/*************************************************************************** ksshprocess.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Tue Jul 31 2001 copyright : (C) 2001 by Lucas Fisher email : ljfisher@purdue.edu ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /* * See the KSshProcess header for examples on use. * * This class uses a hacked version of the PTYProcess * class. This was needed because the kdelibs PTYProcess does not provide * access to the pty file descriptor which we need, because ssh prints the * password prompt to the pty and reads the password from the pty. I don't * feel I know enough about ptys to confidently modify the orignial * PTYProcess class. * * To start ssh we take the arguments the user gave us * in the SshOptList and build the ssh command arguments based on the version * of ssh we are using. This command and its arguments are passed to * PTYProcess for execution. Once ssh is started we scan each line of input * from stdin, stderr, and the pty for recognizable strings. The recognizable * strings are taken from several string tables. Each table contains a string * for each specific version of ssh we support and a string for a generic * version of OpenSSH and commercial SSH incase we don't recognized the * specific ssh version strings (as when a new SSH version is released after * a release of KSshProcess). There are tables for ssh version strings, * password prompts, new host key errors, different host key errors, * messages than indicate a successful connect, authentication errors, etc. * If we find user interaction is necessary, for instance to provide a * password or passphrase, we return a err code to the user who can send * a message to KSshProcess, using one of several methods, to correct * the error. * * Determining when the ssh connection has successfully authenticationed has * proved to be the most difficult challenge. OpenSSH does not print a message * on successful authentication, thus the only way to know is to send data * and wait for a return. The problem here is sometimes it can take a bit * to establish the connection (for example, do to DNS lookups). This means * the user may be sitting there waiting for a connection that failed. * Instead, ssh is always started with the verbose flag. Then we look for * a message that indicates auth succeeded. This is hazardous because * debug messages are more likely to change between OpenSSH releases. * Thus, we could become incompatible with new OpenSSH releases. */ #include <config.h> #include "ksshprocess.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H #include <sys/time.h> #endif #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <tqregexp.h> /* * The following are tables of string and regexps we match * against the output of ssh. An entry in each array * corresponds the the version of ssh found in versionStrs[]. * * The version strings must be ordered in the array from most * specific to least specific in cases where the beginning * of several version strings are the similar. For example, * consider the openssh version strings. The generic "OpenSSH" * must be the last of the openssh version strings in the array * so that is matched last. We use these generic version strings * so we can do a best effor to support unknown ssh versions. */ TQRegExp KSshProcess::versionStrs[] = { TQRegExp("OpenSSH_3\\.[6-9]|OpenSSH_[1-9]*[4-9]\\.[0-9]"), TQRegExp("OpenSSH"), TQRegExp("SSH Secure Shell") }; const char * const KSshProcess::passwordPrompt[] = { "password:", // OpenSSH "password:", // OpenSSH "password:" // SSH }; const char * const KSshProcess::passphrasePrompt[] = { "Enter passphrase for key", "Enter passphrase for key", "Passphrase for key" }; const char * const KSshProcess::authSuccessMsg[] = { "Authentication succeeded", "ssh-userauth2 successful", "Received SSH_CROSS_AUTHENTICATED packet" }; const char* const KSshProcess::authFailedMsg[] = { "Permission denied (", "Permission denied (", "Authentication failed." }; const char* const KSshProcess::tryAgainMsg[] = { "please try again", "please try again", "adjfhjsdhfdsjfsjdfhuefeufeuefe" }; TQRegExp