/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (c) 2004 Kevin Ottens <ervin ipsquad net> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kapplication.h> #include <dcopclient.h> #include <kcmdlineargs.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include "kio_remote.h" static const KCmdLineOptions options[] = { { "+protocol", I18N_NOOP( "Protocol name" ), 0 }, { "+pool", I18N_NOOP( "Socket name" ), 0 }, { "+app", I18N_NOOP( "Socket name" ), 0 }, KCmdLineLastOption }; extern "C" { int KDE_EXPORT kdemain( int argc, char **argv ) { // KApplication is necessary to use other ioslaves putenv(strdup("SESSION_MANAGER=")); KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, "kio_remote", 0, 0, 0, 0); KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options ); KApplication app( false, false ); // We want to be anonymous even if we use DCOP app.dcopClient()->attach(); KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); RemoteProtocol slave( args->arg(0), args->arg(1), args->arg(2) ); slave.dispatchLoop(); return 0; } } RemoteProtocol::RemoteProtocol(const TQCString &protocol, const TQCString &pool, const TQCString &app) : SlaveBase(protocol, pool, app) { } RemoteProtocol::~RemoteProtocol() { } void RemoteProtocol::listDir(const KURL &url) { kdDebug(1220) << "RemoteProtocol::listDir: " << url << endl; if ( url.path().length() <= 1 ) { listRoot(); return; } int second_slash_idx = url.path().tqfind( '/', 1 ); TQString root_dirname = url.path().mid( 1, second_slash_idx-1 ); KURL target = m_impl.findBaseURL( root_dirname ); kdDebug(1220) << "possible redirection target : " << target << endl; if( target.isValid() ) { target.addPath( url.path().remove(0, second_slash_idx) ); redirection(target); finished(); return; } error(KIO::ERR_MALFORMED_URL, url.prettyURL()); } void RemoteProtocol::listRoot() { KIO::UDSEntry entry; KIO::UDSEntryList remote_entries; m_impl.listRoot(remote_entries); totalSize(remote_entries.count()+2); m_impl.createTopLevelEntry(entry); listEntry(entry, false); m_impl.createWizardEntry(entry); listEntry(entry, false); KIO::UDSEntryListIterator it = remote_entries.begin(); KIO::UDSEntryListIterator end = remote_entries.end(); for(; it!=end; ++it) { listEntry(*it, false); } entry.clear(); listEntry(entry, true); finished(); } void RemoteProtocol::stat(const KURL &url) { kdDebug(1220) << "RemoteProtocol::stat: " << url << endl; TQString path = url.path(); if ( path.isEmpty() || path == "/" ) { // The root is "virtual" - it's not a single physical directory KIO::UDSEntry entry; m_impl.createTopLevelEntry( entry ); statEntry( entry ); finished(); return; } if (m_impl.isWizardURL(url)) { KIO::UDSEntry entry; if (m_impl.createWizardEntry(entry)) { statEntry(entry); finished(); } else { error(KIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, url.prettyURL()); } return; } int second_slash_idx = url.path().tqfind( '/', 1 ); TQString root_dirname = url.path().mid( 1, second_slash_idx-1 ); if ( second_slash_idx==-1 || ( (int)url.path().length() )==second_slash_idx+1 ) { KIO::UDSEntry entry; if (m_impl.statNetworkFolder(entry, root_dirname)) { statEntry(entry); finished(); return; } } else { KURL target = m_impl.findBaseURL( root_dirname ); kdDebug( 1220 ) << "possible redirection target : " << target << endl; if ( target.isValid() ) { target.addPath( url.path().remove( 0, second_slash_idx ) ); redirection( target ); finished(); return; } } error(KIO::ERR_MALFORMED_URL, url.prettyURL()); } void RemoteProtocol::del(const KURL &url, bool /*isFile*/) { kdDebug(1220) << "RemoteProtocol::del: " << url << endl; if (!m_impl.isWizardURL(url) && m_impl.deleteNetworkFolder(url.fileName())) { finished(); return; } error(KIO::ERR_CANNOT_DELETE, url.prettyURL()); } void RemoteProtocol::get(const KURL &url) { kdDebug(1220) << "RemoteProtocol::get: " << url << endl; TQString file = m_impl.findDesktopFile( url.fileName() ); kdDebug(1220) << "desktop file : " << file << endl; if (!file.isEmpty()) { KURL desktop; desktop.setPath(file); redirection(desktop); finished(); return; } error(KIO::ERR_MALFORMED_URL, url.prettyURL()); } void RemoteProtocol::rename(const KURL &src, const KURL &dest, bool overwrite) { if (src.protocol()!="remote" || dest.protocol()!="remote" || m_impl.isWizardURL(src) || m_impl.isWizardURL(dest)) { error(KIO::ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, src.prettyURL()); return; } if (m_impl.renameFolders(src.fileName(), dest.fileName(), overwrite)) { finished(); return; } error(KIO::ERR_CANNOT_RENAME, src.prettyURL()); }