   This file is part of the KDE project
   Copyright (C) 1998-2005 David Faure <faure@kde.org>

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "konq_view.h"
#include "tdeapplication.h"
#include "KonqViewIface.h"
#include "konq_settingsxt.h"
#include "konq_frame.h"
#include "konq_run.h"
#include "konq_events.h"
#include "konq_viewmgr.h"
#include "konq_tabs.h"
#include "konq_browseriface.h"
#include <tdeparts/statusbarextension.h>
#include <tdeparts/browserextension.h>

#include <konq_historymgr.h>
#include <konq_pixmapprovider.h>

#include <assert.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kcursor.h>
#include <kurldrag.h>
#include <tqscrollview.h>

#include <tqapplication.h>
#include <tqmetaobject.h>
#include <tqobjectlist.h>
#include <config.h>
#include <tqucomextra_p.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>

#include <fixx11h.h>


template class TQPtrList<HistoryEntry>;

KonqView::KonqView( KonqViewFactory &viewFactory,
                    KonqFrame* viewFrame,
                    KonqMainWindow *mainWindow,
                    const KService::Ptr &service,
                    const TDETrader::OfferList &partServiceOffers,
                    const TDETrader::OfferList &appServiceOffers,
                    const TQString &serviceType,
                    bool passiveMode
  m_pKonqFrame = viewFrame;
  m_pKonqFrame->setView( this );

  m_sLocationBarURL = "";
  m_pageSecurity = KonqMainWindow::NotCrypted;
  m_bLockHistory = false;
  m_doPost = false;
  m_pMainWindow = mainWindow;
  m_pRun = 0L;
  m_pPart = 0L;
  m_dcopObject = 0L;

  m_randID = TDEApplication::random();

  m_service = service;
  m_partServiceOffers = partServiceOffers;
  m_appServiceOffers = appServiceOffers;
  m_serviceType = serviceType;

  m_bAllowHTML = m_pMainWindow->isHTMLAllowed();
  m_lstHistory.setAutoDelete( true );
  m_bLoading = false;
  m_bPendingRedirection = false;
  m_bPassiveMode = passiveMode;
  m_bLockedLocation = false;
  m_bLinkedView = false;
  m_bAborted = false;
  m_bToggleView = false;
  m_bHierarchicalView = false;
  m_bDisableScrolling = false;
  m_bGotIconURL = false;
  m_bPopupMenuEnabled = true;
  m_browserIface = new KonqBrowserInterface( this, "browseriface" );
  m_bBackRightClick = KonqSettings::backRightClick();
  m_bFollowActive = false;
  m_bBuiltinView = false;
  m_bURLDropHandling = false;

  switchView( viewFactory );

  //kdDebug(1202) << "KonqView::~KonqView : part = " << m_pPart << endl;

  if (KonqMainWindow::s_crashlog_file) {
     TQString part_url;
     if (m_pPart)
        part_url = m_pPart->url().url();
     if (part_url.isNull())
        part_url = "";
     TQCString line;
     line = ( TQString("close(%1):%2\n").arg(m_randID,0,16).arg(part_url) ).utf8();
     KonqMainWindow::s_crashlog_file->writeBlock(line, line.length());

  // We did so ourselves for passive views
  if (m_pPart != 0L)
    if ( isPassiveMode() )
      disconnect( m_pPart, TQ_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), m_pMainWindow->viewManager(), TQ_SLOT( slotObjectDestroyed() ) );

    delete m_pPart;

  setRun( 0L );
  //kdDebug(1202) << "KonqView::~KonqView " << this << " done" << endl;

void KonqView::openURL( const KURL &url, const TQString & locationBarURL,
                        const TQString & nameFilter, bool tempFile )
  kdDebug(1202) << "KonqView::openURL url=" << url << " locationBarURL=" << locationBarURL << endl;

  if (KonqMainWindow::s_crashlog_file) {
     TQString part_url;
     if (m_pPart)
        part_url = m_pPart->url().url();
     if (part_url.isNull())
        part_url = "";

     TQString url_url = url.url();
     if (url_url.isNull())
        url_url = TQString("");

     TQCString line;

     line = ( TQString("closed(%1):%2\n").arg(m_randID,0,16).arg(part_url) ).utf8();
     line = ( TQString("opened(%3):%4\n").arg(m_randID,0,16).arg(url_url)  ).utf8();

  KParts::BrowserExtension *ext = browserExtension();
  KParts::URLArgs args;
  if ( ext )
    args = ext->urlArgs();

  // Typing "Enter" again after the URL of an aborted view, triggers a reload.
  if ( m_bAborted && m_pPart && m_pPart->url() == url && !args.doPost())
    if ( !prepareReload( args ) )
    if ( ext )
      ext->setURLArgs( args );

  kdDebug(1202) << "m_bLockedLocation=" << m_bLockedLocation << " args.lockHistory()=" << args.lockHistory() << endl;
  if ( args.lockHistory() )

  if ( !m_bLockHistory )
    // Store this new URL in the history, removing any existing forward history.
    // We do this first so that everything is ready if a part calls completed().
  } else
    m_bLockHistory = false;

  callExtensionStringMethod( "setNameFilter(const TQString&)", nameFilter );
  if ( m_bDisableScrolling )
    callExtensionMethod( "disableScrolling()" );

  setLocationBarURL( locationBarURL );

  if ( !args.reload )
    // Save the POST data that is necessary to open this URL
    // (so that reload can re-post it)
    m_doPost = args.doPost();
    m_postContentType = args.contentType();
    m_postData = args.postData;
    // Save the referrer
    m_pageReferrer = args.metaData()["referrer"];

  if ( tempFile ) {
      // Store the path to the tempfile. Yes, we could store a bool only,
      // but this would be more dangerous. If anything goes wrong in the code,
      // we might end up deleting a real file.
      if ( url.isLocalFile() )
          m_tempFile = url.path();
          kdWarning(1202) << "Tempfile option is set, but URL is remote: " << url << endl;

  aboutToOpenURL( url, args );

  m_pPart->openURL( url );

  updateHistoryEntry(false /* don't save location bar URL yet */);
  // add pending history entry
  KonqHistoryManager::kself()->addPending( url, locationBarURL, TQString::null);

  kdDebug(1202) << "Current position : " << m_lstHistory.at() << endl;

void KonqView::switchView( KonqViewFactory &viewFactory )
  kdDebug(1202) << "KonqView::switchView" << endl;
  if ( m_pPart )