KSshProcess::hostKeyMissingMsg[] = { TQRegExp("The authenticity of host|No (DSA|RSA) host key is known for"), TQRegExp("The authenticity of host|No (DSA|RSA) host key is known for"), TQRegExp("Host key not found from database") }; const char* const KSshProcess::continuePrompt[] = { "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?", "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?", "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" }; const char* const KSshProcess::hostKeyChangedMsg[] = { "WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!", "WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!", "WARNING: HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!" }; TQRegExp KSshProcess::keyFingerprintMsg[] = { TQRegExp("..(:..){15}"), TQRegExp("..(:..){15}"), TQRegExp(".....(-.....){10}") }; TQRegExp KSshProcess::knownHostsFileMsg[] = { TQRegExp("Add correct host key in (.*) to get rid of this message."), TQRegExp("Add correct host key in (.*) to get rid of this message."), TQRegExp("Add correct host key to \"(.*)\"") }; // This prompt only applies to commerical ssh. const char* const KSshProcess::changeHostKeyOnDiskPrompt[] = { "as;jf;sajkfdslkfjas;dfjdsa;fj;dsajfdsajf", "as;jf;sajkfdslkfjas;dfjdsa;fj;dsajfdsajf", "Do you want to change the host key on disk (yes/no)?" }; // We need this in addition the authFailedMsg because when // OpenSSH gets a changed host key it will fail to connect // depending on the StrictHostKeyChecking option. Depending // how this option is set, it will print "Permission denied" // and quit, or print "Host key verification failed." and // quit. The later if StrictHostKeyChecking is "no". // The former if StrictHostKeyChecking is // "yes" or explicitly set to "ask". TQRegExp KSshProcess::hostKeyVerifyFailedMsg[] = { TQRegExp("Host key verification failed\\."), TQRegExp("Host key verification failed\\."), TQRegExp("Disconnected; key exchange or algorithm? negotiation failed \\(Key exchange failed\\.\\)\\.") }; const char * const KSshProcess::connectionClosedMsg[] = { "Connection closed by remote host", "Connection closed by remote host", "Connection closed by remote host" }; void KSshProcess::SIGCHLD_handler(int) { while(waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG) > 0); } void KSshProcess::installSignalHandlers() { struct sigaction act; memset(&act,0,sizeof(act)); act.sa_handler = SIGCHLD_handler; act.sa_flags = 0 #ifdef SA_NOCLDSTOP | SA_NOCLDSTOP #endif #ifdef SA_RESTART | SA_RESTART #endif ; sigaction(SIGCHLD,&act,NULL); } void KSshProcess::removeSignalHandlers() { struct sigaction act; memset(&act,0,sizeof(act)); act.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; sigaction(SIGCHLD,&act,NULL); } KSshProcess::KSshProcess() : mVersion(UNKNOWN_VER), mConnected(false), mRunning(false), mConnectState(0) { mSshPath = KStandardDirs::findExe(TQString::tqfromLatin1("ssh")); kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::KSshProcess(): ssh path [" << mSshPath << "]" << endl; installSignalHandlers(); } KSshProcess::KSshProcess(TQString pathToSsh) : mSshPath(pathToSsh), mVersion(UNKNOWN_VER), mConnected(false), mRunning(false), mConnectState(0) { installSignalHandlers(); } KSshProcess::~KSshProcess(){ disconnect(); removeSignalHandlers(); while(waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG) > 0); } bool KSshProcess::setSshPath(TQString pathToSsh) { mSshPath = pathToSsh; version(); if( mVersion == UNKNOWN_VER ) return false; return true; } KSshProcess::SshVersion KSshProcess::version() { TQString cmd; cmd = mSshPath+" -V 2>&1"; // Get version string from ssh client. FILE *p; if( (p = popen(cmd.latin1(), "r")) == NULL ) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::version(): " "failed to start ssh: " << strerror(errno) << endl; return UNKNOWN_VER; } // Determine of the version from the version string. size_t len; char buf[128]; if( (len = fread(buf, sizeof(char), sizeof(buf)-1, p)) == 0 ) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::version(): " "Read of ssh version string failed " << strerror(ferror(p)) << endl; return UNKNOWN_VER; } if( pclose(p) == -1 ) { kdError(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::version(): pclose failed." << endl; } buf[len] = '\0'; TQString ver; ver = buf; kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::version(): " "got version string [" << ver << "]" << endl; mVersion = UNKNOWN_VER; for(int i = 0; i < SSH_VER_MAX; i++) { if( ver.tqfind(versionStrs[i]) != -1 ) { mVersion = (SshVersion)i; break; } } kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshPRocess::version(): version number = " << mVersion << endl; if( mVersion == UNKNOWN_VER ) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::version(): " "Sorry, I don't know about this version of ssh" << endl; mError = ERR_UNKNOWN_VERSION; return UNKNOWN_VER; } return mVersion; } /* TQString KSshProcess::versionStr() { if( mVersion == UNKNOWN_VER ) { version(); if( mVersion == UNKNOWN_VER ) return TQString::null; } return TQString::tqfromLatin1(versionStrs[mVersion]); } */ bool KSshProcess::setOptions(const SshOptList& opts) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::setOptions()" << endl; mArgs.clear(); SshOptListConstIterator it; TQString cmd, subsystem; mPassword = mUsername = mHost = TQString::null; TQCString tmp; for(it = opts.begin(); it != opts.end(); ++it) { //kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "opt.opt = " << (*it).opt << endl; //kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "opt.str = " << (*it).str << endl; //kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "opt.num = " << (*it).num << endl; switch( (*it).opt ) { case SSH_VERBOSE: mArgs.append("-v"); break; case SSH_SUBSYSTEM: subsystem = (*it).str; break; case SSH_PORT: mArgs.append("-p"); tmp.setNum((*it).num); mArgs.append(tmp); mPort = (*it).num; break; case SSH_HOST: mHost = (*it).str; break; case SSH_USERNAME: mArgs.append("-l"); mArgs.append((*it).str.latin1()); mUsername = (*it).str; break; case SSH_PASSWD: mPassword = (*it).str; break; case SSH_PROTOCOL: if( mVersion <= OPENSSH ) { tmp = "Protocol="; tmp += TQString::number((*it).num).latin1(); mArgs.append("-o"); mArgs.append(tmp); } else if( mVersion <= SSH ) { if( (*it).num == 1 ) { mArgs.append("-1"); } // else uses version 2 by default } break; case SSH_FORWARDX11: tmp = "ForwardX11="; tmp += (*it).boolean ? "yes" : "no"; mArgs.append("-o"); mArgs.append(tmp); break; case SSH_FORWARDAGENT: tmp = "ForwardAgent="; tmp += (*it).boolean ? "yes" : "no"; mArgs.append("-o"); mArgs.append(tmp); break; case SSH_ESCAPE_CHAR: if( (*it).num == -1 ) tmp = "none"; else tmp = (char)((*it).num); mArgs.append("-e"); mArgs.append(tmp); break; case SSH_OPTION: // don't allow NumberOfPasswordPrompts or StrictHostKeyChecking // since KSshProcess depends on specific setting of these for // preforming authentication correctly. tmp = (*it).str.latin1(); if( tmp.tqcontains("NumberOfPasswordPrompts") || tmp.tqcontains("StrictHostKeyChecking") ) { mError = ERR_INVALID_OPT; return false; } else { mArgs.append("-o"); mArgs.append(tmp); } break; case SSH_COMMAND: cmd = (*it).str; break; default: kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::setOptions(): " "unrecognized ssh opt " << (*it).opt << endl; } } if( !subsystem.isEmpty() && !cmd.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::setOptions(): " "cannot use a subsystem and command at the same time" << endl; mError = ERR_CMD_SUBSYS_CONFLICT; mErrorMsg = i18n("Cannot specify a subsystem and command at the same time."); return false; } // These options govern the behavior of ssh and // cannot be defined by the user //mArgs.append("-o"); //mArgs.append("StrictHostKeyChecking=ask"); mArgs.append("-v"); // So we get a message that the // connection was successful if( mVersion <= OPENSSH ) { // nothing } else if( mVersion <= SSH ) { mArgs.append("-o"); // So we can check if the connection was successful mArgs.append("AuthenticationSuccessMsg=yes"); } if( mHost.