/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Konqueror Developers 2002-2003 Douglas Hanley <douglash@caltech.edu> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "konq_tabs.h" #include <tqapplication.h> #include <tqclipboard.h> #include <tqptrlist.h> #include <tqpopupmenu.h> #include <tqtoolbutton.h> #include <tqtooltip.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kurldrag.h> #include <kstringhandler.h> #include "konq_frame.h" #include "konq_view.h" #include "konq_viewmgr.h" #include "konq_misc.h" #include "konq_settingsxt.h" #include <kaccelmanager.h> #include <konq_pixmapprovider.h> #include <kstdaccel.h> #include <tqtabbar.h> #include <tqwhatsthis.h> #include <tqstyle.h> #define DUPLICATE_ID 3 #define RELOAD_ID 4 #define BREAKOFF_ID 5 #define CLOSETAB_ID 6 #define OTHERTABS_ID 7 //################################################################### KonqFrameTabs::KonqFrameTabs(TQWidget* parent, KonqFrameContainerBase* parentContainer, KonqViewManager* viewManager, const char * name) : KTabWidget(parent, name), m_rightWidget(0), m_leftWidget(0), m_alwaysTabBar(false), m_closeOtherTabsId(0) { KAcceleratorManager::setNoAccel(this); TQWhatsThis::add( tabBar(), i18n( "This bar contains the list of currently open tabs. Click on a tab to make it " "active. The option to show a close button instead of the website icon in the left " "corner of the tab is configurable. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to " "navigate through tabs. The text on the tab is the title of the website " "currently open in it, put your mouse over the tab too see the full title in " "case it was truncated to fit the tab size." ) ); //kdDebug(1202) << "KonqFrameTabs::KonqFrameTabs()" << endl; m_pParentContainer = parentContainer; m_pChildFrameList = new TQPtrList<KonqFrameBase>; m_pChildFrameList->setAutoDelete(false); m_pActiveChild = 0L; m_pViewManager = viewManager; connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( currentChanged ( TQWidget * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotCurrentChanged( TQWidget* ) ) ); m_pPopupMenu = new TQPopupMenu( this ); m_pPopupMenu->insertItem( SmallIcon( "tab_new" ), i18n("&New Tab"), m_pViewManager->mainWindow(), TQT_SLOT( slotAddTab() ), m_pViewManager->mainWindow()->action("newtab")->shortcut() ); m_pPopupMenu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( "reload" ), i18n( "&Reload Tab" ), m_pViewManager->mainWindow(), TQT_SLOT( slotReloadPopup() ), m_pViewManager->mainWindow()->action("reload")->shortcut(), RELOAD_ID ); m_pPopupMenu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( "tab_duplicate" ), i18n("&Duplicate Tab"), m_pViewManager->mainWindow(), TQT_SLOT( slotDuplicateTabPopup() ), m_pViewManager->mainWindow()->action("duplicatecurrenttab")->shortcut(), DUPLICATE_ID ); m_pPopupMenu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( "tab_breakoff" ), i18n("D&etach Tab"), m_pViewManager->mainWindow(), TQT_SLOT( slotBreakOffTabPopup() ), m_pViewManager->mainWindow()->action("breakoffcurrenttab")->shortcut(), BREAKOFF_ID ); m_pPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); m_pSubPopupMenuTab = new TQPopupMenu( this ); m_pPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Other Tabs" ), m_pSubPopupMenuTab, OTHERTABS_ID ); connect( m_pSubPopupMenuTab, TQT_SIGNAL( activated ( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotSubPopupMenuTabActivated( int ) ) ); m_pPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); m_pPopupMenu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( "tab_remove" ), i18n("&Close