  KParts::ReadOnlyPart *oldPart = m_pPart;
  m_pPart = m_pKonqFrame->attach( viewFactory ); // creates the part

  // Set the statusbar in the BE asap to avoid a TDEMainWindow statusbar being created.
  KParts::StatusBarExtension* sbext = statusBarExtension();
  if ( sbext )
    sbext->setStatusBar( frame()->statusbar() );

  // Activate the new part
  if ( oldPart )
    m_pPart->setName( oldPart->name() );
    emit sigPartChanged( this, oldPart, m_pPart );
    delete oldPart;


  TQVariant prop;

  prop = m_service->property( "X-TDE-BrowserView-FollowActive");
  if (prop.isValid() && prop.toBool())
    //kdDebug(1202) << "KonqView::switchView X-TDE-BrowserView-FollowActive -> setFollowActive" <<endl;

  prop = m_service->property( "X-TDE-BrowserView-Built-Into" );
  m_bBuiltinView = (prop.isValid() && prop.toString() == "konqueror");

  if ( !m_pMainWindow->viewManager()->isLoadingProfile() )
    // Honour "non-removeable passive mode" (like the dirtree)
    prop = m_service->property( "X-TDE-BrowserView-PassiveMode");
    if ( prop.isValid() && prop.toBool() )
      kdDebug(1202) << "KonqView::switchView X-TDE-BrowserView-PassiveMode -> setPassiveMode" << endl;
      setPassiveMode( true ); // set as passive

    // Honour "linked view"
    prop = m_service->property( "X-TDE-BrowserView-LinkedView");
    if ( prop.isValid() && prop.toBool() )
      setLinkedView( true ); // set as linked
      // Two views : link both
      if (m_pMainWindow->viewCount() <= 2) // '1' can happen if this view is not yet in the map
        KonqView * otherView = m_pMainWindow->otherView( this );
        if (otherView)
          otherView->setLinkedView( true );

  prop = m_service->property( "X-TDE-BrowserView-HierarchicalView");
  if ( prop.isValid() && prop.toBool() )
    kdDebug() << "KonqView::switchView X-TDE-BrowserView-HierarchicalView -> setHierarchicalView" << endl;
    setHierarchicalView( true );  // set as hierarchial
    setHierarchicalView( false );

bool KonqView::changeViewMode( const TQString &serviceType,
                               const TQString &serviceName,
                               bool forceAutoEmbed )
  // Caller should call stop first.
  assert ( !m_bLoading );

  kdDebug(1202) << "changeViewMode: serviceType is " << serviceType
                << " serviceName is " << serviceName
                << " current service name is " << m_service->desktopEntryName() << endl;

  if ( KMimeType::mimeType(serviceType)->is(m_serviceType) && (serviceName.isEmpty() || serviceName == m_service->desktopEntryName()) )
    return true;

  if ( isLockedViewMode() )
    //kdDebug(1202) << "This view's mode is locked - can't change" << endl;
    return false; // we can't do that if our view mode is locked

  kdDebug(1202) << "Switching view modes..." << endl;
  TDETrader::OfferList partServiceOffers, appServiceOffers;
  KService::Ptr service = 0L;
  KonqViewFactory viewFactory = KonqFactory::createView( serviceType, serviceName, &service, &partServiceOffers, &appServiceOffers, forceAutoEmbed );

  if ( viewFactory.isNull() )
    // Revert location bar's URL to the working one
      setLocationBarURL( history().current()->locationBarURL );
    return false;

  m_serviceType = serviceType;
  m_partServiceOffers = partServiceOffers;
  m_appServiceOffers = appServiceOffers;

  // Check if that's already the kind of part we have -> no need to recreate it
  // Note: we should have an operator= for KService...
  if ( m_service && m_service->desktopEntryPath() == service->desktopEntryPath() )
    kdDebug( 1202 ) << "KonqView::changeViewMode. Reusing service. Service type set to " << m_serviceType << endl;
    if (  m_pMainWindow->currentView() == this )
    m_service = service;

    switchView( viewFactory );

  if ( m_pMainWindow->viewManager()->activePart() != m_pPart )
    // Make the new part active. Note that we don't do it each time we
    // open a URL (becomes awful in view-follows-view mode), but we do
    // each time we change the view mode.
    // We don't do it in switchView either because it's called from the constructor too,
    // where the location bar url isn't set yet.
    //kdDebug(1202) << "Giving focus to new part " << m_pPart << endl;
    m_pMainWindow->viewManager()->setActivePart( m_pPart );
  return true;

void KonqView::connectPart(  )
  //kdDebug(1202) << "KonqView::connectPart" << endl;
  connect( m_pPart, TQ_SIGNAL( started( TDEIO::Job * ) ),
           this, TQ_SLOT( slotStarted( TDEIO::Job * ) ) );
  connect( m_pPart, TQ_SIGNAL( completed() ),
           this, TQ_SLOT( slotCompleted() ) );
  connect( m_pPart, TQ_SIGNAL( completed(bool) ),
           this, TQ_SLOT( slotCompleted(bool) ) );
  connect( m_pPart, TQ_SIGNAL( canceled( const TQString & ) ),
           this, TQ_SLOT( slotCanceled( const TQString & ) ) );
  connect( m_pPart, TQ_SIGNAL( setWindowCaption( const TQString & ) ),
           this, TQ_SLOT( setCaption( const TQString & ) ) );

