// -*- indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- // vim: set ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et: /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2000 David Faure <faure@kde.org> Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Alexander Kellett <lypanov@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "importers.h" #include "commands.h" #include "toplevel.h" #include "listview.h" #include <tqregexp.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <tdemessagebox.h> #include <tdefiledialog.h> #include <kbookmarkmanager.h> #include <kbookmarkimporter.h> #include <kbookmarkimporter_ie.h> #include <kbookmarkimporter_opera.h> #include <kbookmarkimporter_crash.h> #include <kbookmarkdombuilder.h> TQString ImportCommand::name() const { return i18n("Import %1 Bookmarks").arg(visibleName()); } TQString ImportCommand::folder() const { return m_folder ? i18n("%1 Bookmarks").arg(visibleName()) : TQString(); } ImportCommand* ImportCommand::importerFactory(const TQCString &type) { if (type == "Galeon") return new GaleonImportCommand(); else if (type == "IE") return new IEImportCommand(); else if (type == "KDE2") return new KDE2ImportCommand(); else if (type == "Opera") return new OperaImportCommand(); else if (type == "Crashes") return new CrashesImportCommand(); else if (type == "Moz") return new MozImportCommand(); else if (type == "NS") return new NSImportCommand(); else { kdError() << "ImportCommand::importerFactory() - invalid type (" << type << ")!" << endl; return 0; } } ImportCommand* ImportCommand::performImport(const TQCString &type, TQWidget *top) { ImportCommand *importer = ImportCommand::importerFactory(type); TQString mydirname = importer->requestFilename(); if (mydirname.isEmpty()) { delete importer; return 0; } int answer = KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel( top, i18n("Import as a new subfolder or replace all the current bookmarks?"), i18n("%1 Import").arg(importer->visibleName()), i18n("As New Folder"), i18n("Replace")); if (answer == KMessageBox::Cancel) { delete importer; return 0; } importer->import(mydirname, answer == KMessageBox::Yes); return importer; } void ImportCommand::doCreateHoldingFolder(KBookmarkGroup &bkGroup) { bkGroup = CurrentMgr::self()->mgr() ->root().createNewFolder(CurrentMgr::self()->mgr(), folder(), false); bkGroup.internalElement().setAttribute("icon", m_icon); m_group = bkGroup.address(); } void ImportCommand::execute() { KBookmarkGroup bkGroup; if (!folder().isNull()) { doCreateHoldingFolder(bkGroup); } else { // import into the root, after cleaning it up bkGroup = CurrentMgr::self()->mgr()->root(); delete m_cleanUpCmd; m_cleanUpCmd = DeleteCommand::deleteAll(bkGroup); KMacroCommand *mcmd = (KMacroCommand*) m_cleanUpCmd; mcmd->addCommand(new DeleteCommand(bkGroup.address(), true /* contentOnly */)); m_cleanUpCmd->execute(); // import at the root m_group = ""; } doExecute(bkGroup); } void ImportCommand::unexecute() { if ( !folder().isEmpty() ) { // we created a group -> just delete it DeleteCommand cmd(m_group); cmd.execute(); } else { // we imported at the root -> delete everything KBookmarkGroup root = CurrentMgr::self()->mgr()->root(); KCommand *cmd = DeleteCommand::deleteAll(root); cmd->execute(); delete cmd; // and recreate what was there before m_cleanUpCmd->unexecute(); } } TQString ImportCommand::affectedBookmarks() const { TQString rootAdr = CurrentMgr::self()->mgr()->root().address(); if(m_group == rootAdr) return m_group; else return KBookmark::parentAddress(m_group); } /* -------------------------------------- */ TQString MozImportCommand::requestFilename() const { static KMozillaBookmarkImporterImpl importer; return importer.findDefaultLocation(); } TQString NSImportCommand::requestFilename() const { static KNSBookmarkImporterImpl importer; return importer.findDefaultLocation(); } TQString OperaImportCommand::requestFilename() const { static KOperaBookmarkImporterImpl importer; return importer.findDefaultLocation(); } TQString CrashesImportCommand::requestFilename() const { static TDECrashBookmarkImporterImpl importer; return importer.findDefaultLocation(); } TQString IEImportCommand::requestFilename() const { static KIEBookmarkImporterImpl importer; return importer.findDefaultLocation(); } // following two are really just xbel TQString GaleonImportCommand::requestFilename() const { return KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( TQDir::homeDirPath() + "/.galeon", i18n("*.xbel|Galeon Bookmark Files (*.xbel)")); } #include "kstandarddirs.h" TQString KDE2ImportCommand::requestFilename() const { return KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( locateLocal("data", "konqueror"), i18n("*.xml|KDE Bookmark Files (*.xml)")); } /* -------------------------------------- */ static void parseInto(const KBookmarkGroup &bkGroup, KBookmarkImporterBase *importer) { KBookmarkDomBuilder builder(bkGroup, CurrentMgr::self()->mgr()); builder.connectImporter(importer); importer->parse(); } void OperaImportCommand::doExecute(const KBookmarkGroup &bkGroup) { KOperaBookmarkImporterImpl importer; importer.setFilename(m_fileName); parseInto(bkGroup, &importer); } void CrashesImportCommand::doExecute(const KBookmarkGroup &bkGroup) { TDECrashBookmarkImporterImpl importer; importer.setShouldDelete(true); importer.setFilename(m_fileName); parseInto(bkGroup, &importer); } void IEImportCommand::doExecute(const KBookmarkGroup &bkGroup) { KIEBookmarkImporterImpl importer; importer.setFilename(m_fileName); parseInto(bkGroup, &importer); } void HTMLImportCommand::doExecute(const KBookmarkGroup &bkGroup) { KNSBookmarkImporterImpl importer; importer.setFilename(m_fileName); importer.setUtf8(m_utf8); parseInto(bkGroup, &importer); } /* -------------------------------------- */ void XBELImportCommand::doCreateHoldingFolder(KBookmarkGroup &) { // rather than reuse the old group node we transform the // root xbel node into the group when doing an xbel import } void XBELImportCommand::doExecute(const KBookmarkGroup &/*bkGroup*/) { // check if already open first??? KBookmarkManager *pManager = KBookmarkManager::managerForFile(m_fileName, false); TQDomDocument doc = CurrentMgr::self()->mgr()->internalDocument(); // get the xbel TQDomNode subDoc = pManager->internalDocument().namedItem("xbel").cloneNode(); if (subDoc.isProcessingInstruction()) subDoc = subDoc.nextSibling(); if (subDoc.isDocumentType()) subDoc = subDoc.nextSibling(); if (subDoc.nodeName() != "xbel") return; if (!folder().isEmpty()) { // transform into folder subDoc.toElement().setTagName("folder"); // clear attributes TQStringList tags; for (uint i = 0; i < subDoc.attributes().count(); i++) tags << subDoc.attributes().item(i).toAttr().name(); for (TQStringList::Iterator it = tags.begin(); it != tags.end(); ++it) subDoc.attributes().removeNamedItem((*it)); subDoc.toElement().setAttribute("icon", m_icon); // give the folder a name TQDomElement textElem = doc.createElement("title"); subDoc.insertBefore(textElem, subDoc.firstChild()); textElem.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(folder())); } // import and add it TQDomNode node = doc.importNode(subDoc, true); if (!folder().isEmpty()) { CurrentMgr::self()->mgr()->root().internalElement().appendChild(node); m_group = KBookmarkGroup(node.toElement()).address(); } else { TQDomElement root = CurrentMgr::self()->mgr()->root().internalElement(); TQValueList<TQDomElement> childList; TQDomNode n = subDoc.firstChild().toElement(); while (!n.isNull()) { TQDomElement e = n.toElement(); if (!e.isNull()) childList.append(e); n = n.nextSibling(); } TQValueList<TQDomElement>::Iterator it = childList.begin(); TQValueList<TQDomElement>::Iterator end = childList.end(); for (; it!= end ; ++it) root.appendChild((*it)); } } #include "importers.moc"