( true ); connect(TaskManager::the(), TQT_SIGNAL(taskAdded(Task::Ptr)), TQT_SLOT(addTask(Task::Ptr))); connect(TaskManager::the(), TQT_SIGNAL(taskRemoved(Task::Ptr)), TQT_SLOT(removeTask(Task::Ptr))); connect(TaskManager::the(), TQT_SIGNAL(startupAdded(Startup::Ptr)), TQT_SLOT(addStartup(Startup::Ptr))); connect(TaskManager::the(), TQT_SIGNAL(startupRemoved(Startup::Ptr)), TQT_SLOT(removeStartup(Startup::Ptr))); connect(TaskManager::the(), TQT_SIGNAL(desktopChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(refreshAllLater())); // connect( manager, TQT_SIGNAL( windowChanged( Task::Ptr ) ), TQT_SLOT( refreshAllLater() ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( itemSizeChanged( int ) ), TQT_SLOT( refreshAll() ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( detachedPositionChanged(const TQPoint &) ), TQT_SLOT( writeLayout() ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( directionChanged() ), TQT_SLOT( writeLayout() ) ); } KasTasker::KasTasker( Orientation o, KasTasker *master, TQWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags f ) : KasBar( o, master, parent, name, f ), menu( 0 ), conf( 0 ), grouper( 0 ), standalone_( master->standalone_ ), enableThumbs_( master->enableThumbs_ ), embedThumbs_( master->embedThumbs_ ), thumbnailSize_( master->thumbnailSize_ ), enableNotifier_( master->enableNotifier_ ), showModified_( master->showModified_ ), showProgress_( master->showProgress_ ), showAllWindows_( master->showAllWindows_ ), thumbUpdateDelay_( master->thumbUpdateDelay_ ), groupWindows_( false ), groupInactiveDesktops_( false ), showAttention_( master->showAttention_ ), showClock_( false ), clockItem(0), showLoad_( false ), loadItem(0) { setAcceptDrops( true ); } KasTasker::~KasTasker() { delete menu; delete grouper; } TDEPopupMenu *KasTasker::contextMenu() { if ( !menu ) { menu = new TDEPopupMenu; showAllWindowsAction = new TDEToggleAction( i18n("Show &All Windows"), TDEShortcut(), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), "toggle_show_all_windows" ); showAllWindowsAction->setChecked( showAllWindows() ); showAllWindowsAction->plug( menu ); connect( showAllWindowsAction, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(setShowAllWindows(bool)) ); connect( TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SIGNAL(showAllWindowsChanged(bool)), showAllWindowsAction, TQT_SLOT(setChecked(bool)) ); groupWindowsAction = new TDEToggleAction( i18n("&Group Windows"), TDEShortcut(), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), "toggle_group_windows" ); groupWindowsAction->setChecked( groupWindows() ); groupWindowsAction->plug( menu ); connect( groupWindowsAction, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(setGroupWindows(bool)) ); connect( TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SIGNAL(groupWindowsChanged(bool)), groupWindowsAction, TQT_SLOT(setChecked(bool)) ); showClockAction = new TDEToggleAction( i18n("Show &Clock"), TDEShortcut(), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), "toggle_show_clock" ); showClockAction->setChecked( showClock() ); showClockAction->plug( menu ); connect( showClockAction, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(setShowClock(bool)) ); connect( TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SIGNAL(showClockChanged(bool)), showClockAction, TQT_SLOT(setChecked(bool)) ); showLoadAction = new TDEToggleAction( i18n("Show &Load Meter"), TDEShortcut(), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), "toggle_show_load" ); showLoadAction->setChecked( showLoad() ); showLoadAction->plug( menu ); connect( showLoadAction, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(setShowLoad(bool)) ); connect( TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SIGNAL(showLoadChanged(bool)), showLoadAction, TQT_SLOT(setChecked(bool)) ); menu->insertSeparator(); if ( !standalone_ ) { toggleDetachedAction = new TDEToggleAction( i18n("&Floating"), TDEShortcut(), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), "toggle_detached" ); toggleDetachedAction->setChecked( isDetached() ); toggleDetachedAction->plug( menu ); connect( toggleDetachedAction, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(setDetached(bool)) ); connect( TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SIGNAL(detachedChanged(bool)), toggleDetachedAction, TQT_SLOT(setChecked(bool)) ); } rotateBarAction = new TDEAction( i18n("R&otate Bar"), TQString("rotate"), TDEShortcut(), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( toggleOrientation() ), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), "rotate_bar" ); rotateBarAction->plug( menu ); connect( TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SIGNAL(detachedChanged(bool)), rotateBarAction, TQT_SLOT(setEnabled(bool)) ); connect( rotateBarAction, TQT_SIGNAL(activated()), TQT_SLOT(writeConfigLater()) ); menu->insertItem( SmallIcon("reload"), i18n("&Refresh"), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( refreshAll() ) ); menu->insertSeparator(); menu->insertItem( SmallIcon("configure"), i18n("&Configure Kasbar..."), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( showPreferences() ) ); // Help menu TDEPopupMenu *help = new TDEPopupMenu; help->insertItem( SmallIcon("about"), i18n("&About Kasbar"), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( showAbout() ) ); menu->insertItem( SmallIcon("help"), i18n("&Help"), help ); if ( standalone_ ) { menu->insertSeparator(); menu->insertItem( SmallIcon("exit"), i18n("&Quit"), tqApp, TQT_SLOT( quit() ) ); } } return menu; } KasTasker *KasTasker::createChildBar( Orientation o, TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) { KasTasker *child = new KasTasker( o, this, parent, name ); child->conf = this->conf; return child; } KasTaskItem *KasTasker::findItem( Task::Ptr t ) { KasTaskItem *result = 0; for ( uint i = 0; i < itemCount(); i++ ) { if ( itemAt(i)->inherits( "KasTaskItem" ) ) { KasTaskItem *curr = static_cast<KasTaskItem *> (itemAt( i )); if ( curr->task() == t ) { result = curr; break; } } } return result; } KasStartupItem *KasTasker::findItem( Startup::Ptr s ) { KasStartupItem *result = 0; for ( uint i = 0; i < itemCount(); i++ ) { if ( itemAt(i)->inherits( "KasStartupItem" ) ) { KasStartupItem *curr = static_cast<KasStartupItem *> (itemAt( i )); if ( curr->startup() == s ) { result = curr; break; } } } return result; } void KasTasker::addTask( Task::Ptr t ) { KasItem *item = 0; if ( onlyShowMinimized_ && !t->isMinimized() ) return; if ( showAllWindows_ || t->isOnCurrentDesktop() ) { if ( grouper ) item = grouper->maybeGroup( t ); if ( !item ) { item = new KasTaskItem( this, t ); append( item ); } // // Ensure the window manager knows where we put the icon. // TQPoint p = mapToGlobal( itemPos( item ) ); TQSize s( itemExtent(), itemExtent() ); t->publishIconGeometry( TQRect( p, s ) ); } } void KasTasker::removeTask( Task::Ptr t ) { KasTaskItem *i = findItem( t ); if ( !i ) return; remove( i ); refreshIconGeometry(); } KasGroupItem *KasTasker::convertToGroup( Task::Ptr t ) { KasTaskItem *ti = findItem( t ); int i = indexOf( ti ); KasGroupItem *gi = new KasGroupItem( this ); gi->addTask( t ); removeTask( t ); insert( i, gi ); connect(TaskManager::the(), TQT_SIGNAL(taskRemoved(Task::Ptr)), gi, TQT_SLOT(removeTask(Task::Ptr))); return