  KParts::BrowserExtension *ext = browserExtension();

  if ( ext )
      ext->setBrowserInterface( m_browserIface );

      connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( openURLRequestDelayed( const KURL &, const KParts::URLArgs &) ),
               m_pMainWindow, TQ_SLOT( slotOpenURLRequest( const KURL &, const KParts::URLArgs & ) ) );

      if ( m_bPopupMenuEnabled )
          m_bPopupMenuEnabled = false; // force
          enablePopupMenu( true );

      connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( setLocationBarURL( const TQString & ) ),
               this, TQ_SLOT( setLocationBarURL( const TQString & ) ) );

      connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( setIconURL( const KURL & ) ),
               this, TQ_SLOT( setIconURL( const KURL & ) ) );

      connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( setPageSecurity( int ) ),
               this, TQ_SLOT( setPageSecurity( int ) ) );

      connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( createNewWindow( const KURL &, const KParts::URLArgs & ) ),
               m_pMainWindow, TQ_SLOT( slotCreateNewWindow( const KURL &, const KParts::URLArgs & ) ) );

      connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( createNewWindow( const KURL &, const KParts::URLArgs &, const KParts::WindowArgs &, KParts::ReadOnlyPart *& ) ),
               m_pMainWindow, TQ_SLOT( slotCreateNewWindow( const KURL &, const KParts::URLArgs &, const KParts::WindowArgs &, KParts::ReadOnlyPart *& ) ) );

      connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( loadingProgress( int ) ),
               m_pKonqFrame->statusbar(), TQ_SLOT( slotLoadingProgress( int ) ) );

      connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( speedProgress( int ) ),
               m_pKonqFrame->statusbar(), TQ_SLOT( slotSpeedProgress( int ) ) );

      connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( selectionInfo( const KFileItemList & ) ),
               this, TQ_SLOT( slotSelectionInfo( const KFileItemList & ) ) );

      connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( mouseOverInfo( const KFileItem * ) ),
               this, TQ_SLOT( slotMouseOverInfo( const KFileItem * ) ) );

      connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( openURLNotify() ),
               this, TQ_SLOT( slotOpenURLNotify() ) );

      connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( enableAction( const char *, bool ) ),
               this, TQ_SLOT( slotEnableAction( const char *, bool ) ) );

      connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( setActionText( const char *, const TQString& ) ),
               this, TQ_SLOT( slotSetActionText( const char *, const TQString& ) ) );

      connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( moveTopLevelWidget( int, int ) ),
               this, TQ_SLOT( slotMoveTopLevelWidget( int, int ) ) );

      connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( resizeTopLevelWidget( int, int ) ),
               this, TQ_SLOT( slotResizeTopLevelWidget( int, int ) ) );

      connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( requestFocus(KParts::ReadOnlyPart *) ),
               this, TQ_SLOT( slotRequestFocus(KParts::ReadOnlyPart *) ) );

      if (service()->desktopEntryName() != "konq_sidebartng") {
          connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( infoMessage( const TQString & ) ),
               m_pKonqFrame->statusbar(), TQ_SLOT( message( const TQString & ) ) );

          connect( ext,
                   TQ_SIGNAL( addWebSideBar(const KURL&, const TQString&) ),
                   TQ_SLOT( slotAddWebSideBar(const KURL&, const TQString&) ) );

      callExtensionBoolMethod( "setSaveViewPropertiesLocally(bool)", m_pMainWindow->saveViewPropertiesLocally() );

  TQVariant urlDropHandling;

  if ( ext )
      urlDropHandling = ext->property( "urlDropHandling" );
      urlDropHandling = TQVariant( true );

  // Handle url drops if
  //  a) either the property says "ok"
  //  or
  //  b) the part is a plain krop (no BE)
  m_bURLDropHandling = ( urlDropHandling.type() == TQVariant::Bool &&
                         urlDropHandling.toBool() );

  m_pPart->widget()->installEventFilter( this );

  if (m_bBackRightClick && m_pPart->widget()->inherits("TQScrollView") )
    (static_cast<TQScrollView *>(m_pPart->widget()))->viewport()->installEventFilter( this );

  // KonqDirPart signal
  if ( m_pPart->inherits("KonqDirPart") )
      connect( m_pPart, TQ_SIGNAL( findOpen( KonqDirPart * ) ),
               m_pMainWindow, TQ_SLOT( slotFindOpen( KonqDirPart * ) ) );

void KonqView::slotEnableAction( const char * name, bool enabled )
    if ( m_pMainWindow->currentView() == this )
        m_pMainWindow->enableAction( name, enabled );
    // Otherwise, we don't have to do anything, the state of the action is
    // stored inside the browser-extension.

void KonqView::slotSetActionText( const char* name, const TQString& text )
    if ( m_pMainWindow->currentView() == this )
        m_pMainWindow->setActionText( name, text );
    // Otherwise, we don't have to do anything, the state of the action is
    // stored inside the browser-extension.

