/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Michael Reiher <michael.reiher@gmx.de> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __konq_frame_h__ #define __konq_frame_h__ #include "konq_factory.h" #include <tqguardedptr.h> #include <tqcolor.h> #include <tqwidget.h> #include <tqsplitter.h> #include <tqcheckbox.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <kpixmap.h> #include <kpixmapeffect.h> #include <kstatusbar.h> class TQPixmap; class TQVBoxLayout; class TQHBoxLayout; class TQTimer; class TQPushButton; class TQToolButton; class KonqView; class KonqViewManager; class KonqFrameBase; class KonqFrame; class KonqFrameContainerBase; class KonqFrameContainer; class KonqFrameTabs; class KConfig; class KSeparator; class KProgress; class KAction; class KSqueezedTextLabel; namespace KParts { class ReadOnlyPart; } /** * A CheckBox with a special paintEvent(). It looks like the * unchecked radiobutton in b2k style if unchecked and contains a little * anchor if checked. */ class KonqCheckBox : public QCheckBox { Q_OBJECT // for classname public: KonqCheckBox(TQWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0) :TQCheckBox( parent, name ) {} protected: void drawButton( TQPainter * ); }; /** * The KonqFrameStatusBar is the statusbar under each konqueror view. * It indicates in particular whether a view is active or not. */ class KonqFrameStatusBar : public KStatusBar { Q_OBJECT public: KonqFrameStatusBar( KonqFrame *_parent = 0L, const char *_name = 0L ); virtual ~KonqFrameStatusBar(); /** * Checks/unchecks the linked-view checkbox */ void setLinkedView( bool b ); /** * Shows/hides the active-view indicator */ void showActiveViewIndicator( bool b ); /** * Shows/hides the linked-view indicator */ void showLinkedViewIndicator( bool b ); /** * Updates the active-view indicator and the statusbar color. */ void updateActiveStatus(); public slots: void slotConnectToNewView(KonqView *, KParts::ReadOnlyPart *oldOne,KParts::ReadOnlyPart *newOne); void slotLoadingProgress( int percent ); void slotSpeedProgress( int bytesPerSecond ); void slotDisplayStatusText(const TQString& text); void slotClear(); void message ( const TQString & message ); signals: /** * This signal is emitted when the user clicked the bar. */ void clicked(); /** * The "linked view" checkbox was clicked */ void linkedViewClicked( bool mode ); protected: virtual bool eventFilter(TQObject*,TQEvent *); virtual void resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent* ); virtual void mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent* ); /** * Brings up the context menu for this frame */ virtual void splitFrameMenu(); /** * Takes care of the statusbars size **/ virtual void fontChange(const TQFont &oldFont); private: KonqFrame* m_pParentKonqFrame; TQCheckBox *m_pLinkedViewCheckBox; KProgress *m_progressBar; KSqueezedTextLabel *m_pStatusLabel; TQLabel* m_led; TQString m_savedMessage; }; typedef TQPtrList<KonqView> ChildViewList; class KonqFrameBase { public: virtual ~KonqFrameBase() {} virtual void saveConfig( KConfig* config, const TQString &prefix, bool saveURLs, KonqFrameBase* docContainer, int id = 0, int depth = 0) = 0; virtual void copyHistory( KonqFrameBase *other ) = 0; virtual void printFrameInfo( const TQString& spaces ); virtual void reparentFrame( TQWidget* parent, const TQPoint & p, bool showIt=FALSE ) = 0; virtual KonqFrameContainerBase* parentContainer() { return m_pParentContainer; } virtual void setParentContainer(KonqFrameContainerBase* parent) { m_pParentContainer = parent; } virtual void setTitle( const TQString &title , TQWidget* sender) = 0; virtual void setTabIcon( const KURL &url, TQWidget* sender ) = 0; virtual TQWidget* widget() = 0; virtual void listViews( ChildViewList *viewList ) = 0; virtual TQCString frameType() = 0; virtual void activateChild() = 0; virtual KonqView* activeChildView() = 0; protected: KonqFrameBase() {} KonqFrameContainerBase* m_pParentContainer; }; /** * The KonqFrame is the actual container for the views. It takes care of the * widget handling i.e. it attaches/detaches the view widget and activates * them on click at the statusbar. * * KonqFrame makes the difference between built-in views and remote ones. * We create a layout in it (with the KonqFrameStatusBar as top item in the layout) * For builtin views we have the view as direct child widget of the layout * For remote views we have an OPFrame, having the view attached, as child * widget of the layout */ class KonqFrame : public TQWidget, public KonqFrameBase { Q_OBJECT public: KonqFrame( TQWidget* parent, KonqFrameContainerBase *parentContainer = 0L, const char *name = 0L ); virtual ~KonqFrame(); /** * Attach a view to the KonqFrame. * @param viewFactory the view to attach (instead of the current one, if any) */ KParts::ReadOnlyPart *attach( const KonqViewFactory &viewFactory ); /** * Filters the CTRL+Tab event from the views and emits ctrlTabPressed to make KonqMainWindow switch to the next view */ virtual bool eventFilter(TQObject*obj,TQEvent *ev); /** * Inserts the part's widget and the statusbar into the layout */ void attachInternal(); /** * Inserts a widget at the top of the part's widget, in the layout * (used for the find functionality) */ void insertTopWidget( TQWidget * widget ); /** * Returns the part that is currently connected to the Frame. */ KParts::ReadOnlyPart *part() { return m_pPart; } /** * Returns the view that is currently connected to the Frame. */ KonqView* childView()const { return m_pView; } bool isActivePart(); void setView( KonqView* child ); virtual void listViews( ChildViewList *viewList ); virtual void saveConfig( KConfig* config, const TQString &prefix, bool saveURLs, KonqFrameBase* docContainer, int id = 0, int depth = 0 ); virtual void copyHistory( KonqFrameBase *other ); virtual void printFrameInfo( const TQString& spaces ); virtual void setTitle( const TQString &title, TQWidget* sender ); virtual void setTabIcon( const KURL &url, TQWidget* sender ); virtual void reparentFrame(TQWidget * parent, const TQPoint & p, bool showIt=FALSE ); //virtual KonqFrameContainerBase* parentContainer(); virtual TQWidget* widget() { return this; } virtual TQCString frameType() { return TQCString("View"); } TQVBoxLayout *layout()const { return m_pLayout; } KonqFrameStatusBar *statusbar() const { return m_pStatusBar; } virtual void activateChild(); KonqView* activeChildView() { return m_pView; } TQString title() const { return m_title; } public slots: /** * Is called when the frame statusbar has been clicked */ void slotStatusBarClicked(); void slotLinkedViewClicked( bool mode ); /** * Is called when 'Remove View' is called from the popup menu */ void slotRemoveView(); protected: virtual void paintEvent( TQPaintEvent* ); TQVBoxLayout *m_pLayout; TQGuardedPtr<KonqView> m_pView; TQGuardedPtr<KParts::ReadOnlyPart> m_pPart; KonqViewManager* m_pViewManager; KSeparator *m_separator; KonqFrameStatusBar* m_pStatusBar; TQString m_title; }; class KonqFrameContainerBase : public KonqFrameBase { public: virtual ~KonqFrameContainerBase() {} /** * Call this after inserting a new frame into the splitter. */ virtual void insertChildFrame( KonqFrameBase * frame, int index = -1 ) = 0; /** * Call this before deleting one of our children. */ virtual void removeChildFrame( KonqFrameBase * frame ) = 0; //inherited virtual void printFrameInfo( const TQString& spaces ); virtual TQCString frameType() { return TQCString("ContainerBase"); } virtual void reparentFrame(TQWidget * parent, const TQPoint & p, bool showIt=FALSE ) = 0; virtual KonqFrameBase* activeChild() { return m_pActiveChild; } virtual void setActiveChild( KonqFrameBase* activeChild ) { m_pActiveChild = activeChild; m_pParentContainer->setActiveChild( this ); } virtual void activateChild() { if (m_pActiveChild) m_pActiveChild->activateChild(); } virtual KonqView* activeChildView() { if (m_pActiveChild) return m_pActiveChild->activeChildView(); else return 0L; } protected: KonqFrameContainerBase() {} KonqFrameBase* m_pActiveChild; }; /** * With KonqFrameContainers and @refKonqFrames we can create a flexible * storage structure for the views. The top most element is a * KonqFrameContainer. It's a direct child of the MainView. We can then * build up a binary tree of containers. KonqFrameContainers are the nodes. * That means that they always have two childs. Which are either again * KonqFrameContainers or, as leaves, KonqFrames. */ class KonqFrameContainer : public TQSplitter, public KonqFrameContainerBase { Q_OBJECT friend class KonqFrame; //for emitting ctrlTabPressed() only, aleXXX public: KonqFrameContainer( Orientation o, TQWidget* parent, KonqFrameContainerBase* parentContainer, const char * name = 0); virtual ~KonqFrameContainer(); virtual void listViews( ChildViewList *viewList ); virtual void saveConfig( KConfig* config, const TQString &prefix, bool saveURLs, KonqFrameBase* docContainer, int id = 0, int depth = 0 ); virtual void copyHistory( KonqFrameBase *other ); KonqFrameBase* firstChild() { return m_pFirstChild; } KonqFrameBase* secondChild() { return m_pSecondChild; } KonqFrameBase* otherChild( KonqFrameBase* child ); virtual void printFrameInfo( const TQString& spaces ); void swapChildren(); virtual void setTitle( const TQString &title, TQWidget* sender ); virtual void setTabIcon( const KURL &url, TQWidget* sender ); virtual TQWidget* widget() { return this; } virtual TQCString frameType() { return TQCString("Container"); } /** * Call this after inserting a new frame into the splitter. */ void insertChildFrame( KonqFrameBase * frame, int index = -1 ); /** * Call this before deleting one of our children. */ void removeChildFrame( KonqFrameBase * frame ); //inherited virtual void reparentFrame(TQWidget * parent, const TQPoint & p, bool showIt=FALSE ); //make this one public int idAfter( TQWidget* w ){ return TQSplitter::idAfter( w ); } void setAboutToBeDeleted() { m_bAboutToBeDeleted = true; } //inherited virtual void childEvent( TQChildEvent * ); signals: void ctrlTabPressed(); void setRubberbandCalled(); protected: virtual void setRubberband( int ); KonqFrameBase* m_pFirstChild; KonqFrameBase* m_pSecondChild; bool m_bAboutToBeDeleted; }; #endif