/* This file is part of the KDE project

   Copyright (C) 2003 by Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org>

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"

#include "clipboardpoll.h"

#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <tqclipboard.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <X11/extensions/Xfixes.h>

#include "toplevel.h"

//#define NOISY_KLIPPER_


 The polling magic:

 There's no way with X11 how to find out if the selection has changed (unless its ownership
 is taken away from the current client). In the future, there will be hopefully such notification,
 which will make this whole file more or less obsolete. But for now, Klipper has to poll.
 In order to avoid transferring all the data on every time pulse, this file implements two
 optimizations: The first one is checking whether the selection owner is Qt application (using
 the _QT_SELECTION/CLIPBOARD_SENTINEL atoms on the root window of screen 0), and if yes,
 Klipper can rely on TQClipboard's signals. If the owner is not Qt app, and the ownership has changed,
 it means the selection has changed as well. Otherwise, first only the timestamp
 of the last selection change is requested using the TIMESTAMP selection target, and if it's
 the same, it's assumed the contents haven't changed. Note that some applications (like XEmacs) does
 not provide this information, so Klipper has to assume that the clipboard might have changed in this
 case --- this is what is meant by REFUSED below.
 Update: Now there's also support for XFixes, so in case XFixes support is detected, only XFixes is
 used for detecting changes, everything else is ignored, even Qt's clipboard signals.


ClipboardPoll::ClipboardPoll( TQWidget* parent )
    :   TQWidget( parent )
    , xfixes_event_base( -1 )
    const char* names[ 6 ]
    Atom atoms[ 6 ];
    XInternAtoms( tqt_xdisplay(), const_cast< char** >( names ), 6, False, atoms );
    selection.sentinel_atom = atoms[ 0 ];
    clipboard.sentinel_atom = atoms[ 1 ];
    xa_clipboard = atoms[ 2 ];
    xa_timestamp = atoms[ 3 ];
    selection.timestamp_atom = atoms[ 4 ];
    clipboard.timestamp_atom = atoms[ 5 ];
    bool use_polling = true;
    kapp->installX11EventFilter( this );
    int dummy;
    if( XFixesQueryExtension( tqt_xdisplay(), &xfixes_event_base, &dummy ))
        XFixesSelectSelectionInput( tqt_xdisplay(), tqt_xrootwin( 0 ), XA_PRIMARY,
            XFixesSetSelectionOwnerNotifyMask |
            XFixesSelectionWindowDestroyNotifyMask |
            XFixesSelectionClientCloseNotifyMask );
        XFixesSelectSelectionInput( tqt_xdisplay(), tqt_xrootwin( 0 ), xa_clipboard,
            XFixesSetSelectionOwnerNotifyMask |
            XFixesSelectionWindowDestroyNotifyMask |
            XFixesSelectionClientCloseNotifyMask );
        use_polling = false;
            kdDebug() << "Using XFIXES" << endl;
    if( use_polling )
        kdDebug() << "Using polling" << endl;
void ClipboardPoll::initPolling()
    connect( kapp->clipboard(), TQT_SIGNAL( selectionChanged() ), TQT_SLOT(qtSelectionChanged()));
    connect( kapp->clipboard(), TQT_SIGNAL( dataChanged() ), TQT_SLOT( qtClipboardChanged() ));
    connect( &timer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout()), TQT_SLOT( timeout()));
    timer.start( 1000, false );
    selection.atom = XA_PRIMARY;
    clipboard.atom = xa_clipboard;
    selection.last_change = clipboard.last_change = GET_QT_X_TIME(); // don't trigger right after startup
    selection.last_owner = XGetSelectionOwner( tqt_xdisplay(), XA_PRIMARY );
    kdDebug() << "(1) Setting last_owner for =" << "selection" << ":" << selection.last_owner << endl;
    clipboard.last_owner = XGetSelectionOwner( tqt_xdisplay(), xa_clipboard );
    kdDebug() << "(2) Setting last_owner for =" << "clipboard" << ":" << clipboard.last_owner << endl;
    selection.waiting_for_timestamp = false;
    clipboard.waiting_for_timestamp = false;
    updateQtOwnership( selection );
    updateQtOwnership( clipboard );

void ClipboardPoll::qtSelectionChanged()
    emit clipboardChanged( true );

void ClipboardPoll::qtClipboardChanged()
    emit clipboardChanged( false );

bool ClipboardPoll::x11Event( XEvent* e )
// note that this is also installed as app-wide filter
    if( xfixes_event_base != -1 && e->type == xfixes_event_base + XFixesSelectionNotify )
        XFixesSelectionNotifyEvent* ev = reinterpret_cast< XFixesSelectionNotifyEvent* >( e );
        if( ev->selection == XA_PRIMARY && !kapp->clipboard()->ownsSelection())
            kdDebug() << "SELECTION CHANGED (XFIXES)" << endl;
            emit clipboardChanged( true );
        else if( ev->selection == xa_clipboard && !kapp->clipboard()->ownsClipboard())
            kdDebug() << "CLIPBOARD CHANGED (XFIXES)" << endl;
            emit clipboardChanged( false );
    if( e->type == SelectionNotify && e->xselection.requestor == winId())
        if( changedTimestamp( selection, *e ) ) {
            kdDebug() << "SELECTION CHANGED (GOT TIMESTAMP)" << endl;
            emit clipboardChanged( true );