void KonqView::slotMoveTopLevelWidget( int x, int y )
  KonqFrameContainerBase* container = frame()->parentContainer();
  // If tabs are shown, only accept to move the whole window if there's only one tab.
  if ( container->frameType() != "Tabs" || static_cast<KonqFrameTabs*>(container)->count() == 1 )
    m_pMainWindow->move( x, y );

void KonqView::slotResizeTopLevelWidget( int w, int h )
  KonqFrameContainerBase* container = frame()->parentContainer();
  // If tabs are shown, only accept to resize the whole window if there's only one tab.
  // ### Maybe we could store the size requested by each tab and resize the window to the biggest one.
  if ( container->frameType() != "Tabs" || static_cast<KonqFrameTabs*>(container)->count() == 1 )
    m_pMainWindow->resize( w, h );

void KonqView::slotStarted( TDEIO::Job * job )
  //kdDebug(1202) << "KonqView::slotStarted"  << job << endl;
  setLoading( true );

  if (job)
      // Manage passwords properly...
      if (m_pMainWindow)
        kdDebug(7035) << "slotStarted: Window ID = " << m_pMainWindow->topLevelWidget()->winId() << endl;
        job->setWindow (m_pMainWindow->topLevelWidget ());

      connect( job, TQ_SIGNAL( percent( TDEIO::Job *, unsigned long ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotPercent( TDEIO::Job *, unsigned long ) ) );
      connect( job, TQ_SIGNAL( speed( TDEIO::Job *, unsigned long ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotSpeed( TDEIO::Job *, unsigned long ) ) );
      connect( job, TQ_SIGNAL( infoMessage( TDEIO::Job *, const TQString & ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotInfoMessage( TDEIO::Job *, const TQString & ) ) );

void KonqView::slotRequestFocus( KParts::ReadOnlyPart * )

void KonqView::setLoading( bool loading, bool hasPending /*= false*/)
    //kdDebug(1202) << "KonqView::setLoading loading=" << loading << " hasPending=" << hasPending << endl;
    m_bLoading = loading;
    m_bPendingRedirection = hasPending;
    if ( m_pMainWindow->currentView() == this )
        m_pMainWindow->updateToolBarActions( hasPending );

    m_pMainWindow->viewManager()->setLoading( this, loading || hasPending );

void KonqView::slotPercent( TDEIO::Job *, unsigned long percent )
  m_pKonqFrame->statusbar()->slotLoadingProgress( percent );

void KonqView::slotSpeed( TDEIO::Job *, unsigned long bytesPerSecond )
  m_pKonqFrame->statusbar()->slotSpeedProgress( bytesPerSecond );

void KonqView::slotInfoMessage( TDEIO::Job *, const TQString &msg )
  m_pKonqFrame->statusbar()->message( msg );

void KonqView::slotCompleted()
   slotCompleted( false );

void KonqView::slotCompleted( bool hasPending )
  //kdDebug(1202) << "KonqView::slotCompleted hasPending=" << hasPending << endl;
  m_pKonqFrame->statusbar()->slotLoadingProgress( -1 );

  if ( ! m_bLockHistory )
      // Success... update history entry, including location bar URL
      updateHistoryEntry( true );

      if ( m_bAborted ) // remove the pending entry on error
          KonqHistoryManager::kself()->removePending( url() );
      else if ( m_lstHistory.current() ) // register as proper history entry
          KonqHistoryManager::kself()->confirmPending(url(), typedURL(),

      emit viewCompleted( this );
  setLoading( false, hasPending );

  if (!m_bGotIconURL && !m_bAborted)
    if ( KonqSettings::enableFavicon() == true )
      // Try to get /favicon.ico
      if ( supportsServiceType( "text/html" ) && url().protocol().startsWith( "http" ) )
          KonqPixmapProvider::downloadHostIcon( url() );

void KonqView::slotCanceled( const TQString & errorMsg )
  kdDebug(1202) << "KonqView::slotCanceled" << endl;
  // The errorMsg comes from the ReadOnlyPart's job.
  // It should probably be used in a KMessageBox
  // Let's use the statusbar for now
  m_pKonqFrame->statusbar()->message( errorMsg );
  m_bAborted = true;

void KonqView::slotSelectionInfo( const KFileItemList &items )
  KonqFileSelectionEvent ev( items, m_pPart );
  TQApplication::sendEvent( m_pMainWindow, &ev );

void KonqView::slotMouseOverInfo( const KFileItem *item )
  KonqFileMouseOverEvent ev( item, m_pPart );
  TQApplication::sendEvent( m_pMainWindow, &ev );

void KonqView::setLocationBarURL( const KURL& locationBarURL )
  setLocationBarURL( locationBarURL.pathOrURL() );

void KonqView::setLocationBarURL( const TQString & locationBarURL )
  //kdDebug(1202) << "KonqView::setLocationBarURL " << locationBarURL << " this=" << this << endl;

  m_sLocationBarURL = locationBarURL;
  if ( m_pMainWindow->currentView() == this )
    //kdDebug(1202) << "is current view " << this << endl;
    m_pMainWindow->setLocationBarURL( m_sLocationBarURL );
    m_pMainWindow->setPageSecurity( m_pageSecurity );
  if (!m_bPassiveMode) setTabIcon( KURL::fromPathOrURL( m_sLocationBarURL ) );

void KonqView::setIconURL( const KURL & iconURL )
// This function sets the favIcon in konqui's window if enabled,
// thus it is responsible for the icon in the taskbar.
// It does not set the tab's favIcon.
  kdDebug(1202) << "entering KonqView::setIconURL" << endl;
  if ( KonqSettings::enableFavicon() )
    KonqPixmapProvider::setIconForURL( KURL( m_sLocationBarURL ), iconURL );
    m_bGotIconURL = true;

void KonqView::setPageSecurity( int pageSecurity )
  m_pageSecurity = (KonqMainWindow::PageSecurity)pageSecurity;

  if ( m_pMainWindow->currentView() == this )
    m_pMainWindow->setPageSecurity( m_pageSecurity );

void KonqView::setTabIcon( const KURL &url )
  if (!m_bPassiveMode) frame()->setTabIcon( url, 0L );

void KonqView::setCaption( const TQString & caption )
  if (caption.isEmpty()) return;