gi; } void KasTasker::moveToMain( KasGroupItem *gi, Task::Ptr t ) { int i = indexOf( gi ); if ( i != -1 ) { remove( gi ); insert( i, new KasTaskItem( this, t ) ); } else append( new KasTaskItem( this, t ) ); refreshIconGeometry(); } void KasTasker::moveToMain( KasGroupItem *gi ) { bool updates = isUpdatesEnabled(); setUpdatesEnabled( false ); int i = indexOf( gi ); for ( int ti = 0 ; ti < gi->taskCount() ; ti++ ) { Task::Ptr t = gi->task( ti ); insert( i, new KasTaskItem( this, t ) ); } gi->hidePopup(); remove( gi ); setUpdatesEnabled( updates ); updateLayout(); } void KasTasker::addStartup( Startup::Ptr s ) { if ( enableNotifier_ ) append( new KasStartupItem( this, s ) ); } void KasTasker::removeStartup( Startup::Ptr s ) { KasStartupItem *i = findItem( s ); remove( i ); } void KasTasker::refreshAll() { bool updates = isUpdatesEnabled(); setUpdatesEnabled( false ); clear(); if ( showClock_ ) { showClock_ = false; setShowClock( true ); } if ( showLoad_ ) { showLoad_ = false; setShowLoad( true ); } Task::Dict l = TaskManager::the()->tasks(); for ( Task::Dict::iterator t = l.begin(); t != l.end(); ++t ) { addTask( t.data() ); } setUpdatesEnabled( updates ); updateLayout(); } void KasTasker::refreshAllLater() { TQTimer::singleShot( SWITCH_DESKTOPS_REGROUP_DELAY, this, TQT_SLOT( refreshAll() ) ); } void KasTasker::refreshIconGeometry() { for ( uint i = 0; i < itemCount(); i++ ) { if ( itemAt(i)->inherits( "KasTaskItem" ) ) { KasTaskItem *curr = static_cast<KasTaskItem *> (itemAt( i )); TQPoint p = mapToGlobal( itemPos( curr ) ); TQSize s( itemExtent(), itemExtent() ); curr->task()->publishIconGeometry( TQRect( p, s ) ); } } } void KasTasker::setNotifierEnabled( bool enable ) { enableNotifier_ = enable; } void KasTasker::setThumbnailSize( double size ) { thumbnailSize_ = size; } void KasTasker::setThumbnailSize( int percent ) { double amt = (double) percent / 100.0; setThumbnailSize( amt ); } void KasTasker::setThumbnailsEnabled( bool enable ) { enableThumbs_ = enable; } void KasTasker::setShowModified( bool enable ) { showModified_ = enable; update(); } void KasTasker::setShowProgress( bool enable ) { showProgress_ = enable; update(); } void KasTasker::setShowAttention( bool enable ) { showAttention_ = enable; update(); } void KasTasker::setShowAllWindows( bool enable ) { if ( showAllWindows_ != enable ) { showAllWindows_ = enable; refreshAll(); if ( !showAllWindows_ ) { connect(TaskManager::the(), TQT_SIGNAL(desktopChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(refreshAll())); // connect( manager, TQT_SIGNAL( windowChanged( Task::Ptr ) ), TQT_SLOT( refreshAll() ) ); } else { disconnect(TaskManager::the(), TQT_SIGNAL(desktopChanged(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(refreshAll())); // disconnect( manager, TQT_SIGNAL( windowChanged( Task::Ptr ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( refreshAll() ) ); } emit showAllWindowsChanged( enable ); } } void KasTasker::setThumbnailUpdateDelay( int secs ) { thumbUpdateDelay_ = secs; } void KasTasker::setEmbedThumbnails( bool enable ) { if ( embedThumbs_ == enable ) return; embedThumbs_ = enable; update(); } void KasTasker::setShowClock( bool enable ) { if ( showClock_ == enable ) return; showClock_ = enable; if ( enable ) { clockItem = new KasClockItem( this ); insert( 0, clockItem ); } else if ( clockItem ) { remove( clockItem ); clockItem = 0; } emit showClockChanged( showClock_ ); writeConfigLater(); } void KasTasker::setShowLoad( bool enable ) { if ( showLoad_ == enable ) return; showLoad_ = enable; if ( enable ) { loadItem = new KasLoadItem( this ); insert( showClock_ ? 