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::setOptions(): " "a host name must be supplied" << endl; return false; } else { mArgs.append(mHost.latin1()); } if( !subsystem.isEmpty() ) { mArgs.append("-s"); mArgs.append(subsystem.latin1()); } if( !cmd.isEmpty() ) { mArgs.append(cmd.latin1()); } return true; } void KSshProcess::printArgs() { TQValueListIterator<TQCString> it; for( it = mArgs.begin(); it != mArgs.end(); ++it) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "arg: " << *it << endl; } } int KSshProcess::error(TQString& msg) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::error()" << endl; kdDebug() << mErrorMsg << endl; msg = mErrorMsg; return mError; } void KSshProcess::kill(int signal) { int pid = ssh.pid(); kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::kill(signal:" << signal << "): ssh pid is " << pid << endl; kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshPRocess::kill(): we are " << (mConnected ? "" : "not ") << "connected" << endl; kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::kill(): we are " << (mRunning ? "" : "not ") << "running a ssh process" << endl; if( mRunning && pid > 1 ) { // Kill the child process... if ( ::kill(pid, signal) == 0 ) { // clean up if we tried to kill the process if( signal == SIGTERM || signal == SIGKILL ) { while(waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG) > 0); mConnected = false; mRunning = false; } } else kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::kill(): kill failed" << endl; } else kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::kill(): " "Refusing to kill ssh process" << endl; } /** * Try to open an ssh connection. * SSH prints certain messages to certain file descriptiors: * passwordPrompt - pty * passphrasePrompt - pty * authSuccessMsg - stderr (OpenSSH), * authFailedMsg - stderr * hostKeyMissing - stderr * hostKeyChanged - stderr * continuePrompt - stderr * * We will use a select to wait for a line on each descriptor. Then get * each line that available and take action based on it. The type * of messages we are looking for and the action we take on each * message are: * passwordPrompt - Return false, set error to ERR_NEED_PASSWD. * On the next call to connect() we expect a password * to be available. * * passpharsePrompt - Return false, set error to ERR_NEED_PASSPHRASE. * On the next call to connect() we expect a * passphrase to be available. * * authSuccessMsg - Return true, as we have successfully established a * ssh connection. * * authFailedMsg - Return false, set error to ERR_AUTH_FAILED. We * were unable to authenticate the connection given * the available authentication information. * * hostKeyMissing - Return false, set error to ERR_NEW_HOST_KEY. Caller * must call KSshProcess.acceptHostKey(bool) to accept * or reject the key before calling connect() again. * * hostKeyChanged - Return false, set error to ERR_DIFF_HOST_KEY. Caller * must call KSshProcess.acceptHostKey(bool) to accept * or reject the key before calling connect() again. * * continuePrompt - Send 'yes' or 'no' to accept or reject a key, * respectively. * */ void KSshProcess::acceptHostKey(bool accept) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::acceptHostKey(accept:" << accept << ")" << endl; mAcceptHostKey = accept; } void KSshProcess::setPassword(TQString password) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::setPassword(password:xxxxxxxx)" << endl; mPassword = password; } TQString KSshProcess::getLine() { static TQStringList buffer; TQString line = TQString::null; TQCString ptyLine, errLine; if( buffer.empty() ) { // PtyProcess buffers lines. First check that there // isn't something on the PtyProces buffer or that there // is not data ready to be read from the pty or stderr. ptyLine = ssh.readLineFromPty(false); errLine = ssh.readLineFromStderr(false); // If PtyProcess did have something for us, get it and // place it in our line buffer. if( ! ptyLine.isEmpty() ) { buffer.prepend(TQString(ptyLine)); } if( ! errLine.isEmpty() ) { buffer.prepend(TQString(errLine)); } // If we still don't have anything in our buffer so there must // not be anything on the pty or stderr. Setup a select() // to wait for some data from SSH. if( buffer.empty() ) { //kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::getLine(): " << // "Line buffer empty, calling select() to wait for