  TQString adjustedCaption = caption;
  // For local URLs we prefer to use only the directory name
  if (url().isLocalFile())
     // Is the caption a URL?  If so, is it local?  If so, only display the filename!
     KURL url = KURL::fromPathOrURL(caption);
     if (url.isValid() && url.isLocalFile() && url.fileName() == this->url().fileName())
        adjustedCaption = url.fileName();

  m_caption = adjustedCaption;
  if (!m_bPassiveMode) frame()->setTitle( adjustedCaption , 0L );

void KonqView::slotOpenURLNotify()
  kdDebug(1202) << "KonqView::slotOpenURLNotify" << endl;
  if ( m_pMainWindow->currentView() == this )

void KonqView::createHistoryEntry()
    // First, remove any forward history
    HistoryEntry * current = m_lstHistory.current();
    if (current)
        kdDebug(1202) << "Truncating history" << endl;
        m_lstHistory.at( m_lstHistory.count() - 1 ); // go to last one
        for ( ; m_lstHistory.current() != current ; )
            if ( !m_lstHistory.removeLast() ) // and remove from the end (faster and easier)
            // go to last one. The documentation says that removeLast()
            // makes current() null if it's the last item. however in qt2
            // the behaviour was different than the documentation. this is
            // changed in qt3 to behave as documented ;-) (Simon)
            m_lstHistory.at( m_lstHistory.count() - 1 );
        // Now current is the current again.
    // Append a new entry
    kdDebug(1202) << "Append a new entry" << endl;
    m_lstHistory.append( new HistoryEntry ); // made current
    kdDebug(1202) << "at=" << m_lstHistory.at() << " count=" << m_lstHistory.count() << endl;
    assert( m_lstHistory.at() == (int) m_lstHistory.count() - 1 );

void KonqView::updateHistoryEntry( bool saveLocationBarURL )
  Q_ASSERT( !m_bLockHistory ); // should never happen

  HistoryEntry * current = m_lstHistory.current();
  if ( !current )

  if ( browserExtension() )
    current->buffer = TQByteArray(); // Start with empty buffer.
    TQDataStream stream( current->buffer, IO_WriteOnly );

    browserExtension()->saveState( stream );

  kdDebug(1202) << "Saving part URL : " << m_pPart->url() << " in history position " << m_lstHistory.at() << endl;
  current->url = m_pPart->url();

  if (saveLocationBarURL)
    kdDebug(1202) << "Saving location bar URL : " << m_sLocationBarURL << " in history position " << m_lstHistory.at() << endl;
    current->locationBarURL = m_sLocationBarURL;
    current->pageSecurity = m_pageSecurity;
  kdDebug(1202) << "Saving title : " << m_caption << " in history position " << m_lstHistory.at() << endl;
  current->title = m_caption;
  current->strServiceType = m_serviceType;
  current->strServiceName = m_service->desktopEntryName();

  current->doPost = m_doPost;
  current->postData = m_doPost ? m_postData : TQByteArray();
  current->postContentType = m_doPost ? m_postContentType : TQString::null;
  current->pageReferrer = m_pageReferrer;

void KonqView::goHistory( int steps )
  // This is called by KonqBrowserInterface
  if ( m_pMainWindow->currentView() == this )
    m_pMainWindow->viewManager()->setActivePart( part() );

  // Delay the go() call (we need to return to the caller first)
  m_pMainWindow->slotGoHistoryActivated( steps );

void KonqView::go( int steps )
  if ( !steps ) // [WildFox] i bet there are sites on the net with stupid devs who do that :)
      kdDebug(1202) << "KonqView::go(0)" << endl;
      // [David] and you're right. And they expect that it reloads, apparently.
      // [George] I'm going to make nspluginviewer rely on this too. :-)

  int newPos = m_lstHistory.at() + steps;
  kdDebug(1202) << "go : steps=" << steps
                << " newPos=" << newPos
                << " m_lstHistory.count()=" << m_lstHistory.count()
                << endl;
  if( newPos < 0 || (uint)newPos >= m_lstHistory.count() )


  // Yay, we can move there without a loop !
  HistoryEntry *currentHistoryEntry = m_lstHistory.at( newPos ); // sets current item

  assert( currentHistoryEntry );
  assert( newPos == m_lstHistory.at() ); // check we moved (i.e. if I understood the docu)
  assert( currentHistoryEntry == m_lstHistory.current() );
  kdDebug(1202) << "New position " << m_lstHistory.at() << endl;


void KonqView::restoreHistory()
  HistoryEntry h( *(m_lstHistory.current()) ); // make a copy of the current history entry, as the data
                                          // the pointer points to will change with the following calls

  kdDebug(1202) << "Restoring servicetype/name, and location bar URL from history : " << h.locationBarURL << endl;
  setLocationBarURL( h.locationBarURL );
  setPageSecurity( h.pageSecurity );
  m_sTypedURL = TQString::null;
  if ( ! changeViewMode( h.strServiceType, h.strServiceName ) )
    kdWarning(1202) << "Couldn't change view mode to " << h.strServiceType
                    << " " << h.strServiceName << endl;
    return /*false*/;


  aboutToOpenURL( h.url );

  if ( browserExtension() )
    //kdDebug(1202) << "Restoring view from stream" << endl;
    TQDataStream stream( h.buffer, IO_ReadOnly );

    browserExtension()->restoreState( stream );

    m_doPost = h.doPost;
    m_postContentType = h.postContentType;
    m_postData = h.postData;
    m_pageReferrer = h.pageReferrer;
    m_pPart->openURL( h.url );

  if ( m_pMainWindow->currentView() == this )

  kdDebug(1202) << "New position (2) " << m_lstHistory.at() << endl;

const HistoryEntry * KonqView::historyAt(const int pos)
    if(pos<0 || pos>=(int)m_lstHistory.count())
	return 0L;
    int oldpos = m_lstHistory.at();
    const HistoryEntry* h = m_lstHistory.at(pos);
    m_lstHistory.at( oldpos );
    return h;

void KonqView::copyHistory( KonqView *other )

