/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis <weis@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "konq_textviewitem.h" #include "konq_settings.h" #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <tdeglobal.h> int KonqTextViewItem::compare( TQListViewItem *item, int col, bool ascending ) const { if (col==1) return KonqBaseListViewItem::compare(item, 0, ascending); return KonqBaseListViewItem::compare(item, col, ascending); } /*TQString KonqTextViewItem::key( int _column, bool asc) const { if (_column==1) return key(0,asc); TQString tmp = TQString::number( sortChar ); //check if it is a time column if (_column>1) { KonqTextViewWidget* lv = static_cast<KonqTextViewWidget *>(listView()); for (unsigned int i=0; i<lv->NumberOfAtoms; i++) { ColumnInfo *cInfo=&lv->columnConfigInfo()[i]; if (_column==cInfo->displayInColumn) { if ((cInfo->udsId==TDEIO::UDS_MODIFICATION_TIME) || (cInfo->udsId==TDEIO::UDS_ACCESS_TIME) || (cInfo->udsId==TDEIO::UDS_CREATION_TIME)) { tmp += TQString::number( m_fileitem->time(cInfo->udsId) ).rightJustify( 14, '0' ); return tmp; } else if (cInfo->udsId==TDEIO::UDS_SIZE) { tmp += TDEIO::number( m_fileitem->size() ).rightJustify( 20, '0' ); return tmp; } else break; }; }; }; tmp+=text(_column); return tmp; }*/ void KonqTextViewItem::updateContents() { TQString tmp; TDEIO::filesize_t size=m_fileitem->size(); mode_t m=m_fileitem->mode(); // The order is: .dir (0), dir (1), .file (2), file (3) sortChar = S_ISDIR( m_fileitem->mode() ) ? 1 : 3; if ( m_fileitem->text()[0] == '.' ) --sortChar; if (m_fileitem->isLink()) { if (S_ISDIR(m)) { type=KTVI_DIRLINK; tmp="~"; } else if ((S_ISREG(m)) || (S_ISCHR(m)) || (S_ISBLK(m)) || (S_ISSOCK(m)) || (S_ISFIFO(m))) { tmp="@"; type=KTVI_REGULARLINK; } else { tmp="!"; type=KTVI_UNKNOWN; size=0; }; } else if (S_ISREG(m)) { if ((m_fileitem->permissions() & (S_IXUSR|S_IXGRP|S_IXOTH)) !=0 ) { tmp="*"; type=KTVI_EXEC; } else { tmp=""; type=KTVI_REGULAR; }; } else if (S_ISDIR(m)) { type=KTVI_DIR; tmp="/"; } else if (S_ISCHR(m)) { type=KTVI_CHARDEV; tmp="-"; } else if (S_ISBLK(m)) { type=KTVI_BLOCKDEV; tmp="+"; } else if (S_ISSOCK(m)) { type=KTVI_SOCKET; tmp="="; } else if (S_ISFIFO(m)) { type=KTVI_FIFO; tmp=">"; } else { tmp="!"; type=KTVI_UNKNOWN; size=0; }; setText(1,tmp); setText(0,m_fileitem->text()); //now we have the first two columns, so let's do the rest KonqTextViewWidget* lv = static_cast<KonqTextViewWidget *>(listView()); for (unsigned int i=0; i<lv->NumberOfAtoms; i++) { ColumnInfo *tmpColumn=&lv->confColumns[i]; if (tmpColumn->displayThisOne) { switch (tmpColumn->udsId) { case TDEIO::UDS_USER: setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,m_fileitem->user()); break; case TDEIO::UDS_GROUP: setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,m_fileitem->group()); break; case TDEIO::UDS_LINK_DEST: setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,m_fileitem->linkDest()); break; case TDEIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE: if (m_fileitem->isMimeTypeKnown()) { setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,m_fileitem->mimeComment()); } break; case TDEIO::UDS_MIME_TYPE: if (m_fileitem->isMimeTypeKnown()) { setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,m_fileitem->mimetype()); } break; case TDEIO::UDS_URL: setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,m_fileitem->url().prettyURL()); break; case TDEIO::UDS_SIZE: if ( static_cast<KonqBaseListViewWidget *>(listView())->m_pSettings->fileSizeInBytes() ) setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,TDEGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(size, 0)+" "); else setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,TDEIO::convertSize(size)+" "); break; case TDEIO::UDS_ACCESS: setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,m_fileitem->permissionsString()); break; case TDEIO::UDS_MODIFICATION_TIME: case TDEIO::UDS_ACCESS_TIME: case TDEIO::UDS_CREATION_TIME: for( TDEIO::UDSEntry::ConstIterator it = m_fileitem->entry().begin(); it != m_fileitem->entry().end(); it++ ) { if ((*it).m_uds==(unsigned int)tmpColumn->udsId) { TQDateTime dt; dt.setTime_t((time_t) (*it).m_long); setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,TDEGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(dt)); break; }; }; break; default: break; }; }; }; } void KonqTextViewItem::paintCell( TQPainter *_painter, const TQColorGroup & _cg, int _column, int _width, int _alignment ) { TQColorGroup cg( _cg ); cg.setColor(TQColorGroup::Text, static_cast<KonqTextViewWidget *>(listView())->colors[type]); // Don't do that! Keep things readable whatever the selection background color is // cg.setColor(TQColorGroup::HighlightedText, static_cast<KonqTextViewWidget *>(listView())->highlight[type]); // cg.setColor(TQColorGroup::Highlight, TQt::darkGray); TDEListViewItem::paintCell( _painter, cg, _column, _width, _alignment ); } /*void KonqTextViewItem::paintFocus( TQPainter *_p, const TQColorGroup &_cg, const TQRect &_r ) { listView()->style().drawFocusRect( _p, _r, _cg, isSelected() ? &_cg.highlight() : &_cg.base(), isSelected() ); TQPixmap pix( _r.width(), _r.height() ); bitBlt( &pix, 0, 0, _p->device(), _r.left(), _r.top(), _r.width(), _r.height() ); TQImage im = pix.convertToImage(); im = KImageEffect::fade( im, 0.25, TQt::black ); _p->drawImage( _r.topLeft(), im ); }*/ void KonqTextViewItem::setup() { widthChanged(); int h(listView()->fontMetrics().height()); if ( h % 2 > 0 ) h++; setHeight(h); } void KonqTextViewItem::mimetypeFound() { // Update icon setDisabled( m_bDisabled ); uint done = 0; KonqBaseListViewWidget * lv = m_pListViewWidget; for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_pListViewWidget->NumberOfAtoms && done < 2; i++) { ColumnInfo *tmpColumn=&lv->columnConfigInfo()[i]; if (lv->columnConfigInfo()[i].udsId==TDEIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE && tmpColumn->displayThisOne) { setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn, m_fileitem->mimeComment()); done++; } if (lv->columnConfigInfo()[i].udsId==TDEIO::UDS_MIME_TYPE && tmpColumn->displayThisOne) { setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn, m_fileitem->mimetype()); done++; } } }