1 : 0, loadItem ); } else if ( loadItem ) { remove( loadItem ); loadItem = 0; } emit showLoadChanged( showLoad_ ); writeConfigLater(); } void KasTasker::setGroupWindows( bool enable ) { if ( groupWindows_ != enable ) { groupWindows_ = enable; if ( enable && (!grouper) ) grouper = new KasGrouper( this ); refreshAll(); emit groupWindowsChanged( enable ); } } void KasTasker::setGroupInactiveDesktops( bool enable ) { if ( groupInactiveDesktops_ != enable ) { groupInactiveDesktops_ = enable; if ( enable && (!grouper) ) grouper = new KasGrouper( this ); refreshAll(); } } void KasTasker::setOnlyShowMinimized( bool enable ) { if ( onlyShowMinimized_ != enable ) { onlyShowMinimized_ = enable; refreshAll(); } } void KasTasker::setStandAlone( bool enable ) { standalone_ = enable; } // // Configuration Loader // void KasTasker::setConfig( TDEConfig *conf ) { this->conf = conf; } void KasTasker::readConfig() { readConfig(conf); } void KasTasker::writeConfigLater() { TQTimer::singleShot( 10, this, TQT_SLOT( writeConfig() ) ); } void KasTasker::writeConfig() { writeConfig(conf); } void KasTasker::readConfig( TDEConfig *conf ) { if ( !conf ) { kdWarning() << "KasTasker::readConfig() got a null TDEConfig" << endl; return; } if ( master() ) { kdWarning() << "KasTasker::readConfig() for child bar" << endl; return; } bool updates = isUpdatesEnabled(); setUpdatesEnabled( false ); // // Appearance Settings. // TDEConfigGroupSaver saver( conf, "Appearance" ); int ext = conf->readNumEntry( "ItemExtent", -1 ); if ( ext > 0 ) setItemExtent( ext ); else setItemSize( conf->readNumEntry( "ItemSize", KasBar::Medium ) ); setTint( conf->readBoolEntry( "EnableTint", false ) ); setTintColor( conf->readColorEntry( "TintColor", &TQt::black ) ); setTintAmount( conf->readDoubleNumEntry( "TintAmount", 0.1 ) ); setTransparent( conf->readBoolEntry( "Transparent", true ) ); setPaintInactiveFrames( conf->readBoolEntry( "PaintInactiveFrames", true ) ); // // Painting colors // conf->setGroup("Colors"); KasResources *res = resources(); res->setLabelPenColor( conf->readColorEntry( "LabelPenColor", &TQt::white ) ); res->setLabelBgColor( conf->readColorEntry( "LabelBgColor", &TQt::black ) ); res->setInactivePenColor( conf->readColorEntry( "InactivePenColor", &TQt::black ) ); res->setInactiveBgColor( conf->readColorEntry( "InactiveBgColor", &TQt::white ) ); res->setActivePenColor( conf->readColorEntry( "ActivePenColor", &TQt::black ) ); res->setActiveBgColor( conf->readColorEntry( "ActiveBgColor", &TQt::white ) ); res->setProgressColor( conf->readColorEntry( "ProgressColor", &TQt::green ) ); res->setAttentionColor( conf->readColorEntry( "AttentionColor", &TQt::red ) ); // // Thumbnail Settings // conf->setGroup("Thumbnails"); setThumbnailsEnabled( conf->readBoolEntry( "Thumbnails", true ) ); setThumbnailSize( conf->readDoubleNumEntry( "ThumbnailSize", 0.2 ) ); setThumbnailUpdateDelay( conf->readNumEntry( "ThumbnailUpdateDelay", 10 ) ); setEmbedThumbnails( conf->readBoolEntry( "EmbedThumbnails", false ) ); // // Behaviour Settings // conf->setGroup("Behaviour"); setNotifierEnabled( conf->readBoolEntry( "StartupNotifier", true ) ); setShowModified( conf->readBoolEntry( "ModifiedIndicator", true ) ); setShowProgress( conf->readBoolEntry( "ProgressIndicator", false ) ); setShowAttention( conf->readBoolEntry( "AttentionIndicator", true ) ); setShowAllWindows( conf->readBoolEntry( "ShowAllWindows", true ) ); setGroupWindows( conf->readBoolEntry( "GroupWindows", true ) ); setGroupInactiveDesktops( conf->readBoolEntry( "GroupInactiveDesktops", false ) ); setOnlyShowMinimized( conf->readBoolEntry( "OnlyShowMinimized", false ) ); // // Layout