    TQPtrListIterator<HistoryEntry> it( other->m_lstHistory );
    for (; it.current(); ++it )
        m_lstHistory.append( new HistoryEntry( *it.current() ) );

KURL KonqView::url() const
  assert( m_pPart );
  return m_pPart->url();

KURL KonqView::upURL() const
    KURL currentURL;
    if ( m_pRun )
	currentURL = m_pRun->url();
	currentURL = KURL::fromPathOrURL( m_sLocationBarURL );
    return currentURL.upURL();

void KonqView::setRun( KonqRun * run )
  if ( m_pRun )
    // Tell the KonqRun to abort, but don't delete it ourselves.
    // It could be showing a message box right now. It will delete itself anyway.
    // finish() will be emitted later (when back to event loop)
    // and we don't want it to call slotRunFinished (which stops the animation and stop button).
    m_pRun->disconnect( m_pMainWindow );
    if ( !run )
  else if ( run )
      frame()->setCursor( KCursor::workingCursor() );
  m_pRun = run;

void KonqView::stop()
  //kdDebug(1202) << "KonqView::stop()" << endl;
  m_bAborted = false;
  if ( m_bLoading || m_bPendingRedirection )
    // aborted -> confirm the pending url. We might as well remove it, but
    // we decided to keep it :)
    KonqHistoryManager::kself()->confirmPending( url(), m_sTypedURL );

    //kdDebug(1202) << "m_pPart->closeURL()" << endl;
    m_bAborted = true;
    m_pKonqFrame->statusbar()->slotLoadingProgress( -1 );
    setLoading( false, false );
  if ( m_pRun )
    // Revert to working URL - unless the URL was typed manually
    // This is duplicated with KonqMainWindow::slotRunFinished, but we can't call it
    //   since it relies on sender()...
    if ( history().current() && m_pRun->typedURL().isEmpty() ) { // not typed
      setLocationBarURL( history().current()->locationBarURL );
      setPageSecurity( history().current()->pageSecurity );

    setRun( 0L );
    m_pKonqFrame->statusbar()->slotLoadingProgress( -1 );
  if ( !m_bLockHistory && m_lstHistory.count() > 0 )

void KonqView::finishedWithCurrentURL()
  if ( !m_tempFile.isEmpty() )
    kdDebug(1202) << "######### Deleting tempfile after use:" << m_tempFile << endl;
    TQFile::remove( m_tempFile );
    m_tempFile = TQString::null;

void KonqView::setPassiveMode( bool mode )
  // In theory, if m_bPassiveMode is true and mode is false,
  // the part should be removed from the part manager,
  // and if the other way round, it should be readded to the part manager...
  m_bPassiveMode = mode;

  if ( mode && m_pMainWindow->viewCount() > 1 && m_pMainWindow->currentView() == this )
   KParts::Part * part = m_pMainWindow->viewManager()->chooseNextView( this )->part(); // switch active part
   m_pMainWindow->viewManager()->setActivePart( part );

  // Update statusbar stuff

void KonqView::setHierarchicalView( bool mode )

void KonqView::setLinkedView( bool mode )
  m_bLinkedView = mode;
  if ( m_pMainWindow->currentView() == this )
    m_pMainWindow->linkViewAction()->setChecked( mode );
  frame()->statusbar()->setLinkedView( mode );

void KonqView::setLockedLocation( bool b )
  m_bLockedLocation = b;

void KonqView::aboutToOpenURL( const KURL &url, const KParts::URLArgs &args )
  KParts::OpenURLEvent ev( m_pPart, url, args );
  TQApplication::sendEvent( m_pMainWindow, &ev );

  m_bGotIconURL = false;
  m_bAborted = false;

void KonqView::setServiceTypeInExtension()
  KParts::BrowserExtension *ext = browserExtension();
  if ( !ext )

  KParts::URLArgs args( ext->urlArgs() );
  args.serviceType = m_serviceType;
  ext->setURLArgs( args );

TQStringList KonqView::frameNames() const
  return childFrameNames( m_pPart );

TQStringList KonqView::childFrameNames( KParts::ReadOnlyPart *part )
  TQStringList res;

  KParts::BrowserHostExtension *hostExtension = KParts::BrowserHostExtension::childObject( part );

  if ( !hostExtension )
    return res;

  res += hostExtension->frameNames();

  const TQPtrList<KParts::ReadOnlyPart> children = hostExtension->frames();
  TQPtrListIterator<KParts::ReadOnlyPart> it( children );
  for (; it.current(); ++it )
    res += childFrameNames( it.current() );

  return res;

