/* This file is part of the KDE Project Copyright (c) 2005 Jean-Remy Falleri Copyright (c) 2005 Kévin Ottens This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "notifierserviceaction.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include NotifierServiceAction::NotifierServiceAction() : NotifierAction() { NotifierAction::setIconName("button_cancel"); NotifierAction::setLabel(i18n("Unknown")); m_service.m_strName = "New Service"; m_service.m_strIcon = "button_cancel"; m_service.m_strExec = "konqueror %u"; } QString NotifierServiceAction::id() const { if (m_filePath.isEmpty() || m_service.m_strName.isEmpty()) { return QString(); } else { return "#Service:"+m_filePath; } } void NotifierServiceAction::setIconName( const QString &icon ) { m_service.m_strIcon = icon; NotifierAction::setIconName( icon ); } void NotifierServiceAction::setLabel( const QString &label ) { m_service.m_strName = label; NotifierAction::setLabel( label ); updateFilePath(); } void NotifierServiceAction::execute(KFileItem &medium) { KURL::List urls = KURL::List( medium.url() ); KDEDesktopMimeType::executeService( urls, m_service ); } void NotifierServiceAction::setService(KDEDesktopMimeType::Service service) { NotifierAction::setIconName( service.m_strIcon ); NotifierAction::setLabel( service.m_strName ); m_service = service; updateFilePath(); } KDEDesktopMimeType::Service NotifierServiceAction::service() const { return m_service; } void NotifierServiceAction::setFilePath(const QString &filePath) { m_filePath = filePath; } QString NotifierServiceAction::filePath() const { return m_filePath; } void NotifierServiceAction::updateFilePath() { if ( !m_filePath.isEmpty() ) return; QString action_name = m_service.m_strName; action_name.replace( " ", "_" ); QDir actions_dir( locateLocal( "data", "konqueror/servicemenus/", true ) ); QString filename = actions_dir.absFilePath( action_name + ".desktop" ); int counter = 1; while ( QFile::exists( filename ) ) { filename = actions_dir.absFilePath( action_name + QString::number( counter ) + ".desktop" ); counter++; } m_filePath = filename; } void NotifierServiceAction::setMimetypes(const QStringList &mimetypes) { m_mimetypes = mimetypes; } QStringList NotifierServiceAction::mimetypes() { return m_mimetypes; } bool NotifierServiceAction::isWritable() const { QFileInfo info( m_filePath ); if ( info.exists() ) { return info.isWritable(); } else { info = QFileInfo( info.dirPath() ); return info.isWritable(); } } bool NotifierServiceAction::supportsMimetype(const QString &mimetype) const { return m_mimetypes.contains(mimetype); } void NotifierServiceAction::save() const { QFile::remove( m_filePath ); KDesktopFile desktopFile(m_filePath); desktopFile.setGroup(QString("Desktop Action ") + m_service.m_strName); desktopFile.writeEntry(QString("Icon"), m_service.m_strIcon); desktopFile.writeEntry(QString("Name"), m_service.m_strName); desktopFile.writeEntry(QString("Exec"), m_service.m_strExec); desktopFile.setDesktopGroup(); desktopFile.writeEntry(QString("ServiceTypes"), m_mimetypes, ","); desktopFile.writeEntry(QString("Actions"), QStringList(m_service.m_strName),";"); }