Settings // conf->setGroup("Layout"); setDirection( (Direction) conf->readNumEntry( "Direction", TQBoxLayout::LeftToRight ) ); setOrientation( (Qt::Orientation) conf->readNumEntry( "Orientation", Qt::Horizontal ) ); setMaxBoxes( conf->readUnsignedNumEntry( "MaxBoxes", 0 ) ); TQPoint pos(100, 100); setDetachedPosition( conf->readPointEntry( "DetachedPosition", &pos ) ); setDetached( conf->readBoolEntry( "Detached", false ) ); // // Custom Items // conf->setGroup("Custom Items"); setShowClock( conf->readBoolEntry( "ShowClock", true ) ); setShowLoad( conf->readBoolEntry( "ShowLoad", true ) ); // fillBg = conf->readBoolEntry( "FillIconBackgrounds", /*true*/ false ); // fillActiveBg = conf->readBoolEntry( "FillActiveIconBackground", true ); // enablePopup = conf->readBoolEntry( "EnablePopup", true ); setUpdatesEnabled( updates ); emit configChanged(); } void KasTasker::writeConfig( TDEConfig *conf ) { if ( !conf ) { kdWarning() << "KasTasker::writeConfig() got a null TDEConfig" << endl; return; } if ( master() ) { kdWarning() << "KasTasker::writeConfig() for child bar" << endl; return; } conf->setGroup("Appearance"); conf->writeEntry( "ItemSize", itemSize() ); conf->writeEntry( "ItemExtent", itemExtent() ); conf->writeEntry( "Transparent", isTransparent() ); conf->writeEntry( "EnableTint", hasTint() ); conf->writeEntry( "TintColor", tintColor() ); conf->writeEntry( "TintAmount", tintAmount() ); conf->writeEntry( "PaintInactiveFrames", paintInactiveFrames() ); conf->setGroup("Colors"); conf->writeEntry( "LabelPenColor", resources()->labelPenColor() ); conf->writeEntry( "LabelBgColor", resources()->labelBgColor() ); conf->writeEntry( "InactivePenColor", resources()->inactivePenColor() ); conf->writeEntry( "InactiveBgColor", resources()->inactiveBgColor() ); conf->writeEntry( "ActivePenColor", resources()->activePenColor() ); conf->writeEntry( "ActiveBgColor", resources()->activeBgColor() ); conf->writeEntry( "ProgressColor", resources()->progressColor() ); conf->writeEntry( "AttentionColor", resources()->attentionColor() ); conf->setGroup("Thumbnails"); conf->writeEntry( "Thumbnails", thumbnailsEnabled() ); conf->writeEntry( "ThumbnailSize", thumbnailSize() ); conf->writeEntry( "ThumbnailUpdateDelay", thumbnailUpdateDelay() ); conf->writeEntry( "EmbedThumbnails", embedThumbnails() ); conf->setGroup("Behaviour"); conf->writeEntry( "StartupNotifier", notifierEnabled() ); conf->writeEntry( "ModifiedIndicator", showModified() ); conf->writeEntry( "ProgressIndicator", showProgress() ); conf->writeEntry( "AttentionIndicator", showAttention() ); conf->writeEntry( "ShowAllWindows", showAllWindows() ); conf->writeEntry( "GroupWindows", groupWindows() ); conf->writeEntry( "GroupInactiveDesktops", groupInactiveDesktops() ); conf->writeEntry( "OnlyShowMinimized", onlyShowMinimized() ); conf->setGroup("Layout"); conf->writeEntry( "Orientation", orientation() ); conf->writeEntry( "Direction", direction() ); conf->writeEntry( "Detached", isDetached() ); conf->setGroup("Custom Items"); conf->writeEntry( "ShowClock", showClock() ); conf->writeEntry( "ShowLoad", showLoad() ); } void KasTasker::writeLayout() { if ( !conf ) return; conf->setGroup("Layout"); conf->writeEntry( "Orientation", orientation() ); conf->writeEntry( "Direction", direction() ); conf->writeEntry( "Detached", isDetached() ); conf->writeEntry( "DetachedPosition", detachedPosition() ); conf->sync(); } void KasTasker::showPreferences() { KasPrefsDialog *dlg = new KasPrefsDialog( this ); dlg->exec(); delete dlg; readConfig(); } void KasTasker::showAbout() { KasAboutDialog *dlg = new KasAboutDialog( 0 ); dlg->exec(); delete dlg; }