KParts::BrowserHostExtension* KonqView::hostExtension( KParts::ReadOnlyPart *part, const TQString &name )
    KParts::BrowserHostExtension *ext = KParts::BrowserHostExtension::childObject( part );

  if ( !ext )
    return 0;

  if ( ext->frameNames().contains( name ) )
    return ext;

  const TQPtrList<KParts::ReadOnlyPart> children = ext->frames();
  TQPtrListIterator<KParts::ReadOnlyPart> it( children );
  for (; it.current(); ++it )
    KParts::BrowserHostExtension *childHost = hostExtension( it.current(), name );
    if ( childHost )
      return childHost;

  return 0;

bool KonqView::callExtensionMethod( const char *methodName )
  TQObject *obj = KParts::BrowserExtension::childObject( m_pPart );
  if ( !obj ) // not all views have a browser extension !
    return false;

  int id = obj->metaObject()->findSlot( methodName );
  if ( id == -1 )
    return false;
  TQUObject o[ 1 ];

  obj->tqt_invoke( id, o );
  return true;

bool KonqView::callExtensionBoolMethod( const char *methodName, bool value )
  TQObject *obj = KParts::BrowserExtension::childObject( m_pPart );
  if ( !obj ) // not all views have a browser extension !
    return false;

  int id = obj->metaObject()->findSlot( methodName );
  if ( id == -1 )
    return false;
  TQUObject o[ 2 ];

  static_QUType_bool.set( o + 1, value );

  obj->tqt_invoke( id, o );
  return true;

bool KonqView::callExtensionStringMethod( const char *methodName, TQString value )
  TQObject *obj = KParts::BrowserExtension::childObject( m_pPart );
  if ( !obj ) // not all views have a browser extension !
    return false;

  int id = obj->metaObject()->findSlot( methodName );
  if ( id == -1 )
    return false;
  TQUObject o[ 2 ];

  static_QUType_TQString.set( o + 1, value );

  obj->tqt_invoke( id, o );
  return true;

bool KonqView::callExtensionURLMethod( const char *methodName, const KURL& value )
  TQObject *obj = KParts::BrowserExtension::childObject( m_pPart );
  if ( !obj ) // not all views have a browser extension !
    return false;

  int id = obj->metaObject()->findSlot( methodName );
  if ( id == -1 )
    return false;
  TQUObject o[ 2 ];

  static_QUType_ptr.set( o + 1, &value );

  obj->tqt_invoke( id, o );
  return true;

void KonqView::setViewName( const TQString &name )
    //kdDebug() << "KonqView::setViewName this=" << this << " name=" << name << endl;
    if ( m_pPart )
        m_pPart->setName( name.local8Bit().data() );

TQString KonqView::viewName() const
    return m_pPart ? TQString::fromLocal8Bit( m_pPart->name() ) : TQString();

void KonqView::enablePopupMenu( bool b )
  Q_ASSERT( m_pMainWindow );

  KParts::BrowserExtension *ext = browserExtension();

  if ( !ext )

  if ( m_bPopupMenuEnabled == b )

  // enable context popup
  if ( b ) {
    m_bPopupMenuEnabled = true;

    connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( popupMenu( const TQPoint &, const KFileItemList & ) ),
             m_pMainWindow, TQ_SLOT( slotPopupMenu( const TQPoint &, const KFileItemList & ) ) );

    connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( popupMenu( const TQPoint &, const KURL &, const TQString &, mode_t ) ),
             m_pMainWindow, TQ_SLOT( slotPopupMenu( const TQPoint &, const KURL &, const TQString &, mode_t ) ) );

    connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( popupMenu( KXMLGUIClient *, const TQPoint &, const KFileItemList & ) ),
             m_pMainWindow, TQ_SLOT( slotPopupMenu( KXMLGUIClient *, const TQPoint &, const KFileItemList & ) ) );

    connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( popupMenu( KXMLGUIClient *, const TQPoint &, const KFileItemList &, const KParts::URLArgs &, KParts::BrowserExtension::PopupFlags ) ),
             m_pMainWindow, TQ_SLOT( slotPopupMenu( KXMLGUIClient *, const TQPoint &, const KFileItemList &, const KParts::URLArgs &, KParts::BrowserExtension::PopupFlags ) ) );

    connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( popupMenu( KXMLGUIClient *, const TQPoint &, const KURL &, const TQString &, mode_t ) ),
             m_pMainWindow, TQ_SLOT( slotPopupMenu( KXMLGUIClient *, const TQPoint &, const KURL &, const TQString &, mode_t ) ) );

    connect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( popupMenu( KXMLGUIClient *, const TQPoint &, const KURL &, const KParts::URLArgs &, KParts::BrowserExtension::PopupFlags, mode_t ) ),
             m_pMainWindow, TQ_SLOT( slotPopupMenu( KXMLGUIClient *, const TQPoint &, const KURL &, const KParts::URLArgs &, KParts::BrowserExtension::PopupFlags, mode_t ) ) );
  else // disable context popup
    m_bPopupMenuEnabled = false;

    disconnect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( popupMenu( const TQPoint &, const KFileItemList & ) ),
             m_pMainWindow, TQ_SLOT( slotPopupMenu( const TQPoint &, const KFileItemList & ) ) );

    disconnect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( popupMenu( const TQPoint &, const KURL &, const TQString &, mode_t ) ),
             m_pMainWindow, TQ_SLOT( slotPopupMenu( const TQPoint &, const KURL &, const TQString &, mode_t ) ) );

    disconnect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( popupMenu( KXMLGUIClient *, const TQPoint &, const KFileItemList & ) ),
             m_pMainWindow, TQ_SLOT( slotPopupMenu( KXMLGUIClient *, const TQPoint &, const KFileItemList & ) ) );

    disconnect( ext, TQ_SIGNAL( popupMenu( KXMLGUIClient *, const TQPoint &, const KURL &, const TQString &, mode_t ) ),
             m_pMainWindow, TQ_SLOT( slotPopupMenu( KXMLGUIClient *, const TQPoint &, const KURL &, const TQString &, mode_t ) ) );
  enableBackRightClick( m_bBackRightClick );

