/* -*- c++ -*- transactionstate.h This file is part of kio_smtp, the KDE SMTP kioslave. Copyright (c) 2003 Marc Mutz <mutz@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with any edition of the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ #ifndef __KIOSMTP_TRANSACTIONSTATE_H__ #define __KIOSMTP_TRANSACTIONSTATE_H__ #include "response.h" #include <tqstring.h> #include <tqvaluelist.h> namespace KioSMTP { /** @short A class modelling an SMTP transaction's state This class models SMTP transaction state, ie. the collective result of the MAIL FROM:, RCPT TO: and DATA commands. This is needed since e.g. a single failed RCPT TO: command does not neccessarily fail the whole transaction (servers are free to accept delivery for some recipients, but not for others). The class can operate in two modes, which differ in the way failed recipients are handled. If @p rcptToDenyIsFailure is true (the default), then any failing RCPT TO: will cause the transaction to fail. Since at the point of RCPT TO: failure detection, the DATA command may have already been sent (pipelining), the only way to cancel the transaction is to take down the connection hard (ie. without proper quit). Since that is not very nice behaviour, a second mode that is more to the spirit of SMTP is provided that can cope with partially failed RCPT TO: commands. */ class TransactionState { public: struct RecipientRejection { RecipientRejection( const TQString & who=TQString::null, const TQString & why=TQString::null ) : recipient( who ), reason( why ) {} TQString recipient; TQString reason; #ifdef KIOSMTP_COMPARATORS bool operator==( const RecipientRejection & other ) const { return recipient == other.recipient && reason == other.reason; } #endif }; typedef TQValueList<RecipientRejection> RejectedRecipientList; TransactionState( bool rcptToDenyIsFailure=true ) : mErrorCode( 0 ), mRcptToDenyIsFailure( rcptToDenyIsFailure ), mAtLeastOneRecipientWasAccepted( false ), mDataCommandIssued( false ), mDataCommandSucceeded( false ), mFailed( false ), mFailedFatally( false ), mComplete( false ) {} /** @return whether the transaction failed (e.g. the server rejected all recipients. Graceful failure is handled after transaction ends. */ bool failed() const { return mFailed || mFailedFatally; } void setFailed() { mFailed = true; } /** @return whether the failure was so grave that an immediate untidy connection shutdown is in order (ie. @ref smtp_close(false)). Fatal failure is handled immediately */ bool failedFatally() const { return mFailedFatally; } void setFailedFatally( int code=0, const TQString & msg=TQString::null ); /** @return whether the transaction was completed successfully */ bool complete() const { return mComplete; } void setComplete() { mComplete = true; } /** @return an appropriate KIO error code in case the transaction failed, or 0 otherwise */ int errorCode() const; /** @return an appropriate error message in case the transaction failed or TQString::null otherwise */ TQString errorMessage() const; void setMailFromFailed( const TQString & addr, const Response & r ); bool dataCommandIssued() const { return mDataCommandIssued; } void setDataCommandIssued( bool issued ) { mDataCommandIssued = issued; } bool dataCommandSucceeded() const { return mDataCommandIssued && mDataCommandSucceeded; } void setDataCommandSucceeded( bool succeeded, const Response & r ); Response dataResponse() const { return mDataResponse; } bool atLeastOneRecipientWasAccepted() const { return mAtLeastOneRecipientWasAccepted; } void setRecipientAccepted() { mAtLeastOneRecipientWasAccepted = true; } bool haveRejectedRecipients() const { return !mRejectedRecipients.empty(); } RejectedRecipientList rejectedRecipients() const { return mRejectedRecipients; } void addRejectedRecipient( const RecipientRejection & r ); void addRejectedRecipient( const TQString & who, const TQString & why ) { addRejectedRecipient( RecipientRejection( who, why ) ); } void clear() { mRejectedRecipients.clear(); mDataResponse.clear(); mAtLeastOneRecipientWasAccepted = mDataCommandIssued = mDataCommandSucceeded = mFailed = mFailedFatally = mComplete = false; } #ifdef KIOSMTP_COMPARATORS bool operator==( const TransactionState & other ) const { return mAtLeastOneRecipientWasAccepted == other.mAtLeastOneRecipientWasAccepted && mDataCommandIssued == other.mDataCommandIssued && mDataCommandSucceeded == other.mDataCommandSucceeded && mFailed == other.mFailed && mFailedFatally == other.mFailedFatally && mComplete == other.mComplete && mDataResponse.code() == other.mDataResponse.code() && mRejectedRecipients == other.mRejectedRecipients; } #endif private: RejectedRecipientList mRejectedRecipients; Response mDataResponse; TQString mErrorMessage; int mErrorCode; bool mRcptToDenyIsFailure; bool mAtLeastOneRecipientWasAccepted; bool mDataCommandIssued; bool mDataCommandSucceeded; bool mFailed; bool mFailedFatally; bool mComplete; }; } // namespace KioSMTP #endif // __KIOSMTP_TRANSACTIONSTATE_H__