data." << endl; int errfd = ssh.stderrFd(); int ptyfd = ssh.fd(); fd_set rfds; fd_set efds; struct timeval tv; // find max file descriptor int maxfd = ptyfd > errfd ? ptyfd : errfd; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(ptyfd, &rfds); // Add pty file descriptor FD_SET(errfd, &rfds); // Add std error file descriptor FD_ZERO(&efds); FD_SET(ptyfd, &efds); FD_SET(errfd, &efds); tv.tv_sec = 60; tv.tv_usec = 0; // 60 second timeout // Wait for a message from ssh on stderr or the pty. int ret = -1; do ret = ::select(maxfd+1, &rfds, NULL, &efds, &tv); while( ret == -1 && errno == EINTR ); // Handle any errors from select if( ret == 0 ) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::connect(): " << "timed out waiting for a response" << endl; mError = ERR_TIMED_OUT; return TQString::null; } else if( ret == -1 ) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::connect(): " << "select error: " << strerror(errno) << endl; mError = ERR_INTERNAL; return TQString::null; } // We are not respecting any type of order in which the // lines were received. Who knows whether pty or stderr // had data on it first. if( FD_ISSET(ptyfd, &rfds) ) { ptyLine = ssh.readLineFromPty(false); buffer.prepend(TQString(ptyLine)); //kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::getLine(): " // "line from pty -" << ptyLine << endl; } if( FD_ISSET(errfd, &rfds) ) { errLine = ssh.readLineFromStderr(false); buffer.prepend(TQString(errLine)); //kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::getLine(): " // "line from err -" << errLine << endl; } if( FD_ISSET(ptyfd, &efds) ) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::getLine(): " "Exception on pty file descriptor." << endl; } if( FD_ISSET(errfd, &efds) ) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::getLine(): " "Exception on std err file descriptor." << endl; } } } // We should have something in our buffer now. // Return the last line. //it = buffer.end(); //line = *it; //buffer.remove(it); line = buffer.last(); buffer.pop_back(); if( line.isNull() && buffer.count() > 0 ) { line = buffer.last(); buffer.pop_back(); } // kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::getLine(): " << // buffer.count() << " lines in buffer" << endl; kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::getLine(): " "ssh: " << line << endl; return line; } // All the different states we could go through while trying to connect. enum sshConnectState { STATE_START, STATE_TRY_PASSWD, STATE_WAIT_PROMPT, STATE_NEW_KEY_CONTINUE, STATE_DIFF_KEY_CONTINUE, STATE_FATAL, STATE_WAIT_CONTINUE_PROMPT, STATE_SEND_CONTINUE, STATE_AUTH_FAILED, STATE_NEW_KEY_WAIT_CONTINUE, STATE_DIFF_KEY_WAIT_CONTINUE, STATE_TRY_PASSPHRASE }; // Print the state as a string. Good for debugging const char* stateStr(int state) { switch(state) { case STATE_START: return "STATE_START"; case STATE_TRY_PASSWD: return "STATE_TRY_PASSWD"; case STATE_WAIT_PROMPT: return "STATE_WAIT_PROMPT"; case STATE_NEW_KEY_CONTINUE: return "STATE_NEW_KEY_CONTINUE"; case STATE_DIFF_KEY_CONTINUE: return "STATE_DIFF_KEY_CONTINUE"; case STATE_FATAL: return "STATE_FATAL"; case STATE_WAIT_CONTINUE_PROMPT: return "STATE_WAIT_CONTINUE_PROMPT"; case STATE_SEND_CONTINUE: return "STATE_SEND_CONTINE"; case STATE_AUTH_FAILED: return "STATE_AUTH_FAILED"; case STATE_NEW_KEY_WAIT_CONTINUE: return "STATE_NEW_KEY_WAIT_CONTINUE"; case STATE_DIFF_KEY_WAIT_CONTINUE: return "STATE_DIFF_KEY_WAIT_CONTINUE"; case STATE_TRY_PASSPHRASE: return "STATE_TRY_PASSPHRASE"; } return "UNKNOWN"; } bool KSshProcess::connect() { if( mVersion == UNKNOWN_VER ) { // we don't know the ssh version yet, so find out version(); if( mVersion == -1 ) { return false; } } // We'll put a limit on the number of state transitions // to ensure we don't go out of control. int transitionLimit = 500; while(--transitionLimit) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::connect(): " << "Connect state " << stateStr(mConnectState) << endl; TQString line; // a line from ssh TQString msgBuf; // buffer for important messages from ssh // which are to be returned to the user switch(mConnectState) { // STATE_START: // Executes the ssh binary with the options provided. If no options // have been specified, sets error and returns false. Continue to // state 1 if execution is successful, otherwise set error and // return false. case STATE_START: // reset some key values to safe values mAcceptHostKey = false; mKeyFingerprint = TQString::null; mKnownHostsFile = TQString::null; if( mArgs.