// caller should ensure that this is called only when b changed, or for new parts
void KonqView::enableBackRightClick( bool b )
    m_bBackRightClick = b;
    if ( b )
        connect( this, TQ_SIGNAL( backRightClick() ),
                 m_pMainWindow, TQ_SLOT( slotBack() ) );
        disconnect( this, TQ_SIGNAL( backRightClick() ),
                    m_pMainWindow, TQ_SLOT( slotBack() ) );

void KonqView::reparseConfiguration()
    callExtensionMethod( "reparseConfiguration()" );
    bool b = KonqSettings::backRightClick();
    if ( m_bBackRightClick != b )
        if (m_bBackRightClick && m_pPart->widget()->inherits("TQScrollView") )
            (static_cast<TQScrollView *>(m_pPart->widget()))->viewport()->installEventFilter( this );
        enableBackRightClick( b );

void KonqView::disableScrolling()
  m_bDisableScrolling = true;
  callExtensionMethod( "disableScrolling()" );

KonqViewIface * KonqView::dcopObject()
  if ( !m_dcopObject ) {
    TQCString dcopName = name();
    if ( dcopName.isEmpty() || dcopName == "unnamed" )
      dcopName = viewName().utf8();
    if ( dcopName.isEmpty() || dcopName == "unnamed" ) {
      TQVariant dcopProperty = part()->property( "dcopObjectId" );
      if ( dcopProperty.type() == TQVariant::CString )
        dcopName = dcopProperty.toCString();
    dcopName += "-view"; // to avoid having the same name as the part
    m_dcopObject = new KonqViewIface( this, dcopName );
  return m_dcopObject;

bool KonqView::eventFilter( TQObject *obj, TQEvent *e )
    if ( !m_pPart )
        return false;
//  kdDebug() << "--" << obj->className() << "--" << e->type() << "--"  << endl;
    if ( e->type() == TQEvent::DragEnter && m_bURLDropHandling && obj == m_pPart->widget() )
        TQDragEnterEvent *ev = static_cast<TQDragEnterEvent *>( e );

        if ( KURLDrag::canDecode( ev ) )
            KURL::List lstDragURLs;
            bool ok = KURLDrag::decode( ev, lstDragURLs );

            TQObjectList *children = m_pPart->widget()->queryList( "TQWidget" );

            if ( ok &&
                 !lstDragURLs.first().url().contains( "javascript:", false ) && // ### this looks like a hack to me
                 ev->source() != m_pPart->widget() &&
                 children &&
                 children->findRef( ev->source() ) == -1 )

            delete children;
    else if ( e->type() == TQEvent::Drop && m_bURLDropHandling && obj == m_pPart->widget() )
        TQDropEvent *ev = static_cast<TQDropEvent *>( e );

        KURL::List lstDragURLs;
        bool ok = KURLDrag::decode( ev, lstDragURLs );

        KParts::BrowserExtension *ext = browserExtension();
        if ( ok && ext && lstDragURLs.first().isValid() )
            emit ext->openURLRequest( lstDragURLs.first() ); // this will call m_pMainWindow::slotOpenURLRequest delayed

    if ( m_bBackRightClick )
        if ( e->type() == TQEvent::ContextMenu )
            TQContextMenuEvent *ev = static_cast<TQContextMenuEvent*>( e );
            if ( ev->reason() == TQContextMenuEvent::Mouse )
                return true;
        else if ( e->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonPress )
            TQMouseEvent *ev = static_cast<TQMouseEvent*>( e );
            if ( ev->button() == TQt::RightButton )
                return true;
        else if ( e->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonRelease )
            TQMouseEvent *ev = static_cast<TQMouseEvent*>( e );
            if ( ev->button() == TQt::RightButton )
                emit backRightClick();
                return true;
        else if ( e->type() == TQEvent::MouseMove )
            TQMouseEvent *ev = static_cast<TQMouseEvent*>( e );
            if ( ev->state() == TQt::RightButton )
                obj->removeEventFilter( this );
                TQMouseEvent me( TQEvent::MouseButtonPress, ev->pos(), 2, 2 );
                TQApplication::sendEvent( obj, &me );
                TQContextMenuEvent ce( TQContextMenuEvent::Mouse, ev->pos(), 2 );
                TQApplication::sendEvent( obj, &ce );
                obj->installEventFilter( this );
                return true;

    if ( e->type() == TQEvent::FocusIn )
    return false;

void KonqView::setActiveInstance()
  if ( m_bBuiltinView || !m_pPart->instance() /*never!*/)
      TDEGlobal::_activeInstance = TDEGlobal::instance();
      TDEGlobal::_activeInstance = m_pPart->instance();

bool KonqView::prepareReload( KParts::URLArgs& args )
    args.reload = true;
    // Repost form data if this URL is the result of a POST HTML form.
    if ( m_doPost && !args.redirectedRequest() )
        if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( 0, i18n(
            "The page you are trying to view is the result of posted form data. "
            "If you resend the data, any action the form carried out (such as search or online purchase) will be repeated. "),
            i18n( "Warning" ), i18n( "Resend" ) ) == KMessageBox::Continue )
            args.setDoPost( true );
            args.setContentType( m_postContentType );
            args.postData = m_postData;
            return false;
    // Re-set referrer
    args.metaData()["referrer"] = m_pageReferrer;

    return true;

KParts::BrowserExtension * KonqView::browserExtension() const
    return KParts::BrowserExtension::childObject( m_pPart );

KParts::StatusBarExtension * KonqView::statusBarExtension() const
    return KParts::StatusBarExtension::childObject( m_pPart );

bool KonqView::supportsServiceType( const TQString &serviceType ) const
    const TQStringList lst = serviceTypes();
    for( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) {
        if ( *it == serviceType )
            return true;
        // Maybe we should keep around a list of KServiceType::Ptr?
        KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::mimeType( *it );
        if ( mime && mime->is( serviceType ) ) // respect inheritance
            return true;
    return false;

#include "konq_view.moc"