#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kprocess.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kinstance.h> #include <klocale.h> #include "info.h" using namespace KIO; InfoProtocol::InfoProtocol( const QCString &pool, const QCString &app ) : SlaveBase( "info", pool, app ) , m_page( "" ) , m_node( "" ) { kdDebug( 7108 ) << "InfoProtocol::InfoProtocol" << endl; m_perl = KGlobal::dirs()->findExe( "perl" ); m_infoScript = locate( "data", "kio_info/kde-info2html" ); m_infoConf = locate("data", "kio_info/kde-info2html.conf"); if( m_perl.isNull() || m_infoScript.isNull() || m_infoConf.isNull() ) { kdError( 7108 ) << "Critical error: Cannot locate files for HTML-conversion" << endl; QString errorStr; if ( m_perl.isNull() ) { errorStr = "perl."; } else { QString missing =m_infoScript.isNull() ? "kio_info/kde-info2html" : "kio_info/kde-info2html.conf"; errorStr = "kde-info2html" + i18n( "\nUnable to locate file %1 which is necessary to run this service. " "Please check your software installation" ).arg( missing ); } error( KIO::ERR_CANNOT_LAUNCH_PROCESS, errorStr ); exit(); } kdDebug( 7108 ) << "InfoProtocol::InfoProtocol - done" << endl; } InfoProtocol::~InfoProtocol() { kdDebug( 7108 ) << "InfoProtocol::~InfoProtocol" << endl; kdDebug( 7108 ) << "InfoProtocol::~InfoProtocol - done" << endl; } void InfoProtocol::get( const KURL& url ) { kdDebug( 7108 ) << "InfoProtocol::get" << endl; kdDebug( 7108 ) << "URL: " << url.prettyURL() << " , Path :" << url.path() << endl; if (url.path()=="/") { KURL newUrl("info:/dir"); redirection(newUrl); finished(); return; }; // some people write info://autoconf instead of info:/autoconf if (!url.host().isEmpty()) { KURL newURl(url); newURl.setPath(url.host()+url.path()); newURl.setHost(QString::null); redirection(newURl); finished(); return; } if ( url.path().right(1) == "/" ) { // Trailing / are not supported, so we need to remove them. KURL newUrl( url ); QString newPath( url.path() ); newPath.truncate( newPath.length()-1 ); newUrl.setPath( newPath ); redirection( newUrl ); finished(); return; } mimeType("text/html"); // extract the path and node from url decodeURL( url ); QString path = KGlobal::iconLoader()->iconPath("up", KIcon::Toolbar, true); int revindex = path.findRev('/'); path = path.left(revindex); QString cmd = KProcess::quote(m_perl); cmd += " "; cmd += KProcess::quote(m_infoScript); cmd += " "; cmd += KProcess::quote(m_infoConf); cmd += " "; cmd += KProcess::quote(path); cmd += " "; cmd += KProcess::quote(m_page); cmd += " "; cmd += KProcess::quote(m_node); kdDebug( 7108 ) << "cmd: " << cmd << endl; FILE *file = popen( QFile::encodeName(cmd), "r" ); if ( !file ) { kdDebug( 7108 ) << "InfoProtocol::get popen failed" << endl; error( ERR_CANNOT_LAUNCH_PROCESS, cmd ); return; } char buffer[ 4096 ]; QByteArray array; bool empty = true; while ( !feof( file ) ) { int n = fread( buffer, 1, sizeof( buffer ), file ); if ( !n && feof( file ) && empty ) { error( ERR_CANNOT_LAUNCH_PROCESS, cmd ); return; } if ( n < 0 ) { // ERROR kdDebug( 7108 ) << "InfoProtocol::get ERROR!" << endl; pclose( file ); return; } empty = false; array.setRawData( buffer, n ); data( array ); array.resetRawData( buffer, n ); } pclose( file ); finished(); kdDebug( 7108 ) << "InfoProtocol::get - done" << endl; } void InfoProtocol::mimetype( const KURL& /* url */ ) { kdDebug( 7108 ) << "InfoProtocol::mimetype" << endl; // to get rid of those "Open with" dialogs... mimeType( "text/html" ); // finish action finished(); kdDebug( 7108 ) << "InfoProtocol::mimetype - done" << endl; } void InfoProtocol::decodeURL( const KURL &url ) { kdDebug( 7108 ) << "InfoProtocol::decodeURL" << endl; /* Notes: * * I cleaned up the URL decoding and chose not to support URLs in the * form "info:/usr/local/share/info/libc.info.gz" or similar which the * older code attempted (and failed, maybe it had worked once) to do. * * The reason is that an obvious use such as viewing a info file off your * infopath would work for the first page, but then all the links would be * wrong. Of course, one could change kde-info2html to make it work, but I don't * think it worthy, others are free to disagree and write the necessary code ;) * * luis pedro */ if ( url == KURL( "info:/browse_by_file?special=yes" ) ) { m_page = "#special#"; m_node = "browse_by_file"; kdDebug( 7108 ) << "InfoProtocol::decodeURL - special - browse by file" << endl; return; } decodePath( url.path() ); kdDebug( 7108 ) << "InfoProtocol::decodeURL - done" << endl; } void InfoProtocol::decodePath( QString path ) { kdDebug( 7108 ) << "InfoProtocol::decodePath(-" <<path<<"-)"<< endl; m_page = "dir"; //default m_node = ""; // remove leading slash if ('/' == path[0]) { path = path.mid( 1 ); } //kdDebug( 7108 ) << "Path: " << path << endl; int slashPos = path.find( "/" ); if( slashPos < 0 ) { m_page = path; m_node = "Top"; return; } m_page = path.left( slashPos ); // remove leading+trailing whitespace m_node = path.right( path.length() - slashPos - 1).stripWhiteSpace (); kdDebug( 7108 ) << "InfoProtocol::decodePath - done" << endl; } // A minimalistic stat with only the file type // This seems to be enough for konqueror void InfoProtocol::stat( const KURL & ) { UDSEntry uds_entry; UDSAtom uds_atom; // Regular file with rwx permission for all uds_atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE; uds_atom.m_long = S_IFREG | S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO; uds_entry.append( uds_atom ); statEntry( uds_entry ); finished(); } extern "C" { int KDE_EXPORT kdemain( int argc, char **argv ); } int kdemain( int argc, char **argv ) { KInstance instance( "kio_info" ); kdDebug() << "kio_info starting " << getpid() << endl; if (argc != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: kio_info protocol domain-socket1 domain-socket2\n"); exit(-1); } InfoProtocol slave( argv[2], argv[3] ); slave.dispatchLoop(); return 0; }