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::connect(): ssh options " "need to be set first using setArgs()" << endl; mError = ERR_NO_OPTIONS; mErrorMsg = i18n("No options provided for ssh execution."); return false; } if( ssh.exec(mSshPath.latin1(), mArgs) ) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::connect(): ssh exec failed" << endl; mError = ERR_CANNOT_LAUNCH; mErrorMsg = i18n("Failed to execute ssh process."); return false; } kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshPRocess::connect(): ssh pid = " << ssh.pid() << endl; // set flag to indicate what have started a ssh process mRunning = true; mConnectState = STATE_WAIT_PROMPT; break; // STATE_WAIT_PROMPT: // Get a line of input from the ssh process. Check the contents // of the line to determine the next state. Ignore the line // if we don't recognize its contents. If the line contains // the continue prompt, we have an error since we should never // get that line in this state. Set ERR_INVALID_STATE error // and return false. case STATE_WAIT_PROMPT: line = getLine(); if( line.isNull() ) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::connect(): " "Got null line in STATE_WAIT_PROMPT." << endl; mError = ERR_INTERACT; mErrorMsg = i18n("Error encountered while talking to ssh."); mConnectState = STATE_FATAL; } else if( line.tqfind(TQString::tqfromLatin1(passwordPrompt[mVersion]), 0, false) != -1 ) { mConnectState = STATE_TRY_PASSWD; } else if( line.tqfind(passphrasePrompt[mVersion]) != -1 ) { mConnectState = STATE_TRY_PASSPHRASE; } else if( line.tqfind(authSuccessMsg[mVersion]) != -1 ) { return true; } else if( line.tqfind(authFailedMsg[mVersion]) != -1 && line.tqfind(tryAgainMsg[mVersion]) == -1 ) { mConnectState = STATE_AUTH_FAILED; } else if( line.tqfind(hostKeyMissingMsg[mVersion]) != -1 ) { mConnectState = STATE_NEW_KEY_WAIT_CONTINUE; } else if( line.tqfind(hostKeyChangedMsg[mVersion]) != -1 ) { mConnectState = STATE_DIFF_KEY_WAIT_CONTINUE; } else if( line.tqfind(continuePrompt[mVersion]) != -1 ) { //mConnectState = STATE_SEND_CONTINUE; kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess:connect(): " "Got continue prompt where we shouldn't (STATE_WAIT_PROMPT)" << endl; mError = ERR_INTERACT; mErrorMsg = i18n("Error encountered while talking to ssh."); } else if( line.tqfind(connectionClosedMsg[mVersion]) != -1 ) { mConnectState = STATE_FATAL; mError = ERR_CLOSED_BY_REMOTE_HOST; mErrorMsg = i18n("Connection closed by remote host."); } else if( line.tqfind(changeHostKeyOnDiskPrompt[mVersion]) != -1 ) { // always say yes to this. It always comes after commerical ssh // prints a "continue to connect prompt". We assume that if the // user choose to continue, then they also want to save the // host key to disk. ssh.writeLine("yes"); } else { // ignore line } break; // STATE_TRY_PASSWD: // If we have password send it to the ssh process, else // set error ERR_NEED_PASSWD and return false to the caller. // The caller then must then call KSshProcess::setPassword(TQString) // before calling KSshProcess::connect() again. // // Almost exactly liek STATE_TRY_PASSPHRASE. Check there if you // make changes here. case STATE_TRY_PASSWD: // We have a password prompt waiting for us to supply // a password. Send that password to ssh. If the caller // did not supply a password like we asked, then ask // again. if( !mPassword.isEmpty() ) { // ssh.WaitSlave(); ssh.writeLine(mPassword.latin1()); // Overwrite the password so it isn't in memory. mPassword.fill(TQChar('X')); // Set the password to null so we will request another // password if this one fails. mPassword = TQString::null; mConnectState = STATE_WAIT_PROMPT; } else { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::connect() " "Need password from