- make small programms to print the files and other data better
   - printing text
      - you can enable for example syntaxhighlighting
   - printing pictures  (I think that can go than to the tdegraphics package)
      - set the position of the picture on the site and something like that
   - printing html (homepges)
      - print the html code like for the textprinting
      - print the html file like it was parsed with khtml
   - printing TeX documents with a action on the TeX source
      - I don't know at the moment options for that
   - ...
     and something like that   ;)

If we have small programms for that printing things we have no longer the question
from kprinter to convert the text/picture or not.

If somebody ont to add some other things to this TODO list we can make step by step
a compleate list of parser for printing.   ;)