Tab"), m_pViewManager->mainWindow(), TQT_SLOT( slotRemoveTabPopup() ), m_pViewManager->mainWindow()->action("removecurrenttab")->shortcut(), CLOSETAB_ID ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( contextMenu( TQWidget *, const TQPoint & ) ), TQT_SLOT(slotContextMenu( TQWidget *, const TQPoint & ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( contextMenu( const TQPoint & ) ), TQT_SLOT(slotContextMenu( const TQPoint & ) ) ); m_MouseMiddleClickClosesTab = KonqSettings::mouseMiddleClickClosesTab(); m_permanentCloseButtons = KonqSettings::permanentCloseButton(); if (m_permanentCloseButtons) { setHoverCloseButton( true ); setHoverCloseButtonDelayed( false ); } else setHoverCloseButton( KonqSettings::hoverCloseButton() ); setTabCloseActivatePrevious( KonqSettings::tabCloseActivatePrevious() ); if (KonqSettings::tabPosition()=="Bottom") setTabPosition(TQTabWidget::Bottom); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( closeRequest( TQWidget * )), TQT_SLOT(slotCloseRequest( TQWidget * ))); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( removeTabPopup() ), m_pViewManager->mainWindow(), TQT_SLOT( slotRemoveTabPopup() ) ); if ( KonqSettings::addTabButton() ) { m_leftWidget = new TQToolButton( this ); connect( m_leftWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), m_pViewManager->mainWindow(), TQT_SLOT( slotAddTab() ) ); m_leftWidget->setIconSet( SmallIcon( "tab_new" ) ); m_leftWidget->adjustSize(); TQToolTip::add(m_leftWidget, i18n("Open a new tab")); setCornerWidget( m_leftWidget, TopLeft ); } if ( KonqSettings::closeTabButton() ) { m_rightWidget = new TQToolButton( this ); connect( m_rightWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), m_pViewManager->mainWindow(), TQT_SLOT( slotRemoveTab() ) ); m_rightWidget->setIconSet( SmallIconSet( "tab_remove" ) ); m_rightWidget->adjustSize(); TQToolTip::add(m_rightWidget, i18n("Close the current tab")); setCornerWidget( m_rightWidget, TopRight ); } setAutomaticResizeTabs( true ); setTabReorderingEnabled( true ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( movedTab( int, int ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotMovedTab( int, int ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( mouseMiddleClick() ), TQT_SLOT( slotMouseMiddleClick() ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( mouseMiddleClick( TQWidget * ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotMouseMiddleClick( TQWidget * ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( mouseDoubleClick() ), m_pViewManager->mainWindow(), TQT_SLOT( slotAddTab() ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( testCanDecode(const TQDragMoveEvent *, bool & )), TQT_SLOT( slotTestCanDecode(const TQDragMoveEvent *, bool & ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( receivedDropEvent( TQDropEvent * )), TQT_SLOT( slotReceivedDropEvent( TQDropEvent * ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( receivedDropEvent( TQWidget *, TQDropEvent * )), TQT_SLOT( slotReceivedDropEvent( TQWidget *, TQDropEvent * ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( initiateDrag( TQWidget * )), TQT_SLOT( slotInitiateDrag( TQWidget * ) ) ); } KonqFrameTabs::~KonqFrameTabs() { //kdDebug(1202) << "KonqFrameTabs::~KonqFrameTabs() " << this << " - " << className() << endl; m_pChildFrameList->setAutoDelete(true); delete m_pChildFrameList; } void KonqFrameTabs::listViews( ChildViewList *viewList ) { for( TQPtrListIterator<KonqFrameBase> it( *m_pChildFrameList ); *it; ++it ) it.current()->listViews(viewList); } void KonqFrameTabs::saveConfig( KConfig* config, const TQString &prefix, bool saveURLs, KonqFrameBase* docContainer, int id, int depth ) { //write children TQStringList strlst; int i = 0; TQString newPrefix; for (KonqFrameBase* it = m_pChildFrameList->first(); it; it = m_pChildFrameList->next()) { newPrefix = TQString::fromLatin1( it->frameType() ) + "T" + TQString::number(i); strlst.append( newPrefix ); newPrefix.append( '_' ); it->saveConfig( config, newPrefix, saveURLs, docContainer, id, depth + i ); i++; } config->writeEntry( TQString::fromLatin1( "Children" ).prepend( prefix ), strlst ); config->writeEntry( TQString::fromLatin1( "activeChildIndex" ).prepend( prefix ), currentPageIndex() ); } void KonqFrameTabs::copyHistory( KonqFrameBase *other ) { if( other->frameType() != "Tabs" ) { kdDebug(1202) << "Frame types are not the same" << endl; return; } for (uint i = 0; i < m_pChildFrameList->count(); i++ ) { m_pChildFrameList->at(i)->copyHistory( static_cast<KonqFrameTabs *>( other )->m_pChildFrameList->at(i) ); } } void KonqFrameTabs::printFrameInfo( const TQString& spaces ) { kdDebug(1202) << spaces << "KonqFrameTabs " << this << " visible=" << TQString("%1").arg(isVisible()) << " activeChild=" << m_pActiveChild << endl; if (!m_pActiveChild) kdDebug(1202) << "WARNING: " << this << " has a null active child!" << endl; KonqFrameBase* child; int childFrameCount = m_pChildFrameList->count(); for (int i = 0 ; i < childFrameCount ; i++) { child = m_pChildFrameList->at(i); if (child != 0L) child->printFrameInfo(spaces + " "); else kdDebug(1202) << spaces << " Null child" << endl; } } void KonqFrameTabs::reparentFrame( TQWidget* parent, const TQPoint & p, bool showIt ) { TQWidget::reparent( parent, p, showIt ); } void KonqFrameTabs::setTitle( const TQString &title , TQWidget* sender) { // kdDebug(1202) << "KonqFrameTabs::setTitle( " << title << " , " << sender << " )" << endl; setTabLabel( sender,title ); } void KonqFrameTabs::setTabIcon( const KURL &url, TQWidget* sender ) { //kdDebug(1202) << "KonqFrameTabs::setTabIcon( " << url << " , " << sender << " )" << endl; TQIconSet iconSet; if (m_permanentCloseButtons) iconSet = SmallIcon( "fileclose" ); else iconSet = SmallIconSet( KonqPixmapProvider::self()->iconNameFor( url.url() ) ); if (tabIconSet( sender ).pixmap().serialNumber() != iconSet.pixmap().serialNumber()) setTabIconSet( sender, iconSet ); } void KonqFrameTabs::activateChild() { if (m_pActiveChild) { showPage( m_pActiveChild->widget() ); m_pActiveChild->activateChild(); } } void KonqFrameTabs::insertChildFrame( KonqFrameBase* frame, int index ) { //kdDebug(1202) << "KonqFrameTabs " << this << ": insertChildFrame " << frame << endl; if (frame) { //kdDebug(1202) << "Adding frame" << endl; bool showTabBar = (count() == 1); insertTab(frame->widget(),"", index); frame->setParentContainer(this); if (index == -1) m_pChildFrameList->append(frame); else m_pChildFrameList->insert(index, frame); if (m_rightWidget) m_rightWidget->setEnabled( m_pChildFrameList->count()>1 ); KonqView* activeChildView = frame->activeChildView(); if (activeChildView != 0L) { activeChildView->setCaption( activeChildView->caption() ); activeChildView->setTabIcon( activeChildView->url() ); } if (showTabBar) setTabBarHidden(false); else if ( count() == 1 ) this->hideTabBar();//the first frame inserted (initialization) } else kdWarning(1202) << "KonqFrameTabs " << this << ": insertChildFrame(0L) !" << endl; } void KonqFrameTabs::removeChildFrame( KonqFrameBase * frame ) { //kdDebug(1202) << "KonqFrameTabs::RemoveChildFrame " << this << ". Child " << frame << " removed" << endl; if (frame) { removePage(frame->widget()); m_pChildFrameList->remove(frame); if (m_rightWidget) m_rightWidget->setEnabled( m_pChildFrameList->count()>1 ); if (count() == 1) hideTabBar(); } else kdWarning(1202) << "KonqFrameTabs " << this << ": removeChildFrame(0L) !" << endl; //kdDebug(1202) << "KonqFrameTabs::RemoveChildFrame finished" << endl; } void KonqFrameTabs::slotCurrentChanged( TQWidget* newPage ) { setTabColor( newPage, KGlobalSettings::textColor() ); KonqFrameBase* currentFrame = dynamic_cast<KonqFrameBase*>(newPage); if (currentFrame && !m_pViewManager->isLoadingProfile()) { m_pActiveChild = currentFrame; currentFrame->activateChild(); } } void KonqFrameTabs::moveTabBackward( int index ) { if ( index == 0 ) return; moveTab( index, index-1 ); } void KonqFrameTabs::moveTabForward( int index ) { if ( index == count()-1 ) return; moveTab( index, index+1 ); } void KonqFrameTabs::slotMovedTab( int from, int to ) { KonqFrameBase* fromFrame = m_pChildFrameList->at( from ); m_pChildFrameList->remove( fromFrame ); m_pChildFrameList->insert( to, fromFrame ); KonqFrameBase* currentFrame = dynamic_cast<KonqFrameBase*>( currentPage() ); if ( currentFrame && !m_pViewManager->isLoadingProfile() ) { m_pActiveChild = currentFrame; currentFrame->activateChild(); } } void KonqFrameTabs::slotContextMenu( const TQPoint &p ) { refreshSubPopupMenuTab(); m_pPopupMenu->setItemEnabled( RELOAD_ID, false ); m_pPopupMenu->setItemEnabled( DUPLICATE_ID, false ); m_pPopupMenu->setItemEnabled( BREAKOFF_ID, false ); m_pPopupMenu->setItemEnabled( CLOSETAB_ID, false ); m_pPopupMenu->setItemEnabled( OTHERTABS_ID, true ); m_pSubPopupMenuTab->setItemEnabled( m_closeOtherTabsId, false ); m_pPopupMenu->exec( p ); } void KonqFrameTabs::slotContextMenu( TQWidget *w, const TQPoint &p ) { refreshSubPopupMenuTab(); uint tabCount = m_pChildFrameList->count(); m_pPopupMenu->setItemEnabled( RELOAD_ID, true ); m_pPopupMenu->setItemEnabled( DUPLICATE_ID, true ); m_pPopupMenu->setItemEnabled( BREAKOFF_ID, tabCount>1 ); m_pPopupMenu->setItemEnabled( CLOSETAB_ID, tabCount>1 ); m_pPopupMenu->setItemEnabled( OTHERTABS_ID, tabCount>1 ); m_pSubPopupMenuTab->setItemEnabled( m_closeOtherTabsId, true ); // Yes, I know this is an unchecked dynamic_cast - I'm casting sideways in a // class hierarchy and it could crash one day, but I haven't checked // setWorkingTab so I don't know if it can handle nulls. m_pViewManager->mainWindow()->setWorkingTab( dynamic_cast<KonqFrameBase*>(w) ); m_pPopupMenu->exec( p ); } void KonqFrameTabs::refreshSubPopupMenuTab() { m_pSubPopupMenuTab->clear(); int i=0; m_pSubPopupMenuTab->insertItem( SmallIcon( "reload_all_tabs" ), i18n( "&Reload All Tabs" ), m_pViewManager->mainWindow(), TQT_SLOT( slotReloadAllTabs() ), m_pViewManager->mainWindow()->action("reload_all_tabs")->shortcut() ); m_pSubPopupMenuTab->insertSeparator(); for (KonqFrameBase* it = m_pChildFrameList->first(); it; it = m_pChildFrameList->next()) { KonqFrame* frame = dynamic_cast<KonqFrame *>(it); if ( frame && frame->activeChildView() ) { TQString title = frame->title().stripWhiteSpace(); if ( title.isEmpty() ) title = frame->activeChildView()->url().url(); title = KStringHandler::csqueeze( title, 50 ); m_pSubPopupMenuTab->insertItem( TQIconSet( KonqPixmapProvider::self()->pixmapFor( frame->activeChildView()->url().url() ) ), title, i ); } i++; } m_pSubPopupMenuTab->insertSeparator(); m_closeOtherTabsId = m_pSubPopupMenuTab->insertItem( SmallIconSet( "tab_remove_other" ), i18n( "Close &Other Tabs" ), m_pViewManager->mainWindow(), TQT_SLOT( slotRemoveOtherTabsPopup() ), m_pViewManager->mainWindow()->action("removeothertabs")->shortcut() ); } void