caller." << endl; // The caller needs to supply a password before // connecting can continue. mError = ERR_NEED_PASSWD; mErrorMsg = i18n("Please supply a password."); mConnectState = STATE_TRY_PASSWD; return false; } break; // STATE_TRY_KEY_PASSPHRASE: // If we have passphrase send it to the ssh process, else // set error ERR_NEED_PASSPHRASE and return false to the caller. // The caller then must then call KSshProcess::setPassword(TQString) // before calling KSshProcess::connect() again. // // Almost exactly like STATE_TRY_PASSWD. The only difference is // the error we set if we don't have a passphrase. We duplicate // this code to keep in the spirit of the state machine. case STATE_TRY_PASSPHRASE: // We have a passphrase prompt waiting for us to supply // a passphrase. Send that passphrase to ssh. If the caller // did not supply a passphrase like we asked, then ask // again. if( !mPassword.isEmpty() ) { // ssh.WaitSlave(); ssh.writeLine(mPassword.latin1()); // Overwrite the password so it isn't in memory. mPassword.fill(TQChar('X')); // Set the password to null so we will request another // password if this one fails. mPassword = TQString::null; mConnectState = STATE_WAIT_PROMPT; } else { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::connect() " "Need passphrase from caller." << endl; // The caller needs to supply a passphrase before // connecting can continue. mError = ERR_NEED_PASSPHRASE; mErrorMsg = i18n("Please supply the passphrase for " "your SSH private key."); mConnectState = STATE_TRY_PASSPHRASE; return false; } break; // STATE_AUTH_FAILED: // Authentication has failed. Tell the caller by setting the // ERR_AUTH_FAILED error and returning false. If // auth has failed then ssh should have exited, but // we will kill it to make sure. case STATE_AUTH_FAILED: mError = ERR_AUTH_FAILED; mErrorMsg = i18n("Authentication to %1 failed").arg(mHost); mConnectState = STATE_FATAL; break; // STATE_NEW_KEY_WAIT_CONTINUE: // Grab lines from ssh until we get a continue prompt or a auth // denied. We will get the later if StrictHostKeyChecking is set // to yes. Go to STATE_NEW_KEY_CONTINUE if we get a continue prompt. case STATE_NEW_KEY_WAIT_CONTINUE: line = getLine(); if( line.isNull() ) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::connect(): " "Got null line in STATE_NEW_KEY_WAIT_CONTINUE." << endl; mError = ERR_INTERACT; mErrorMsg = i18n("Error encountered while talking to ssh."); mConnectState = STATE_FATAL; } else if( (line.tqfind(authFailedMsg[mVersion]) != -1 && line.tqfind(tryAgainMsg[mVersion]) == -1) || line.tqfind(hostKeyVerifyFailedMsg[mVersion]) != -1 ) { mError = ERR_AUTH_FAILED_NEW_KEY; mErrorMsg = i18n( "The identity of the remote host '%1' could not be verified " "because the host's key is not in the \"known hosts\" file." ).arg(mHost); if( mKnownHostsFile.isEmpty() ) { mErrorMsg += i18n( " Manually, add the host's key to the \"known hosts\" " "file or contact your administrator." ); } else { mErrorMsg += i18n( " Manually, add the host's key to %1 " "or contact your administrator." ).arg(mKnownHostsFile); } mConnectState = STATE_FATAL; } else if( line.tqfind(continuePrompt[mVersion]) != -1 ) { mConnectState = STATE_NEW_KEY_CONTINUE; } else if( line.tqfind(connectionClosedMsg[mVersion]) != -1 ) { mConnectState = STATE_FATAL; mError = ERR_CLOSED_BY_REMOTE_HOST; mErrorMsg = i18n("Connection closed by remote host."); } else if( line.tqfind(keyFingerprintMsg[mVersion]) != -1 ) { mKeyFingerprint = keyFingerprintMsg[mVersion].cap(); kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "Found key fingerprint: " << mKeyFingerprint << endl; mConnectState = STATE_NEW_KEY_WAIT_CONTINUE; } else { // ignore line } break; // STATE_NEW_KEY_CONTINUE: // We got a continue prompt for the new key message. Set the error // message to reflect this, return false and hope for caller response. case STATE_NEW_KEY_CONTINUE: mError = ERR_NEW_HOST_KEY; mErrorMsg = i18n( "The identity of the remote host '%1' could not be " "verified. The host's key fingerprint is:\n%2\nYou should " "verify the fingerprint with the host's administrator before " "connecting.