// -*- c++ -*- /* kastasker.h ** ** Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Richard Moore <rich@kde.org> ** Contributor: Mosfet ** All rights reserved. ** ** KasBar is dual-licensed: you can choose the GPL or the BSD license. ** Short forms of both licenses are included below. */ /* ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program in a file called COPYING; if not, write to ** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, ** MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ** ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ** ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ** FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ** DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS ** OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ** HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ** LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY ** OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ** SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* ** Bug reports and questions can be sent to kde-devel@kde.org */ #ifndef KASTASKER_H #define KASTASKER_H #include "kasbar.h" #include <kdemacros.h> #include <taskmanager.h> class KConfig; class KPixmap; class KPopupMenu; class KAction; class KToggleAction; class Task; class Startup; class KasTaskItem; class KasStartupItem; class KasGroupItem; class KasTasker; class KasGrouper; /** * A KasBar that provides a taskbar using the TaskManager API. * * @author Richard Moore, rich@kde.org */ class KDE_EXPORT KasTasker : public KasBar { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( bool isTopLevel READ isTopLevel ) Q_PROPERTY( bool showClock READ showClock ) Q_PROPERTY( bool showLoad READ showLoad ) public: /** Create a KasTasker widget. */ KasTasker( Orientation o, TQWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, WFlags f = 0 ); /** * Create a KasTasker widget that is slaved to another KasTasker. The * created widget will inherit the settings of the parent, but will * not connect to the signals of the TaskManager. */ KasTasker( Orientation o, KasTasker *master, TQWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, WFlags f=0 ); /** Cleans up. */ virtual ~KasTasker(); /** Factory method that returns the default menu for items in the bar. */ virtual KPopupMenu *contextMenu(); virtual KasTasker *createChildBar( Orientation o, TQWidget *parent, const char *name=0 ); /** * Returns true if this is the top KasTasker. Note that it is possible for * the top KasTasker to be a child of another KasBar derived class, so * this can return a different result to KasBar::isTopLevel(). */ bool isTopLevel() const { return dynamic_cast<KasTasker *>( KasBar::master() ) ? true : false; } KasTasker *master() const { return dynamic_cast<KasTasker *>( KasBar::master() ); } /** Finds the item representing a task (if there is one). */ KasTaskItem *findItem( Task::Ptr ); /** Finds the item representing a startup (if there is one). */ KasStartupItem *findItem( Startup::Ptr s ); /** Returns true iff thumbnails are enabled. */ bool thumbnailsEnabled() const { return enableThumbs_; } /** Returns true iff thumbnails should be shown in the boxes instead of icons. */ bool embedThumbnails() const { return embedThumbs_; } bool showClock() const { return showClock_; } bool showLoad() const { return showLoad_; } /** Returns the proportions of the window thumbnails. */ double thumbnailSize() const { return thumbnailSize_; } /** Returns true iff the startup notifier is enabled. */ bool notifierEnabled() const { return enableNotifier_; } /** Returns true iff the modified flag should be shown. */ bool showModified() const { return showModified_; } /** Returns true iff a progress bar should be shown for progress windows. */ bool showProgress() const { return showProgress_; } /** Returns true iff we should indicate when a window demands attention. */ bool showAttention() const { return showAttention_; } /** Returns true iff windows from all desktops should be displayed. */ bool showAllWindows() const { return showAllWindows_; } /** Returns the delay between thumbnail updates (in seconds). */ int thumbnailUpdateDelay() const { return thumbUpdateDelay_; } /** Returns true iff windows should be grouped together. */ bool groupWindows() const { return groupWindows_; } /** Returns true iff windows on inactive desktops should be grouped together. */ bool groupInactiveDesktops() const { return groupInactiveDesktops_; } /** Returns true iff we should only show windows that are minimized. */ bool onlyShowMinimized() const { return onlyShowMinimized_; } /** Returns true if this bar is floating. */ bool isStandAlone() const { return standalone_; } // // Internal stuff // /** * Converts the item for a task into a group item to which additional * tasks can be added. */ KasGroupItem *convertToGroup( Task::Ptr t ); /** Moves an item from a group into the main bar. */ void moveToMain( KasGroupItem *gi, Task::Ptr t ); /** Moves all the items from a group into the main bar and removes the group. */ void moveToMain( KasGroupItem *gi ); public slots: /** Adds a task to the bar. */ void addTask( Task::Ptr ); /** Removes a task from the bar. */ void removeTask( Task::Ptr ); /** Adds a startup item to the bar. */ void addStartup( Startup::Ptr ); /** Removes a startup item from the bar. */ void removeStartup( Startup::Ptr ); void refreshAll(); void refreshAllLater(); void refreshIconGeometry(); void setNotifierEnabled( bool enable ); void setShowModified( bool enable ); void setShowProgress( bool enable ); void setShowAttention( bool enable ); void setShowAllWindows( bool enable ); void setGroupWindows( bool enable ); void setGroupInactiveDesktops( bool enable ); void setOnlyShowMinimized( bool enable ); void setThumbnailSize( double size ); void setThumbnailSize( int percent ); void setThumbnailsEnabled( bool enable ); void setThumbnailUpdateDelay( int secs ); void setEmbedThumbnails( bool enable ); void setShowClock( bool enable ); void setShowLoad( bool enable ); void showPreferences(); void showAbout(); /** Sets the current KConfig object. */ void setConfig( KConfig *config ); KConfig *config() const { return conf; } /** Reads the settings from the current KConfig. */ void readConfig(); void writeConfig(); void writeConfigLater(); void writeLayout(); /** Writes the settings of this bar to the specified KConfig. */ void writeConfig( KConfig *conf ); void setStandAlone( bool enable ); signals: void showAllWindowsChanged( bool ); void groupWindowsChanged( bool ); void showClockChanged( bool ); void showLoadChanged( bool ); protected slots: /** Load settings from the specified configuration. */ void readConfig( KConfig *conf ); private: KPopupMenu *menu; KConfig *conf; KasGrouper *grouper; KToggleAction *toggleDetachedAction; KToggleAction *showAllWindowsAction; KToggleAction *groupWindowsAction; KToggleAction *showClockAction; KToggleAction *showLoadAction; KAction *rotateBarAction; bool standalone_; bool passive_; bool enableThumbs_; bool embedThumbs_; double thumbnailSize_; bool enableNotifier_; bool showModified_; bool showProgress_; bool showAllWindows_; int thumbUpdateDelay_; bool groupWindows_; bool groupInactiveDesktops_; bool showAttention_; bool onlyShowMinimized_; bool showClock_; KasItem *clockItem; bool showLoad_; KasItem *loadItem; }; #endif // KASTASKER_H