- add dialog to ask for username
- rename() causes SSH to die
- How to handle overwrite?
- After the user cancels with the stop button, we get ERR_CANNOT_LAUNCH_PROCESS
  errors, until we kill the ioslave. Same thing after trying the wrong passwd
  too many times.
  This is happening because KProcess thinks that the ssh process is still running
  even though it exited.
- How to handle password and caching?
  - Write our own askpass program using kde
  - set env SSH_ASKPASS_PROGRAM before launching
    -how to do this? KProcess doesn't give us access to env variables.
  - Our askpass program can probably talk to the kdesu daemon to implement caching.
- chmod() succeeds, but konqueror always puts permissions to 0 afterwards. The properties
  dialog is right though.
  Nevermind - ftp ioslave does this too! Maybe a bug with konqueror.
- stat does not give us group and owner names, only numbers.  We could cache the uid/name and
  gid/name so we can give names when doing a stat also.
7-13-2001 - ReadLink stopped working. sftp server always retuns a file not found error
          - Need to implement 64 bit file lengths-->write DataStream << for u_int64
            Still need to offer 32 bit size since this is what kde wants. ljf
          - rename() isn't exactly causing ioslave to die.  The stat of the file we are
            going to rename is killing the slave.  The slave dies in the statEntry() call.
            I don't know what I am putting in the UDS entry that is causing this. ljf
7-14-2001 - got put, mimetype working ljf
          - fixed readlink problem - I was sending the wrong path. doh! ljf
7-17-2001 - If the user changes the host, the slave doesn't change host! setHost() is not
            called, nor is another ioslave spawned. I have not investigated the problem
            yet. ljf
7-21-2001 - got slave working with kde 2.2 cvs
7-22-2001 - probable solution to getting password prompt -- open with controlling
            but don't connect stdin/out to terminal. duh!
8-9-2001  - Doh! I haven't kept very good logs. Look at the cvs logs for better info.
          - At this point kio_sftp is using KSshProcess which I wrote in order to make
            a standard interface to the various version of ssh out there. So far it is
            working fairly well.  We also now report host key changes to the user and
            allow them to choose whether or not to continue. This is a big improvement.
          - Todo: support use of keys and ssh agent
                  put()'s resume functionality needs some work
1-26-2002 - Rewrote put() following the ftp::put() so it should behave the same way
          - increase the size of the data packet we ask for in ::get up to 60k.
            Through-put increases nicely.
          - Call closeConnection() from construction. Keeps from having unused ssh
            processes laying around after failed operations.
2-19-2002 - get() now emits mimetype, fixes problem with konqi not downloading file for
            viewing in kpart.
          - get port number using getservbyname instead of hard coding it.
2-27-2002 - testing before committing back to cvs, test with openssh 3, ssh 3
6-?-2002 - rewrote openConnection() to using new KSshProcess connect proceedures
7-20-2002 - Don't put up a message box when auth fails because of now or changed key,
            the call to error() will put up the dialog.
          - Connect fails and no more password are prompted for when we get
            ERR_AUTH_FAILED from KSshProcess.
9-15-2002 - stuff
9-29-2002 - the last i18n string updates, fixed problem with uploading files to
            openssh server.
5-8-2003  - check whether operation types are supported by the negotiated sftp
            protocol version