        if ( changedTimestamp( clipboard, *e ) )
            kdDebug() << "CLIPBOARD CHANGED (GOT TIMESTAMP)" << endl;
            emit clipboardChanged( false );
        return true; // filter out
    return false;

void ClipboardPoll::updateQtOwnership( SelectionData& data )
    Atom type;
    int format;
    unsigned long nitems;
    unsigned long after;
    unsigned char* prop = NULL;
    if( XGetWindowProperty( tqt_xdisplay(), tqt_xrootwin( 0 ), data.sentinel_atom, 0, 2, False,
        XA_WINDOW, &type, &format, &nitems, &after, &prop ) != Success
        || type != XA_WINDOW || format != 32 || nitems != 2 || prop == NULL )
        kdDebug() << "UPDATEQT BAD PROPERTY" << endl;
        data.owner_is_qt = false;
        if( prop != NULL )
            XFree( prop );
    Window owner = reinterpret_cast< long* >( prop )[ 0 ]; // [0] is new owner, [1] is previous
    XFree( prop );
    Window current_owner = XGetSelectionOwner( tqt_xdisplay(), data.atom );
    data.owner_is_qt = ( owner == current_owner );
    kdDebug() << "owner=" << owner << "; current_owner=" << current_owner << endl;
    kdDebug() << "UPDATEQT:" << ( &data == &selection ? "selection" : "clipboard" )  << ":" << data.owner_is_qt << endl;

void ClipboardPoll::timeout()
    if( !kapp->clipboard()->ownsSelection() && checkTimestamp( selection ) ) {
        kdDebug() << "SELECTION CHANGED" << endl;
        emit clipboardChanged( true );
    if( !kapp->clipboard()->ownsClipboard() && checkTimestamp( clipboard ) ) {
        kdDebug() << "CLIPBOARD CHANGED" << endl;
        emit clipboardChanged( false );


bool ClipboardPoll::checkTimestamp( SelectionData& data )
    Window current_owner = XGetSelectionOwner( tqt_xdisplay(), data.atom );
    bool signal = false;
    updateQtOwnership( data );
    if( data.owner_is_qt )
        data.last_change = CurrentTime;
        kdDebug() << "(3) Setting last_owner for =" << ( &data==&selection ?"selection":"clipboard" ) << ":" << current_owner << endl;
        data.last_owner = current_owner;
        data.waiting_for_timestamp = false;
        return false;
    if( current_owner != data.last_owner )
        signal = true; // owner has changed
        data.last_owner = current_owner;
        kdDebug() << "(4) Setting last_owner for =" << ( &data==&selection ?"selection":"clipboard" ) << ":" << current_owner << endl;
        data.waiting_for_timestamp = false;
        data.last_change = CurrentTime;
        kdDebug() << "OWNER CHANGE:" << ( data.atom == XA_PRIMARY ) << ":" << current_owner << endl;
        return true;
    if( current_owner == None ) {
        return false; // None also last_owner...
    if( data.waiting_for_timestamp ) {
        // We're already waiting for the timestamp of the last check
        return false;
    XDeleteProperty( tqt_xdisplay(), winId(), data.timestamp_atom );
    XConvertSelection( tqt_xdisplay(), data.atom, xa_timestamp, data.timestamp_atom, winId(), GET_QT_X_TIME() );
    data.waiting_for_timestamp = true;
    data.waiting_x_time = GET_QT_X_TIME();
    kdDebug() << "WAITING TIMESTAMP:" << ( data.atom == XA_PRIMARY ) << endl;
    return false;

bool ClipboardPoll::changedTimestamp( SelectionData& data, const XEvent& ev )
    if( ev.xselection.requestor != winId()
        || ev.xselection.selection != data.atom
        || ev.xselection.time != data.waiting_x_time )
        return false;
    data.waiting_for_timestamp = false;
    if( ev.xselection.property == None )
        kdDebug() << "REFUSED:" << ( data.atom == XA_PRIMARY ) << endl;
        return true;
    Atom type;
    int format;
    unsigned long nitems;
    unsigned long after;
    unsigned char* prop = NULL;
    if( XGetWindowProperty( tqt_xdisplay(), winId(), ev.xselection.property, 0, 1, False,
        AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &nitems, &after, &prop ) != Success
        || format != 32 || nitems != 1 || prop == NULL )
        kdDebug() << "BAD PROPERTY:" << ( data.atom == XA_PRIMARY ) << endl;
        if( prop != NULL )
            XFree( prop );
        return true;
    Time timestamp = reinterpret_cast< long* >( prop )[ 0 ];
    XFree( prop );
    kdDebug() << "GOT TIMESTAMP:" << ( data.atom == XA_PRIMARY ) << endl;
    kdDebug() <<   "timestamp=" << timestamp
              << "; CurrentTime=" << CurrentTime
              << "; last_change=" << data.last_change
              << endl;
    if( timestamp != data.last_change || timestamp == CurrentTime )
        kdDebug() << "TIMESTAMP CHANGE:" << ( data.atom == XA_PRIMARY ) << endl;
        data.last_change = timestamp;
        return true;
    return false; // ok, same timestamp

#include "clipboardpoll.moc"