\n\n" "Would you like to accept the host's key and connect anyway? " ).arg(mHost).arg(mKeyFingerprint); mConnectState = STATE_SEND_CONTINUE; return false; // STATE_DIFF_KEY_WAIT_CONTINUE: // Grab lines from ssh until we get a continue prompt or a auth // denied. We will get the later if StrictHostKeyChecking is set // to yes. Go to STATE_DIFF_KEY_CONTINUE if we get a continue prompt. case STATE_DIFF_KEY_WAIT_CONTINUE: line = getLine(); if( line.isNull() ) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::connect(): " "Got null line in STATE_DIFF_KEY_WAIT_CONTINUE." << endl; mError = ERR_INTERACT; mErrorMsg = i18n("Error encountered while talking to ssh."); mConnectState = STATE_FATAL; } else if( (line.tqfind(authFailedMsg[mVersion]) != -1 && line.tqfind(tryAgainMsg[mVersion]) == -1) || line.tqfind(hostKeyVerifyFailedMsg[mVersion]) != -1 ) { mError = ERR_AUTH_FAILED_DIFF_KEY; mErrorMsg = i18n( "WARNING: The identity of the remote host '%1' has changed!\n\n" "Someone could be eavesdropping on your connection, or the " "administrator may have just changed the host's key. " "Either way, you should verify the host's key fingerprint with the host's " "administrator. The key fingerprint is:\n%2\n" "Add the correct host key to \"%3\" to " "get rid of this message." ).arg(mHost).arg(mKeyFingerprint).arg(mKnownHostsFile); mConnectState = STATE_FATAL; } else if( line.tqfind(continuePrompt[mVersion]) != -1 ) { mConnectState = STATE_DIFF_KEY_CONTINUE; } else if( line.tqfind(keyFingerprintMsg[mVersion]) != -1 ) { mKeyFingerprint = keyFingerprintMsg[mVersion].cap(); kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "Found key fingerprint: " << mKeyFingerprint << endl; mConnectState = STATE_DIFF_KEY_WAIT_CONTINUE; } else if( line.tqfind(knownHostsFileMsg[mVersion]) != -1 ) { mKnownHostsFile = (knownHostsFileMsg[mVersion]).cap(1); kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "Found known hosts file name: " << mKnownHostsFile << endl; mConnectState = STATE_DIFF_KEY_WAIT_CONTINUE; } else { // ignore line } break; // STATE_DIFF_KEY_CONTINUE: // We got a continue prompt for the different key message. // Set ERR_DIFF_HOST_KEY error // and return false to signal need to caller action. case STATE_DIFF_KEY_CONTINUE: mError = ERR_DIFF_HOST_KEY; mErrorMsg = i18n( "WARNING: The identity of the remote host '%1' has changed!\n\n" "Someone could be eavesdropping on your connection, or the " "administrator may have just changed the host's key. " "Either way, you should verify the host's key fingerprint with the host's " "administrator before connecting. The key fingerprint is:\n%2\n\n" "Would you like to accept the host's new key and connect anyway?" ).arg(mHost).arg(mKeyFingerprint); mConnectState = STATE_SEND_CONTINUE; return false; // STATE_SEND_CONTINUE: // We found a continue prompt. Send our answer. case STATE_SEND_CONTINUE: if( mAcceptHostKey ) { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::connect(): " "host key accepted" << endl; ssh.writeLine("yes"); mConnectState = STATE_WAIT_PROMPT; } else { kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::connect(): " "host key rejected" << endl; ssh.writeLine("no"); mError = ERR_HOST_KEY_REJECTED; mErrorMsg = i18n("Host key was rejected."); mConnectState = STATE_FATAL; } break; // STATE_FATAL: // Something bad happened that we cannot recover from. // Kill the ssh process and set flags to show we have // ended the connection and killed ssh. // // mError and mErrorMsg should be set by the immediately // previous state. case STATE_FATAL: kill(); mConnected = false; mRunning = false; mConnectState = STATE_START; // mError, mErroMsg set by last state return false; default: kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::connect(): " "Invalid state number - " << mConnectState << endl; mError = ERR_INVALID_STATE; mConnectState = STATE_FATAL; } } // we should never get here kdDebug(KSSHPROC) << "KSshProcess::connect(): " << "After switch(). We shouldn't be here." << endl; mError = ERR_INTERNAL; return false; } void KSshProcess::disconnect() { kill(); mConnected = false; mRunning = false; mConnectState = STATE_START; }