KonqFrameTabs::slotCloseRequest( TQWidget *w ) { if ( m_pChildFrameList->count() > 1 ) { // Yes, I know this is an unchecked dynamic_cast - I'm casting sideways in a class hierarchy and it could crash one day, but I haven't checked setWorkingTab so I don't know if it can handle nulls. m_pViewManager->mainWindow()->setWorkingTab( dynamic_cast<KonqFrameBase*>(w) ); emit ( removeTabPopup() ); } } void KonqFrameTabs::slotSubPopupMenuTabActivated( int _id) { setCurrentPage( _id ); } void KonqFrameTabs::slotMouseMiddleClick() { TQApplication::clipboard()->setSelectionMode( QClipboard::Selection ); KURL filteredURL ( KonqMisc::konqFilteredURL( this, TQApplication::clipboard()->text() ) ); if ( !filteredURL.isEmpty() ) { KonqView* newView = m_pViewManager->addTab(TQString::null, TQString::null, false, false); if (newView == 0L) return; m_pViewManager->mainWindow()->openURL( newView, filteredURL, TQString::null ); m_pViewManager->showTab( newView ); m_pViewManager->mainWindow()->focusLocationBar(); } } void KonqFrameTabs::slotMouseMiddleClick( TQWidget *w ) { if ( m_MouseMiddleClickClosesTab ) { if ( m_pChildFrameList->count() > 1 ) { // Yes, I know this is an unchecked dynamic_cast - I'm casting sideways in a class hierarchy and it could crash one day, but I haven't checked setWorkingTab so I don't know if it can handle nulls. m_pViewManager->mainWindow()->setWorkingTab( dynamic_cast<KonqFrameBase*>(w) ); emit ( removeTabPopup() ); } } else { TQApplication::clipboard()->setSelectionMode( QClipboard::Selection ); KURL filteredURL ( KonqMisc::konqFilteredURL( this, TQApplication::clipboard()->text() ) ); if ( !filteredURL.isEmpty() ) { KonqFrameBase* frame = dynamic_cast<KonqFrameBase*>(w); if (frame) { m_pViewManager->mainWindow()->openURL( frame->activeChildView(), filteredURL ); } } } } void KonqFrameTabs::slotTestCanDecode(const TQDragMoveEvent *e, bool &accept /* result */) { accept = KURLDrag::canDecode( e ); } void KonqFrameTabs::slotReceivedDropEvent( TQDropEvent *e ) { KURL::List lstDragURLs; bool ok = KURLDrag::decode( e, lstDragURLs ); if ( ok && lstDragURLs.first().isValid() ) { KonqView* newView = m_pViewManager->addTab(TQString::null, TQString::null, false, false); if (newView == 0L) return; m_pViewManager->mainWindow()->openURL( newView, lstDragURLs.first(), TQString::null ); m_pViewManager->showTab( newView ); m_pViewManager->mainWindow()->focusLocationBar(); } } void KonqFrameTabs::slotReceivedDropEvent( TQWidget *w, TQDropEvent *e ) { KURL::List lstDragURLs; bool ok = KURLDrag::decode( e, lstDragURLs ); KonqFrameBase* frame = dynamic_cast<KonqFrameBase*>(w); if ( ok && lstDragURLs.first().isValid() && frame ) { KURL lstDragURL = lstDragURLs.first(); if ( lstDragURL != frame->activeChildView()->url() ) m_pViewManager->mainWindow()->openURL( frame->activeChildView(), lstDragURL ); } } void KonqFrameTabs::slotInitiateDrag( TQWidget *w ) { KonqFrameBase* frame = dynamic_cast<KonqFrameBase*>( w ); if (frame) { KURL::List lst; lst.append( frame->activeChildView()->url() ); KURLDrag *d = new KURLDrag( lst, this ); d->setPixmap( KMimeType::pixmapForURL( lst.first(), 0, KIcon::Small ) ); d->dragCopy(); } } void KonqFrameTabs::hideTabBar() { if ( !m_alwaysTabBar ) { setTabBarHidden(true); } m_pPopupMenu->setItemEnabled( BREAKOFF_ID, false ); m_pPopupMenu->setItemEnabled( CLOSETAB_ID, false ); } void KonqFrameTabs::setAlwaysTabbedMode( bool enable ) { bool update = ( enable != m_alwaysTabBar ); m_alwaysTabBar = enable; if ( update ) { if ( m_alwaysTabBar ) setTabBarHidden(false); else hideTabBar(); } } #include "konq_tabs.moc"